and was neatly bandaging the wounded man's; arm. .Loraine help- eo mm. "Hell be all right," said the superintendent. "Don't you worry. As many lives as cats, these .young.) ieiiowe. it wasn't ,the doss .of blood knocked him out either. He must have caught his head a crack on the floor aa he fell." Other Guests Arrive Outside the knocking on the door had become tremendous. The upraised. cameJoud and distinct "Who is to there? Open the dcort at once." Superintendent Battle sighed. "I suppose we shall have to;" he aid. "A piUr." His eyes darted round, taking In the scene. An automatic lay by Jimmy's aide. The superintendent picked It up gingerly, holding it very delicately and examined it. He grunted and laid it on -the table. Then he stepped across and unlocked. the door. Several people -almost fell lntqj me room. Nearly everybody, cwnouiing at me samem George Lomax, spluttering and ob durate words .which refused to come with sufficient fluency, exclaimed: "The thethe meaning of this? Ah! It's you, SuperlntendentJWhat haa happened? I say whaVhas-H happened?" BUI EveBtfelgh said: "My Godf The efficient Mr. Rupert Bate ivy. I was by the window there. Grabbed 'him and we had no end- of a set-to " A Cat-Burglar "One of those nasty, murderous cat burglars," said Lady Coote. "Poor boy." Jimmy was looking round him. "I say I'm afraid we er have made rather a imess of things. Fellow was as strong as an ox and we went fairly waltzing around." The condition of the room was clear proof of this statement. Ev erything light and breakable with in a range oi twelve leet that could ne broken had been broken, i "And what happened then?" But Jimmy was looking round for something. "Where's Leopold? The pride of the ilue-nosed automatics." Battle indicated the pistol on the table. lis this yours, Mr. TbeslgerJ" "That's right. That's little Leo pold. How many shots have been fired?" -.rsMLfihor' ..... Jimmy looked chagrined. I'rrS ' disappointed in Leopold." ne murmured. "I can't have pre red the button properly, or he'd have gone on shooting." '-A "Who shot first?" "I did, I'm afraid," said Jimmy. "You see, the man twisted himself out of my grasp suddenly. I saw -hlrn'1,maklng- fqr the window and I; closed my finger down on Leopold-and let him have 1t. He turned in the window and fired at me and well. I suppose after that I took the count." He rubbed his head rather ruefully. But Sir Stanley Digby was sud denly alert. Climbing down the Jvy, you said? My God, ILomax, you don't !f!J? rg.e Lomax' Jurlous1 think they 've got away with it?" He (rushed from the room. For some curious reason nobody spoke during his absence. In a few minutes Sir Stanley returned. His round, chubby face was white as death. "My God, Battle," he said, "they have got It. O'Rourke's fast asleep drugged, I think. I can't wake him. And the papers have vanished!" ' TUP FORMULA RECOVERED ?'Der Hebe Gottl" said Herr Eb erhard 4n a whisper. said said .His Jac had. &jnj chalky white lnuieH.:WUQfeeH4iirnctffacwof dig nified reproach on Battle. "Is this true Battle? I left all arrangements in your hands." The rocklike quality of the Su perintendent showed out well. Not a muscle of his face moved. "The best of us are defeated sometimes, sir," he said quietly. "Then you jnean you really Old Jimmy!" and stared at thejmean that the document Is limp figure on the tloor Lady Coote, clad in a resplendent purple dressing down, cried out: "The poor !boy!" and swepu past Superintendent Battle to bend over the prostrate Jimmy in a motherly fashion. Bundle said: "Loraine!" Herr Eberhard said: "Gott im Himmel!" and Dther words of that nature vSlr 8tanly Digby said: "My, Ood. what's all this?" S A housemaid said: "Look!it-the blood," and screamed with pleasurable excitement. A footman ald: "Lor!" The butler said, with a good deal more bravery in his manner than had been noticeable a few minutes earlier: "Now then, thl won't aor ana waved away tne underservants. gone?" But to every one's Intense sur prise Superintendent Battle shook his head. "No, no, Mr. Lomax, It's not jso bad as you think. Everything's all right. But you can't lay the credit for it at my door. You've got to thank this young lady." He Indicated Loraine, who star ed at him In Surprise. Battle step ped across to her and gently took the brown, paper parcel which she was still clutching mechanically. "I think. Mr. Lomax;" he said, "that you will find what you want here." :6ir Stanley Digby, quicker in ac tion that George, snatched at the package and tore it open. Invostl gating its contents eagerly. A sigh of relief escaped him and he mopped his brow. Herr Eberhard fell upon the child of his brain man said to. .George: "Shall we eet!and clasDed it to his heart, while rt'kiAi 8?me Dt tnese PeoP'e. iln ttorrent of German, burst from V 1 tVfThm .they-all took fresh breath, him. - - t "Incredible I" said Oeorge Lomax.1 (To ue Continued Tomorrow) SKIDEGATE, Jan. 24: J. L. Barge, pne-of the real pioneers of the Queen Charlotte Islands, has City to Capt. J. "Haan of Sandsplt and will be leaving shortly for the south to locate. It is reported that C. Miller of Queen Charlotte City is to take over Mr. Barge's hall. store and offices. The departure of Mr. Barge from the islands will be a matter of gen eral regret. New Members of Council Welcomed .At the opening of the council mpetrniT Inst nlp-hr. AM TOrrram rrvco The man. .Climbed down ,theLnd welcomed the new mayor .and aldermen. He said he knew that. though they might differ, the business of the council would be conducted in a gentlemanly way. Mayor Orme congratulated the new members on their election andjsence expressed regret that, through illness,, Ex-Alderman Dibb had been prevented from offering himself this year. STOCK QUOTATIONS ( Courted V of 8. X. Jotuueon On. LUM Friday, Jan. 21. Bayvlew, 2, 2Vi. Big Missouri, 78, 82. Cork Province, 4. 5. Cotton Belt, nil. 26. Dunwell, 3 nil. Duthie Mines, nil. 49. George Copper, 3.75, 3.95. . Georgle River, 13, 13&. . Golconda, 88, 90. Grandview, 12, 12ft. Independence, 4V4, 4. Indian Mines, 2'2, 4. Int. Coal & Coke, 28, 30. Kootenay Florence, 6, nil. Kootenay King, 5', 6. Mohawk, 1ft, 2. Morton Woolsey, 8(4, 8ft. Marmot River Gold, 8. 16. .Marmot Metals, 114, 2 ft. Nat. Sil. G. S., 6ft, 7. Noble Five, 32 ft. 33 ft. Oregon Copper, 11. 12. Pend Oreille (cm.). 4.35, 4.45. Premier, 1J3, 1.55. , Porter-Idaho, 26, 30. Reeves Macdonald, 1.38, 1.40. Ruf ueArgenta, 7, 4$. Ttuth-Hope, 19, nil. Silver Crest. 4, 5. Silverado Cons., 25, 35. Snowflake, 18, 1814. Sunloch, nil, 1.00. Terminus, 2, nil. Topley Richfield, nil, 5. Woodbine, 1, 2. Bluebird, nil, 5. Oils A. P. Consolidated, 2.31, 2.33. Calmont, 2.26, 228. Dalhousie, 2.40, 2.45. Fabyan Pete, 7, 7. Home. 10.60, 10.70. Freehold, 70, 80.. Merland, 75, Nil. Mercury, 67, 68. Sterling Pacific, 73, 75. TORONTOSrOCKS (Ocwrtwy ot s. D. Jnln Oo. UV,V J vv . ..Friday,'Jan21 , ' Amulet, 1.68. 1.70. Dome, 8)0, 8.10. Faleonbridge. 5.40, 5i0. Hudson Bay, 11.25, 1U0. Howie. 1.25. 126. Holllnger, 50, 5.70. Int. Nickel, 37.50, 37.90. Imperial OH. 2625, nil. Mining Corporation, 2.85, 2.8Q. Mclntyre, 1750, 17.75. Noranda, 38.35, 3350. .Nlplsslng. 1.63, 1.70. Sherritt Gordon, '2.90, 2.99. Sudbury Basin, 4.95, 4.93. Teck Hughes, 5.60, 5.65. Ventures, 2.80, 2.95. Wright Hargraves, 1.79, 1.80. The debt of the Argentine is,.ap proximately 4,500,000,000 pesos (nearly $1,890,000,000) or 450 pesos ($189) -per capita. m XCOD-LlVER OIL jjj ' ' WPPel to a CrMnt 1 V TASTES GOOD DOES GOOD GIVE IT A TplAL GRME GOES TO VICTORIA Mayor Will Interview Provincial Government in Regard to Local Affairs The city council decided last I night ,to send Mayor Orme to Vic toria to take up with the provincial government a number of matters cf local interest such as the construction of the Skeena High way, disposal of the government block -in the centre of the citytj provision for housing the Prince Rupert public library and other matters outstanding between the city iand the government. Mayor Orme, -left -for the south later in the evening on the steamer Prince, Rupert and will be in victoria Monday. -Among the minor matters to be discussed with the government will be a7 settlement of the Cow Bay road account and payment by the government for the sidewalks surrounding the government block in the ctty. Aid. Collart was named acting mayor during Mayor Orme's ab- NATIONAL PUCK PLAY (Boston and Rangers Winners Last Js'i?ht; Detroit and Montreal Draw WEW YORK. Jan. 24. With the Cook brotners and Frank Boucher passing and shooting in their best form, the New York Range defeated Ottawa Senators in a fast and brilliantly-plaved National HocJcey League game, last night to tighten their grip on second place in itha, International group. At Montreal, Detroit, showing a better turn of snead and mare as- arajBttiteness than in their previous ' visit, .held the Maroons to an overtime -tie. Boston Bruins, at home, closed the season's account with the New York Americans by defeating the 6tar-(i&ngled outfit in an escitinf overtime affair. The scores were, as follows: New York Americans 1, Boston 2. (Overtime). Detroit 2, Montreal 2. (Over time). Ottawa 3, New York Rangers 6. WHIST LEAGUE LAST EVENING Play Commences in Newlon Cup Competition Prince Rupert Fraternal Whist League results last night were as follows: Six Musketeers 8, Canadian Legion 1. Grotto 4, Dry dock 5. Seal Cove' 3, Leif Erlkson 7. Moose""!, St. Andrews 2. Elevator 4, I.O.O.F. 5. Table Dybhavn Cup i$t. .Andrew' .......6 ajry votK 4vVUVn9C - - Lelf Brikoh ...4 W. L. Pts. I.. O. O. F. 9 1 9 Grotto .. 7 Six Musketeers -4 Seal Cove 3 Canadian. Legion 3 Elevator 2 Table Newton Cup W. Six Musketeers 1 Drj Dock . l Leif Efikson 1 Moose ' 1 I. O. O. F 1 Canadian Legion 0 Grotto 0 Seal Cove 0 St. Andrews 0 Elevator 0 L. Pts. 0 0 0 0 0 CAREER OF OLD SHIP IS ENDED 8 AN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24-That gallant old barkotine, "The City of 8ydney," once the pride of the Pa- crflc sailing ships but later known as the "hell ship" 'of the Alaska' fishing trade, closed its colorful ca 4 PAGE TOTJTt frnn DXTLV "TfttVS 1?,,.,.,, 9Zv Seven M A V Dials YSTERY !By Agatha Christie Copyright by Public Tedper INSTALMENT XXI. THE STORY THUS TAR Gerry Wide Is found dead In bed t unimMya, amne -of a house party. Seven out of eUht alarm clocka Disced In hla roam to awaken him are lined up on a mantel, lie gueata are told that death iVxulted -from an overdose of afeaplng .powder. Jimmy Tbealger and nonny uevereux motor to aerrra horn to tail a alater. Loraine. of Wade'a death. Lady Eileen Brent, known aa "Bun die," flodi a latter Wade bad written to hla alater making reference to the Seven Dlala. Bundle feela certain that oerry waa murdered. n route to ton-don a man. myatertoualy (hot, atas- Sera Into the road in front of Eileen' ear. it prove to be Devtreus. who dying, whiaperv "Seven Dill tell Mmmj Tlieatgei1:" At Jimmy's quarter Bundle find Loraine The three of them set out to trail the murderer. From Captain Battle at Scotland Tard Bundle obtain a Uat of secret aoetctiea. That evening With Bill KvcralafcrK ah vllt thr Seven Dials Club. A watchman. Alfred.' i recognised aa a former footman ai Chimney. Cabinet lllnlatr George Lomax plana a party. He baa received a warning letter from the Seven Dial Society. Bundle geU an Invitation. Meantime ace hie in the meeting room of tbe fiiy aad nvltnewea .a meeting tMded a mad members. -She re-posta to Theslger. who haa alto ob-talnafl an invtsatfcm to the tCabinet memaatf party. rAmsng the (guasts 1 one Man Bbeelaard. an Inventor Mho ha MlUUry ptaoa of interest to tbe Air Mtotetry. To prevent tbe tbeft of thee plan by members of the Seven Dial Society tverMelgh and TheHger agree to atand watch alter the other guecttd miireu. jimmy uses tthe Una wateh and la- armed with an automatic. At 10 minutes of 3 he hears the creak of a board a sound from downatjtrt : He creep cautkxHly down tbe atalr-oaae, then to tbe library door. Suddenly, flinging open the door, he turn on the light. Tbe big room la empty. He open a window and to our-n the terrace. Then back In the library he lock tbe door from tbe Inelde ani'l pocket the key. He think he hear art soft patter of feet outride NOW CONTIM R THE STOKY Loraine came obediently. The superintendent -"had produced -a large, clean pocket-handkerchief "Battle, .what has happened?" 'Battle gave him a look, and George's discreet habits -assumed their usual sway. "Now then," he said, moving to the door, "everyone go back to bed, please. There's been a er " "A slight accident," said Superintendent" Battle easHyT "A er an. .accident- Lshall .be I much obliged if everyone will go back to bed." Everyone was clearly reluctant to do so. "Lady Coote please " "The poor boy," said. Lady Coote., in a motherly fashion. She rose from a icneering posl tion with great .reluctance. And as she did so, Jimmy stirred and sat up. "Hallo!" he said thickly. "What's the matter?" He looked round him vacantly for a minute or two and then in telligence returned to his eyes. "Have you got him?" he deman ded eagerly. Oot who?" Barge to Leave Skidegate For Southern B. C. ERASER & rrvr a do r&nv,n w TET Y TaYTT T TTa Ton ntlfl Qq Payment of Memorial Completed With Balance to Poppy Fund The eenotaph committee met last night to make a final wlndup in connection with the establishment of the local memorial. A letter was read f rvsi Major Mc Gregor, VC., thanking the commit tee for an invitation to the unveil ing and giving his impreealains of .London today. The financial statement waa pre sented, showing a balance of $9449. This waa voted toAhe poppy fund ot the Canadian Legion for the as sistance of returned men and their dependents in distressed circum stances. Total $3,540.26 j Expenditures Total east of cenotaph Programs and cuts ... AdvevtMng Unveiling expenses Bermfeld Logging Oo. shipped two more carloads at rived spruce this week aboard the Prince John to Prince Rupert, where it will be trans-shipped over the Canadian National Railways to SV Paul, Minn. This high-grade species 6f .spruce has been finding a ready I market in the United States. It is Ancient Barketine City of Sydney, j reported."' Once Pride of Pacific, I The Bernsfeld interests are tak- Is Burned Ing up another large tract ot spruce on Moresby Island. PEDESTIUANS .STILL SQUEAK In comparison with even the best cars of not many years ago, reer yesterday in flames on the mud high class automobiles of today flats here. It had been -condemned arc silent to a degree that would as uriSea worthy and was old for have been regarded as incredible Junk, i The-vessel have been by. early,, motor englhjers)-cien-cut up for scrap iron. title American. aie A successful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday after noon by the Catholic Women's League at the home of Mrs. M P. REMARKABLE VALUES FOR SATURDAY S SELLING. RAYOX i i 1 riirriT i Development ; being pushed .ihr nla Mining & progress is ben McCaffery. Fourth Avenue West, shaft and rale The satisfactory sum of $40 was re- j in the ahaft m.m alised as, a result of the affair. some time. bi.; Mta W, H. Kinkavde and Mrs. B.ibeen insulied v Cur oMad and Mrs. A. Lewis I up work, and Mrs, o.' C. Arseneau had charge 1 Thr shaft ortHFTSdmT Sobking table. Assist-1 Unce of 20 In 1ng in JfCng were Mrs Harold , and also the n. Mo8wh, Mrs . E. Moore. Miss Company wlli h Bassanteh. Miss Irene Bourassa ' ing extent and and. Mrs. Ustnaki. Mrs. D. E Mur-1 ore body, pfiy was cashier and also had charge of the raffle of a pair of pillowslips which was won by Mrs. M. Newton and the secretary ior l,,e allCTnoon were their work in connection with the Mra JarvU McLeod, raising of funds. j wno awmpaniea oy Mrs. K. E. The final financial statement : Moofe was as follows: I . ,. , , I Provincial Constable George Wy-' ...w.., i man of Smtthera who arrivMl in! $3,360.00 'Haielton 72.20 5S.50 . 29.67 , Total $3.455 37 Batamee to poppy fund $84.89 Donations . Donations, to JiieJund which have not been.-acknowledgfd up to the nrnaent uorp- Qvztwa Tretter .?. .$10.00 m. iJlaworth v...,. -2.00 Carles Barker : .... ... . 4,00 J. C. Brady 10DO Valentin Dairy 5.00 MORE SPRUCE IS SHIPPED Two Carloads of Hived Timber Arrive Here On Prince John En Route to St. Paul, Minn. SKIDEGATE, Jan. 24: The irrr tonight 1 A T11 v - , olu f UNDERWEAR SELLING AT BELOW FACTORY COST Lace - Trimmed tions Combina- Lace-f Trimmed Brassier and Bloomer Sets Lace-Trimmed Pettinicks Lace-Trimmed Nightgowns 72 x 90 HEMSTITCHED SHEETS Pair .... s S2.95 Plain Tailored Btanv, Vegt Sets Plain Tailored Bra-;. Bloomer Sets Plain Tailored NiLh- Shadowproof ai Trimmed Slips 54" ALL-WOOL NAVY SKRfiE Yard . PURE WOOL FLANNEL PANTIE DRESSES 2 to 6 years FRASER & PAYNE, Si. V 1 1 a-k .1 a 1 f Y- I'LL. L'i WU S A V VK. Will Ul ouccessmi Anair i one at Alice uniy une Dimari r iiT m shm a iju r r rn aw - a l. r m.r A n ; I'lalVUS faillUI n J.ea--- 250 to 1" Total subscriptions $S.4O4J0 yesterday afternoon ac- Only one gam, fiTu li TWei,t 5916 companying a party of prisoners. oiKhi s Billiard Lv 8ai Of 7840 pfefframs niurn Uimnrm mnrntno Mm aiuImvi irNiim,. the interior. The prisoners were : f eating Fred St. pi taken on to Okalla last night by I this by a scon' ; Constable William Harrison of i four other ganx IKTrOnlaf "tht a mr to . : f iBesf PfeoiraWe' I I S (I11E 0R1C1NX) j Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT 'This advertisement Is not published or display ! Liquor Control Hoard or by the Governmen' 1 British Columbia. COAL!- COAL &EMBINA EGGDelivcrcd. ner ton AXBERTA E G GDel i verttlpfci ton ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, ier ton Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JIJST-AURIVEU, NEW SHIPMENT OF UIHC1I AND ' MILL ENDS Per load -H BOX CUTTINGS-Pcr load P HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 imnxTt.t con I ll(illi uou . St Ml 13)