a re a deus a Sear i ba nie Anyone mal shop Anywhere He or she likes But all the same it sometimes makes a difference where you #0, We have thought and worked to accurately sup- ply your wants at every point of the jewelry busi ness. From collar buttons to diamonds we strive to make our store perfect This is our invitation to you to see it We do not ask that you buy anything. You'll Mind pleasure in just seeing; and we in showing. JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Store of Worth Beauty. and Sa | E. H. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's . hardwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 Joe Brown’s Motor Transfer an‘ Passenger Service f Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334 SEND FOR JOE FOR SALE Seven-roomed house with bath and finished basement. Newly painted. 8th Ave., W. $2875. 00 Very Easy Terms. DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND 523 Third Ave. L. C. EBY BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR Alterations and Repairs Plans and Estimates furnished Phone Green 450 JamesF.Marten SIGN WRITING PAINTING DECORATING Phones 544 and Black 507 P.O. Box 514 Workshop: 329 Second Avenue Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations. First Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Cheerfully Given EMIOK AND SONCRETE CONTRACTORS BUILDING PRINCE GEORGE It is reported that the Prince George Citizen may change hands in the near future. the well knowh newspaperman, who recently returned to town af- ter having been in tt® German prison camps, is negotiating with the present proprietors for the purchase of the plant and busi- ‘nese. . * . The Prince George Hospital is going sadly in the hole. Ac- counts outstanding total $1,350, ‘while the bills owing by the in- stitution are over 84,000.> The city has been as«ed to help the institution but some of the alder- men are not inclined to do so un- til some collections are made to reduce the large amount of ac- counts owing to the hospital. . * > The aldermen of Prince George have voted themselves an extra bonus of $150 for the pear 1919. . * > According to the Prince Georg: Citizen there is a lot of dissatis- faction expressed at the way the recent tax sale was conducted. It alleges that the city officials ran the sale to suit and benetit hemselves and disgusted the public. ~ HAZELTON The \hermemeten was down to 8 above zero last week. . > . A Chinaman who robbed the lo- cal laundry was given three months last week by Magistrate Hoskins. ° . . The Hazelton Hospital Board has endorsed t hepolicy being ad- vocated by the B. ©. Hospital As- sociation providing for free treat- nent in all hospitals. . . ° A skating rink is going to be started in a short time and com- nitteees are now making plans ‘o that end. . . . School Inspector Paterson was i visitor here recently and made very favorable reports on the nanagement and progress at the ocal schools. > > . Miss Pearl V. Wali has re- signed as assistant superintend- snt of the local hospital and wil! visit her brothen at Telkwa be- fore proceeding to the Coast. she has made a host of friends luring her stay. Miss Wall's ‘uecesssor will arrive from thi south in the course of a week o: 80. . * * Some of the local Indians went “i @ rampage lately on the glac news that Gun-a-noot had been nequitted and had also necov- ered from pneumonia. They will greet the notorious outlaw in ‘ro mean manner when he returns to settle down amongst them af- ter his long exile. Local News Notes Dawson has already had twen- ‘\y below zero this season which wasn't much worse than it was at Endako last week. . - Miss Florence Moore, who graduated from the Prince Rupert General Hospital last year; is now nursing in one of the Seattle Hospitals, > > 7 Mrs. Jos. Graham, of Cedar- Vale, recently passed away in Vancouver. She was the aunt of Don Graham, of the Thompson Hardware and of Hulda Graham, stenographer in te forestry of- flee. * e ° Recent reports brought from Vancouver state tuat diptheria is spreading with alarming rapidity in certain sections of the city. Measures against a general epi- demic are being srrictly carried put. , Miss Edythe Stewart, of the lo- eal nursing staff, who was ex- pected to return here last Thurs- day changed her mind at the last minute and decided to spend al! her holidays in the south. She is now expected home Saturday. - . ’ The debate at the University of B.C. last week in which J, Mitchel! was one of the debaters for th: negative side was lost by that side. Miss Katherine Pillsbury has entered debating cireles ip the Women’s Literary Society Miss Laura Pim, of the local postofiice staff, was a visitor at the college last week. She was welcomed by many Rupert stud. ents in the institution. ee Qe eerneay—— C. E. Bloomfield, of Sunnyside, is in town. ‘ , Jack Daniels, | ~@ | 1° apply for THE To Storekeepers AND OTHERS Mussalem Grocery Co. have for sale the follow- ing surplus fittings: Bacon Slicer Electric Coffee Mill McCoskey Register National Register Cheese Cutter Taylor Fireproof Safe Burroughs Adding Machine Clock Some Show Cases and various other fittings, all at a low price to clear. PHONE 18 Massallem | Grocery Economy Store 417-419-423 Fifth Ave., FE. MINERAL ACT, Certificate of Improvements. NOTICE, “Silver Tip’ and “Monarch” Mineral aims, situate in the Naas River Mining jivision of Cassiar District. Where located:—About four miles from wad of Alice Arm on its west side. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore, ’. M. C. No, 31018-C, agent for B. H. ryt whitt Drake, Registrar of the Supreme ‘ourt of British Columbia, B. C., Free Winer’s Certificate No. 33583-C, intend, ixty days from the date hereof, to apply © the Mining Recorder for a Certificate £ Improvements, for the purpose of ob- ‘aining a Crown Grant of each of the sbove claims. And further take notice that action, un- ler section 85, must be commenced before be issuance of such Certificate of improve- ovnts. ated this 18th day of September, A. D. ot WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE that Northern 8B. C. Fish- Ties Limited whose address is Winch suilding, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for 4 licence to take and use 4 cubie feet per second of water out of un wun-nar ‘reek which flows north and drains tuto Steamer Passag,e about 200 feet west of west boundary Lot 4954. rhe water will be diverted from ‘phe stream at &@ point about 180 feet N.W. of he S. W. Cor. Lot 4954 and will be used for industrial power purpose upon the ‘and described as Lot 4954, Range 5, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground the 6th day of September, 1919. A copy f this notice and an lication pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, i914,” will be ied in the oMce of y Water Re- wider at Prince Een . Ubjections to appijeation may be Tied With the said Water Recorder or with te Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia- ment Bultldings, Bae 3 B.C., wi = aifty — = ae ithe frat this not news| r. N¢ ORTHERN" B or FISHERI LIMITED, of By W. A. Bauer, Agent The date of the first publication of this notice is 8th September, y News, vrince Rupert. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. in Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Port Clements, Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that we, the Graham Is land Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port Clements, occupation lumbermen, intend rmission to lease the fol- lowing desert lands :— Commencing at @ post planted at the \.\W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Port Clements; thence N. 70 deg. W.—540 ft; thence south 33 deg. W.—455 ft.; thence uth 237.77 ft.; thence east 479.95 ft.; thenee following the shore line in a north- easterly direction to the point of com - — nt and containing 7.1 acres, more les GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR €o., LIMITED. _ Dated August 12th, 1919. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a fresh certificate of title to part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eight (848), Group Ome (1), Cassiar District, satisfactory Best of joss of certineate having been filed, notice is hereby given that it is my intention, at the expiration of one mon from the first publieation hereof, to issue @ fresh certificate of title in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, which Certificate of Title is dated &th February, 1913, and is No. 3067-1 Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince fupert, B.C., this 16th day of October, 1919. W. P. BURRITT, ye Acting District Registrar ———— CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Lots 4005 and 904 Range 5, Coast aes. is led. » NA pape Minister of Lands L. ong lee be” 8th Oc tober, 1919. WILL YOU ALSO SERVE DAILY nani | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 98 | This is the Advertising Co'.mn that people vere, ae they — anything | —. —-—-—— WANTED. Git On WOMAN Ww ANTED for general housework. Good wages | Apply Mrs. Mobley, 303 Ath, Avenue. tf | | | | | Gentleman desires furnished bed- room in private house by the month, Apply box 11 Daily News | ottice 258) WANTED — Competent waitress — for the Chilli Parlors, 835 2nd’ 59} Avenue. Per ambuiator in good) Phone particulars! 254) WANTED Condition. ‘o Blue 318, | FOR SALE Small pleasure boat with new four-cycle 4 h. p. marine engine; or will trade for piano or anything of value. \lso for sale fishing and hunt- ing boat and one 12 h, p. gas engine cheap. See MeGowan, the cycle man. Second Avenue. Near McBride Street. Phone Blue 4214, tf FOR SALE—Beautiful new even. ing gown, size 40. Slippers and scarf to match. Owner leaving town. For further particulars phone Red 322. uf MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build. ing Loans. Apply Prince Ku- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. Nickerson, Secretary. tf FOR SALE — Roller canaries singers $6.50, and hens $2.00. \pply Box 8., Inverness, B.C. FOR SALE—Slightly used piano. Singer Shop, 144 Third Avenue. FOR RENT A NEW HOUSE TO RENT. Phone Black 454. tf FOUnD FOUND—Key ring with Yale and post office box keys. Apply Daily News office. MISCELLANEOUS CORSETS MADE TO MEASURE-- Mrs. Director, phone Blue 9% — FARMS FOR SALE ©. P. R. FARM LAND — Choice farms in well settled districts | in Western Canada; low prices; |‘ twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al. berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now —they are coing fast. For free booklet and full information write I. G. Loughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.C, Advertise in the Daily News TIMBER SALE X 1798. Sealed tenders will be pooutves by the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C., ne? later than noon on the 6th day or Novem- ber, 1919, for PES chase of Licence X 1798, to Cut 370,00 feet of Cedar, Spruce Hemlock and Balsam on an area’ situated on Pisher Channel, Range 3, Coast District. Three (3) meee will be allowed for re- moval of tim Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B. nee or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C. ROYAL Pool [Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA « Two per cent. Beer JOHN PELLICANO Wolo me Hee new TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retai! General Contractors and Labor Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C, Phone 547 — P.O, Box 725 Westholime | heat, TONIGHT te ee present an entirely new bill entitled “COHEN AT MONTE CARLO” Special Attraction! Native Hawaiians and the Hula-Hula trel TONIC HT Georgetown PHONES 130 ang 423. SPRUCE Largest Assortment of Lumber in Centra! B. ©. FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY FIR Consult Us. Lumber Co, . BOX 1632 CEDAR TIMBER SALE X 1676. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 27th day of November, 1919, for the purchase of Licence KX 1676, to cut 3,574, 000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar, Cotton wood and Balsam and 14,680 Hemlock les Om OM area situated near Usk, Skeena uver, Range 5, Coast District Two 2) years will be allowed for re- al of timber. ”F urther x ulars of the Chief P« rester, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Hupert, B. C. EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS ‘TRICT—RECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA. TAKE NOTICE that |, Peter Ptombo, of Prince Rupert, B. C., prospector, intend to apply for a licence to prospect for coal, oll and troleum over the following de seribed lands on the West Coast of Gra ham Island:— Commencing at a post planted at three mites north of the north east corner of Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south. thence 80 chains east to point of com im ucement PETER PIOMBO torated July 27, 1919. Dated September 25th, 1919. VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT--DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE It, TAKE notice that Emma ©. ceean Falls, B.C., occupation married wo man, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands Commencing at 4a post planted on the north end of a small island on the west side of Choked Passage, west of Hunter Island, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to int of commmencemen: an) containing 160 acres, more or less EMMA «, SMABY, y Mark Smaby, Septemher 4th. 1049 Smaby, of Agent Date FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Go to Geo. Waddell 336 2nd Ave. Phones BLACK 367 — GREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps. Make Your == Cake With It Mrs. John Adlen was at an afternoon tea where a particu- larly nice cake was served, She got the recipe next day and instead of using fresh milk she used Pacific as she. does in all her baking. Mrs. Adlen says it came oul so well she sent a piece to her tea hostess who telephoned to know what she had done to make the cake so fine in texture. Pacific Milk Co. Limited FACTORY AT LADNER, 8. ©. TORK’ SELL TOVE ee oT Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 A. W. EDGE 00 DIS (RIBUTORS 2nd Avenue - Prince BEAVER BOARD ® FOR WALLS OF CHARACTER F inish off your attic—parunon —put new m in the basement nt ’ m yé pur Forte . ca |, Foryo - + new home, for the elub, or the ofhee ce of lath, u better ¥ more | c om 4 cs yé rT ore handsome,