t day, March 13, 1930. Delicious Salada quality Is an inexpensive luxury Ib.c coast IcTEAMSHirS gfGJIKATtnl SlBl TtAVtt. 1 'Fresh roxn the gardens' ' Mjjfe reqe'ntly secured the local agency for Helena Rubinstein's Toilet Preparations ml aro now featuring a complete line of scientific alaze Beauty Treatments for every type of skin. Literature on request. ,7m? Pioneer Drttcjetsts IR0AVE.tSlX7hST. -UI.EPHONF.S ft,20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UiNlON STEAMSHil'S LIMITED twillnit Irvm Prince Uiictrt r Avrni vril. VKTOHIA, Suntm liny, llulrdale. Derail t'aIN, Alrrt llat. ttv.. TuenlJT. 1:3(1 p.m. lur VANCOI KH. I K lltKM. Iluud.il. Alrrt llaj. ele . Friday mldnltht lor ALICE AHM. A.NYQX, KTrWWir. Na- Utrr, I'ort SlmiiMia. sun- day. 8.00 p.m. 121 inrt Avenue K M SMITH trnt Prmce Kuprrt. II r. TlroutM t'raei uid to lriuria aoi fteauie ua oasxejte cneraeo Ihriiuih to (lrtlilon . B. C. Coast Steamship Service C3.aAJL ! SAILINGS FROM HEINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangcll, Juneau, Skagway .lurch 8. 19. 29. To Vancouver, Victoria, Victoria, Seattle Seattle March 12. 2J). PrlnrsM Msrv Ocean Dcean IILL ENDS Per load Mice Runerl -Frl Co I'HONES S8 AND 558 Falls, etp., Vanepuver and. Victoria, every Friday. 10 pjti. Arents For All Steamship I.tnn M'. C. Orchtnl. General Atcnt, 3rd Ave, Prince Kupert. Phone 31 ! AN AD IAN NATIONAL The Largeft Kailway Sylcm in America STKAMSHII1 AND TRAIN SEIIVICK kiillnss from PRINCE BOTE T for VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA, hVATTMS and Inti rnetflat- polnls. Thursday Si Sunday 10 p.m. oi A.WOX each w?dncray at pjn. hr STEWART each Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. lor North and South Queen Charlotle Islands fortnightly. St((i:it TltAIN" I.EWK PKIM'K IH I'HII i)MiV. u:itnMtv ami xuuiv -it um . i :IOK(ir.. CIMIOMIIN. HINMI'WI. all lnl. lii-trrn Ca-iada. liillr.1 iritM-v all iim:am TKAMMiir i.r. 1 11) Ticket OUiie. Third Af- i'rtnte Uuptrt -I'honf COAL nrniMA v.r.r. riolivcred. nor ton iU.) ? 1 .Jiuii4i u i - - r 1 torn VLBEKTA EGG Delivered, uer ton J2.." Special Prices On Your Winter bupply WOOD I 'ST AKRIVK1I, NKW SllirMENT OF MUCH AND JACK MNL HnX CUTTINGS Per load -JU HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 . COAL Buy the real Coal our fa- 9'us Edson and Cassldy-flclllngton In any quantities. o lJulklcy Valley .Hay, "Hi a I ii and Kobln Hood Flour. PHONE 580 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G8 Cartage, Wtfrchouslwr, ano Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ann f urniture If you. lost; anything, try a classified ad. Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Biff 4 Taxi, tf W. E. O. McLennan of the Irving Umbrella Co., Toronto, has been In the dty Idr it fe'Wdays In connec tion wth, hlsi husnesr -and leayqs; Because of bereavement and Illness In her family,' Miss Mary East-hope of Borjth Memorial School teaching staff was given permission by the school board last night to leave wo days earlier 'than .the opehing'of 'ihe Easter' variation for her home'lttChllllwack. Miss East-hope will put a substitute fn her place. Trustee Earl Barrle reported to the school board last night that the High' School building was sinking at the northwest corner. It was, ap-oarcntly. not on bedrock and it might be a rather expensive Job to raise the building and put in the necessary piles. The city engineer had recommended that a watercourse under this corner of the school should not be diverted for, if the muskeg became dry, and shrank, the building might settle further. The committee on the High School was authorized by the board to secure a man to take the necessary soundings and estimate the cost of righting the building. ETLU-GR1P o- v6 Call a physician. Then begin "emergency" treatment whh :rA v VapoRuu OVCft 1? MILLION JARS USED YEARLY ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' baseball :dance, Elks' Home, Friday, March 14. Pythian Sisters Tea at Mrs. Shenton's, 530 Eighth Avenue West, Monday, March 17. St. Patrick's Day concert, Moose Hall, March 17. Mooseheart Bridge, Whist and Dance, Friday, March 21. Moose Whist Drive April 4. and Dance First United Church Easter Sain April 10. Ridley Home Basaar May 8. . Presbyterian Easter Sale April 3 HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'MlKR NEW MWAOEMUNT Strnm llrvt d: Trme'trr Kamiilr Knniua: Hit and Cold Nutrr Krrr llli Mr .VI Train- an1 Rates $1.03 and Up M'ECI.li. MONTIH.V HATfcS C.R.BIGGAUT & A. DONALD lr';rIcto: PHONE 51 I Central ! John Engkolst. city; O. Vf. Ku; eys, Vancouver. Savoy Holt 1 ' Prince Rupert's leadlnc i-iw ily hotel. Hot and cold water m all rooms, A. 3. PKi.DlIOM.Mi:. Prop. Cor. of Prnser and Fifth 8ts. j Savoy j P. J. Woods. W. W. Wools r. ; j E. Maynard, Vancouver; M. Nord-! strom and I. Helgrt. city Ale:: r ; Ickson and Mrs. C. L. Erlckson, Ju-, ncau. New Royal Hotel J. Zarrlll, l'mp. THE IIOTll. UOKTII WHILE H;t it Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PEIt DAY AND UP Trlr-phoiip 881 Royal W. M. Stevenson, Nanaurjo; Patj Gosby and W. Triestes, citK Wr Smith, New York; R. D. Russefl.l Seattle; Dllly the Jap, White Cliff Island. White Lunch Has Reopened UNDKK NEW MANAGEMENT THE DAILY NEWS PAC1E. THREE Bowel and Bladder Trouble for Years. Now Umr Sid. rati I "Am 60 :nd drx ' tored for mh for , trouwj.b'TtT'oi n bld-dfr Qd bowels. 01 n 'bow fr m' worjc racrtlia; un:n took 'Frult--tlve ' Since t'hn never sick a' day." Thomas Ora- hum, Oshawa,. Ont. Th-unaudi' ay cHronic ronatlp-tlon. liver and bowel trmibis ended overnight with "Frult--t!vs " Bid atomach, blltousseni ln-Jim-atlon, heartburn, gaa go like a shot. Kidney nd bladder til, pnm la back vapiah l!k magic. Nerves quiet, afitind ' aleop at once. Hh?umat:sm, neuralgia, ceurlt'.f, ilakv Headaches decamp quick. Complexion clean. Ten of nature greatest remedies combined In handy little tablet. Mfrvloua dleoovery ' of l&mous CaiMilin d-ctcr. Speedy results. Oe; TruK-a-tlvaa" from drugx'W tday. Become new person overnight. Billiard playoff tonight. Grotto vs. Elks. Glasses fitted Dy registered optometrist at Heilbroner'S Store, ftf i t Hill 60 St. Patrick's Tea and Sate of Home Cooking, Saturday March 15, at the horns oj Mrs. Farquhar Agnew ffeee. , 62 Don Finn, Wm. Beaumont and Mrs. J. II. McLeod,,! other Ibcal artists ojferwondrfui entertaln- At the request of the principal. Miss E. A. Mercer, the school board last night decided to have a telephone bell extension placed in the class-room of the principal of Booth Memorial School. The pre ¬ sent phone is situated at consider able distance from all classrooms. electric chandeliers in the class rooms of ttHFt4' School, so that -when UtdK&litt vere Dentist. Dr. J. It. Gosse. Phone C86. . . . A real treat for music lovers at St. Patrick's Day Concert March 17, in Moose- Hall, 61 Double corner 8th and Eb-erls S,t,,. Section 6, .Only $100. Helg'crson's. ! J?j,gt j;mms, suplnjendpnt of education, has asked the, local school board to submit to him a list of supplementary readers which teachers have asked should be provided for use In the schools here. Alex McRae and C. L. Monroe, who recently became members-of the organization, gave biographical talks at the regular weekly lunch eon of the Rotary Club today. Club business was alsb taken up at the luncheon. The president, G. A. Bry ant, was in the chair. Through the effect of rain and frost during the past winter, the roof of Borden Street School has commenced to sag at one point, Miss S. A. Mills, the principal, re ported to the board meeting last night. The matter will be looked Into by the school committee. The Presbyterian Sunday School will hold their annual concert in ihe Church Friday, March 14 at 3 run. A splendid program has been SSS. W ;hVi Poroses- "Action, . March 17, in Moose Ilafi fete. Tickets may be. had from Sun day School scholars. Adults 504 Children 25c. 61 Teachers of the city are to be advised by notices to be posted In each of the schools that no sup plies are to be ordered by them in future without first obtaining requisition from ihe secretary I motion In this effect was nassed The school board decided last.j t ht by the board .on 1H1..K w "suiM v.. Buswestlon of the chairman. Mrs. latlon of drop switched from the J'. H.ifmiSrla coal u shed at Westview Schoo' 911 MWlaAIXJ'IllX Union Station Seattle. Wash PRINCE KUPE11T .IFignishand "Steam Baths Excellent- for Colds and Rheumatism Open 2 p.m. to 12. p m. Cor. Second Ave & Sixth St. Phone, Black 764 Ladles' Days Thin sdays and Fridays Lady Attendant T. M. Spencer. As soon as it Is emptied of coal and wood which it now contains tlon. The cost of lighting JUr fercr8 vlsibm ty 0f motortaU school has $100, tefnulg pvjcr 1th dangef to pupUs leaylng lht yci uiumu.. iH school, will be hauled to a slightly . different location, the school board decided lat night on suggestion of Trustee Waugh- Defence evidence was heard in ov niil police court yesterday fcftr noon by stipendiary Magis-tc 71 F. McLeod In the case of D!r Skoc. who is charged with ille-d fishing for herring in Pearl 1 arbor, and the hearing was ad-;ourned until Monday for argument ut counsel. Among the defence wlt-u. :;cs was the accused himself. Quality Precedes at Money av'ng Prices For Friday & Saturday : ;DBY'S DARTLBTT P AKS--2VS. tin KRAFT CHEESE l's pks BLOOMS ' ', i:.'. u . MiLL WHITE BEANS 4 lbs. NJWICII BISCUITS 2 lbs IF'fNZ VINEGAR 32 OZ. White or Malt, per bot. HRATro S SAUCE Per bot. . ' r,T,:EUERRlES 2's Per tin ,, BKSrTIWobD EAS-No. 5 Per tin ...,..... AUSTRALIAN SULTANAS Delicious In cooking, 2 lbs. ILIOHT MEAT WALNUTS Halves, Fresh, per lb vars cocoa ws I". Per tin ' BAKING POWDER , ,,Malkin's Best, U 02. . tin .. LiBBVS CORNED BEEF-Handy for Quick Lunches Per tin 38c 42c 39c 30c 65c 38c 25c 18c 14c 25c 45c 25c ?3c 23c Watts' Grocery (Juality Right Prices Kicht PHONE 53 PHONE 56 If the first course be deliciously fSPH piquant, success usually crowns wlMv the entire dinner. V Bk "OXO" Consomme served hot VRSI with dainty saltines or golden- KHisH brown toast -makes a delicious IttffijfcffW first course-not too heavy, nor ' "P yet insipid,- Just right lS In Tim of 4 and 10 Cubei. Puts In the Beet Jj OXO LIMITED. 1910 St. Antoine Street. Montreal J. Garrett of Atlln arrived in the city on the Princess Mary last eve ning from the north and will sail tonight on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. Mi's. V. Schelderup and daughter of Burns Lake arrived in the city from the interior on this afternoon's train and will sail tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. There were 65 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Mary which was in port last evening bound from Skagway to Vancouver. Quite 1 number disembarked here from the vessel. O. P. McLaren, chief tie agent for the Canadian National Rail ways, Montreal, arrived in the city on tnis aiternoons tram mitne course of his annual tour west on official business and will sail to night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. The regular monthly meeting of the board of school trustees was held in the city council chamber last night. Those present were: Mrs. T. M. Spencer, chairman. L. W. Waugh. W. R. McAfee, J. H. Thompson, and Earl -Barrle, trustees; D. H. Hartness, Miss E. A. Mercer. Miss S. A. Mills, Miss O. E. McArthur and Miss J. D. Moffatt principals and J. O. Williamson, secretary. CUNARD If! THE FAMOU 6" A" mi imp RATE S "iaaaE REVISED -1 WEEKLY SAILINGS TO EUROPE ALAUNIA AfCANIA ANDANIA AURAN1A ANTONIA AUSONIA New Cobin Class mlmimum rales to North British Ports, $130. To Ihe Channel Ports, $135. No change In luxury of accommodation, oc excellence of menu and service. Special rebate of 12 on round trip Cabin Clan bookings during the en off-season months. Tourist Third Cabin rates also adjusted. Wtekly lalllngi from Mo$rcj334 Qytoac) Irom April 26ir onwSrTi. . Book through Th Cunard line, 22.HoHnjl SI,W.Voncover. Tlephon Seymour 3448 9). ' or any itaamihlp aganl. CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE CABINTOUBST THIRD CAB INTHIRDCIASS Final basketball games tonight. Big Four vs. High School, Players -lub vs. 32 Taxi. Mrs. Norman R. Brodhurst will be at home from 4 to 8 pm. at 1637 Graham Avenue, March 15. 61 Clarence pwight Thomson, son of Mrs. Mabel Thomson of Prince Rupert, was married to Miss Smily Sorrcutl of San Francisco, on March 4. J. E. Blackaller, superintendent of floating equipment of Canadian National Steamships, will sail by the Prince Oeorge tonight on his return to Vancouver after a brie!, visit here on official business. Motonhip Btllinf ham, - Capt. J. Br AndemSrk-arrived In port at midnight last night from Ketchikan with one carload of frozen halibut for transshipment east over the Canadian National Rail ways. Copies of the Vancouver High School teachers salary schedule have been obtained for members 6f the school, board for their con-r Id era tlon in connection with the proposal, of putting local High School teachers on a similar salary schedule. J. R. Gaudln. superintendent engineer, for White Pass & Yukon cteamships, will be here next Wed nesday aboard the Princess Mary tenroute to Whltehorse whsre the ; fleet of Yukon River steamers is I being: put in shape for tl. coming ! season's operations. Shipyard gangs 'wont north on the last trip of the Mary and masters and crews of the ships will go to Whltehorse late hi t April as navigation .will re-open in May. A. McAra. who arrived In the city on Tuesday afternoon from Smithers where he had beer, spending two or three months, will sail tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver where he will look ovr the situation with a view to locating. From the early days when he was at Aldermere, Mr. McAra was In the service of the Brou&hton & McNeill store, except for the War period when he served overseas. About a couple of years ago he went to Australia but, not liking it thrre. returned to Canada. During his .stay In the city, he has been, a guest at the Savoy Ho- SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Vorkmftnh)) .and Style - Afl 'VluarnUed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED ie Deliver lo Any Port of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619