PAGE SIX y M "N0 FOOLING ANGELE ... -fVz IS IT REALLY roaVntree's york milk? . ' I I is frlgnttully bucked up. Not REGGIE moment ago, what with a flat tire an J all, he had murder in his Heart for CaJmus, or the Phoenician, or whoever it was that invented automobile. - One taste of Rowntree'i York Milk and he'll probably bunt into song. York Milk la like that. Try it yourself, neit time you have a blow, out. Notice how delicious 1 its perfectly blenJed flavour how smoothly it melts away in your mouth. But be sure you ask for Rown tree's York Milk Chocolate, the bar that sets a new standard of milk chocolate goodness. No other has just that perfect flavour. ("After all, dear, the tire's only flat on the bottom," says Angele.) E2? 5tf,ti Thrre it Ix Y.rl Nt ' ! TO Mil with dliefo : ,jt5?W Yvrt whole filheru tor thou -jCJC" .JW 'V4 Miha prtltr nut milk THE ROWNTREE CO. LIMITED, TORONTO Bus Service Transportation of Westvicw Children (o Borden Street School in Clnsi Affpr Anril The aggrievedOqUcstlqn of trans portation of SectjqrPTwo children i In busses to,' Borden Street School was again uhderfscus$ion at last night's school board meeting. The board decided to continue the service until after the Easter holiday at least. The question came up when the board was Informed that J. E. Dyer had Insisted on being paid at least $1 for each trip and 5c extra for each child over 20 that was carried Mr. Dyer stated that he could not possibly operate the service under a minimum of $1 for each trip. Trustee Weldon McAfee thought that children who had to travel all the way from Seal Cove to Booth School were as much entitled to a bus service as were the children from Section Two. Trustee J. H. Thompson was Inclined to think the service might be discontinued as he felt the money would be much better spent on playgrounds. It would also be necessary to paint Borden Street School and he wondered where the money was going to be secured. Mrs. T. M. Spencer, chairman, also thought that the service might be discontinued. Forty dollars a month was a. great deal tq. be paying for it. Trustee L. W. Waugh did not think the service should be dropped for the time being at least. jThe board accepted Mr. Waugh's 3Ugsestlpn that the matter be left lover until April meeting. ! It is likely the bus service will be discontinued after the Easter vacation. Meantime Mr. Dyer la being paid on the basis of a minimum of $1 and 5c extra for each child over 20. jT i fTv I Ml I HI m TEMPTING CR1DDLE CAKES t cup Borden's St Charles Milk; I cup water: 2 tblspns. melted butter; 2 tbkrrns. sugar; I egg, well beaten; 3 cups white flour; I tspn. salt: 4 tspns. balune powder. more nourishing when made with St.CfiiWlesWilks If you analyzed whole bottled milk just as it came from the .cow, you would find It contained water, protein, fat and other solids. St. Charles Milk is the very same cow's milk, except that most of the water has been removed. When milk is evaporated in this way it keeps perfectly in a sealed tin. Also it is creamier, doubly-rich, hence, better for every milk use. DELICIOUS WHITE SAUCE 11ECIPE )i cup Borden's St Charles Milk; v H cup water; 1 4 tblspns. butter; . 1 4 tblspns. flour; I scant half STEAMED SALMON WITH tspn. salt; high seasoning of WHITE SAUCE pepper or paprika. Melt the butter in a small sauce- I slice salmon, about 1 pounds; pan, stir in the pepper and salt once the recipe for white sauce as mixed with the flour and stir until printed at left; 1 hard cooked weu oienaea, away irom trie heat eggs; parsley. lombine the milK ana water, men gradually stir in the milk add the shortening, sugar, and the and water mixed, preferably using ') T J "je salmon with a damp egg, and beat in the dry ingredients a wire whiu, and taking care that "nf. Jv l weu""ea P1,te wnicn nave oeen siitea together, au oune liquid is tnicaenea oetore ""y """z i nu pcrper, Beat thorouihlr and fry as usual a further amount is added. Let -id 'team for thirty minutes, Thtn . t . . ti a 1 , on a slightly oiled griddle, or on vou a moment or two, then add tareiuuy remore ine sain, transfer an unoiled aluminum or soapstone tht vegetable and let stand over the fish to the center of a medium-griddle. If yery thin cakes are hot water for ten minutes to be- tne pltfer, surround with white desired, add two more tblspns. ol come thoroughly heated. Serve ucc and garnish with the egg cut St. Charles Milk and water. with asparagus, string beans, peas, ,n "ths, M the parsley. Brussels sprouts or potatoes. THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER Pleaao tend me, free, St. Charles Book with 85 tetted recipes. 528 fIM NAME j g " i3 address 1:.:--. Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns M YA V 8 J i 1 5t.m5LES THE DAILY NEWS Thlsday. March 13, m GasOnStomaqh i n: X Hated To See ib iiacuwcu Mea Tlme Coming i Mrs. B. Lesnlck, Fort William, Oat, writes: "Mr husband uiffond with a bad stomach; could not at all, but on using four bottles of is feeling a different man alto-ether, 'I, myself, was te-ribly bothered with gas on my stonarh which kept Tie awake, night after night,, and I dated to ten meal time coming, so I .ried the B.B.n, too, and now I ran iat what I like," Put tip only by The T. Milbum Co., limited, Toronto, Ont Is Welcomed Back to Gyro William Crulkshank Honored' By ' Service ClulwDouflas Nelson Named Treasurer ,. William .Crulkshank, after an' Jb- 3ence of nine months ln Detroit, ness luncheon yesterday. Mr. Crulkshank addressed the club briefly. Douglas Nelson was appointed treasurer of the. club in succession to Charles P. Balagno, who wai ompelled to rectal the office be cause of pressure on his time of orlvate work. The club was 'advised that the district governor, Alex Davit of Tacoma. would be here for an of ficial visit on April 30. Some special sort of social entertainment will be This afternoon's train, due from L,anned ln h!s honor the East at 3.30, was reported this, w, yyaM winner tf be lunchepnraffle. Per tin ., NABOB Pumpkin 2 2 tins SEEDLESS Raisin 4 lb. pkg. MAC'S Best Red Plums 2V. 3 tins PANCY Mixed Candy r Ibi. EGG-Fresh Extras 3 Ho. mm Week-End 5 lb. tin Deciais SWIFT'S pure Lai- KELLOGG 'S Corn Flakes Per pkg PUFFED Wheat- Per pkg NABOB Red Plum Jam 81.10 10c 15c 45c 25c 55c 55c 35c 1.25 8UKNY8ROOK Cream- G 4 Sir ery Butter 3 lo. brlckV" HOLBROOK S Ground Rice Per pkg. QHIRARl) ELLIS Chocolate 1 lb. Un BMPRB88 Orange Marma lade 4 lb. tin 4 CANADA Dry Ginger Ale jB bottles ., FAL LTLSSS Sliced Pine apples 2't, 3 Una LIBBY'S Ripe 011?e 0 os. tin BULK Dates- 3 lbs 20c 60c 125 40c 30c 25c Alberta Market V. GAMULA. f ifth Street. Proprietor Phone 20s Dr Alexander PHONE MS BESVEII IMCK DENTIST ATTENDANCE IN SCHOOLS Totalled 10W in Frrbuary, Figures of Principals Show j A total of 10G3 pupils attended ihf! sehoril of Prince Runert. In i February,' according to report! of pr.ncipals presented to the board of school trustees ,at its meeting ;last night. Of these 510 were boyj ; and S33 girls. The attendance figures for the month summarized were as follows: Boys Girls Tot. High School -84 100 103 Booth Memorial .... 238 230 468 Borden Street 140 Seal Cove 33 Vestvlew i 9 170 31 13 316 64 22 Totals 510 553 1063 The various schools reported attendance averages as follows: High School. 95.43 per went.: Booth, 93.3 per cent.; 94.6 per cent.; Seal Cove,' 96.36 per cent.; With general, health improved, except for fre-; quent colds, the attendance w higher than ln the months pr$fk- ous. ! Pupils savings at Booth School for the month amounted to $119.-: 38; at Seal Cove, $4.90, and at ' Wcstvtew. $11 21. For the High School. Principal Hartncss reported that personal was welcomed back to member j letters had been written to parents ship ln the Prince Rupert QftB, whew. a,ttuoatteifaancj orpro-Club at Its regular monthly bu$VjCress of, pupils made this advtea- 'clt. TI12 itajf was doing its beat to niprove ctandardj of the school genera'iy. ( Miss G. A. Marcer, the principal reported that new leaks had devel-1 oped in Booth School and asked that repairs be made as soon as possible. The committee of tha' school, with the city engineer, will ' make an Inspection of the build -ng and report back to the board That the repairs might develop into a rather big Job was feared by ; some members of the board. Miss S. A. Mills reported that! fence, building and playground j repairs were needed at Borden St.! School. The committee on that' school was asked to go into these; matters. The dangerous condition of th girls' playground had been commented upon by Harry Chartes-worth. general secretary of the British Columbia Teachers' Federation, on a recent visit here. Miss Jessie Moffatt reported that much needed repairs had been , made to the grounds of WeatvJew! School. ! School expenditure in this city; during the month of February to-' tailed $7,924.58, according to the monthly budget which was passed by the school board at Its meeting '.ait night. This figure Includes VMM in accounts, $6,190 in teachers' salaries, $34 for substitute salaries, $500 for janitors, and $150 for secretary and medical Inspec tion. Why Not? PAY US A VISIT? YOU WILL UNO IT WORTH YOUR WII1LF ORANGES Sweet and Juicy, 4 doz. ROYAL CITY SrRAW- BERRIE8 Per Un STONELBS6 DATES? 2 lbs CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 2's. 2 tins CLARK'S KETCHUP 2 bottles QUICK QUAKER OATS Per pkg , ROLLED OATS C lb. sax Per sax REMO TURNIPS 10 lbs POTATO ESj-no. 1 Netted Oeins, per sax . RINSO Large package Each ZEBRA STOVE POLISH Per bottle KELLOOO S BRAN. FLAKES 2 for GEM LYE ' '' Per1 tin . I.,:... BROWN BEANS Per lb. 95c 22c 25c 25c 25c 29c 40c 25 c 3:50 25c 14c 25c 11c 8c The Economy In THURSDAY, FRIDAY AN"D SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. WARNER BAXTER ehind That Cor iam A Great Scotland Yard Drama All-Talkfng Comedy "Small Talk" Admission, 20c and 63c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30. Admission, 15c and 40c o sroriinipw .fAm:r-,y n regularly it the first step toward success. The Bank of Montreal offers you a helping hand in your steps toward financial independence. It welcomes sniall savings deposits, pays cpm-pound interest on them, and gives to you the security afforded by its great resources. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Assets In excesj of $0,OG0,000 Prince? Rupert Brancht 'fr-' vf aVH. CARyW. rVfanagei.; LUMBER f 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap . , $22.00 2x4. and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 2 Common. . , .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lalh, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, Bf Q, ',, Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Retail Yard. Cow Day, Telephone 423 Cish & Ctirry 1 c. P. R. steamer Princess Mary, '"WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE Capt, Thomas Cliff, arrived in port I CENTS" at 7:30 last evening from Skagway Phone 3C0 319 Third Ave. and sailed an hour later for Van couver. The vessel had a light passenger list. The school board, at IU last night, reiterated Itatand a year ago that promotion to H!u'' School here should be determine bv recommendation Instead t'J 6 straight government examliwtion5'