octoper 30, 1919 SS —— AWAIIAN BOYS AT WESTHOLME Program at jete Change of Pr jestholme Tonight and Additional Musical Artists. rh ntire change of program ] etl ' - addition of a group of i the . w Hawaiians will make the ore me very attractive to- at Last night the Hawaiians Te and sang at the Princes , Cinb smoker and were sad first rate They ane cer- tists in their line. hen at Monte Cario” is the hat is being put on by the j and it is said to oad funny. For the first three f the week the theatre ha filed at each perform 4 it is expected that with of program and the f the Hula Hula boys ave to be booked ahead secure good positions, inly ay | « Follies ys a ee al nane ditior ts will b inder to ee ee ne oe ee A | a Local News Notes j « et ee ee —— . ) J. Hancock returned to Alice | n last night | . . . Jarry Mobley returned from luesday night. | i c¢. Steven and Geo, Melae, | ' arrived in town yes- | | day morming ote y Walling and Wiliam Star. a ed from Hazelton on e(day yeht s train. ' a J. ad F. O. Buckingham . Jedway arrivals on the! ce John yesterday morning. . . . : red Renworth, the Vancouver rance man, returned from a iness trip to Stewart Tuesday | ming. } * . . | _ bk. Monroe, the Stewart min- | man who has been in the city | some days is leaving for Van ver on to-night’s boat. mong the arrivals by the train , sday evening was Mrs, CU, KR.) ert, of Terrace. She is negis- lat the Hote! Prince Rupert.} . . . | he staff of the Aliford Bay} ery arrived over from the is- | ni the Prince John yester- | ning The most of them | eeding south for the er . be assengers on Tuesday night's m report that Monday's rain | m here took the appearance | blizzard up-river and six in-| f snow fell in the Bulkley | ey that day. he first snow of the season ared on Mount Morse on day. The presence of this Will be gratifying to local mers as it will bring the deer ‘ on the favorite hunting wnds The snow on the ov is later this year than a . . * D. Macdonald has reeeived | eof his appointment by the Yineial Government as notary a the provinee of British ia. The appointment was | # al the request of the Trades a Ouncil in order. that “ ay a an officer. whe, aoe ailable to put voters —_—_—_ billi ConCarne Hot Tomale at the HILLI PARLOUR : 835 Second Ave. Delivery Service Extra hone § 57 - } a -~.-~. } - * THE DAILY NEWS —— nn ere , Canadians ! ’ The Victory Loan 1919 ~ which opens to-day. This is a call to National Service— a * .g0.8 Alor Guada Mn Canada Jor all se Nee ' > = — a OU are citizens of no mean country. Re ~ -—- SN N - Y SSS Canada is a fair, free land pg RS Canada is your country. SS Canada—now—has need to borrow from you-Lend: Lend without restraint of politics.or fine distinctions of creed or party. at, The leaders of the political parties endorse the Loan. It is CANADA that asks: And why— . To clean up the last of the War's commitments and expenses; To establish beyond all question the capacity and credit of your country; To care for the wounded and the maimed soldier ; To finance the bonus of the returned soldier already paid; LEND! To enable the fruits of Victory to be garnered; To ensure the prosperity of you, her citizens. The guns of war are silent—but they are not yet cool. The Victory Loan 1919 is a War Loan. Canada’s book of war is gloriously written—make this, the closing chapter, a worthy one. The responsibility is yours. LEND! LEAD! (4 817 Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minster of Finance of the Domenson of Canada. VICTORY LOAN ——_—_——_ — a eee | Sport Briefs | te et ee ne ees Pe ne or BE L. Townsley, formerly teller in the Bank of Montieal here, is now in Vancouver. He still takes part in athletics but is at present laid up with a sprained ankle. He is a member of the Knights o! Columbus Rugby team. . . . Three members of last year's -|Toronto world champion hockey Phones 4) and Red Por Hire by the Hour Day o Week ; weet launch Mice B Pienie ang Fushi art Tips 391 1% Parties round H arbor ‘ YHILL-JONRS te On TO" errr mee Mrs. A. W. Clarke R. A. M. Lon, Eng. Formerly teacher at the Prosbyterian Ladies College, Melbourne, Australia. PIANO, ORGAN, ETC. Will open Music Studio No. 333 2nd Ave. Now ennolling Dupes, Address Norfolk House Phone 329. team have been signed up wil! the Vancouver Millionaires for this season. They are Alf. Skin- ner, Jaek and Bill Adams. The two latter are former Allan Cyp stars and Skinner is a whirlwind youngster who is called the see ond Mickey Mackay. * . it is almost a certainty that Vaneouver will be unable to se cure a franchise. in’ the Coast Baseball League. Bob Brown team in the group as the man- agers wish to keep the circuit as if was last season. . * * ly Cobb is prominently men- tioned as successor to Hughie Jennings as manager of the De troit Tigers who is, reperted to have resigned . . Last Saturday morning the Prinee of Wales kicked the foot ball off in a mateh played between Army and Navy veterans and the was unable to get a Vaneouver}* G. W. V. A. at Kingston, Ont. The Prinee was also presented with the title of L.L.D. at the Queens University there. Saivation Army. Public meetings, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. » Sundays at 7:30 p. im. We put pep into our printing | usiness at The News Print Shop. The Gurvich Transfer Phone Green 548 P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser S We: Sell : Coal Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency~ Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS— Morning, 9 to 12; Mternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, $ to 12 only, Every Evening from.30 7 to 9 Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment | » a a. €&s > &* ed ee £ * = «>