R M PI n M H pa H M m Dj N b n n w M to N M , March 25, 1930. ur THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE EASTER RABBITS, EASTER EGGS EASTER NOVELTIES Our Ea. tor Goods Havj Arrived and Are on Display Ganongs' and PascahY See Our Wndows HAVE SOME PUT AWAY IF YOU DESIRE SSk A J?:e Pioneer Druocfss s b; . criBi Rfl:a;iraiBi m bibi b;i b; j ancearaiBi Srlllni; CiMtnertlons: London, New Yirk, 1' Chicago, Montreal. RAW F Two Thousand Heaver Five Hundrc J nmaaaaarwm mwa - Krfiirnce In 11 THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST. TELEPHONFS l20C Three Graduate Pharmacists I D C COAST llTLAMSHIPS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED m Hum rlnr Uuprrt 1 1 vr.0i'KTujr,,,Tr,n dif. W) p.m ' "Tr.WAKT. Niw luter. Port HI.np.toa. sun. II (nrt .muf KM SMITH agrnt Print Rudw n r w c. B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILLNtiS FItOM PRINCE RLTERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway .lurch 8. 19. 29. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle-March 12, 33. Princes Mary Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. Actnts For Atl Steamship Lines Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Itupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Qfo Largtfl ftiilway Syslcm in America STEAMSHIP AND Tit AT N SKUV1CE ilings from PRINCE UlTERT for VANCOUVER,- VICTORIA, c TTI' anil intermediate points, Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. I AN V fix oath Wednesday at 4 p.m. I t STKWARI e&ch' Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. Fi r North and South'-'Queen Charlotte Islands fortnightly. ' ' '. P.Ssr.NiHt TKAIXS LEAVE fHIM'K KITEKT "t!MiV. tVl:NF.SIY and SttTI'ltlUV at 11:31 a.m. for I'lllNCT. I I "(E. I.IlMONTON, WI.WII'EU.xll xlnt taMrrn Canada. I'nllrd M.i Irs. AUFM:V AIJ. OCEAN STBVMMIlr LINEN Jty Tkkti Office. 528 Third Ave, Prime Rupert Phone 2bf. COAL ! COAL ! 'EM BIN A EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALiTERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton Special 'Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD Jl'ST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF. BIRCH AND JACK P MILL ENDS Per load BOX CUTTINGS Per load HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 5S0 if ..V50 2.50 J. ! y r 'a u '.bib. Bin M . . Prlr ilk f Canada, etherbank in OfOTKi B.C. mi Loletors STBIBIB s.1 m. iSi JF j .r..TTrrni i ti'i-nv IVI.'ltV !. i. hi n o ..."-.T..i.illl.'r i ii we j WiTeceTveb orders ik i A live iluncicd iced l ox Cross Fo: rxvn ii.wirn.i rtHof Pc rt ir...,.i,l On :il I wnrK II Onu Tliusaiun olf nd red Lynx iiher A. . an, selling my furs juJ . U , 1J ft to do business on a smal largin o p rofll prtition. Ship your furs U me for lilglser PI ' turns. If desired I will wjre my offer or will"" T. PAPP ..... ...YtTi-if nFtVW FURS IIUll.lt rtfi r..-" u"' PRINCE GEORGI; ii'Hf IB ' si a n a Daily News Want Ads. m qnick Results n Local Items Dentist. Dr. C86. Eagles April 2. Halvar i. in J. R. Gosse, Phone L.O.L. Bridge, Whist and Dance, Mctropole Hall, April 3. 71 t I. - .41 II cial business 8 WJI ncsday. p.m. Four-room House for sale on Fifth Avenue East, only $1,400 on easy terms, Hclgerson. 41 Dr. H. -C. Wrinch, MLJi. for Skcena, and A. M. Manson, for Om-ineca, were among members of the legislature who actively supported a bill to bring employees of the B. C. Electric Co. under benefits of the Superannuation Act. The bill defeated on a non-party vote? was Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Reith and family will be leaving early next month for Kamloops where Mr. Reith, until recently a member of the office staff of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. here, has obtained a position. L. W. Waugh and R. Johnson of the telegraph department here are among employees of the Canadian National Railways who are men tioned in the current issue of the C.N.R. Magazine as having been in strumental in securing additional passenger business for the com pany. Union freighter Chllliwack, Capt. John Mulr, sailed at 5 o'clock yes terday afternoon for Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart and the Naas River with freight and mall as well as some of the passengers from the Camosun which went ashore Sa turday night on Calvert Island and is now on the local dry dock for re pairs. ANNOUNCEMENTS Whist Drive and dance Moose' Whist Drive April 4. Bftgles Smoker April 7. First United Ch April 10. Daffodil O.D.E. Hall. Ridley II T V1 dauce ell Easter Sale AprU 21 In I. Donar 'May 8. (zed Iron, Pine Fit- ijjs, IJeliinsr, Etc. line of new ind used CHlv. and Pipe and Putin; new Rubber l to 13-inch: alaa Pyramid Hh:r brat ErgHdh make, very durable-CorrugaWid Iron. 6. 8 and 10 ft ?U. always In st.-ck; iiaed flat ilv. Short. 30-Inch by 10 ft. Pull s'.ock or attel Spilt Pulley; Potar.v and Oraln Backs: Barb-d Wire: W'.r. Rope: Canvas: Dxn: Windows- Baling Halt; Harden and Air Hoc; Booi:. Chains; MrchMU and Equipment of all descriptions. Enquiries solicited 1S5 Powell St. Vancouver, B.C is. e. ji nk ro. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel lIMlKIt Ni:W MANAflE.MEXT Sleani llrat"l: Truvrllrrn' Samplr KiMinm: I lot and ( old Water Free Hm .Meli All Train and lion Rates 51.00 and Up M'KCIAL MONTHLY UATKS CURIOGAUT & A. DONALD I'roprlrlors PHONE 51 Central Van der Slulfs, Vancouver; Savoy Hotel j Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. I'RUIHIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel J. Znrrlll, "rop. TIIK IIOTIX MOUTH WHILE Hot St Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone 281 Royal W. Trites, city; S. Anderson, J. McNlchol, II. Smith, E. Lachanee and Charles McDonald, Vancouver; A. Anderson, Bmllhbrs. Bronchial Cold Left Her With A Dry. Hacking Cough Mrs. J. Fearman, Selkirk, Ont., writes: "Early laat winter I Buffered from a sever .bronchial cold that left ma with a provoking, dry, hacking cough. " Aftw being bothered, both day and night, with it for some time I had a friend recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine e. ...... which I tried with wonderful results, and now it is the only remedy I ever use for colds. "I have also used Milbnrn's Ileart and Norvs Pills with wonderful results.1' "Dr. Wood's" is 35c a bottle; large family size 60c.; at all druggists and dealers; put up only by The T, Uilburn Co., Limited Toronto, Out 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Rig 4 Taxi, tf Billiard Championship match tonight. Donald vs. Waugh: 71 Glasses fitted ty registered optometrist at Heilbroner's Store. (tf This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to, be on time. Whist and Crlbbage drive and dance, Moose Hall, March 28 at 8 p.m. Presentation of cups. Gentlemen 75c. Ladies 50c, Good prizes. 71 The Canadian Credit Men's Trust Association having taken over the stock upon which it had a lien, the sale, which was to have been held at Richmond's Louvre this afternoon by the sheriff, has been " Joe Greer Is on, a business trip Uiis week to Victoria where he ex In kid of Organ Fund. An open Badminton Tourrilb&dht will be Pretbytertan Baker Sale April 3.r,c,u 1,1 iWtnUiuj8iniwi nig xviaren ji. uuiics aouDies, mix- and Dance, I ed doubles and mens doubles. En try lee soc. Names of ail entrants to be given to J. Farquhar. Entries closing March 29. 71 QUEEIl SPARROW OBERLIN. O.. March 25: A song parrow which molted Its feathers on only one side at a time is reported by Prof. Lynds Jones, president of the Wilson Ornithological Club. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Lady, by April 1. for general office work and bookkeeping. Must have previous ex perience and knowledge of the1' city. Apply Box 10, Daily News' Office. 73 ZAM'BUKi HERBAL OINTMENT MEDICINAL SOAP (.mnpirtr tfttatent i Ltgl. irirrrk, VI r Trnublet rli W SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO OKDEK Cutting, Workmanship and StyW AH Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED ANL I'KESSKI) Ve Deliver to Any Tart of thi City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 W. Goldbloom Fur Buyer Pays highest prices In the north for raw furs. Just now he is open to buy all varieties of pelts and to give trappers and others the best deal they can get anywhere. Sec Goldbloom First Queen Mary Sees Her First Talkie Was Interested to Learn About Wild Country in Which Prince I of Wales is Hunting j LONDON, March 25 : The Queen recently visited the Stoll Picture Theatre, Kingsway, and saw for the first time a talkie film. Her Majesty's main purpose in visiting the theatre, however, was to see Cherry j Kearton's film, "Tembi," in order to get some idea of the wild country in which the Prince of Wales is now hunting and of the animals he will encounter. After seeing the film the Queen said to Sir Oswald Stoll: "I feel very anxious to think that the Prince of Wales Is so near to many dangerous animals." The Queen had intended seeing only one film, but she stayed an hour longer to see a representation of the Aqul-tania battling her way through a storm, and later a British Movietone News, which was her Majesty's first experience of a talking film. Before leaving she had tea with Sir Oswald and Lady Stoll. Her Majesty remarked: "It is a pity I cannot come more often, for I en-Joyed it immensely." Steamship Movements For Vancouver-Sundays ss. P. Charles 10 pjn. Thursdays ss. P. George 10 pjn. Fridays ss. Prin. Mary 10 pxn. Fridays ss. Cardena .. .Midnight April 2 ss. Prin. Norah . ..5 pjn. April 13 ss. Prin. Norah .5 p.m. April 23 ss. Prin. Norah . 5 pm. From Vancouver Sundays ss. Catala 4 p.m. Weds. s. P. George 10:30 ajn. Thursdays ss. Cardena pjn. Fridays ss. Prin. Mary .. .4 pm. Sats. ss. P. Charles ..10:30 am. Mar. 29 ss. Prin. Norah Jim. pects to move this summer. He is,For Naas K an Port simpson now negotiating to take over a bus-1 Sundays ss. Catala ...8 pm. neas In the Capital. Mr. Greer has From Naas It. ana Port Simpson-been identified with the firm of I Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 a.m Bryant & Greer In this city for,ror fefwart and Anyox years. Sundays ss. Catala .. 8 pm. Weds. ss. Prince George 4 pm, Sats. ss. Prince Charles-.8 pm From Stewart and Anyox Tuesdays as. Catala ..11:30 am Sundays ss. Pr. Charles . 8 pm From Ocean Fallv Weds. ss. P. George 10:30 pm, Fridays to. Prin. Marv 4 p.m aais.-ss.rr. unaries ..io:30 am For Ocean Falls- Sundays as, Pr. Charles 10 pm. Thursdays ss. P. George 10 pm. Frtday$s. Prin. Mary 10 pm tor Oucen Charlotte Islands April 12ss. Prince John 10 pm, April 26 ss. Prince John 10 pm. iTom Queen Charlotte Islands April 10 ss. Prince John am Apni it s. iTince jonn pm. For Alaska Anril 2 ss. Princess Norah pm, Mar. 23 ss. Prin. Norah ....am, I From Alaska Apru a ss. rnncess woran p.m. April 23ss. Princess Norah pm. Mail Schedule ro- fh fast Mons., Weds.. St Sats. 10:30 a.m From tlir East win., Tue ft Thurs; 3:30 p.m For Vancouver Sundays 4:30 D.m. '"ivs ...12:30 pm. Thursdays ; 9 pm. PrWavs n p.m. Mar. 12 and 23 pjn. From Vancouver Sunaays 4 pjn. Wednesdays .10:30 ajn. Fridays . nm Saturdays 10:30 pjn. Mar. 19 and 29 ajn. For Stewart and Premier Sundays 7 p.m. Wednesdays . 3 p.m. Saturdays 3 p.m. From Stewart and Premier-Sundays 8 pjn. """Mdays 11:30 a.m. Thursdays ....8 p.m. To Naas River ana Port Simpson-Sundays 7 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesdays mo a.m. To Queen Charlottes-March 8 and 22 a.m. From Queen Charlottes-March 6 and 20 ajn. For Alaska-March 19 and 29 9 pjn. From Alaska-March 12 and23 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm-Sundays ,..7 pjn. Wednesdays 3 p.m. From Anyox and Alice Arm-Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. Thursdays 8 p.m. ON.lt. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 3.30 p.m. For Enst Mondays, Wednesdays rBXBnamjaaaixamniiaaii i British Columbia Power Corporation 5 1-2 PER CENT GOLD BONDS (Series A) , A public offering is being made today of ten million" British ' Columbia Power Corporation Limited, five and one-half percent first refunding and collateral trust sinkng fund gold bonds, Series A, to be dated March 1st, 1930 and to mature March 1st, 1960. The market value of equities securing this issue after deducting all prior charges averaged more than three and one-half times the interest requirements during the' last four years. Earnings last year on same basis equivalent to 4.78 times the interest requirements. This Issue Is Strongly Recommended S. D.JOHNSTON CO. LTD. 617 2nd Ave. W.; Phone 130; Prince Rupert, B.C. No woman should take the risk The make-shift sanitary napkin is a menace to health Women most puird irtinst the consequences that may so easily follow times of hygienic distress. Doctors and nurses advise Tbt Stv ami Imprtwd Kttix Sanitary Napkin. Kotex is ample protection against germ infection. Soft tod comfortable and deodorizing, Kotex brings real security and mental composure. It provides women with a newer and better freedom. No embarrassment when buying. Just say Kotex at any drug, dry goods or departmental store. Regular sire 60c for box ofa dozen. Super-size 75c Directions in every package. . 5 Features of the New and Improved Kotex -I Ktai la att Not i d. cvptln Kturm. that xm ncU into rtMimf hard mm. But a tfeliau, laaoaf agft. 5 Sf . mrtan . . . krT yxxz nuaj at rue. 3XstM lllar m far Bftitrr ' and cooler thaa out ton, jrrt abaurbs t tiaea aa much. 4 la boapltala . . . Kotrx h the McnUcal mat mat md la SO e( Canada ' leading hoapiula. C Daodorlna, aaldr. thor. -' oasmy. or a TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throufhout the City COAL Duy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wclllnfton In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES S3 AND SS3 99935 aBBBBW MADE IN CANADA K O T e X Sanitary Napkins PRINCE RUPERT STEAM BATHS Dear Sir and Madam: . WHY HESITATE? Steam baths and massage promote health and happiness. Personal cleanliness produces a charming personality. Massage induces the natural health to go with It Why Not Enjoy Both? The Prince Rupert Steam Baths offer you both at very reasonable rates. And we feel sure that one trial will convince you. Your patronage is solicited, and Inspection is invited. May we expect you? Respectfully. Prince Rupert Steam Baths. Hours Ladles 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. dally. Dents 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. daily. n H I H m m fi i n m r g 1 a kb laiaxKia imriamca tw ta mmmxmiu i ;a nnwniwuiij