paoe roun Football Games to Be Played Mondays and Fridays; Tuesdays and Thursdays Set For Baseball Executives of the football and baseball associations 1 conferred last night and decided that durim? the cominor: tins under way not long after. wn ion This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Uquor Control oard or by the Government of British Columbia GOODYEARS EXCEL , In the TWO Main Parts of a Tire 'TWERE are two main parta of a lire the Irrad ami lha carra, Goodyear Tim exrrl In botht There If greater trattlon In the CooAytr All-Weather Tread. Three U greater tllalily In die Goodyear SapriiwUt rarraw. What prove 1I1UT These two lett. 11'rm the palm of your hand down on lha Goodyrar AIIAl'eailirr Tread and feel how the Ircp-cut, aharp-edged liiiK-Li undrr prrur grip and pinch the flrah, 2 Have ua ihow yon on our eorri-lritlns Ma-thine the greater atrrtrh in Coodyrar Suprr Ixlut Cord vhirh givra It ita unmatchrd auperiorily over ataudard cord. Tht .4?aU(M la Goodyur Tim dipttMbL to th uunait mjoyoMut 1 your tu, Cmm ia and ulk it . Ross & Moore LIMITED Third Ave. & Ninth St. Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 52 I program of improvements on the. 1 local course will be undertaken. A ! medal or similar trophy Is to be donated for monthly competition. The Anyox Ooif Club has unani mously reelected the following of-1 liners for the year: Present W. R. Lindsay. Vice-president, F. F. Brown. 8ecr-'tary-treasurer, Frank Lar son. Captain C. O. Frlcker. Musketeers Lead Seal Cove Hotel . 1BJ07 t Sawmill 11J06 J. Skinner Is the high scorer ot the league to date with a total of 10.675 pom4s while H. Cotbett is runner-up with 9987 points. Sport Chat ( the Central Young Men's Chris ttan Association in Montreal. Un able to see their instructors, the boys followed the commands with the practised ease of their more fortunate brothers who can seeand it was explained that as a result of the carefully conceived plan for training these children, it was possible to lead them in certain ex ercises, the object of which is to help them increase their physical fitness. Similar results have been obtained with deaf and dumb That the Duke of York has erected a net around the mlnature lawn at the bak of his London residence and Is assiduously practising golf shots Is disclosed by The London Sunday Express." HeHjJppes that when th Prince of Wata,re National League Brooklyn 5, Philadephla-O. St. Louis 8, Chicago 3. American League Philadelphia 7, New York 6. Boston 3, Washington 4. Chicago 4, Cleveland 3. Detroit 4. St. Louis 5. When turns from South Africa He wDbTtTel ' , able to meet the Prince ofwiheTal links and beat him. Professionals I whom the Duke consulted have! formed a good opinion of his chances making a decidedly useful player. He has, they consider, the right "temperament" and a good eye. hitherto the Duke's favorite recreation has been tennis, at which he has been a player of real distinction. Last year, how ever, he seldom touched a racket,! 4 and he has now practically given' TEAM STANDINGS National League W. New Yolk ...4 Plttaburg 5 Chicago ...4 Boston 2 St Louis 3 Executive Mrs. C. O. Frlcker, ! Philadelphia 2 Mrs Lawn, H. Campbell, C. OundilL C4rfelnruttl .'. 2 Dr D. R. Learoyd, O. M. Lee" arid : Brooklyn nra W Simpson "American League Miirm w. mow . 4 Chicago 3 Washington JS Bridge League, Detroit . I 3 i T1 . 3 ' Boston txjeiuu -.-..... Cold Storage defeated Sawmill by at. Louis score of 5968 to 2941 in the Scarf WeVffirPlr" cove linage League last mgnt wnue Musketeers won 4860 to 3118 q$e1 TCf .. ,,. unV- O..I ... Tf.,.l rm i . , V ' LJ! ' ?1 L ' ocai wove nuiei. inia ma & us iner,jj,;:: leaeue standing to date as folktwirv Musketeprs 18,356 (j Cold 8torage 17,897 Rupert drink- 2 a L. 0 1 4 2 4 3 5 4 L. 1 1 2 3 4 4 3 5 5. I jATHLETICS i BEAT YANKS Pet 1.000 .833 m 200 Pet. .800 .750 .714 .500 .439 .439 .400 .000 r-m 7 L1M4 ' mm II man in the moon 1 - 1 i Forward Prince Rupert Let's see your smoke. Everything moving so No one will croak. Together let us move All for the rest Trying to do what will Serve Rupert best. U has been suggested that the Man in the Moon offer a prize for the best spring noem. so it has Blind children, handicapped by,0" "d to do so. For the wln-thdr lack of 'sight, have overcome ner I re write an epitaph many obstacle imposed by nature, jand the sooner the. better. but probably one of the most im- portent achievements to their ere-1 Spring is the season of the year dlt within the last year is their VThen young folks love to roam triumph in the realm of physical Forgetful, that there is a place training, an Insight Into which 17 should regard as home was given at a class conducted by H. 0. Patterson, physical director people cross the Even the sorry Babbitts: i And anglers try to iure the trout And practice lying habits. Yes, sir, the spring is here again It will not stay here long; For summer Hildes not far from May Loitering June bugs among. It Is understood a society is being formed to eliminate the purchase of usless bridge prizes. All who have ever won bridge prizes will be anxious to Join. AT THE EAGLE HALL He Do you care for dancing? She No. . He Why not? She It's merely hugging set to music. HeWell, well what is about that you don't like? She The music. j raSTOBl TaTo of Jf FOR QUICK, HARMLESS COMFORT Children Cnjforlt summer football would be played Monday and Friday eve- L NEW YORK- Awil 23: Mil-;13.10. THE DAILY HEa. BADMINTON IS PLAYED . .,, . Thompson beat Mrs. J. H. Horton Gig Miller's Homer Save Day For antf ufa c Thorne. 17-16, 15.4. Mackmsn Cubs Lose Cardinals t Mrs. C. J Harrington and Mrs. S. C. Thomson beat Miss N. 'Rogers and Miss M. Brewerton, 15-12, 9-15, nines and baseball Tuesdays and Thursdays. In the oat '.Tr ,nmi" '"nug en- Miss l. Freii and Miss m. as- bastball and football have been played on different days SThS f iSSi every other week and, to save confusion, it was decided in la free-hitting batUe here yester- luture to have the stationary dates. Playing regular fix-; day- it was the Yanks' fifth defeat tures Tuesdays and Thursdays will enable the baseball association to run in a Sunday game now and then should were dc any postponements be cause of adverse weather. Representatives of the football and baaebail associations conferred last evming with, the municipal board of works. It was agreed that the city should deliver surfacing material this week to the grounds, that the dirt will be spread next Sunday by a working bee of Uw football and baseball associations and rolled next week by the city. As j CLUBMEETS Officers of 1939 Are Unanimously Reflected Successful Season In Trospect a result o; uiu wort, it is expected j ANYOX. April 23: Prospects arei to have the grounds In fine shape. j bright for another successful golf Football play will probably start 'season here this year. As soon as' early next month with baseball get- 'the executive has made a survey, a without a victory since the opening of the campaign. Washington Senators continued their winn ins streak in a hard toria beat Miss M. Palmer and Miss R. Wtnslew. 15-5. 159. Miss J. Cross and Miss M. Oil Christ beat Mrs. M. M. Lambe and Mr. B. Beale. 15-11, 14-15, 17-15. Second Round Miss Frtezell and Miss Astoria ioiifht ll-binfng game wHh Bos- beat Miss Cross and Miss Oflenrtet, ton. In the National League, Hak Wilson got a homer but St. Louis Cardinals walloped the Chicago Cubs before 40,000 fans, Yesterdays scores: 154. 15-fi. Men's Doubles GIHatt and Moxley beat Allen and Beale. 15-11, 15-7. Tasker and Young beat McGlash an and Bussanlch, 5-15, 15-3, 15-7. Lamble and Scott beat Bradshaw and Underwood, 15-4, 18-6. H. T. Cross and W. Cross beat A. Cross and J Field, 15-10, 15-7. ' Tonight ladies' and men's doubles up ato th f inals will be played. BIRTHDAY OBSERVED Anniversary of Oddfellows Found ing Celebrated Last Night 00 1 The one hundred and ninth an-Oojnivereary of Uie founding of the 439 Oddfellows' Lodge was celebrated .400 1 locai uaaicuows ana Keoeicans last nignt at a largely attended roll call, banquet and dance, many"vll tors being present from various dtetrlet points to supplement the muster of local members. Albert Wood, noble grand of the Oddfellows, was In the chair. Toasts included that to the Grand Lodge whkh was spoken to by J. L. Mcintosh, district deputy grand master; to the Rebekahs proposed by A. R. Phillips and responded to by Mrs. L. C. Eby, and to the visitors, proposed ay W. A. McLean and responded to by Mrs. W. C. Sparkes of Terrac. Other numbers on the program included orchestra selections by the Oddfeflows' orchestra, saxapbone duets by 'Norman Moo rehouse and J. Saunders, accompanied by James Bryant, piano solo by James Bryant, vocal solos by Mrs. Wood, accompanied by N. Moorehouse, and vocal solo by C. O. Minns. A pleasant feature of the eve ning's proceedings was the presen tation by Mrs. L. C. Eby of 15-year jewels to Mrs. Thomas Priest and Mrs. Alex McNeill. After the banquet, dancing was enjoyed with music by the Oddfel lows' orchestra, and Ben Fergusorn was tnastf r of ceremonies. Tne entertainment committee consisted of Ben Ferguson, Norman Moorehouse and H. Dyer while the refreshment committee comprised Mrs. S. V. Cox, 8. N. Boyle and Albert Blackhall. Mrs. Cameron Is Bride of Lawyer Weil Known Stewart Couple Wed' ded Last Evening In Cathedral St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, attractive with symbolic decora Hons, was last evening the scene of the marriage of Edward O. Apple' thwaite, barrister and solocitor of Stewart, nd Mrs. Dorothy A. Caip-eron (nee Thompson)' of Stewart. The brids was .charmingly gowned in negra brown and egg-shell crepe ensemble with hat and footwear to match and carried a bouquet of 11-lles-of'the-valley and roses. Miss Blanche Curtln, bridesmaid, was dressed in suntan crepe with shoes to match and black hat and carried j a bouquet of carnations. The groom there was supported by Rev. W. B. Jen nings. , 1 After the ceremony, which was solemnized by Canon Rushbrook, a reception was held at ,the home of Mrs. Curtln, Borden Street. Mr. and Mrs. Applelhwalte will reside in Stewart. I Mr. and Mrs, Peter Bruno, ac 'companied by their little son, re- turned to thfc city on the Prince ; George this morning from Vancdu ,ver where their young daughter died last week. LOCAL ITEMS James Stewart arrived home on the Prince George this morning Rupert East City Tournament was xrom-hi studies at the University; fetirted List Evening I of British Columbia in Vancouver: mmef Wcfttlon with 1 Results last night In Rupert East J811 and Mrs. D. O. United Church city open badminton tournament were as follows: . Ladles' Doubles j ' Miss Currie and Miss B. his parents. Mr. Stewart, Fourth Avenue. West. Dan MtLeod, inspector of tt Canadian National Railways lr vestigation department, Vancouver to a passenger aboard the Prince George today making the round trip north on offlelal business. He Is accompanied by his son. Albert Farrow, steamboat in-! speetor, arrived in the city on th Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here to inspec the steamers Canadian Seigneur nd Prince William at the local. dry dock. He expects to return south Friday night. The Weather Dominion Telegraph Service .Prince Rupert Raining, light. southeast wind, temp. 47. Port Simpson Rain, calm, 48. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 46. Rosewood Cloudy, calm, 45. Aiynash Cloudy, calm, 43. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 43. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 50. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 47. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 47. Smlthers Ckmdy, calm, 40. Burns Lake Clear, calm, frosty Quesnel Part cloudy, calm. Eighth cabin Cloudy, calm. Atiin Part cloudy, calm, 45. Oarmacks Clear, calm. 40. Dawson Light rain, calm, 36. Detroit Against Prohibition In United States The radio-las flight brought the latest returns in the Literary Digest Rtraw vote on prohibition in the United States from the city of Detroit. The total vote from that city Is 84,489 of which 12,029 is for enforcement ofi the present law as it stands: 28,364 for modification of the Volstead AetJn 44.101 asalnst prohfcKroaWlU Robt. Kamm stepped nonchalan iy fn.m ti... -Caldwell. N.J.. remarking "Well it was a g k,.-i he can t even get a thrill out of PATTULL0 IS SPEAKER Ulno Note of Optimism and Hope at Ritail Merchants' Dinner An address replete with optimism and hope as to Prince Rupert's future was delivered before the Re-toll Merchants' Association, at Its monthly meeting last night, by T. D. Pattullo, Mi.A. for Prince Ru pert and provincial Liberal leader. A chapter of accidents, Mr. Pattullo said, had heid Prince Rupert back but progress was bound to come, probably sooner than many might sxpeet, because of the natural resources of the district and the strategic position of the port Mr. Pattullo referred to the important part that the Retail Merchants' Association might play not only in the business dveJopcaent but also in t!v meat of the r retail buflnr only a profe 1 sotting an a t Dealing v.:". conditions (n ! expressed the tuatlon was ' partson with President B- shair and thn lance at the ; , tuilo hod sp ! and Thorna M a lew brief n :.,a A vote of tli; t wa passed v n. tkjn if J. D Kr . W B. Onrro min ng mi i the Prince O"" !ng north a" : winter in VI ' in the south by hh) wife Mrs. 8mlthcnnt n i 11 117 !! 1 1 n. iaiiy news nam Has. unng quicn flDooaoooooooaooHoooDoooooooooooaooooeoco&oacoccc!CHoo 0000 They Pay You ADVERTISEMENTS pay you to read them. They pay you in time. From the advertisements in this newspaper you can learn where to get what you want, instead of searching around. You can know the merits of each article offered for sdle. i They pay you iri money. Advertisements help you to get -full' value' for jfo'ur dolIaVs'.'iljoods which are conitetently advertised are of consistently high quality for their prices. v They pay you hi satisfaction. Manufacturers and merchants will not undertake an advertising campaign until they are sure their product is right It would be ruinous to advertise an unworthy product; for that would simply call added attention to its deficiencies. They pay you in information. Advortisemonts toll of new products, of new designs, new materials, bettor workmanship. Well-informed people always read tho advertisements to keep posted. Reading the advertisements is an investment ihat pays big returns. ooo0OoaoooH)noooooaflaaon555SMo55S5