Of the hundreds of thousands of owners I has paid a X cent for SERVICE THIS amazing record of the General Electric Refriger ntor is made possible by many exclusive features. The hermetically sealed mechanism is mounted on top of the cabinet. All the machinery is sealed air-tight in a sturdy steel rasing. It is duet-proof, trouble-proof and never needs to be oiled. Come to our showrooms and see the new all-steel models ... warp-proof and ex. trcmcly durable. We will gladly demonstrate the accessible freezing regulator and many other points of superiority. . IS-JO-0 basy r. nn Termt Arranged GENERALELECTRIC ALL - STEEL HEFIIIGEIIATOR Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. PKINCE RUPERT, R.C. ti hy CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. Linlt.4 COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply - WOOD JUST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF BlItUH AND JACK I'l.NK MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" lpper "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PIUNCE KUPEKT, h.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD UPKItATINU ti. T. 1. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYlKjCK Engineer. Machinists, Boilermakers, Illarksoiitha, PajfffVn ( k Makers, FoundersvAVoouorkcr, Etc ELECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated TERRACE, April 23: An Easter concept was given. In Kribx United Church oii Monday evening which delighted a capacity audience. In opening the program, Rev. H. T. Allen paid a tribute to. the efforts of Mrs. A. Holmwood, Mrs. J. Smith and Mrs. H. T. Allen, who were responsible for the numbers presen ted. The Primary and Beginners De partment of the Sunday School gave a descriptive number, "The Awakening of the Flowers." Two of their number, Jessie Llewellyn and Mary Little, recited. The Golden Keys were heard to advantage In a lullaby, "Sleep, Baby, Sleep" also "Little Hearts and Voices," and a model meeting, explanatory ot' Golden Key work. Four girls also sang a two-part song. Two duets were acceptably rendered by C. Fin-ter and Rev. H. T. Allen, entitled "Oh, that I had wings" and "When My Life with the Tide Ooea Out." The C. O. I. T. chorus, "In the Springtime" revealed much talent. The "Live Wires" group gave a beautiful costumed Interpretation In song and gesture of the hymn "Abide With Me." The last number on the program was a playlet entitled "Her Easter Choice," ably given by the senior group of C. G. I. T. The singing by the whole audience of one verse of the hymn Rejoice the Lord is King" brought the evening's program to a close. Terrace United Church Service Exceptionally Large Congregations Present on Easter Sunday TERRACE, April 23: Large con gregations participated in the Eas ter sJer,3fpes1oj,iBJjnx uniiea ynurcn here, ,sUrljpacity having to be. .provfjtfjd Iftrih evening. ai ine morning service, uie in- Haugland was baptized. Special music by the Ooldcn Key Choir was much appreciated. The pastor's 1 Glass Bowl free with 2 pkgs. of 10 lb. sack 24 lb. sack 49 lb. sack Dr. Middletons Cookies 2. pkgs. for $1.30 $1.65 $3.00 25c ' FRESH VEGETABLES AND '" FRUITS, ARKIY1N0 EVERY BOAT PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East rilONE 18 AND 84 P. O. box 675. Ketp awake with 'A WRIGLEYS Drowtineu it dangeroui. Weary mile eem horter and the day It brightened whea you have WrigUi with you. Its iugar pep you up. Iti delicious flavor add to any enjoyment. It $alty iamraK Vl PRESS MORE INFLUENTIAL Baptist Brotherhood Has' Interesting Debate Baseball Team to Be Entered The program at the Baptist Brotherhood meeting last night took the form of a debate on the resolution "That the Press Exerts a Greater Influence Than tht Pulpit." The matter was well thought out by both parties and presented in an able manner. The side of the press was taken by J. II. Smith, T Johnstone and Bert Cameron. The contenders for the pulpit were W W. Wright Ken. Green and Earl Gordon. The decision was in favor of the press and was arrived at by vote of the audience. Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe acted as critic and showed up the weak spots of the de baters and gave praise where it was due. The president. Geo. W. Johnstone, was in the chair and acted as time-keeper. The secretary Jhowei the Brotherhood in a healthy condition fant rli'M.hfc.r' of Mranrt Mrt Rmil f"" V " " ""SFi ? UM' , -------lDaii leam m lHe :im tnW year. the organization of which will take place at next Tuesday's meet ing. subject was "Christianity, a Living f Faith." I The evening service, was one whTpr.orn Anfjliran the note pfJiope and inspiration IClIaCC lllKlllall doming ."TlM afjjill choir rendered Ih&WjfiyTk "As it Began to Dawn" v(Maitifl). in effective fashion. They also sang the hymn, "Low in the Orave He Lay." The subject of the evening sermon was "Risen With Christ." The Sacrament of Holy Comunlon was dispensed at both services. Attendance at the Sunday School was also gratifying, the highest point for the year 1030 having been reached. FREE! FREE! Easter Services Mrs. James Farquhar of This City Soloist Two Baptisms TERRACE, April 23: Easter services were well attended In the Anglican Church here both morning and evening. 'The chancel was beautifully decorated with daffo dils, pussy-willows and greenery. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bishop and Infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Klrkaldy were christened at the morning service. Mrs. James Farquhar of Prince Rupert, rendered solo In the morning, entitled. "That Is Task." i Rev. Canon Marsh attended Robin Hood Pastry Flour CCp services again after his lllne. Ramsay's Cream Sodas 2 pkgs. for Dollar Box Sodas-each Dutch Tea Rusks 2 pkgs. for Fancy Mixed Cookies Q-i ft A Ol.UU 3 lbs. for Fresh Ground Coffee 3 lbs. for 45c 65c 45c Robin Hood Oats, chinaware ( ft or tumblers, per pkg Mvi Dr. Middletons Whole Grain A Of ! MU Cereal, per pkg j Dr. Middletons 100 Whole Wheat Flour, guaranteed lronlzed. 70c AM SSI & 7Spring My the all oil "frtr for 1 r-i a tr . 1. IU sermon, with A. Attree reading the first lesson. LrupnonsN and nil IrrlUUd bltmlshtd skin la quickly soothed and hsaled by MK 50c. All Druttitl: n SUITS! ;SUITS! MADE. TO' OHDEIt Cutting. Workmanship ami HtyU All Guaranteed - SUITTEAffiAm-ID Aisfil PHESSKD te lellver to Any Tart of thi Cl?y7 Ling, tKe Tailor Phone,. 49 REMO Mrs. Fraser and daughter, Greta of Haysport are Remo visitors, the guests of Mrs. A. Y. Wilson. A social evening was held In the R.F.A. Hall, Saturday evening Cards and dancing were enjoyed up to half-past eleven when refreshments, appropriate to the sea son, were served. Mrs. Sherwood and the Misses M. M. Kenny, D. Little. E. Dover L. Christie and J. Cole, of Terrace hiked down to Remo on Monday returning to Terrace on the afternoon's train. A party in honor ol the visiting children In Remo was held in the R.F.A. Hall, Monday afternoon. Those present were Master JlmmJe and Miss Rene Wilkinson of Smlthers, Miss Ger-aldine Faggan, of Terrace, Mlsi Oreta Fraser. of Haysport. Maste-Otto and William and Misses Clair and Helena Llndstrom. of Remo also the Misses Dover. Little, Colo Kenny and Christie, of Terrace. Mrs. Faggan and children and Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers, of Ter race who have been spendlnfc the wceV-md wltlj Mr. and Mis, S. WHk'nson. returned to Terrace on Monday's train. TERRACE Mrs. Thomas Brooks Is spending the Easter holidays with her friend, Mrs. Captain, Prince Rupert. Bert Swain returned home Sun day from the Hazclton Hospital. Mrs. H. DolL after spending the past three months in the Prince Rupert hospital, arrived home on Monday's train, very much Improved In health. i . The Rebekah Uxlga .heldi a sale of home cooking iaadi afternoon tea on Saturday inrthei Progress Hall The event proved very successful. The Anglican Choir and several friends went to Usk on Easter Mon day where Rev. A. W. Robinson conducted Easter service. The Boy Scouts fareipreparlng for a hike to copper city t where they will camp over theiweek-pnd; Mrs. Sparkes and Miss Betty An derson went to Prince Rupert on Tueiday to attend the Oddfellows Banquet and ball. They will remain a few days there with friends. Mrs. Geo. Dover entertained on Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Brealey. Olof Hanson Jr. spent the week end with Dudley Ltttle at the home of Mrs. Geo. Little, and returned Tuesday to Prince Rupert. Uoaudln. ALICE ARM A Women's Auxiliary to the Alice Arm Anglican Church has been formed. Its chief work In the meantime will be the raising of funds for a new building and the first step was the holding on Monday night of a bean supper with Mrs. C. M. Smith and Mrs. L. O'Connor In charge. Officers of the auxiliary are, president, Mrs. II. F. Kergln; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. O. Evlndsen. Owners of lots on the former In dian Reserve here are now busy fencing off their property and lay ing it off for flower and vegetable gardens. Harold Eld arrived last Thursday from Anyox and spent the Easter holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. A. About the end of this month the public works department expects to complete the dam above town which will divert the waters of Falls Creek into the Kitsault River instead of flowing through town as they formerly did. J. Graham has been foreman In charge of the work.: , F. E. Patton and F. C. Duckle! Qranby'Co. engineers, paid a visit to the Toric mine here during the past week. STEWART As a result of its activities of the u n w i! I XX XX s All-Talking, Singing & Dancing Wednesday, Aprl a PAGE SEC THE DAILY NEWS 155 Easter Concert Much Enjoyed Terrace United Church Held Successful Entertainment on Monday Evening District News Bessie Love and Charles King in one of the biggest shows of the year Rainbows" MONDAY, TUESDAY I AND WEDNESDAY TWO SHOWS , 7 and 9 p.m. Cartoon "Ratskin" Paramount Sound News Admission 20c & 65c ii :n TBiiraxa wxMtsnxajmxmxnmm turmmzMzw ul t' To Fit Your Pocket Book . $05.00 to $550.00 TERMS ARRANGED TIRES Can you ujc thpsc sizes? Several good used 33x4 and 31x44 tiroa at special pricog. - AUTOMOBILE Engines at low prices suitable for conversion to l$at enginea. COME In and see the new FORD MARIN i! ENGINE now set Up in our shop. the sum of $89.70 to the General Hospital. The Canadian Car." S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK FINISH, CELING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. Specialties Edge Grain Roat Cedar. Kiln Dried EcIrc Grain v Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar Shlplapl Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows, Shingles. Etc. Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lnmbcr Manufacturers. Stewart The Stewart Tennis Club held an cnthu3lastlc annual meeting last week. Oflicers for ,thc year we're elected as follows: president, .fU P-1 Lawrence; vice-president, J. P.i Scarlett; secretary treasurer, -Miss I Mabel Mellor; executive, C. O. Jack-1 son, Mrs. II. P. Gibson and Miss Joan Mellor. May 2 has nowi. been set as 'the date for the holding q&he polfhcrc ion incorporation. " P. r Tnc Stewart Board or Tradtfhas been advised by the postmaster-general's department that the Canadian National steamer arriving here at the week-ends will carry mall as well as the Union steamer at the first of the week and the C. N. R. boat at the middle of the week. Miss Nellie Islip, daughter of Pip- Msun, me Biewart winter vlnclal Constable and Mrs. Frank sports uuu nas been able to donate Islip, formerly of Stewart, was re- I'rlncc Rupert. IU BEAVER WANTED We have a big order lor beaver pelts and also tr ' otter, mink, marten and i111 er. Wo arc satisfied to i "' highest price as our :u 1 crs must have the fur l1 them to tiie OLD RELIABLE W. Goldbloom cently presented in Vic '' 11 Lord Wllllngdon, Governor C' of Canada, with a dlploir ,1C medal of the Royal Canai i. " mane Association for hav m l'111"-' ed into the waters of th.i C"1' and saving two small children lron drowning. Progressive merchants n dvcrtW