o PAGE FOOT ' ' I'n THE DUTTV KEW3 Wednesday. De Get Your Local Merchants Price Before Sending Your Money To FOR FALL AND CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE A True Fruit Drink Unexcelled By Any on the Market Per Dozen, $1.50, Delivered " ' A Trial Order Will Convince You BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS Telephone 132 Beyond Purchase Your Photo Cannot be Bought What is more appropriate as a Christmas gift for , your friends? BENSON'S STUDIO Third Ave. W. Thone 426 Of Vital Importance The eyesight of the close worker is a matter of most vital importance. A test by a qualified optician will give required information. A. E. IRELAND Optometrist 324 Third Ave. Phone Ked "00 for appointment Christmas Gifts Silk Underwear 2 garments for . House 95c 95c Hemstitchins IDEAL GIFT SHOP 328 Third Avenue West Phone Red 556 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Cannot Begin Too Soon Do your's now at STEVE KING fthestdtfe7tse &$&insttheco7d (,oineJuyfte vjpesfuelm cams soa. There's only one defense against the cold weather and that's the proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from us and fire away at Old Man Winter!1 He'll quit on the run. Order tori of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone C4S Dally News "Want results. Prince Rupert, B.C. LOGGING AT ALICE ARM A! Falconer Starts Removal Cottonwood Stand Near Illiance River Phillips. Whist-Ladles of Logging operations were. , commenced this week by Al Falconer on the flats near the Illiance River' at Alice Arm. The lmber logged'iwill be cottonwood and will be shipped to the Lamatco Co.'s veneer mill at New Westminster where it will be manufactured Into veneer. There is quite a stand of cottonwood near the Illiance River and a small crew will be employed during the next two months. The logs will be hauled from' the woods to the water by caterpillar tractor. Oddfellows' Card Party and Dance Enjoyable and Well Atended Afw fair Held Last Evening In Metropole Hall A very successful whist and bridge party and dance was held last night by the Oddfellows' Lodge in the Metropole Hall. The affair was largely attended and ' enjoyable. , Prize-winners at cards were: Bridge Ladies first, Mrs. Anna' Ross; second, Mrs. Moore; men's! first F. A! Rogers; second A. R. first, Miss Davlest second, Mr,s,,J. WaUon; men's: Q.., , . .. ... Garry Hotel here before they con- heJ ?W tlnue their Journey Into the strong- nf o hL Lh i .v,"10 6 lsla?hold of the Balmy Beachers. whom Si.?? lnA,?Vty ,n l,he they meet m Toronto Saturday, steamer Prince Albert to air grie-, Ro h Rlds are conceded a vances against the provincial gov- better chance thU than ever ernment in regard to alleged coal before and the entlre we8t wU1 be land grabbing on tre Islands. Some puning for the vlctory tnat win cc. BU au iar a. ui cnarge wiai piace the west on the grid map at the government is in league with iagt. the coal stakers. William Manson, ; Natlve have what u probably M.L.A., will be Interviewed. the finest Junior grid machine ever turned out of Winnipeg and their In spite of the disrupted condlo- followers are confident they will tlon of the streets owing to grad- duplicate the feat of the Reglna lng operations, the city council is pats who" turned back 8t. Thomas, doing everything possible to rend- champions of the east two years cr access to building easy in event of fire breaking out. ing has beveloped. HOSPITAL SERVICES FOR MOJITlf ARRANGED the ago. The Canucks will meet either I Toronto Argos or Hamilton Colle- Iglate Grads, who play off today. Preparatory to the forthcoming) In the Winnipeg party will be 18 poll on local option, the fight be-'players and four officials of the tween prhlbltionists and modern-, club R. J. Bryans, manager, Nor- tlonlsts in Prince Rupert is gain-1 man Patterson, vice-president, Fred ing momentum. Many meetings are ; Bryans , secretary, and "Scotty" being held and considerable feel Caldwell, coach. Another player, Ted Morris, star half-back of the squad, will be picked up In the oast where he has .been transferred by his firm since the last game here. The natives are taking noiinnec,- chances cnancca and ana inciuaea inciuaea in nw Rev. n c. v E. Motte, m secretary t.i, of ,u. the essary . ., w. ,n t PrlnrP Plinprf Mln1t.rll ,c" 4U'P'ii, win uc u w,c-b. .tlon, has made the following ar rangements for Sunday services In the Prince Rupert General Hospital this month: December 7, Rupert East United Church; December 14, St. Paul's Lutheran Church; December 21, First United Church; December 28. Salvation Armv. There i was no meeting of the Ministerial bring' Association yesterday owing to lack' of a quorum. ion bottles of Winnipeg water which has been already loaded on their car. Hockey Scores National League Montreal 2, Chicago 1. Canadlens 2, Quakers 0. Boston 3, Toronto 2. For S Lee, light heavyweights. BUI Stone will also defend last year's title in barrel bouts. Bert- Morgan will be master of ceremonies and Roi Bames, referee. The Irresistible appeal of miniature golf seemed to gain an argument in Its favor in Montreal recently when fire broke out in the fourth story of a building, the ground floor of which is entirely devoted to a diminutive thirty-six hole golf course. While flames raged and firemen were scaling the walls to pour tons of water on 'he blaze, the players engaged in helr , same of Tom Thumb did not even flick an eylid and kept on with the arduous task of avoiding hazards. An amused crowd leered ar, them through large windows, finding the sight a lot more entertaining than a mere fire. A. M Bmbley has ben appoint ed by the skating rink committee it Vandorhoof as rink manager, and a commencement on the rink will be made as soon as weather permits. The committee Intend to carry on the rink Just as long as it is patronized sufficiently well to warrant same. They have decided to close the rink whenever funds arc not available to continue on. VICTORIA IS WINNER Australians Score Hollow Victory Over West Indians In Cricket Match at Melbourne MELBOURNE, Australia, Dec. 3: Victoria gained a hollow victory over the touring West Indian cricket team here yesterday winning by an Innings and 254 runs. .nwri ickets omeone Somewhere on this page, in two different advertisements will be found the names of two residents of this city. Examine the advertisements carefully and find the names. If the two persons whose names arc in the advertisements will call at the Daily News Office they will be presented with a ticket to either the Capitol Theatre or two tickets for games at either of the golf courses, they to choose which one they desire. These tickets arc FREE. ,i GRIDDERS GO EAST ' Reiria;Roneh Riders and Winnipeg Native Sons Leave For Toronto first. S. Hammond second, ' J, i. V Hanson. WINNIPEG. Dec. 3: The West- After eards. delicious refresh- ern Canadian "Rugby Special" will SPORT CHAT for its smoker tomorrow evening. The list of events is as follows: Marvin Rowe vs. Dynamite Eck-ert, flyweights. Benny Wendle vs. Pat Clancon, ments were served and dancing Pul1 ou Winnipeg tonight over junlor welterweight. tuuuweu wim music Dy ine uaa- " uw, carrying t Nina Gurvich vs G fellows' orchestra. with it the hopes of the prairies for terwelghte The committee in charge of the DomlnIon championships In bothj Dldo au'rvtelfvi. A. airair consisted of J. E. Jack, mas- Ju"or ani senior gna circles, ter of ceremonies, M. McArthur- In two special cars "The National" and J. L. Mcintosh. A. Blackhall w,n carry the Re"" Hough Riders, presided at tre door. i Ilve wmes weslern Canada senior j champions, and the Native Sons of Canada, who will bear Winnipeg's Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert December 2, 1910 Junior banner on eastern soli for the first time. Led by their famous coach, Al Ritchie, in his equally famous coon-skln coat, the Reglna sod scufflers left their prairie citadel last night and are spending today at the Fort Holm, wel- HAWKS'WIN SPREE OFF National Hockey League Match Last Evening froal Mrnnn. ,hVH Ih. fflta.!" A. E. PartOW. MlSS HtnkUrtOn Black Hawks' winning streak last a"dran Clfbickla!f?lnB' Men's Stall-G. P. Tinker, 1 ,v,f . .,- f-... of ! Tr,, E. Cullln and O. J. Dawes. ,, it,u t e.iv, National Hockey League. Smith . . . ... . .. scored from Stewart In the second'."" T,.. r" period and Gallagher made a solo A , w iIoraer; rush to score In the third. The Black Hawks' score was made by March in the first period. a hard fought game. Jollat and Morenz scored on solos in the third period. At Boston, the Bruins made second place in the American Division of the National League by defeating Toronto Maple Leafs three to two. Thompson, Bruin goalie, spoiled many of Clancy's chances. The Bruins scored one in each period, ELKS WIN BILLIARDS Defeated Grotto 1207 to 1135 Last Evening Elks beat Drotto 1207 to 1133 In the Billiard League last night, individual scores: Waugh ( O rot to) 188, Bah g no (Elks) 250. Howe 250, Young 226. Andrews 235, Wllllscroft 250. McLachlan 250, Mitchell 231. May. 212, Smith 250.'5 High breaks Mitchell and Andrews, 37. The standing to date: Games Total Average Elks 8 9199 1150 Grotto 7 7803 1115 Legion 7 7685 10D8 program which was 1 during the afternoon Mrs. C. rendered Included piano solos by Misses Ruth Nelson, At Philadelphia, the Montreal t ... . The supper was in charge of Mrs. W. J. Oreer and Miss L. M. Ellett was cashier. Assisting in serving were Mrs. S. V. Cox, Misses Molly and Frances Cross, Miss Helen Stamp-Vincent, Miss Eileen Gibson. Miss Evelyn Dalby, Miss Patrick, Owyer and Miss Mallory. The evening program Included selections by Prof. Pryce's Juvenile Oliver, Chapman and Barry being I "rcnesira, vocai soios oy mm. j. the the scorers. scorers. Conacher Conacher scored scored in In the the ! Waugh and J. A. Teng and violin first and again in the third for the Maple Leafs. CHICKEN WINNERS' KNOCKOUT WHIST A. K. Nelson and B. J. Bacon were were winners of chickens in the Moose Club knock-out whist tournament last evening. The runners-up were B. M. Blmpson and O. Webster. The final score was 15 to 6. duets by Miss Nellie Lawrence and Prof. Pryce. SchmelingTo Pay Long Visit To United States NEW YORK, Dec. 3 Max Schm eling, the German world heavy weight champion, who is sailing for this -continent has an arrangement with , Manager Jacobs by which he shares all proceeds on a one-third, two-t,hlrds basis, Schme-llng to get the two-thirds share. The German fighter has a lopg string of engagements for radio broadcasting, pictures at Holly-woood and engagements more in keeping with his profession. v'1. FREE! FREE! A guaranteed, hand pointed enlargement from your own snapshot or photo. Frames, 25 to 50 lower priced than competitors, Phone or write. V. B. Cornish, 411 7th Ave.W. WESTERN SALES COMPANY P. O. Box i58 Central Hotel Outsiders Beautiful Hahdblocked Bedspreads And TABLE COVERS. Guaranteed fast colors made In India. Special, each DAMASK TABLE COVERS For Breakfast, Luncheon or Bridge Parties: needs n and will not crack, chip, peel or be marred by hut dishes. Your choice of many designs at, each ; Annual Effort Yesterday Afternoon ! of Anglican Woman's Auxiliary ! Has Good Results The annual basaar yesterday afternoon and last evening of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral was a most successful affair financially as well as from every other standpoint The : proceedings wye opened at 3 o'clock by Mrs. C. H. Orme, wife of the mayor, and continued until evening. Supper was served for many men callers. Mrs. Thomas Andrew, president of the Woman's Auxiliary, was general convener and following were the ladles in charge of various departments: Fancy Work Mrs. Oeorge Rorle, Mrs. P. M. Rayner and Mrs. Stamp-Vincent. Cashier, Mrs. W. K. Owyer. Plain Sewing Mrs. E. W. Tucker tand Mrs. W. A. McLean. Home Cooking Mrs. M. H. Blott and Mrs. C. C. Mills. Cafmly Mrs. A. II. Waddlngton, Misses Betty and Molly Ellison, i Ruth Nelson and eJan and Violet ! Stamp-Vincent, Mrs. W. C. Aspinall land Mrs. Herman. White Elephant Mrs. O. V. Evitt and Mrs. Treaf. Japanese Stall Miss E. O. Lenox. ! Mrs. H. K. Yamanaeka, Mrs. H. Mo-! chlda. Mrs; Y. Suehlro, Mrs. Abe, 1 Mrs Kttagawa, Mrs. Ntshlktze and Mrs. KaJL Tea Room Mrs. J. C. McLennan, Mrs. A. T. Parkin. Mrs. Q. A. Wood-, The Elks' Lodge has arranged an , . . , .... , land and Mrs. J. H. Plllsbury, pour- interesting card of boxing bauu' jler; Mrs. F. M. Oood. iNlchoIU. Mrc. J. G. 1 Tomiki VarniiKdr tra Mrs. J. W. Johns. Mrs. J. A. Hlnton. $2.50 Barrie's Home Furnishings Third Ave. & First St. BAZAAR IS SUCCESSFUL Auditorium GOLF COURSE Just the place to pas, an t Joyable evening (inn v, comfortable surrnnni!.nT AUDITOKH'M GOLF COI RSK i i. .uiww..- rrnp- ..jr Xmas Cakes and PUDDP Should Hr Oi Um V s! Made of rich spu rn au sues rrom or : -: . Place your nrri' : . The Electric n iic-y We Deliver Pw t JEW n nv LLai Slide to Your Ow n OrJer '-or Your Own Drsicn Gold and Silver rhr: -.rmf Engravmn LEO CONT01.I 3M Hlfh Rl F:i '"'I ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works y Stove Pipes. Galvanlred Black Elbows, sirs .V to t naklng Pans madr to orA 310 THIRD AVEM'E WXSt Telt phones Office 410 Works-Blue T The Regal Shop CANDIES In Boxes, Bulk or Ban Boxed or TsWrt STATIONERY Crepe, Tbse or Waved PPe' Pencils, Pens an.! Ink MR. MRS. .IH MtW 300 Block. Third wenue C. SftMiders. Stvl'' r1 - R!U-- Phone - Electro Plating IN COLD ANP ILVEB All Work Ginr-intc Leo Contoli Manufacturins iewrf'r 320 Sixth St. "h9ntf i ghW Mall orders" M prompt nttrntion I)IC. IIUOH I. n'cKy SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nosr and Tnr At St. Elmo H1 Eyes Tested TotOW