-CI mm PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, December j KK'I TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIilY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Earl Delivery Throughout the City Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY "I must show you my new ELECTRIC RANGE . the most wonderful gift of all" Choose this marvellous family ift for your home this year. Just make the very modest down payment and have the range of your choice delivered to your home on Christmas Eve . . . with the balance easily carried on our comfortable deferred payment plan. Or choose an Electric Refrigerator, Electric Washer, Vacuum Cleaner, or Radio by the same convenient method. Then, for individuals in your family and for friends, select appropriate electrical gifts from the list shown. This is a year of "practical" gifts ... and none are more practical than electrical gifts. Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 UESNER BLOCK DENTIST COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Welllngton in any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 CHjoooooooooooooooaooopDooooDoooaoooDotHKioooocoooaoooo - Want Ads Let Them Be Your Broker in Buying and Selling Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody is waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else it is you are in the market for. Get the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undteamed of bargainsundreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and jse ..... 51 pjeasam n is. BEAD andiySE how profitable and V, r. PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 . . "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" opiwooaocioaoiwaoooaoaocKjcioooaciocioasCsiaaoaoaaoowpoaoa Inexpensive Individual Qifts Irons ' Toasters 1 " Percolators Grills Air Heaters . Portable Lamps ' Curling Irons1' Heating Pads Waffle Irons 2-Borner Hot Plates Floor Lamps Spic Span Cleaners Northern British Columbia Power Comp any Limited FOR YOU! PROSPERITY Through YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 6 on Deposits, Compound Interest A RATE OF INTEREST COMPATIBLE WITH SAFETY McCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. THIRD AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 Was Shot For Deer Tis Said Rumor of Hunting Accident at Week-End But Authorities Have No Information Provincial police officers are Investigating a report that an acci dent occurred at the week-end near the city in which one youth shot another In mistake lor a deer while hunting, the injury not proving fatal. SucK atidents should be reported' Wine"' police but this one, apparently, was not. The young man who was injured is said to have been shot through the shoulder. U Dale L. Pitt Delivers Paper at Convention Dale L. Pitt, general manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co. Ltd., has bee,n in Vancouver- attending the annual meetings of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Mining Association of Canada. I Last Friday Mr. Pitt delivered a pa per before the convention on "The Advantages of Team Work In the Operation of a Mine." Weekly Special SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS BAKINGS Seedless Raisins 9 lbs. for Cleaned Currants 7 lbs. for Mixed Peel 4 lbs. for Mixed Nuts 4 lbs. for Shelled Almonds 2 lbs. for Shelled Walnuts 3 lbs. for Dates, fresh stock, 11 lbs. . . Glace Cherries 2 lbs. for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 ! Minced Meat, Boiled. Cider, Extracts, Baking I'owder, Crystallized Pine Apple, Cherries; Iarvlimallow, and all Christmas Supplies at reduced prices. 417-423 FIFTH AVENUE EAST NORTHERN B. C. NEWS ALICE ARM f PRINCE GEORGE i.The Esperanza mine will resume ; operations early next spring, It is, announced. Seattle capitalists, headed by Harry Bowyer, have i reached an agreement with the Es peranza Mining Co. whereby they will acquire a large block of stock and assume control of operations. Mr. Bowyer will be in charge and he will be in Alice Arm shortly to complete a survey of the lower claims. It is planned to commence mining operations as early as possible next spring. A compressor will be Installed and development undertaken on a much larger- scale than in the past. Many contributions are being made here toward the fund for the relief of dependants of victims of the recent disaster at the Bonanza mine at Anyox. STEWART A daughter was born In the Stewart General Hospital last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Haddon of Hyder. A very1 successful whist drive and dance was held here last Wednesday night in aid of the Stewart General Hospital, about $100 being realized as a result of the affair. Prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell, Mrs. Lee, L. S. Davidson and Jack Grey. After over two weeks battling with the elements, telegraph wires to Stewart are working again. Oscar Landry, district superintendent. Government Telegraphs, Prince Rupert, was a visitor here last week on official business. Charles R. Gilbert, Terrace fire insurance adjuster, was a visitor here last week on official business. W. Gray of the Hyder Lumber Co. left last week? for a trip to Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere in the south. Mrs. Dabo'left last week for a trip to Vancouver. Jack Anderson, road superintendent for Atlin district, spent a few days here last' week on official Mrs. M. Evans, accompanied by her son, Boyd Evans, left last week for Vancouver. J. A. Morris, Prince Rupert broker, has been spending a few days in town on business. A. Ersklne Smith of Premier held the winning ticket In a drawing which was conducted for Charles Duke's ranch on the Queen Charlotte Islands. BURNS LAKE District visitors in town during the past week have Included: Kurt Unger, Francois Lake; George Buchanan. Danskln; Anselm Keller, Francois Lake; and F. R.' Keefe of Francois Lake". W. Mulrhcad has returned to his duties on the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada hero after spending a holiday In Vancouver. Now Herman Brunell has left for his annual vacation. A, E. Parlow, district forester, Prince Rupert, was a visitor In this district last week on official duties. Unemployment relief work started lit Burns Lake last week and several- men are now at work on improvements to the parks grounds. J. H. Hadland of Oona River is visiting at the home of O. H. Hamre for a week or so. Mr. Hadland and his family were former residents of the Danskln district. Miss Doris Fletcher ' and Miss Thelma Petersen are' 'announced as class leaders in examinations in the local high school. uomc anu pick your requirements. The iocai united church cele . I brated the ninth anniversary of Its n n I establishment with suitable special miwaaucui PITl lifnrPrV v,u. ft uiuiciy servlces last s unda Limited Dr. Morrison? dentist, has been a visitor in Burns Lake recently on professional business. In the course of an official visit to various interior corps of the Salvation Army, Commandant William Kerr of Prince Rupert spent a week In Prince George. A. J. Jank has been appointed game warden for the Finlay River district He will make his headquarters in the forestry cabin at Finlay Forks. There are three hundred registered In the city of Prince George as being unemployed. The number Is understood to include quite a number of men with wives and families. The city council has decided that, in relief work, married men will get the first call. The dole may be resorted to for single men. Before proceeding from Victoria to London where he will take over the duties of agent general for British Columbia, Hon. F. P. Burden paid a flying visit to his former home here recently. Miss Hel& Hornsby hal Wived in the city to take up residence with her father. W. L. Hornsby, and sister, Miss Ruth Hornsby. The Prince George Choral Society, which was recently reorganised, has resumed practices for the winter. Mrs. Gordon Wood read a paper in candy and gave a demonstration at a meeting of the local Women's Institute on Tuesday., Mr. and Mrs. William Prest and family arrived here this week from Wetaskiwin, Alta. Mr. Prest succeeds F. A. MacCallum as manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal. The local Elks' Lodge held Its annual charity dance In the Rttts-Klfer Hall trjiursday ntght. There was a large attendance and the af fair was both successful and enjoyable. Dr. R. W. Alward and Alex McB. Young are being prominently mentioned as aspirants for the Conservative nomination to contest Fort George riding at the forthcoming provincial, by-election. In connection with the Liberal nomination, the name of W. A. Watson of Pouce Coupe Is most frequently heard. George Boyce got the largest deer of the season in this district last Sunday while hunting about ten miles up the Neehako River from here. Fort George riding ha been allotted $40,000 under the govern ments' unemployment relief scheme. This sum will be divided equally between the loeal area and the Peace River section of the Weather has been generally fair here with flurries of snow and lower temperatures, the minimum thermometer reading for the past week having been 18 above zero. VANDERHOOF The Vanderhoof and District Board of Trade is suggesting to the provincial department of agriculture that the government make brood sows available to the farmers of the central Interior on the defer' red payment plan with a down pay ment of 25. The Sunshine Fund is being or ganized here to provide Christmas Cheer for needy folk In town and district. A. M. Manson, M.L.A. for Omln- COMMON COLD is dangerous If not eliwkrd promptly it may ilr vlo into 11 ii.lt prinpf , iMimrliltin, nmmoni, Infect-ni imj. tnatil. Atlliefir ilgn of a cold or rough take BUKLEY'S A SINGLE SIP PROVES IT V 4 can be carried on at a profit, no fur ther development or other work on tie property will be done. In the meantime, a caretaker has been left in charge. The balance sheet of September 30, 1030, shows cash' on hand of $134.04. Other assets are 750,000 shares of Torbrit Mining Co. at $1 each, administrative and general expenses, $3,607.40, and discount and commission on sale of shares, $78,606.21. The Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting Si Power Co. has temporarily suspended operations as from November 15 at the Copper Mountain mine and Ailenby mill near Pentlcton In the southern interior. It is understood that the property will remain closed until there Is a distinct improvement in copper prices. The decision throws some 600 men out of work and temporarily halts a payroll of $1,000,000 per year, all of which Is a serious blow to the community concerned. The Prosperity Mine at Stewart, in which Premier. .Gold Mining Co. noias a ,;ntCJCL-carned.a ne profit of $l5n.gtTrT3epteraber3 states an official report, or at a rate of $8.06 per ton. In spite of the very low silver prices which have prevailed, the statement shows that Porspcrity has made a net profit bf $171,901.11 in the 11 months it has been in operation. The gresi'-smelter tost amounted to $289,552.30 and miscellaneous costs of $1,217,70, leaving net profit of $171,007.11. The mines committee of the Stewart Board of Trade has drawn up several recommendations for improvements in the Mineral Act of the province of British Columbia. A meeting was held In the Moose Hall at Stewart with prospectors and many other Interested persons TUES. & WED. TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.rn. ANN HARDING in "The Girl Qf the Golden West" All Talking A Stirring Drama of the Gold Hush I)ay3 Comedy Chester Cohklin In "CLEANING UP" Novelty "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" Admission 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7 JO & THURSDAY & FRIDAY, and Remember Thursday Matinee .;j KiuiiAitu ii.uxiitiir.aa m intu uawn l'ATROL eca, has sent information here that 'ion with the opening r Hon. W. A. McKenzle, minister of Canadian Legion Hail h : labor, has Informed him that, in I order to allay unemployment, appropriations have been made to continue public works in this district during the winter if weather permits. Mr. and Mrs. C. Waston McKelvey entertained with a wedding annl-. versary and Thanksgiving dinner party at their home last Thursday evening. D. Cameron has returned here after a lengthy visit with relatives on the prairies and will be the guest here for the winter of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McGeachy. The Women's Auxiliary to the Having partially rem : a recent operation. Mi- i , ; Paterson returned to Ik i ,:.., Wednesday from the Prum- 0 Hospital. The Women's Auxilu:'. Canadian Legion held card party last Tucsd iy -,, Jie Vanderhoof Hotel, m Birch and James Silver : prize-winners. Mrs. A. O. Birch was im. bridge party at her hu;. Thursday afternoon. Pni v were Mrs. Oeorge Ogstm u. H. V. Taylor. Samuel W. Cocker of V Canadian Legion is meeting this 1 and Major Robert L-iw, afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gil-; Lake motored to Prnn bert Hopfe. Arrangements are be-'tend the annual meetm Ing made for the cabaret enter- jof last week of the Br." tainment to take place in connec-'bla Conservative As.sooi.it NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Annual Report on Toric Granby Co. Closes Down Copper Mountain Toplcy Asks Ore Testing Plant The annual report of H. R. Budd, president of the Mines Cty Ltd., states that, owing to the very serion-in the price of silver, all work on the property was i last spring. In accordance with the agreement wit 1 tannia Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd., a new company brit Mining Co. Ltd., was formed in which Britannia 75 per cent of the stock and Toric 25 per cent. Devtlo: in attendance. The list i i mendatlons was placed b t meeting for discussion shares of stock were biv ii 'I ' max and Rose Marie n claims are Included in 1 1- ... The Topley District Mm;i. ciaUon is asking for .supp. vice on a resolution p. -o i body requesting the komti," British Columbia to co i the Canadian National !;. Mtabllshlng a complete t analytical laboratory ut x lent point on the C;muii. i tional Railways that wdi b ' the Interior mining diMMc ' i ing is a portion of tlx1 i' passed: "It is certainly api that the methods employed Nn 2 mlnlno rilvlmoii have i; ' successful In brlnuinK into , m Hon mining in the divkioi chief reason is that the im " and the small minim; llr 1 haA nnr hnr! fhi nroDCl i h iiH' ores It Is entirely impossible the contents of such or chemical analysis and value of production., in iiw U J ways, to the end that a i tnnnlhs 4iAir,U,hnAAllXlkA i . J ut . urns rJtT vMnnR.Hi'it run :i.N.s.iy r, H.. 'I V.r-IV. ' ,1 ( r -lit work carried on by Britannia until operations wm- ; pended had been very encouraging, stated the report, a atng mat irom all the work accomplished It Is calculated that there is Indicated tonnage of approximately 500,000 tons of ore which may be won from the mine. Insufficient work has been done to arrive at an exact assay but it is Indicated that it may run from 13 to 17 ounces In silver per ton. Until such time as the price of silver ln- Announcetnent has bn i. the completion of the i.u" the Tiger mine at Alice Am Utility Mines No. 1 L'd U. agreement of sale, a ra-.ii : of $60,000 was mari' ami Vt- ha n The l-r'ti'r til find out what Is In the show n H' : th rllcnirnret la Ufill'klllL' ' I: t . . M m.u ititvi aw ' refractory, compound i ilU'lVI' kill . 1.1' .111(1 t" e the proper results irm I 111' hods they should be l!v,;1'; kun-Mr . .. ... id, i cu cesiiuie to me operator m and at a cost that will meet in.-lllty to avail himself or tin- -K" and get returns on the shortest time possible Tins soelation, thecrfore. pent""'- 1 minister of mines to l""n, , with the Canadian Nau '1 "'' oinpii" i n': " I . ' WmvmtVM , - -f f iUUll..ViICUJIlK 4 WWH. .... . . t - 4. V J I . - I ... ,,ti oi ores wun comi . . and analyses be eatabl.sH-i mnit pnnvpnlpnt and e.i-i slble location on the Hn' f the C jl N. R. in No. 2 mlnKW vw,,B "J British Columbia to be "i"'1'"'" t the policy of service at as m-ar ' r as possible and give prop ''' to this division, giving comp" alyses and surveyt on ail (,r kind, of r05k.br liquid submits Its services. ' "