DEMAND "Rupert Brand" THE-DAiJfTIEST HR E A K FAST FOOD Smoked Daily by ish & Cold Storage. Co.. 4ti PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. UNION STEAMSIIII'S LIMITED hailing! from Prince Hurrt lor VANCOIVKH, VICTOKIA, llutriUlc .Wnt lUjr. rtc. Turti1a) lur V.NC"Ol' Kit, VICTORIA. lUlftlalr. Alr liny. elc. . I'rldajr inlnlht lor ALICE All.M, ANYOX, S1EWAKT. Na Ither. Port Mnipoii, Sun-da. R.00 p.m. I'i nd Atrnue It. M. SMITH Alrnt IT I lire Kuprrt, ll.C Tiili.ugb ttckeU old to Victoria and Seattle and tMggitge cneckrd through to destination. I COAST ISTEAMSIIIPS H. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS FROM PItlNCE RUPERT li to Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau, Skagway . . Christmas Sailings Dec 8th LANCASTRIA ' n HaMa o Ply-15 Mh Hovr and I indnn Dec 13th LETITIA ''m Halifax to B.I-l'ut.l.rpool and -lit Johntc. JthJ.1 ""Ml Irolnt lo lti ''l lid.. A1 about our ip.c i jl 4 'iiiilmiu aw unions 0 Ih.i. ihip fply aUaiilngi 5'. W.. VoncQuv.r (Tal.r-hoo. S.ymour 38-?),oranyitan. 'Hp agent. TMllV in 'Ail -s. o Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle rtmoea. Mary Ocoau Fall., . torla. cwry rTMmr m a i. JVfWW a(T VI Arrnti For All Steahtshln Lines W. C. Orchard. Oon Kvnt, 3rd Av". rrfnotRupcrt. Phone 31. GO Back Heme thli Chrhtroatl And soil Anchoi - Ronfldson. Th Th!rd c,a" rale Uonly $155, round trip; and lfTV7t3e- obundo v $9 did food i coiy cabini, with ipotlow bedllnen, and trained tfewordi and itewardeitei to wall on you. ANCHOR-DONALDSON CHRISTMAS SERVICE IN CONJUNCTION WirHCUNARD UNB 1-tftO-lU LCAIN TOURIST THIRD CABIN THIRD ClASS Scandinavian, dance . Saturday night, .Nov: Mctr'cpole Jlall. 282 Glasses fitted by registertd optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Mrs. G. Clcconne and child will .sail on the Prince William tomor row for Port Clements. Don't forget the Moose Whist Drive and Dance tonight. Cards at '8.30. Cash prizes. Premier I Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Armistice Day Banquet, Moose flail, 8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov.' 11. Tick-, ets $1.50. Best yet don't miss this one. 261 Miss Eva Hasell of the Anglican Church van mission, who is well known In Prince Rupert through freauent visits to the citv. save a ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Moose Whist November 7. Drive and .Dance Armistice Day Banquet, Tuesday Nov. 11. "Amy From Arizona," First United Church, Nov. 12 and 13. Eagles' Whist Drive and Dance November 12. Rupert Bast United Church Bazaar, November 13. Gyro Hoed own November 14. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist series, next game, November 17. Presbyterian Basaar Nov 20. Anglican W. A. Basaar Dec. 2. United Church Basaar Dec. 4. Hard time dance Quewi Mary Chapter, I.OD.E. Hall December 4. Travel to work in comfort TAXI -PHONE 32 TAXI CALLS: From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Will receive special attention. Week-End Specials Mcintosh Red Apples-Household grade, box Comet Brand Peas No. 4 6 tins Malkin's Best Honey 4-lb. tin Nabob Marmalade-24Hx Jar Felix dwert'AeUI ' ' t'4 nlnt" hnlllaa I it rTr.vrw .Swiit Classic Cleanser j 3 tins Pollflor Wax 1-lb. tin . S1.75 55c 75c 40c Royal City Tomatoes a Mi's CT An 3 ia$! '. Malklnl Best Tea l.lh nVc Wilt . Malkin's Best Coffee- I 1-lb. can Evaporated Prunes J 80-90, 25-lb. box .. Rosedalc Sliced Peaches 2k 2 tlrls , Icing Sugar j tAk pkg ' Quaker Quick Oats j per pkg. ! Red Arrow Soda Biscuits 2 pk, JJ, Nabob Baby Beets 2's I "per tin 50c Dlnncnvare, china, crockery, glassware. Heilbroner's Store. Billiards tonlgh Elks vs. Legion. L.O.B.A. Bazaar, will be held , in the Metropole Hall Nov. 8 from 3 to Of ilsp.djawjnfoi: dinner. settv Join the throng , and dance to the snappiest music In town on November 14. Gyro-Gym-Frolic and Hoe Down. Parade to cenotaph. Fall in 7.30 -p.mj, Tuesday, Nov. 11, -at Canadian Legion Club rooms, Third Avenue. ' AH interested please 'attend. 261 The Post Office General Delivery and Registration Wickets will be open from 9 to 11 a jn. on Mon day. Thanksgiving Day. The public lobby will be open from 8 aon. to 8 pjn. F. W. Crawford; president of the Vancouver Tobacco Co., who has been on one of his periodical visits to the Grotto Cigar Store here. will sail by the Cardena tonight on lantern slide lecture in Vaneouverlnla return to Vancouver. last night. Miss Hasell has spent the past summer In the Peace River country. Ex-Alderman A. J. Prudhomme, who has been enjoying a two week's holiday at Telkwa as a re-i suit of which' he is feeling much better than when he left, returneJ to the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train; William A. Oswald, of Vancouver assistant fire marshal for British Columbia, Is a visitor in the city m November 7, 1930 Friday, THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB Salada is the best value among Orange Pekoe blends m IlXoRANGE A B Mm TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Vitamins Indispcnsiblc For Health and Life PURETEST COD LIVER OIL Is (next to the sun) the most powerful source of Vitamins we know of. Purelcst Cod Liver Oil is Vitamin tested. Two Sizes 50c and $1.00 GrmesLtd. Z7fio Pioneer DriQisls Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS Local Items : ; Wear a poppy on Tag Day. 261 on official business. While here he will inspect public buildings ' and investigate tire possibilities gen eraUy. He arrived last evening on the Prince George from Stewart and will sail from here by (he ss. Prince Rupert Sunday night on hU return to Vancouver. Quality Table Needs per pkg FOR THANKSGIVING At Reduced Prices Quality Mincemeat 2 lbs Pumpkin Royal City No. 2 tins, 2 for Finnan Haddie Choice Fillets, per lb. . n.t Layer Table Figs California Fancy, per lb. Bluepoint Oysters per tin ..... O A , 1 California Cfrapef rult 25c1 25c $1.45 25c 55 c 3 to k-V-i Table Qrapos-iTOkays per lb i. i Cooking Apples 4DCi 5 1bj Alberta Market I. G A ML' LA Prnprfetor Fifth Street. 1'h.nne 2" Fresh Bunch Carrots per bunch '. Fresh Bunch Beets . 2 bunches i.. B. C. Celery 2 bunches Brussels Sprouts per lb. Massett Cranberries per lb. 31c 25c 25c Pink Salmon Extra Choice 4 An JLUU nr 1-11 tin 20c 38c Picnic Hams Average 5 lbs. nOn Sweet Peas Selvc No. 5 per tin 10c Soap Chips Quick Naptha -f En per pkg Cooking Figs Choice Black Qn IK VV Seedless Raisins Austra lian, per lb. Huron's Health Bran 11c 12c Combination Special 1 2-lb. tin Waffle Syrup 1 pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake or Buckwheat Flour CQn OVX' The 2 for Toilet Rolls 81.95' Sunnybrook Butter dC I per 3-lb. brick .... 32C $1.08 FRUITS and VEGETABLES 25c 18c 25c 5c 15c 25c 20c 25c Watts Grocery Quality Right- -Prices Kight PHONE 53 I'HONB 56 $ WARNING Ovaltin.'t merited ucceu ha. brought the ujual trail of imitation. Be warned. Mere mixture, of uncertain food ingredient, cannot give the tame food value and health protection at Ovaltine. Reject lubititute products. SPUN SILK 200' Yards Spun Silk, our urin owin years of cMdhood NE simple and inexpensive way of making V-sure that vour children -will -entovlwalrJiv.. happy childhood is to give them plentyof Ovaltine All the yital nutritive elements of rich creamy milk, new laid eggs and choice barley malt are concentrated in Ovaltine. It builds bone and tissue, creates energy, enriches the blood. No other food supplies such an abundance of correctly balanced and easily digested nourishment. OWILTINE Inspector John Macdoriald, pro-1 vincial police, returned to the city on the Prince George last night after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on official business. F. C. Bishop of Terrace arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior, having come down to attend the Orange Lodge proceedings here last night. A Dily Nent want-ad wll! 'irinc results Tiifsnttriiwrnn III II i iljjJW'WWiiUMWtM FLOOR HUGS 100 Only Reversible Floor Rue size 24".48", assorted colorant splendid wearing quality. lraf SS0.: U. OF CHILDREN'S HREECHI2S GAITERS Children's "Breeches Gaiters, English make, pure wool plush, all one shade, regular -fl Af& value $2.25, for .... . ?JLoVU EXTRA- SPECIAL TOWEL VALUE Pure White Turkish Towels, large size with colored checks and stripos, extra good wearing quality wonder- Jl towels i AA ful value for OJLvU todd J quality; 1 absolutely mrp silk in' seven shades, also Black and white 2 yarf8i.00. TONIC FOOD BEVERAGET BUILDS UP BRAIN. NERVE AND BODY At .11 good ntnre. in 10c. 71c II 2J and p.dl f.milf in 14.50 tuu; 1m Mmd hK or cold U todt founuini. tAI Gyro-Oym-Frollc and Hoe Down i Mrs. C. H. Sawle of New Hazel- November 14, Moose Hall. Reserve . ton arrived in the city from th; the date and help the Gymasium interior on yesterday afternoon's Fund. William King of the ON.R. el ectrical department, Vancouver, ar- rleved in the city on yesterday afternoon's train. M. A. Burbank, CNJl. division engineer, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior on official CNJl. steamer Prince John Capt. Dan McKlnnon, Is due lit port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. train for a brief Visit In town. I LADY BEAUTY SHOPPE Offers an attractive price on PERMANENT WAVES RLNGLLTTE OR NESTLE WAVE Fqr $6.00 From October 15 to October 31 See us and get free advice before having your Permanent Wave. Telephone C55 SATURDAY at FRASER & PAYNE'S LADIES SILK & WOOL HOSE 25 dozen Ladies' Silk & Wool Hose an outstanding offer for Dollar Day. Every pair guaranteed perfect, in shades of Rosador, Black Muscadine, Sunbask, Gunmetal Sunbronze. pair gJJQ LADIES' SILK & WOOL IIOSE Mercury Make Full Fashioned, in all the popular shades C AA seamless feet. Pair . . V--v" LADIES' WINTER WEIGHT VESTS Medium Weight Moodies Wooltex quality tailored finish unshrink- .: ablo&tm O vests (1(1 special value for LADIES' FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS Lace trimmed Flannelette Nightgowns, short sleeves, good quality cloth neatly 2-J (i A finished, each vV CHILDREN'S SLEEPING SUITS Moodies Baby Buntin Fie ;)ing Suits, natural color fleer lined, ethU7yCarS...0 LADIES' SILK & WOOL MCodjos Silkfe Will ft,OT!s 4 TTnif foil irY clvna flft it AO oxcellent value at, each $1.00 Sec our windows Friday for Dollar Day values. Above are just a few of the many items on sale. FRASER & PAYNE urns Third Ave. & Sixth St.