If -i PAGE F0TJ2 " Sport News CARDINALS WIN AGAIN Stretched National League Lead Yesterday to Two and a Half Games; Defeated Phillfes PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 20 .Rallying to defeat the Phillies . St Louis Cardinals again improved their position at the head of tin National League yesterday. The r triumph brought them a gain of half a game 6vet Brooklyn Robins who had an off day and put them ; two and a half games ahead of their nearest rivals. The Chicago Cubs also scored a half game gain on Brooklyn to tie the Robins for second place. In the American League, the New York Yankess swatted three Chicago pitchers for 21 assorted hits. Lou Gehrig hit his fortieth home run of the season. Yesterday's scores: National League Chicago 5, Boston 4. St. Louis 7, Philadelphia 7. Cincinnati 0, New York 7. American League New York 16, Chicago 9. Boston S; Cleveland 7. Washington 8, Detroit 4. National League W. L. Pet. St. Louis 88 60 .533 Brooklyn M 63 .572 Chicago 84 63 Alt New York .81 66 .551 Pittsburg 76 69 .524 Boston 08 80 .459, Cincinnati 56 .87 .392 Philadelphia M 97 .3401 American League W. L. Pet. Philadelphia 99 48 .678 Washington SO 57 .612 New York M 64 .568 Cleveland 79 69 .534 Detroit 72 76 AH St. Louis 61 87 .412 Chicago 56 91 .381 Boston 49 98 .333 Dance Followed Show Last Night There was another rpod house in the Moose Rail last night when the iks Lodge staged Us third presentation of the mveteal show "Queen f Hearts." As on the previous two Merits, the show went over well. After the show, there was a dance with mask by Charlie Bftlagno's or- Tosilght at the Commodore Cafe. C. J. McNavftfaton. director of the show, and Mrs. McManghton, aa well as members of the cast, wilt be entertained at a banquet by the Lodge. Cbmn's Men's Wear for Work Shirt. i The choice or those men who who snnreciate appreciate good rood Scotch Scotch Whiskv Whisky This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by ' i rt.be ;. Government of British Columbia Gerald Baultiing. member of British polo team, is seen, above, as he arrived in New York recently aboard the liner Maure tenia. SPORT CHAT Bags -have been very limited since the grouse shooting season opened in the Bulkley Valley last Saturday and the belief is generally expressed that grouse are on the decline I in that part of the country. In some sections there has been very good luck but the general result has been such as to make doubtful the value of closed" seasons of the past few years. Duck hunters, however, have had good luck on the lakes on the opening day with all the law allow- ed. Carl Noel brought In the first moosoj of the season, making his bag a few miles west of Prince George. The head of the animal alone weighed dose to 200 pounds, it being one of the largest moose ever brought Into town. Failure to come to an agreement on the draft question and additional disagreement on the question of placing an American Association team in Chicago may result in the American Association severing its working agreement with the National Hockey League. At a meeting this week between representatives of the two organizations, to decide whether the association would renew its connection with the Na-. tional League a deadlock resulted and unless an agreement is reached before September 24 when the present arrangement terminates, the association will automatically secede from the National League and become an outlaw organization. Old Country Soccer English League First Division Arsenal 4, Leicester City 1. Aston Villa 4, Liverpool 2. Blackburn Rovers 3, Sunderland 0. Blackpool 3. Leeds United 7. Chelsea o, Bolton Wanderers 1. Derby County 1, Grimsby Town 0. Huddefftf Md Town 2, MiddlesbotkJ Ottgn 2. Manchester City 0, Sheffield United 4. Newcastle United 4, Westharn United a. Portsmouth 2, Birmingham 2. Sheffield Wednesday 3, Manchester Unite 0. Scottish League First Division Alrdrteonlans 1, Falkirk 3. Ayr United-Queens Park not played. Celtic 2, Rangers 0. Cowdenbeath 2, Bast Fife 1. Dundee 4, Aberdeen 2. Hearts 4, Hibernians 1. Leith Athletic 2, Morton 3. Motherwell 3, Hamilton Acads 0. Partlck Thistle 2, Clyde 0. St. Mirren 4, Kilmarnock 2. J J. Cowie. secretary-treasurer of hi Biological Board of Canada, who tus been attending the sessions of i he Pacific Coast sub-executive hcrp this week, will sail on the Prince Rupert AWBpiydt tot Vancouver. ffjqTOy Dr Alexander X-KAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNClt BLOCK DENTIST TO BUILD NEW BOAT " s J iBWcal Board ! to Call To- tiers-: Completion of New Lo- cal Building Urged i At the meeting of the Pacific sub-executive committee of the Biolo-eloal Board, of Canada, held here ih- week, there were present John jh.:vn. :hairman; Br. A. H. Hut-: ..hint: in. University of B.C.; Dr. A. J T Cameron, University of Manl-j ba: J. J. Cowle. secretary-treas-, a-:'.t. Biological Board, Ottawa, and JV W. A. Clemens, Nanalmo; Dr. it E Fnerster, Cultus Lake; H. N. 3r .lakloxby. acting director at the !0t ;'l experimental station, and D. B, Finn. It Was decided as soon as possible to call for tenders for a new 65-foot boat for the Use of the local experl mehtal station. Recommendation was made to the board to have the new building at Prince Rupert completed if possible next year in order to provide accomodation for the various in vestigatlons' now in progress at the station. The problem of the silt at the Junction,, of, Observatory Inlet, and Naas RlW'vjflfts found to present such complications as to make It necessary to have a specially qualified investigator assigned to the Job, and it was recommended that such a scientist be obtained. As the problem of parasites on fish at times presents itself it was felt that a pathologist should be obtained and steps in that direction were taken. After a rather extended oceano graphical Investigation it has been found that the proposed damming fof the South Arm of the Fraser River will not in any material way affect the run of salmon to the Fraser. A great deal of routine matters affecting the Wtirk of"ftie board on this coast were"diBalt,wth,. It was arraned-'atvttff 'meeting that H. N. Brockiesby should be act ing director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station pending the appointment of a per manent successor to D. B. Finntje- sisned. AUTO TOUR DESPJBED Central Interior Gets Big Boost In Article Printed in California Motor Publication "Touring Topic," published in Bevertey HHls. oallf , In Its September Issue, publishes a long and Interesting article from the pen of Douglas C. Mitchell describing the tour of the auto caravan which travelled during the past summer f rom Seattle and Vancouver over part of the proposed Alaska highway route to Haiwtten and kfckpiox. The article is accompanied by many fine pictures aMorig- these being a number M views Artmrtd Smithers, Haselton, New Hartltorf, kfsplox and Fort Si James. The artKle"ls a great advertise ment of toUrtft attractions In Cen tral Brftfyxiliflumbk. DRUNKS ARE VERYSCARCE Local Pastor Found Few Men' In States Under Influence of Liquor Though he travelled some sbc thousand miles through the United States, he failed to see a single per son under the influence of liquor throughout the trip, it was stated today by Rev. John II. Hanson, pas tor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, en hie return from a holiday tour east, accompanied by Mrs. Hanson and daughter. Miss Lillian Hanson. This condition of affairs, Mr. Han son thinks, is a credit to the administration of the liquor laws of th'o United States and u tribute to th success of prohibition there. M Mr. Hanson drove his own ear WAT travelled throush Minnesota. No Dakota, Montana, I&fho, Washfnf ton. Saskatchewan and the south em part of British Columbia. In all some seven thousand miles was cov ered. They reached Hazelton last night and their car will arrive tomorrow by freight train. Mr. Hanson will resume his ministerial duties tomorrow evening, there being no morning service In St. Paul's Church although Sunday School will be held as usual. Mr. Hanson states that the church is to provide a mission boat for ministerial service on the coast out of here. TTIE DAILY NEW9 DO YOU SUFFER FROM. CONSTIPATION? Coiintfess remedies-are advertised & "Stf jng and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min eral drugs, which remain in the system, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage .nature's machinery to become lazy. feA purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, , the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipation poisons pass away. The stomach, livtr and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs EEK AT BOSTON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS R. H. Woriock returned to the) tUM'hnnt An nt MllJ Vll B l&441 4 4 V... W4w " !"' Period,, Mm tfni.A the Interior. t F. S. Walton, C.NJt. roadmaster, j returned to the city on today's train from a trip to the interior : as far as Pacific on official duties. , Miss Watson ami Miss Maty IDowther, who have been on a trip bo Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle,1 ; returned to the city on the Prince I i Rupert this morning. I : Mrs. James Farquhar, who ha3 BOSTON, Sept. 20 The Working n t"P to Victoria, was a passen-faeHflies of the Boston Ffeh Ti.-! 8r "board the Princess' Louise were taxed to the limit recently when 2,636. 4 pounds o! fresh mackerel and 4.9TU00 pounds of groundflsh were landed, from Mon day to Saturday. 'Beside the fresh mackerel the sei&Mi Meet als. brought in 8,&0 barrets ef salted fish. The bulk of the catch was made In the South Channel and off Chatham. The fish were of mixed slaes running from one to three pounds each. A considerable amount of bulleyee, weighing about a pound each also were landed but there was little call for them. Swordflsh were scarce but the domestic supply was added to by shipments from Cape Breton where the fleet are just beginning to make catches. The fish have moved from Georges and are now largely concentrated on the peak of the Brown'i Bank. So far ht seasonp1erior Mum n " utie: 12,060 fish have been landed here as compared with 30,137 . at this date bast year and 11. ,448 in 1938. The new dragger Hteter. latest addition to the Boston fishing fleet made her maiden trip to the grounds. The new craft is 100 feet long ariSTHrrlel a crew of 11 men. She uses, tiie otter trawl system of fiohlncr wtvrhv th flh m scooped up in a htsge conical-! shaped net, drawn astern. She was built at Essex for the .General Foods Company. ,v ' Herbert Allen for dntnkHiessi was fined $2S, with i option of 30 days imorWonmenl bv Mseistrate Mc-. Clymont in city police court this proceeded on the Prince Charle-morning. -to the Islands. ytlM With the good wishes of the Maritime Provinces ringing in his ears, Healy F. Needham of Toronto, dipped the wheels of his roadtter in the Atlantic a week or so ago and tet out to blaze the first motor trail from Halifax to Vancouver entirely in Canadian territory. If he succeeds he will be the first to drive a car across the Dominion without dctouring into United States territory of resorting to water transport or railroad right-of-way. By getting through to Vancouver in one continuous trip he will qualify for the Rutherford gold medal, offered 14 years ago for the first motorist lo accomplish what he Is attempting, and in addition he will have marked out "What will bo the fore-runner Rfc&l dyes rd jbeen staying for the past coupl9city on today's train from a tripj kzbz&ix- 'of weeks at Terrace with her ! mother, Mrs. T. J. Marsh, returned to the city on todays train. Rev. (Commander) Oswald Hodg b son. Anglican Church miss'onarv Telegrsph Creek who has been this moming returning norh. Mrs. tKRMNaof fckldewt. who has . been on a trip to Vancouver arrived to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from th? troth and embarked on the Pitoce Chaflls for Port Clements enroutr home. W. O. Reavtey. who has a mining property at Houston Inlet neat rrrl in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning f en route to the Islands, accompanied by John Larson, a mining ennlneer who will examine the property. George Beverldge. nromoted from the position of accountant in th oca! branch of the Bank of Mont-rea.' to that of manager at Terrace, left on today's tram for th accompanied by Mrs. Beveridg' TO!!'- Walter Oale, formerly court reg-leUar and coroner here and now located in Victoria in the senrlc of the provincial government, ar rived in the etty on the Prine-Rupert this moming from Vlctorii He wW be a witness in the Wat4 'nveswganon nere next week. Bd. Crawford, well known Buck-ley- Bey timber operator and Mr Crawford who have been on a twn weeks' trip to Vancouver, arrived W the city from the south on th Prince Rupert this morning an First Stage of All-Canada TORONTO MAN HOPES tO BLAZE FIRST ALL Mrs. Annie Rrws of Terrace Is in 1 f0R every the citv today en route to. Seattle Dyes are the t, s , - . . wnere sue win noimay roc eue nexi rr-rv" v'e nit tKTttfth mmSmit. "" that cart be pr., It's the aniL: Miss Annie Cousins of .Terrace it in die city on htr way south ci. route to Harriscm. OtiL, Where sh p' ins to -reside. Mrs. J. C. McLennan who ha-, been visiting in Viinu.uver an". VsctBrt, tsgtirnrd home on the sx r "upen mi morning, A. H. Wadd'nston 0I the Forest Branch service returned to the ' to the interior on oriimi Diuinoss. Rev. James Kennedy of Vancouver arrived in the city this mornln? from the south and will supply for the next three Sundays in the pulpit of First Presbyterian Church. City Solicitor E. F. Jones, who has been on a vacation 'rip to his native home to New Brunswick returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning, having tra velled west via Vancouver Anglo Etutaichk). who has been I Mrs. Oeo: on a two months' trio to Vancou- ry;i tet. Victoria. SMUle. Portland andif'-'"0 W ': elsewhere In the" scnith. returned to " " ',,itla' trij-the city on the Prince Rupert to-' and elsewhere ay. I , I c p H. fr. i Mrs. WUltasa Thomas wife of '"apt '.u k W:: Capt. Thomas of ttie steamer aa.jat 1 30 tils Prince WUliaoi. returned to the I way an-1. af-city on the Prince Rupert thu j mailed abnut i, morning afWT a vWt to her horn? I Pilfer via t v in Vancouver. couv;r island 0. A. Bank, maoating director ef the B. C. SHvet mine is a pas Msger abeam trie Prince Repert :1lfty bound frwn Vancouver to ttewart to pay a visit of inaperv tou to the property R. E. Ttiernton, who is in the ervtce of the Canadian National Railways at Hazelton arrived in lie etty on the Prince Rupert this nwrnttig on hlr way b? k to the nterior after a trip to Vancouver. C. it. R. steamer Prince Charles, -afi. McKay, arrived In port at S veteck tills morning from Vancou ver via tfce south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands and sailed at 1 o'clock this, afternoon for Maesett Inlet points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon en route to Vancouver via Alert Bay and Bnglewood. rhest col home "v 11 :-:'tcil that give su h . r,aecse J i to areases, ara i . Dyes are ea , smoothly attii c 'Of. Streak; never r. look, Just tru. ! kmp their dipt it . of wear and Wu All dealers. Hlghwt Qualify ft, 55 J COAL Buy the rral CmUJ motM L'dson id Cij Wellington' -in a. r J Also Bulkti v jr A Grain and R-,.,a If :'nrfe Rsipcrf hM I'HONrs 58 AND! Mr and M" Mtf 0orr n SmltherlnpsJe jper din;: the will be pa ; Prince Ruper cning thmueh they w;ll tak The editor iivrd '.dav ' r r -. ''pautif-.il boui.-' isMng chlefl Oes'artllBs of ' ful that tea - as lat in trio TOO LATr T r w- LOOT rVar! Moose Ha 1 (nil- Motor Trail Accomplished CANADIAN ROAD, HALIFAX TO VANCOUVER. Of the first trsna-Onn!a tnnfar t,lh. a l,r ii a f3P at leant 600 miles in Northern Ontario through which there i ' and Mr. Needham, driving a McLaughlin-Buick straight ' 1 rar hopes to get through along a trail which he had blazed on f- ' " u"' he started his trin. Wnitwn r.n-,,i i. 4 t...k 1 ' 'r'r ' ' ' m,wu 19 1 LI 4IIUI.I1 ii., effort tlfVomji nf t a tjf,.. U I J - ,:.... l.t.-Vi-i strurtlon from ast to coast The picture shows a portiai WB Needham, a section of the "bad lands'' he will have to traverse s lP showing his route, and A sketch of the medal he Is seeking,