Br tf ALY BHTJOer The Daily Nevvs FHJ.VCE WJPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PnUMkti Barry Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prime aapert Day Jfcvs. Limited. Third Avenue M. F. FUELEK aex?Bdster 'V' SUBSCRIPTION RATES la a atUr pU of Brttftsa Otsaabsa, sfee BtitJal tm- aire aad Caused States, paid is adtaaee, per yr Br saasl all ether coaatriee. per year - Bad Clyde writing ticket to be dropped by parachute tnftfitet ear driver, with stilts such as these a traffic cover a lot of ground to cop 730 By mdl to ail parts af Xt there aed Ceateat Brith4 CMaafau, paid ia adraac far yeartr period . 3-0 Legal aaUaat, each iseestioa. per agate Vac -If fraasfeet a4artiate? aa frost ps?e, per tack Local raadata, per hwertiea. per Irec -23 Traesiewt djajpiajr advertising, T I" Insertion !- Ctaasifjsd jimlaiiag, per lasertiea, per ward I 1 AA Wednesday. Dee. 17. M3G HARD ONr WHEAT IJdPL The Financial News is rather hard on the Wheat Pool. It aayii hi the latest number: "The Wheat Pool a constituted under the regime of tiny coekl OPERETTA COLORFUL Lr4f Fsn4TtaMMTit Stared Bseib SchaeJ Pf Last BvewfcK years. drUfdtfra! that has city It was a t v jot aaaw n - h-hi far aariod, paid hi adeaaee. per meattfc JCM r"l Miy will 1.17! itj amu wi emiim, wii im, mw ua m w tjjHg q( Contract rai aafatattes. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........93 Editor aad Reporters TeJeBbeae Mmkr f AadH Boreas of Qrratatieni In the oaeresae, "the papas ot BooD ranging in aja Messrs. McPhail and Mclvor, has reached the end of it the tables. road. It has lost the confidence of Canadian business and ranged by llu Manorf nf t Vu min trafa Tt has nmt mnoh nf ita nna. w-5 "T ceding farmers organizations have done. Bnt fanaticism and bond theory wiD have to be replaced by practical business methods. Banks will not back outright gambling and -there is a limit to the gullibility of governments. "it wii. never be possible to reckon wjiat Canada has lost through the experiment of tti grain trade in "orderly marketing" and in holding toatch a peak price. But high the w .m wmi fc ihmi ram uiuvm v. There ace teas time glamor for those farmers who expected it to lead rmtAbie tnem into uie miilenium. it may carry on a successful and ruiiy iningati i hiehly useful business functioning strictly as a commercial stage seenaty is to organization, as the United Grain Growers and other pre- Br but night of the ate to af the Psdaee,- SchOSj, bs , the gram, mass a" . aad seat be iec:mmcnaed to aQ. The tafeunent wffl be repeated in tht aaWtoriam of enter - toff, the youngsters hi the east cany off their parts nigh to 1 are seqi and hast resaKs the costnaihig af the oroeraai lasts far and Is hi iljflh- sustained; thrcughoat. Opening the faenty-ftve dsahtosa af Oradw l and II take part. A pteycToaad scene h) daatotod. Ihe thSavia.' wirtfuDy washing far fairies to aa-, pear, faO aataap aad an wished ay ' 1 jawogue was ar- teaching staff and. seoj eats aad the two scenes. Taste-1 iad apaeasaiate ' satptoa with the - t. -The as- chanted Palace" is a aw vesatesi of the ace-aftf aad mi drlajbUaf tale -The attphu Bcaaty." Prta-cess Crystal is thrtiMi A with early death, the gift of the Fahr af Daitoiesm. The Fairy af Life averts this tragedy by casting the apwl af steep over Vat palace for a hgndrad years. At the end of this time Prince though the price of this lesson may be. it doubtless has been charming sntm to awaken the well learned and the recuperative power of a country Princess and an the palace u life young, rich aad undeveloped as is Canada will be demon- T?! strated in the coming four or five years." Z 1SJZSi ; is tortheciaing. The Rrtaoe and STKWARTTS INF)fSf!RRTin' Princess ssesa satisfied and all life Recently seine police court cases at Stewart were repor- hL!TT m. ted in the Daily News and some Stewart resident take ex- SnfrJefu J eeption to the report indeed a stately Qveen. Margaret It mutt be remembered that when anything like a min- MeUod aaases a winsome Princess ing discover)' or development of any kind takes place in aBd Beflc Bemer is indeed a LkotiaitrKhnrrvvwl Rmrt ta tlu .Mtwiit K hw"J,D 41x1 dashing Prinee. iWrathaO, Hilda Hansen, Rl Stromdahl. Venetla Feero. Had 1 777 v. w..,, j "..v.. ucmaxll. Betto Wood and tt mm faraway from the town as the Premier Mine or the 52n naaaWin talethe rotes of1 nig Jtiasour). bo, when anything not so desirable happens, fairies aad are very demure, other the town must eipeet to bear the onus. of the chief roles are taken by Beryl When a deannip took place not long ago in Prfoce Ru-HMOO R DArt- tko nllv afw it rXu AlA fK r- Wqed. Lillian Jonea. Helen Me- ST" L Maaghtoa and Asta Dybhan. eath mW Tsr .C . I. - t 1 Stewart. While all like hear of we to pleasant happenings, of do very creditably m ihetr we djuk oe p reparea u awo hear 01 thf unpleasant torm- parte Lhntat. Hvder. B.C. ia alwava lnokoH rm hr aa a nart nf' Dehafetfid Dtono aoias were olflMti Starart, although it is uitdbtedly outside the village. If ujnto !.ciogniil a inmeral strike took place there, Stewart people would be ! 22? tSZZ Mar!(I briaueasting the news that another mininp strike had taken Dlace at Stewart Whfle we are willing to admit that all newspapers make mintage, we claim that the critics of newspapers are more oilwn wrong than are those they criticise. -1 I The eogaplete east is as follows King Douf-M CarisUsoB. : Qaeen Prances Usney. Prtaca Beatrice Berner Princess Margaret McLeod. Oha ncanor Beryl Birch. Wke Man AsU Dybnayen. Jaster Rathana Wood. Pet LBttan Hanson. Chief Maiden UUlan Jones. Chief Courtier Helen McNaugh ton. auevttfb. Betty Bttson. Marguerltai Mejmas, uotot MacDonald. Llnd Field. UUlan Davles Edna Strand. Ethel !orenouse Mary Bramner. TIwIbw Hadatrom. Dorothy Orira- bsi Ores Alias. Margaret Prestoni Irdtte Calbreath. Robert Kelsey. Fairy af Life Daphne Heuir meil. Palry of Darkness Eileen Ha sir Fairy of the Palace Betty Wood J"alry Guardians of the PrtoeeM Clara WlkdeJ. Amaranth Bury. Alice Oomez. Jean Sunben. EdUh Ferguson. Norma Archie. Bessie Smith. Micky Casey, .dele Mus- tauem BUen May B1. Marorie ' ook Velfna Thwber. Dorothy WU kle Jean Wtf rrcne Qlske, uomez. -Annie Stengel. Owyneth WaJker. fhyUis ambiin, Bleanor nven. uenrooe oaniclc. Jester Troop Arthur Davey Stanley Ward roper, Rupert Fulton Trrrv orunne. Hartey Lear, Rui. ; cell Cameron. Harr'd Ponder. Rob -rt raicins, Robert Oibson. Martin :Erickaog. Cast of Prologue Norma Wat tore, Jonn wuson. Patsy Nte holla, ueatrjee Raeernam, Ina Robert' son. Magnww etorsetb, Jean Me- untnmon, Bejtty Bremner. E3!e MorvokL Thelma Brown, Laura THE DAILY KEW9 i RETROSPECTION b advancing towards greater CANADA wealth, dener population and wider influence. In this great principle we place absolute confidence. 9 There are at least two vital factors assisting this growth: one, her immense water power and electric resources; the other, the development of the telephone. -In addition, there is rising to prime importance the transmission of sound by radio and by the talking pictures and public address systems. The Northern Electric Company is eagaged in the cuasfaeure of sest of the tefepboees aad tele, pbooe accessories ased ja die Doghdmki, a con stdcrable part of nW aucbiacry used in the transmission of seand by radio sad its aHied systems, and also mach of the material used for transmitting electric carrenc. VTe are gntefol thus to be employed in assisting the upbuilding of this great Dominion. Northern Electric COMPANY LIMITED A Htkml Eltctrieal Strt ict DO YOU tNOT 14l ttrrt sr m Csnsds txr s millmn snd s qasrttr UUfhtnrt, MtrlpOJDOQ TJi lt ttrr tbrtt btmdrtd fitrtltm Lit I trie tiling JkUrt iasUlUtitml mi my pkilu Jdrru ipUmt srt smttlUd in tit UsJimg hult fid in public muling f licit, $mch 01 amdUurimmt, tUJimmi, trnkt, tbanhct, IUJ Larsen, Beth Lord. Henry Mikkel-son. Pick Kirkehdal). Bobby Taylor, Christina Petersen. Owead- Ing present and thanked the par ents for their co-operation. She mentioned that there were many chHdren w ho did pot appear in the east out wno nag neipea greeuy. Before closing, Ms Mercer wished a)Uthose in attendance a Merry Christmas COURT AND THE PRESSu When a rather unsavory case came before him at the assizes this week, the Chief Justice took JSC aOBSON STRKET VANCOUVER. RC deems sach exclusion neeeasary or 'any cithen can Under our demo- coropaay daring the scpsdicat, and the Criminal Code cratle system of government, it can Prince Hooen. i n cruis gives a adge specific powers ef ex-' not be ravzzied. and. If oor syi-(th AUtntie Coast seap. r line Lear. Delpblne Leaf. Margaret j elusion when presUtog over suchjtera is to continae. it must not be the end of A pro. imi Smith. Norah Dougherty. Heeeajeaees as the one to point So. ttvijwualed. . SS. Priae Rebart arrived Ooetbr. Olga Lewis, Blfly Hunter, jehiaf iustiee was possibly vttblal The praseace of the press hi fax a few days ago after a AssempanlmenU by MaybeUc'the isttar of his right In exelud- court of law aa in a legislature. U.ftcxou the AUintic Weath Stiles. Ruth KeUoh. 'aog the pabMe and even the press, i a guarantee that ail is open and Uoas were not the best an.'. At the opening. M1m E. A. Mercer.! Just under what authority he sxirsbove baaed, that the. Jlbertis and Courtiers Inger Murvold. VivianJPrt"4?11 01 Booth Memorial SchootJereded all the orristors, who are rights of the public are safe. JU rMMwc wiiciiy. ofiq Tvmu ue i u ration ouimi o Ule coun as prwvBCC w unoniji iw piv eta lion at such a large avdlenee be-' he himself is. we do not profess ti tection of the Judge, the Jury and! know. That is a matter far the legal profession to deal with. Regarding the press, however, there is something mow to be said. There was a time vrben the press was excluded from meetings af Parliament. Later it was tolerated Then K established its right to be present, aad. In every legislative chamber there is accommodation for the pre -a. Dnder the letter of the law. tt is true, the areas ' tllf a stranger in Parliament, and any mesnber is entitled to note the presence of strangers aad to demand their exclusion. But no one ever does Th presence of the press is regarded as a guarantee the unusual course of clearing his that tre proceedings wtll be open Jonei eebrt says the Province editorial- end above b-jard-4nat .nothing IT The public, the press, even the i be done subtesSve 4f public members of the legal profession, save those actual? engaged in th? "ase, were excluded, and the accused was. left atone with his counsel, the judge, the jury and the officers immediately attached to the court. So far as can be remembered, the action of the chief Justice was unprecedented in British Columbia. Under the common law, the presiding officer of a court has the power to exclude the general public from his court-room when he rights and liberties. the officers of the court. Pabtteltv free and open pobuciiy Is th best antiseptic we have against the disease to which the body poMttc is subject, and Judges, politicians and others will make no mistake If they leave matters of publicity to the newspapermen who are accustomed to deal with them. These win not overstep the bounds. It l an affront to the press to have it suggested, as exclusion from a court-room suggests, that it does n't know Its own business. INTERCOAST EXCURSION It Is much the same in the Prince Robert to Make Crake From courts of law. The press U there i Halifax to Vancouver not out of mere curiosity, but as the the repreeeataUve and tribune of VANCOUVER, Dec 17: -Plana for People. It has not, as the Old a snacial excursion frnm trallfar tn Roman tribunes veto. But H port, to ventilate llate. eomment. If, in Its had, the right of Vanaouver via the Panama Canal 'lea ougfa teat was given the ne -' , Prince Robert wtll shnr:;-in the heavy winter trav. i British Wert Indies and or. M. " vttt sail fram Halifax on .1 4- cruise to 8oath America Thi- ' is sponsored by the fa; Chamber of Commerce and h-nadian Manufacturers' A and wttt be made up of cn . bustneas men interested m ?ui developing Canadian trao South America. A lengthy stop wMl be n H ! Buenos Aires where the pa:" have an opportunity to vi.: British Empire Fair wnicn i.-, opened by H. R. If. the Prino Wales. ' 86. Prince Robert wtll be t. 1 'Canadian passenger ship ( from a Canadian port to 6. ut: . erica. The Canadian governrnt i)' have taree show building ' fair at which the many exln Uie Canadian maoufact ir. -be shown. Many oUer ports i In South America will be m ' afford the visitors every opix rt tty of becoming famlMar wid trade nossibtlltles of UUn has the right to r-; with stepj at the BrlUsh West Indies 1 The party will return to H i ;v to make f aw, early next summer have been an- :on April 20. Shortly after thi reports or Its noanced bv A. il Allan n4utant the Prince Robert will art eemment. tt oversteps the bocn- Vneral manager, Canadian Ration-cruise t Vancouver where darlea of decency or fairness, ae- al Steamships. This cruise will be later enter the tri-clty servu-e w tmn ean be taken against it under. made on the third of the new tween Vancouver, Victoria sn - tne taw. it can be disciplined, ai, steamships constructed for the attle.