Si I: T3Z taASLY .mJ Get Your Local Merchant's Price Before Sending Your Money To Christmas Suggestions ttoca Sent STEVE KING SM 3d Anm W Grn tt C. C. Hifihil Msnitcr sbl against tie coJd 7: l !MP Thwrs only on defease aoJoat the cold vealharaad that's tat) proper land of ml Bay a tM of coal Inn as and Urn atoy at Old Man Winter. Mr an on the na. Order a toa af anal today and note that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone CIS Pillow Slips Runners and Doilies Handworked and hemstitched From 25c to $7.00 IDEAL GIFT SHOP 318 Third Avenue West I'hone Red 556 I) It, HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIAWST Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat At St Elmo Hotel Eyw Tested For Glasses A. Dybhavn, 510 8U1 W. Baa Mstfireaaes Betst Cuts 3ooaaadf Utan ItlsNotTooLate Te Have Tlwse Photos Takes Fw 0ri4raa-; Tear friends can buy anything yoa can give them except your pbounxaoh- BENSON'S STUDIO THrd Ave. W. Pbac W TIES, up from ... .95 GAKTER SETS . .SLOO SUSPENDERS . SLOO Eftf SaastfavaV HatonoaHksfTtfcaV, Seatfs, ale, m CWtau Wses read? fr Cupeu Odd Tatties JToor Luscps Baby ffcM deeoe Stj TT ipfi sag use: CfeSfi Widter Csz BmyThsag Ice 4 MacKenzie's Furniture BANTING IS J Your Xmas Gifts Mr4 te fit ys LEO CONTOLI afceth St Than MI DESERVINGi Kmfxl CatVce af Scrgteat Giw Caaadasa Pint H usury LOXDOJC Dee. 17 In tun with the eoafernag of the Honorary Fellowship of toe Royal CoOea of Surgeons of Dr F O. Wanting, physician. Tore to. diaaw of keaoltn, and Proleanr of the Bent-lac Beat Chair of Research. Cat veraity of Toronto. 07 the efl of the Royal CoBege editorially aaafcea fa- and an Dr Baatmc the first aMasfcer of the CoDeae ever that nonored. He ha keen a aamfcer of the Roral Coi lege Mtecal yean. The honor," says The Thaei - signal; no other mrrnktr of the GoOeae hat even before it, hot the dtseosvrer of certainty d strand, no leas at tb bands 'of BrMa surgeons. MH wort, as Lord sspyniban cot. has a direct bearing on tb araetlee af surgery. It was 1 passable In the first instance by the aenieveaeots of Lister la tu it is an ippaeation of of the ledae to the of etiaieal practice, aw therefore stores ata that syn threat of effort which Is the Lord Moyaibaa. who has reaestUy returned from Canada, refer to the laatre which Dr. Banttns vork has abed on medtcil research in that land. j Th dUrorrrv af an effnettve treauneat of diaaeta s eertainly ratt0 the most important contribution o therapeuUcs hieb has so Ur been made by any of the British Dominions. It stands, apd will stand, as an Inspiration and an example to the hondraos of eater young vprfcsrt who, in Canada, m Aqa-'tcaha, k Mew Zealand, m 800th lAfrka, and in other parts of the HAVE YOU TRIED , A CLASSIFIED?! More and more people are turning to the classified columns of the Dally News to fine) what they want. Used cars, furniture for sale, lost and found, houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. All sorts of things are advertised there. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try It today, ft .VHfr 1 FCC half of the leacwe sebedale. am tal amounts wagered at race trawu aurtag the Sit days' racmg sea son. Dear eases in figures amount tn 117473 MM or IT nar Mitt u T SPORT NEWS now held by the brUUant Adaoaes of New Westminster. B. In their first two fames that sea- ison, in ifairty tough league. Toners ti- fii a pUed op 7t potoU aaaiqat 2 k.i ik. .n 'or their opponents, Weathrooke and " ... iDodcers The teams scoters so far. Games Total Average "r"?; , JL!L7 XL f11" n hidication of the likely, ia isan na v w. - - ia naae fiat " ,1 Uorne It, Woollejr. 1: Carries, 7;, ThororxoC?"' Wllaon. 4; Brown. 1; SPORT CHAT Statistics of race track bettinc. m Canada for im issued by the TsefYa rtvrLsnt raf AVsvHsiiHnvw fat iV Satptfe. are dedieatint their Uyes tan a .cUn. m to- to the prevention and cure of daw Lemon Pies Before Noon on Wednesday The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone 667 Phillips 9 Whist Innovation Was Interesting 'I' ickets ! For Someone Somewhere en this page, in twe different advertbe-reest w8l be fewad the names of two residents of litis (My. B&areine-tiie advertisements carefully and find the nam eg If fyre persons whose names are In the advertUinent wiH caM at the Dally News Office they wiH be pretested with a ticket to either the Capita Theatre er twe tickets for games at either of the golf course, they to ehoose which one they desire. These tlcke4 are FREE. LEGION HAS Toilers Will Make BIG VICTORY Strong Bid For Defeated Grette 1211 UMCteBS-hard Lea rue Matefa Remits af Leaaae fixtare WaaeJi Orottet J. Andrews 141 Murray 3M Howe 112. Tapani Otmfr 11. BapUe 2V9 Totals. Orotto. M Hlah Break. Zteman. M. This match concbMes the Basketball Crown 1 WUTMPBO BCttus Btlhard tireaas Ti f Dec n-Wauupees Dieht's OHfTf, wno nave keen as follows: 'ssanaooa Damtbao cnampsons It. at Aadreva ' farther back than moat of the team jaenwers care to recall, are on the trail of another title The Toilers, who have not had a Dominion years, are oat to annex the yepars. are oat to annex the WHOLESALE PRICES DOWN OTTAWA. the of of The Nethtrtaaa OrcaA Britain p mean rk Oaaada Italy Unstad States France Geraaaay Norway Dee 17 There ia the wholraale pri-i commodities throuchoat the Iseittnf coaatrte- of sartof th yoar im, as foaews: per eent . 2JS W4 1SJ 1J lie Man in the Moon If I were a bear I would hug you. dear. And you'd like the bug. On that I'm clear. compared with 19W The decline In LwUe ,8 Just one tear for Mary. dear. betting was more marked hi Que- "nuui p",u A . !?" "eb held ffif-Per no terrors. bee than in other sections of Can- wmBl -7 Bfte uved an old malft Mo" c, n Al ada. For the six tracks which form the Quebec circuit this years e- whist, . the k started TJT playing J-T 71 pro- i Sbje died an old maid. Na ntn. no bits, m errors. tbtJBtebt JrtkJ, to the . OnUrh."WTg ,"..."T!-,7,L'r-' . "wou. 01 an tne nerve.-sne saw. circuit the decline was only 15 ,LTT ZL ZJ L7. ne wPPa n 1 w per cent.; the free tracks from the TS?!? nUtry to kiss me again.- i British Columbia circuit showed a fTfK 1 wt,au whlat W i "AU rtf be reptted, toeekly, -If the prairie provtoeee Ohe decline n Utt & ,my Mp I" f. "5" SJ!! snd Vlrs. Richard OUke. inWIow U Bill getting on wtUt . T "re In proseatMe whstj. the prise hlsgem ! lyjh(Z?;ilZ ' W4L ! DotHPh. quite yeU. The children- o; 'vt vt -7; r-unneu: sevono, Hn, waifw, are allowed "T.W la watch him now. 1 I Correspond! very close- nmt Joe-Osren; seapnd. J.j J WTl,M, w7 l,!L,toura1' r The class was studying magnet- P . recelpt-ior' There wera tables of cards.1 -RJrtT "ed IS Xr .y.v. . L "ri w www. . - now. many natural magnets are i iu ,- with $1 536.497 ' 89 In 1W0. a da- monies thr there. I crease of 13 per cent. Racing as-; After sard playing, there was a itociatlons retained from the oar-imock auc(lan with Jack Preece as ,mutuel pools a total of $2,667W56 the awtttearer. i while the total amount paid In There M than amusleal pro jprlte money to winning aoesec was gram to ffiph Mtaseg Nsflle and Jl 722X. In other words, approx- Molly Uwtaaas osntrHutd alth lmalely 43 of the total receipts violin and put no duets, William I from, gate money In the parl-mu- Beaumont with 'callo os and Mr. ,tue! percentage was paid out by and Mnv-J A. TtfW wHh vocal the racing associations as prmeldueta. Mrst . S. Bteck was aecon. matiey. panist. "Two str.i' was the surprising And will you please name them?" and brunejlee, U" J C. Sf It, TttAJxJ., From EasU-fiundays.1 .Tuesdayj nd Tbursdayi, J;5Q p. For Eaitr-Mondsys. Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11:30 am. im ... wai ii . harei! ma MfT tret (based to date. I The Msmita . JaUMJM XjpajBjBJt mentbiy reports i There has beea bat a stlaht normal aannal merease in jtion, and this small normal percen-jtaar ojf sncreaae Is noted at a time ! when the wfntanws for trade and laaasasasee were the highest nughoat the world. It will also nntaJ thai tttamm haa h n a mi. tM itersal reductton m the production of jstvar awrtac sack month of im. I vtthowt reealtmc any Increase tn the market price of tins product. ProdaeUon I Uniform The sbibtibc uniformity of the 'annual production of silver jthrou4OBt the world militates sgatatt any theory that ah over-prod action of surer could possibly have brought about the depression There was a time when certain Q-aaneten and eoatiomlsts imagined that there was aa anamited amount This Bmraiag I met aq opUmtrt. of aQrer somewhere that might be ' He said he thought we should soon mined and dumped upon the world, strike bottom and then conditions but4he werkfs annual production waold begin to Improve. He said: (er 30 years proves the fallacy of "Wheat k a pretty good barometer soy such presumption, of hustnset. Just now moat of the, farmers are getting about forty ' cents a bash jnd it is going down 1 .. , C( . , ,, at the rate ol atyt a dollar a pay i !i ? ' At that 'rate' It seeon erklent we Cteb Last XUht 1 and Proved i,, aboot farly try Enjoyable day." 1 TwoPensinOne Poclet Cap and Clip are Included ut'th Every Partcr Detk pen No Extra Charge Come to our pen counter and let in show you how Parker's Double Duty" Duofold can instantly be changed from a Desk Pen to a Pocket Pen-how Pstker Detk Sets now give you two pens in one at no increase in price. Complete sets. Including Free Pocket Cap and Clip, $6,75 and up. McCutchcon's Drugs Second Avenue and Sixth Street Telephone 79 Outsider A Floor Lamp For Chrises 0r steek of beautiful feorgt-v witii brass or wamut rtandardf : flection. Watch Our Windows For Gift Sue, - Barrie's Home Furnish'p Third Ave. k First SL FOR FALL AND CHRISTMAS H SAHARA DRY GINGER - A . Trne Frost Drink Unexcelled By Ar.y Per Dozeu SlSt, Delivered A Trial Order WiB Convince v BEAVER BOTTLING W0PKS Telephone 132 Prince R SITUATION IN SILVER TaWtv hsU twcii no oiqtpkqAwc ttaa of atirer. aeca&sad aenator Key FWaaaa of Xevada over the radio reeeatty. The svcrnment stattetics saow Oaat the world atodaetton of years is as n 1 1 1 1 j ; A DAY IaGwtfT . Soake n Prises Opr - Gent; Sfesaf P-Heaaratal L . Sunken Q: v :T,t.fllMtBMari 1 4SU AuJitc. GOLF C( Just the pUc 1 JisyabW evra.-u eeeafertaW' u- AUDIT GOLF ( f L. J. MARUi n -NOWC' Rupert F :T: Chips fOid (Xu: Open - 12 r R. R. BTR.U l 301 3rd Ave F ROW"'" Sheet 3U ta! Store Ftpea, c- 'K 1 Rlaek Obews Baking Pans K. Halben : 310 TlilKii V' Telepti.-n. ' Office 34 Get Your Chr,' mas Decoration Christmas Card' Cull Tina rot.'. Wrappings ami Candles and Ck ' mas Boxes at The Reeal Shop MR. & MU8. JOHN . 300 Btook. Thin! .vi Phone