Wednesday, December 17, 1930. Classified Advertisements. Business and Professional Men s Guide. Legal Notices A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL. CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FJIRNITURE INTO CASH. TRY JTl FOR RENT FIAT FOR RENT Wallace Block. Enquire store. tf FURNISHED Apartments for rent. Apply Mussauem urocery, rnone 1U tt) FLAT for rent four rooms and bnth, Sixth and Fulton. Phone ' !43. tf FOR RENT Modern house, 3 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bras. tf FOR RENT Clean well furnUhtd modern apartments. Palm Apartments. Phone Red 444. t f To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments i'rc use of electric light and wa -her Rentals $10 to $16 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. FOR SALE FOR SALE Utile old Gume hi mot. Price $6. Dally NeW U A FEW bundles of old newspapers In sale. Dally News. tf SITUATIONS WANTED PROPERTY repairs. Plain furniture made. J. WUkle, Phone Black 707. 392 PRIVATE stenographer. S16 ,6U Ave. West, P. O. Box 306. 29i THF J. R. Watklns Company re-quires the services of a real Live man to serve and sell hw-ureds of aetiefted customers tn uie city of Pitaee Rupert. Hits is a real opportunity for a raanj ho want to get Into a paying business of bis own. For fur -er information appiy The 3. R.J Witklns Company, 876 Hornby; Vancouver, VJC. 93 U J . . X - m- ' . - ' HELP WANTED government positions a Pitmen, Clerks, Stenographers. ' ustoms.'and Immigration Offt-1 rials. Free Booklet tells how w (.' t them. Obtainable only from fir oldest Canadian Civil Service Correspondecee Sehool, MjC.i C Ltd.. 401 Kensington Dldg. Winnipeg. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. U ROOM and Board. Phone Red 139. tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine , w M RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Pbone 204. U SAJ VACE AN IV TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Aeents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descrlp tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoe for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidee Propellers Band and Orate! In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Nitty 564 ' P.O. Box 1564 AUCTIONEER FRINGE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household Roods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just Phone Black 120 and we will call. o. J, DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Block. tf LOST t. ' r WOULD party who took blue Chinchilla coat (by mistake) from the Booth School Tuesday evening, kindly phone 137 or i return same to Inlander. 293 LOST Black Leather Purse containing 50c. ana a number of papers. Kindly return to Dally News. 293 MISCELLANEOUS OOOD Home can be. found for kitten, preferably few month? old. Apply Daily News. tf 3IUSIC 8INOINO Lessons evenings. J. E Davey, Phone Black 396. J 17 CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female' and Chlidrwis Diseases Specially (.Treated IV, C. AS PI NAIL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 211 0 & 7 Exchange BIr. Opp. Orme's) SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 331 CLEARANCE SALE On Friday, December 19th, 1930 at the Auction Rooms, Federal Mock, Third Ave., Commencing at 2:30 p.m. New Chesterfield Suite. New Dining Room Suite. 1 Electric Range (Westlnghouse). 1 Singer Sewing Machine. Auto Knitter. 1 Bfeetrk Lamp. 3-Burner OH Stove wth Oven. 2 Dressers. 2 Beds complete. Wicker Chair. Arm Chair, Kltehen Table and Chairs. . Brick Lined Heater. Phonograph and Record.. GEO. J. ILUVES AUCTIONEER PHONE: BLACK 120 t ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EAHLY t Copy for display advertise- menu should be In the hands of the printers not later than 3 p.m. the day prior to publl- v. . - canon. I nis IS neccaaury wj r t ( able best positions to be se- cured. t BRINGING UP NEW BOOKS OH CANADA t Gift f Club Helps. Localllibrary to Bay Books The following Canadian books atre i purchased with a gift made y the Women's Canadian Club to the Prince Rupert Public Library; "Fur Farming for Profit," Q. H. Ashbrook. "Jungling In Jasper," L. J. Burpee. "Ballads and Lyrics" Bliss Carman. 'The Spell of- Acadia," F. O. Call. '. "Candid Chronicles," Hector 3har&worth. "Bits Carman," James Cappon. "The Civil Service of, Canada X. M.' Dawson. "Safcuenay," Blowden Davles. "Canada's Fighting Airmen," O. ' K. Drew. "Complete Poems," W. H. Drum-mond. The Turn of the Year," F. P. Jrove. "Over Prairie ' Trails," F. P. Jrove. 'The Intelligence Service With lBOOOOOOOH000HKHCKKir0KiorK 0HOOWrtHweHWOHWOCK5000HXKH000 Shop Prince Rupert for Christmas prices to keep centres of This is a jjood Christmas is eager men and Most Prince times. Many are because their they wish for Friends need the past. Some Those who are because at have time Read the Daily you in your PRINCE merchants ar pffering some great values this year. Many of them have dropped their pace with the reductions made in the great population. ' time to buy. Get the shopping done before too near and the stores are crowded with women anxious to grab for anything. Rupert people are not affected by the hard better off today than they were last year money goes farther. They can buy more if their salaries remain the same. remembering just the same this year as in of them need it more. able to do so would do well to shop mornings that time the merchants and their assistants to attend to your wants. . News advertisements, for they will help selection. DDaaaM0OQOooaaoa4MOOMaoo6oaoo6oaMoo0 ioaooooooooooaoooopaooocioaaooooooooooooaooooaooooaci0ooooiooaocHaoooooooooooooooo "CSf MO&T HAVE THEM uTTtRa - keep ijookim' tS(M rER.'E.M- foO HAQ'.BM mm "aOMEWH-Bx, FATHER I I IIM. L J in the Canadian Corps, 1914-1919," J. E. Habn. ' "Dramatic Episodes in Canada's' Story," c. W. Jefferys. "Economic Prosperity of the British Empire," Stephen Leacock. "TheIr6n Man and the Tin Woman," Stephen Leacoclf. "Lord Durham," C. w. New. "Compete rVeiri" Marjorle PickthaU. "Adventures in Service," George. Pringle. "Canada and Newfoundland (Cambridge History of the British Empire)," J. H. Rose, ed. "I'm Alone," Jack Randell. ."Collected yerse," R. W. Service. "The Rise and Fall of New France," G. M. Wrong. The Canadian Almanac for 1930. Some of these books are not yet on the shelves. LOCAL ITEMS Peter Lorenzen, who has been on a three weeks' trip to his farm near Sydney, Vancouver Island, returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge from the south. Mrs. Gordon Jolllffe, who arrived earlier In the week from Vancouver, will sail tonight on the ss. Prince William for her home at Queen Charlotte City. Today and Shop , at Home RUPERT DAILY WVAV.M ME. UCJOVb Kl VE. TROMVC RMOS 'tM' SMtS'UU SURPRISED -OUT bHG TAOW MEVER KK1QW ; POT POT Int'i fttmrt Strtm. 1m CfMi Erlum tnV( nutvw KM The Weather Prince Rupert Raining, moder ate southwest wind; barometer, 3fl!20.' sea smooth. Dead Tree i Point Cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.10; THE MARKET temperature, 40; light swell. 1 Yellow Newton, fancy, box 2.75 Triple Island Strong southwest1 Newtons "C" 2.65 j wind; sea rough; fine rain. jJonathans, fancy box 3.00 1 Langara Island Light rain, HghtlStayman's Wlnesaps, box 3jOO southwest wind; moderate sea. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THZ MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF GEORQE SKIDOFF DECEASED ALIAS BOKYS SKIZAK ALIAS JURKO BKI-ZAK ALIAS JURKO SKIOUT. NOTICE U hereby given that all ptr-wna having claims against the above janwd late of Anchorage, Territory ct Alaska, United Stat ot America, and .ormerly of the City of Prince Rupert, tit the Province of British Columbia, Canada, who died at Anchorage afore-oestloned on the 5th day of February 1629, are required to jtend particulars hereof, duly vertlfled. to the under-Jgned on or before the 6th day of January, 1931. after which date it wUl proceed to distribute the asset of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the data of which It shall then have bad notice. DATED at Vancouver. BO., this 17th day of November, AJJ. 1930. MONTREAL Tlt08T COMPANY, 61 Pender Street West, Vancouver, B.C. "'ll BKiaou, ueceasea within tl tb.j Province of British Columbia. n26. d3-10-17. i NEWS THITi ARS. MOT VOMITIVE VUE LOOKED k4kCV4 lf-Ji':-t "TMOl IVRiafSnirir' S4 Following are retar prices current , here today: I i Fruits Apples, Rome Beauties' ",C" $2.50 Spltzenberg, fancy .. 2.75 Spitzenberg "C 250 Winter Bananas, fancy 2.75 Delicious, fancy . 3.35 Delicious "C" 2.75 Washington Oranges 15c to $1.20 Lemons, Sunktet, doe 40 Florida Grapefruit lzVfee to .au California Grapefruit, .. 8c to .15 J Bananas, 2 lbs. ......'...! Cranberries lb. .30 , Extracted honey, per Jar 36 Comb honey 2 2b 1 Dates, bulk. lb. ... .lJVi ! Raisins, bulk, lb .16 1 Emperor Grapes, lb. .;.. 20) Jap Oranges 1)0 Bundle ...i.a-... , . .. .'jeM Almonds, shelled Valencia rL. 50 California soft shelled walnuts .3ft I Walnuts, broken shelled 35 : Walnuts, shelled halves 40 Peanuts .is ITAffaahloe ! Potatoes, netted Jems. 9 lbs. 2S sack 250 farsiey, Duncn 10 : Hothouse Cucumbers, each .... .35, BXJ. Celery, head 16 Hubbard, squash, lb V7 Garlic, imported, per lb 40 Cabbage, B.C D6 Onions, 6 lbs California, head lettuce, hd, 1" Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. 25 Brusseles Sprouts Artichokes, Globe, doz 2.60 j- Bulk, Turnips, 7 lbs Jal Cauliflower, B.C, head .. M to Jft Oreen Peppers lb .. M Parsnips, 4 lbs .25 Carrots, 6 lbs j. jBeets, lb .& Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. j... M, Flour-Flour, 49s, No. 1 bard wheat .... 1.90 1 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs M Lard- Pure .. 35 : Compound JSj Egos B.C. fresh pullets, doz. B.C. fresh first, doz. ... .00 j B.C. fresh extras, doz. TOi Local new laid, doz. .. . .78 Feed-Wheat, No. 3 Alberto 2.25 ... r ,11 a. no, a, lUDerta, . 2.10 Oats 355 Bran 25t Shorts 25f Middlings 2.73 Barley 25ti Laying Mash 1.. 3.6? Oyster shell 2.10 Beef scrap 455 Ground oil cake 4.50 Fine oat chops 2.65 Crushed oats 3.6S Fine barley chop 3.40 Dried fruits-Lemon and orange peel ...4... 50 Black cooking figs, lb. .19 Citron peel ., j 5 White figs, lb J .11 Currants, lb. . S Apples, dried .3 Peaches, peeled 5t Apricots, lb 59 Prunes, 60-70, lb .10 Prunes, 30-40. lb 15 Prunes, 40-50, lb 12Vi Sugar-Yellow, 100 lbs .. 450 White. 100 lbs 5.40 Butter-No. 1 creamery, lb 43Vi No. 2 creamery. 3 lbs 1.13 Cheese ll.TnMn'a m I nm mvuticu a wicnui, toc sum juo ( Camembert, 8-oz. pkg. 0b : Kraft Llmberger. Hs 5e . By George lookac;m- kjil that EARCU AU-TMB VOL) QR1P-OlO KsjaJawi LOOK IKl qoR BI Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to tuy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. SEX TYPEWRITERS No nlwt value ran apprirfwh lite (pedal REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $73.00 Vrry ray terms All other niakei from 3IJ.00 tjUMiSTRAxn .tnnixn MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VAxcoifVER. nr. MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading While House 323 Second Ave. Telephone 767 1931 Wallpapers Now in stock SltVERSIDES BROS. Third Avenue Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croguignole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $750 Stalled artists in all branches of ' beauty culture 311 Third Street Phone Blue 561 Wood and Coal Cheer upt The best was coming. Now It's nere 'Try our new coal Just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 : l . m Ontario solids 50 New Zealand aortas 50 Stilton, fa. .40 Kraft .. : .45 Norwegian goat .60 Vapoleon Llmberger , .70 oquefort . 50 iwtft' BrooWield, lb. .45 iorgoazoia, tt. . 50 lraokfiesd Swiss, Vi-th. iikg... 50 iruyare .45 iSmokfleld Canadian cheese. 55 JoWen Loaf, lb .45 Meats rml Wo. 1, lb 38c and .40 ftoaattag chicken, lb . .45 Broilers .45 Ham, sliced, first grade 55 tlam. picnic, fin grade 50 Cottage rolls, lb , 55 Baeoa, side, sliced, best grade '.60 Veal, loin ;45 Pork shoulder .35 Pork, dry salt . 55 Ayrshire bacon, lb. 55c to 50 Veal shoulder 50 Pork, loin A$ Pork, leg .40 Beef, pot roast ...22c to 55 Beef, tolling 15c to 53 Beef, roast, prime rib . 55 Lamb, shonwer 55 Beef, steak 55c to .45 Crabs. 3 for 55 Lamb, lt g . .45 Lamb chops .40 Mutton, shoulder 50 Msh- Smoked kippers, lb .15 Kippered white salmon, lb. . 53 McManus ouO TRwmk? I avS-amhcjor i 'WORM rlT. t I J ' 1 I : jj i 111