PAGE FOTO THE DAILY NEWS Pnnce Rwert two hits for that number of runs to take the lead in their half. Vancouver was on top again with two runs in the seventh and Prince Rupert evened it up with one in the eighth. Thus they stood three all until Denny Wendle busted up the hectic party in ihe eleventh by knocking out a homer with nobody on board. fir rT inner a Of Exciting Baseball Game from Vancouver Eleven Inning Encounter, Memorable In Sporting Annals of City, Broken Up Yesterday Afternoon By Benny Wcndlc's Circuit Clout In the most wildly exciting game ever played in the baseball history of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert beat the stellar Vancouver Athletic Club nine by a score of four to three yesterday afternoon. It was the second game of the series of three which is being played in the Fair Week sports program here. A crown which packed the stands cheered themselves hoarse and hoarser from the very start to the eleventh inning finish of an encounter which virtually scintillated with thrilling situations and brilliant plays. honors to date resting easy. Richardson pitched fine ball and got himself out of some terrible holes. On two occasions, with a man on third, and one of them Vancouver made 10 hits and ! with the bases loaded and none out, Prince Rupert 11. One error wa3!ne held the locals scoreless. Lamble marked up against each side. Van- pitched a fine game also, tightening couver had its pitching ace, Bill j up m the pinches Richardson, Big League recruit, In , Por the locals. Downie and Lob-the box while Prince Rupert pitch- iick each hit safely three times, the cd its own Bill Lambie. former getting two doubles, while The third and final game In the j George Howe got two safeties. Pap- OIL RURNERS Agents for the famous "Itay ncttaer" for industrial plants, hotels, apartment houses, etc. and the silent "Yerk," fully automatic, for residences. We guarantee a saving of from one-third to one-half in fuel consumption. Enaulrles Solicited Walter Longwill " Heating Engimer Phone 581 P. 0. Box 7SP Smith & Mallett LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Engineers Automatic Domestic Oil Furnaces Telephone 174 Shew Room 259 Third Av. W. GIFTS Visitors to town, do not fall to inspect our snappy stock. IDEAL GIFT SHOP Third Avenue 75 TAXI 75 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Careful and Courteous Drivers LUXURIOUS CARS- - VISIT THE Sunrise Grocery FULTON STREET Illgh'Claui Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc, Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc Quality and .Service Motor Delivery P.O. Hox 129 rilONRS:321and 760 DENTISTRY Dr. Maguirc Over Ormt's Drug Store Telephone 323 Lady Assistant Rapid Dental Srrvlec XerTSKfffraWd Cole each collected two. hits for pie visitors. ' First Inning Papke hit the first ball pitched to deep centre for two bases. Cross lifted one out to Arseneau. Jacob-sen hit a high fly which Lamble caught. HaU drew a base on balls. Lewis struck out. No runs, one hit, no errors. Prince Rupert Wendle fouled out to Hall, W. Mitchell and Downie both struck out, Richardson's drop completely fooling them. No runs, no hits, no errors. Second Inning V: A. C Perkins hit the first ball to centre for a single. Cole doubled to right, Perkins stopping at third. Richardson hit one to Bill Mitchell which he mUtOd, Perkins scoring. Mitchell threw home to eaten Cole at the plate and Downie threw to second and Richardson was caught out at first by Lobllck. McKissock walked. Papke was thrown out at firsts Lamble tj "Lgbjkk. One run, two hits, one error. 11 Prince Rupert Lobllck singled. Vancouver opened the scoring with a run in the second Lambie walked, ftowe struck out while Prince Rupert clouted outo :L j Arseneau was tnrown out. Hall to series will be played this evening I Cross, both ruwwn advancing. A. and if ever there were prospects for Mltcjiell hit a Tsqras Leaguer to left a big attendance at a ball game in I00 runners scoring, and he took this old town it is today with the second on the throw-In. Chenoski! went out to Cross, unassisted. Two runs, two hits, no errors. Third Inning V. A. C Cross struck out. Jacob-sen rolled one down the first base line and hit the ball as he passed it and was called out for interference. Lamble threw out Hall. No runs, no hits, no errors. Prince RuperWWendle fanned. W. MLtchell went out to Cross unassisted. Richardson threw out Downie. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fourth Inning y. A. p. Lewis singled to centre. Perkins made his second single of the game. Cole and Richardson both were out on infield flies to W. Mitchell. McKissock drove one out to the left field fence which Arseneau caught without having to move 10 feet. No, runs, two hits, no errors. Prince Rupert Lobllck went out, Jaopbsen u Cross. Lambie struck but. Howe singled to right. Arsen- jau struck out. No runs, one hit, no errors. Fifth Innlnj V. A. C Wendle threw out Pap ke at first. Cross was out, W. Mit chell to Lobllck. Jacobsen filed out to Chenoski. No runs, no hits, no er rors. Sixth Inning runs, no hits, no errors. Prince Rupert Downie drove one down the third base line for two bases. Loblick was safe on an infield hit along the third base line. I.nmhlA ti'allroH filling tAm Mum ASEBALL GA Irim E'lite Rcauly Parlor MRS. SUTHERLAND Expert Ma reeling, Finger and Water Waving Telephone 199 SHOEMAKING & REPAIRING Best Materials and Workmanship Louis Schihig 332 2nd A. M ES Acropolis Hill v In Connection With Fair Vancouver Athletic Club Versus Prince Rupert All Stars This Afternoon Friday 5:30 p.m. BROWN'S SODA FOUNTAIN Next to Capitol Theatre Try Our Double Rich Malted Milk Shakes and Sodas PHOTO FINISHING IIY KXl'tillTM HrmX vnur I'llm and I'liotoWork To XVratlmll I'lmla I'lnlnhlnc I'rlnrr lturft. II.C. Qimlity Oimrnti( d Price plate. Jac6bseft singled" to "right Cross scoring. Hall flicd'out to Ar seneau: It was a fine catch. Two runs, three hits, no errors. Prince Rupert Chenoski struck out. Wendle tiled out to Cole. Bill Mitchell struck out. No runs, no hita, no errors. Eighth Inning V. A. C Lewis struck out. Perkins went out. W. Mitchell to Lobllck. Cole singled and stole second. Richardson struck out. No runs, one hit, no errors. Prince Rupert Downie singled and went to second when Cross let Richardson's throw get past him. Lobllck hit one down the Uilrd base line and Downie was safe when Richardson tried to catch him at Prince Rupert Richardson tos-1 third. Lamble struck out. Howe hit sed A. Mitchell out at first. Chen- to right. Downie scoring. Richard -oskl singled through the pitcher's ! son threw out Arseneau at first. A. box. Wendie was robbed of a hit by Mitchell hit one to Richardson who Jacobsen s fine catch In left field, i tagged Loblick, trying to make W. Mltchcil hit a hard drive to right : home. One run, two hits, one error which McKissock caught. No runs, one hit, no errors. Ninth Inning V. A. C. McKfcsoek was out on a liner to Lambie who made a nice top. Straight, batting for Papke filed out to Lamble. Perkins walkSl.tHmv. ., t..3?u wV- r"! raV' y 10 vv Mllcneu- him out too.'Cross was out. Chen Howe and Arseneau both struck out! lout' ?tots . Lcw,i? Ale Mitchell was out, Papke ' to Cross. No runs, two hits, no errors. Seventh Inning oskl to Lobllck. No runs, no hits, no errors. Prince Rupert McKissock now playing second base and Straight In right field. Chenoski was thrown I caught Wendle's fly to centre. W. i Mitchell was out, Richardson to Cross. No runs, no hits no errors. V. A. C Richardson struck out.j. Tenth Inning McKissock was thrown out, Chen- j V. A. C Jacobsen walked. IlrWi oskl to Loblick. Papke singled to; struck out. Lewis was thrown out centre. He stole second, and scored Lamble to Loblick. Jacobsen going on Cross' single to centre. Cross go- to second. Perkins hit a hot one t lng to second on the throw to the short that Wendle got. maknm wonderful catch. No runs, no hits, no errors,. Prince Rupert Downie hit his second double down the third base line. Lobllck repeated hti former trick of an Infield hit, Downie gw lng to third. Lamble struck out. Howe struck out. Arseneau walked, filling the bases. A. Mitchell struck out. No runs, two hits, no errors. Eleventh Inning V. A. C Cole file dout to W. Mit chell. Richardson hit a double to left and went to third on slow fielding. McKissock struck ou. Downie eaught Straight's foul near the fence. No runs, one hit, no er rors. Prince Ruoert Chenoski struck out. Wendle hit one to deep centre for a home run. One run one hit, no errors. It was a great pitchers' battle all the way with honors even until Wendle smacked that one In the eleventh. Qorge Arseneau nailed a couple of pretty ones In left field, the one Hall hit along the foul line and Mc-Kissock's fly which he was camped under, sitting on the fence post. TO ALL "v: s. a, si usHsr - i w . t in acv 95! 4 BARRIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS THE LARGEST FURNITURE STORE IN PRINCE RUPERT Invitos you to a Fall Showing of new dMirjns in , house furnishings Thlrd.Jlvenue & First Street Telephone 123 "Exclusive Hut Not Expensive" VISITORS TQ FAIR DON'T FAIL TO SEE -ANNETTE- Shoes, Hats, Coats, Dresses, Lingerie and Furs ANNETTE LADIES WEAR COMPANY LIMITED Third Ave. & Fifth St. Two Stores 703 Eighth Ave. W. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. . Chevrolet and Buick Automobiles Good Used Cars Boat Engines Goodyoar Tires Raybostos Brake Linings Export Mechanics Telephone 52 w Reliable Wrecking 1 -J INI AWnFR J)YI1IIAVN & HANSON FIRE iNSUUANCE 830 Second Avenue j ' STEAMSHIP VQENTS ROAIM) AND ROOMS- NOTARY PUI1LIO ' A home away from homo Prince Rupert, R.o. 'l The Fair Program will he published each day in The Daily News V. A. C Prid;. Papke 2b. Cross lb. Jacobsen s., Hall 3b. Lewis cf. Perkins c. Cole If. Richardson p McKissock i f Straight rf. Totals I One out wh. i, ed In elevem i, P. It Wendle ss. W. Mitchell 2b Downie c. Loblick lb Lamble p. Howe rf. Arsmeau If A. Mitchell cf Chenoski 3b Totals -Jaeobsen r third. V. A. C. 0 1 11 P. R. ... 0 2 11 Summary Tu Cole, Richiwili. i: 1 run. .Wcndli . I Cole; base en , j Richardson bie 8, Rich r: I bases. VA C 1 j ball. Downie ' 12:16; umpire.-phens. That wa-Wendle- In ' nose-dived ,ir BOX SCORF M 4 . t 'nt ADS fit We merchants ot Prince Rupert join in extending our thanks to out of town visitors for their patronage and suggest that they loot Charles P. Balagno Teacher of PIANOFORTE Term commences Sept. 2nd. Telephone flrcen 280 HONEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY ROYAL YORK Made. to sure Clothes, Suit ' $9750 or Overcoat " JOHNSTON APPROVBD Made to Measure Clothes, Suit or Over- SO ceo coat Made and Guaranteed to fit by W. R- Johnston Ltd, Osntf- da's oldest clothing house Bole Agent STEVE KING m and say good-bye before they leave the city. JVe hope to see you all again next year. SPRINGS! For any el u ' trueks. Repair r. inlcrts-l retempering new ?prin;l work guasant cd. North Star Spring Works J First Ave. I' P Prince Runr-t BX N. M. McLeai IJ0AT IJl II DEB Seal Cove ..... ...... ' l under riM'f 1 Any class boot in able 1 HoaU For Sale. Kn Bm SUITS, SHIRTS Real Raincoats for partw-ui.. nif" Sec Win. uld WEE TAILOB SHOP Near Tost VISIT Valentin Dairy Fresh Milk nifl Cream. M f itr mil t'f" Ruttcr. Summit If a QUALITY ana sfltVK Phone '7