PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION H.F. PULLEN .,--n?r SUBSCRIPTION RATES v. By mail to ai other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advancej.per year J'l 6 By mail to all other countries, per year .... 7, By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. paid in adtance for yearly period 'V?? Or four months for : . . 1 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month City delivery,' by mail or carrier yearly perjojjuance $5. Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone ..86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations eng or barley and vinces. desires warm -&tW .!!..!... 1 00 50 .001 &! .501 00 j Monday, May 12, 1930 CURIOUS POLITICAL SITUATION A curious political situation has arisen in Vancouver. uaio as uiaiijr uiaiutuo arc enaeav- sist growth. ortoK to reLtUi from starting Weather ih the Peace River coun-coarsc grain string until weeds try has been cloudy and cool with a have had a dunce to sprout. few light rains and wheat seeding All Manitoba has had good gen- varies from 50 to fully completed eral rains and wheat already above The soil has plenty of moisture and ground varies from 501. to 75 of I conditions are favorable Pastures the total acreage sown In some dls- j are lush and ah classes nf iiv. tricts. Coarse grain seeding In some districts ls nearing completion while in others this operation ls only beginning. Frost was recorded at numerous points on May 5 but I William Dick, member of the legislature and elected on ... ECZEMA Boils, Pimples and ilia njpdon! muh from blood Ia pnridn. To ckorauhlyclaai lb blood nd rid tht kia of bl.mi.hM ukt TRU-BLOOD And apply BucLl.r'. OiaMMM 10 to. .kin. A food OnM lo hefiauMoir, You will mnrt mt ch rotates m& cbo lmprf!n,tt in hukfc. TRU-LOOD Kmm coim 11.00. th Oini. mm 50c. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST 77ie Letter Box PEACE RIVER ISLANDER. SEALS AND SEA LIONS I B Editor, Dally News: During the coming summer the present government will call a general election. Now Is the time for 'the people to demand to know what jth government to doing or is going to do regarding the Peace River 'outlet. ! The progress of Prince Rupert Is 'of vital importance to the Queen Charlotte Islands. As Prince Rupert so will the Ulandi. By the Conservative ticket, has made a public attack ion Pre- making Prince Rupert the Peace mier Tolraie and his government. He objects particularly River outlet, it would be building up to the spending which has been going bh and the conse- 1 nortb-mient increase it is now time for our politicians in taxes q itoeome out and themselves declare i u m t, T ju i i u t It to be that rebel the Conser- n is hardly supposed one in t0 w-und they win take in vative camp will affect the strength of the government-this very important matte. sufficient to hasten their end. They are too firmly, en-i?, trenched for that. The public castigatlon is likely to malce them more careful and possibly even to change their policy ? somewhat. That is about all. There is also a possibility of Dick being read out of the party. Skidegate, May 9, 1930! Editor, Daily News: NOT TURNED LIBERAL LZ.TZTJJXZZ It must not be presumed that Mr. Dick is turned Liberal, to the fisheries department at There is nothing in the latest despatch to indicate that. It Prince Rupert to collect for bounty, is just the case of a man of independent mind saying what whlch ls $2-50 ,Jch-he thinks of his friends and comrades. He is a millionaire department found 13 sea or pretty nearly so and in getting his money has been in TiS.lS-the habit of ordering people around and having his own small action of the department way in financial matters. Now he probably wants to order seems utterly brainless, which once Premier Tolmie around, and naturally that cannot be done. ealn proves how very incompetent TTt is simnli nna nf q m-ntm annV, nf wVintn Uno o en our fisheries officials are when ev- j. :LLit.'' n.. J &rv practical fUlrermankriows-how administration with the premier as the chief voice. MINING SITUATION destructive the sea llorj is tp the salmon arid'hSlifiut' 'Only thtlast winter at a mass meeting of fisher- The slump in the price of copper is turning the attention men held at skidegate Mission they of mining men once more to the production of gold, which MkfVne government to pay ns ' io aUnc , cfoKln nnmmnAir r.A i f u,; ,1 i each bounty for these waters. It's r 7"".;" " T.VT . ' . V? B l",yuu,-cu the same old story with our so-cal- in keeping with the development of trade. i Australia pro- jc fisheries department, penny- duced less than ten million dollars worth last year and In- wise and pound-foolish. dia is barely maintaining her regular production. South e. c. stevens. Africa is making no progress and United States is not pro- v. ducing enough for her own trade requirements. To what v A MEIR a extent British Columbia will benefit by this condition re- IvurkxlUjJh ' mains to be seen. There are all sorts of possibilities. j SERVICE . INTERESTING INQUIRY ! We have an innnirv frnm Winntnpw fvnm o men SKIDEGATE. May 12:-The new asks in regard to mixed farming in this locality and -if a.' there is nothing in that line, what else has Prince Rupert ships with ss. Prince wniiam from! to oner one Wlin, say, a tnousand dollars. jPiince Rupeit to the Queen Char- If anyone has a suggestion to make we should like to I,land snow another marked hear it and if anyone wishes to get in touch with this man fdTflnce ,n transportation facilities we shall be pleased to give him the addess so that he may . - Jj! Stumer to to vvrite to him persona ly. There ought to be something iS" 'ZnTuZ ran i uiitc ivujci i inui a inousanu uonars wouia turn. WARMTH IS NEEDED Crops on Prairies Are oming Along Nicely, Official " Report Says WINNIPEG, May 12: Cool, wet weather with rainfall varying from light showers to heavy downpour has been prevalent over most of the grain growing districts of Western Canada during the past week, according to the weekly report of the agricultural branch of the Cana- no damage followed and, while the report land ls too wet to work and seeding operations have been delayed about one week. The southerly districts of Saskatchewan report frosts but no damage from same, fall rye is making rapia growtn ana stoollng well. The oian national Hallways. Practically i miy territories in Saskatchewan all points advise early sown wheat j not reporting rain are the Cutknlfe-from two to four inches above the , Craik (subdivisions, but these dls-ground and plants are sturdy, dark j '-rtcis have sufficient moisture to green in color and the temporary Ure good germination, roots are being replaced by an in- 1 in Alberta wheat seeding ls prac-tensive permanent root system. NoUlcally competed and coarse grains points report much growth for this already in the ground .vary from period and warm weather at an 50 -r to points at which this opera-early date not only speed grain ger- ticn is Just commencing. Early sown mlnation but would assist the grain ls showing un wpII nnH ,hn. rif-inr it r4 mmA . v,. u ukw uuu wu eeeas. xew points report high winds, no thus ensuring the destruction of the soil drifting has been evflent and first growth oi noxious weeds pre- Alberto, as with toe offier two Brit. : tided many years ago by the Hud son. Bay Co. This vessel used to (come over on a yearly schedule. j .I.atr fn turn amA t Via ranA.n rains have delayed work about oneippifiP i.vtirm tv,,,w wek. the land ls in excellent , con- (commanded by Capt, Myers; the C. dition and no points report soll'p, jj. Princess Louise, Capt. Foote; ; , . v . i the Coquitlam, Capt Absalom Free' In Saskatchewan the general jmftn, and the steamer Nell, Capt. heavy rain of May 4 preceded local! Madden. The last mentioned ves- I- j , i . v c ""'iei made its headquarters at Z ti V I - . ow X0TO one Georgetown, near Port Simpson,, to three Inches ell along the Kuj- in im was a ma fm. okl-Wadena-Clalr sub-dlvlslon and pr0vement in service when Skide-also along the Tlsdale Une. The gaU used to gt a boat every month. Yorkton-Touchwood ! sub-dlvlslons rv. t th-t i..t. are In good thriving condition Receipts on western stockyards are very light but price of cattle and hogs remains strong and all suitable offerings find ready buyers. sent dovn from Massett to Skide gate by packer at the rate of 25c for each letter. The packer would have to walk the beach all the way from Massett to Skldtgate. In the boom days of 1911, the Columbia Coast tSeamshln Service of the Canadian Pacific Railway instituted a fortnightly service. The late Capt. Locke, who commanded the old Amur and later the Princess Beatrice on this run, did a great deal to help the people of the Queen Charlotte Islands. A notable event in the marine history of the islands was the visit to Skidegate Inlet In 1910 of the big C. P. R. coastal liner Princess Charlotte with an excursion party of .1 vlJWJf ,"M' luc "auu i runs ra cily Coast 'Steamship Service and then Canadian National Coast Steamships have had the steamboat business to the Queen Charlotte Islands pretty much to themselves and, for nearly 20 years, the sturdy old liner Prince John has been a regular caller here. For the first 10 years of that period, the Prince Albert was used on the route and, in more recent years, the Prince Charles. The latest addition is the steamer Prince William on a week ly schedufe out of Prince Rupert. THE DAILY KEW3 Monday, May 12 W3J : : -.1 ! The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News,! Limited, Third Avenue District News VANDERHOOF The formation pool is being district. Before taking any definite action, the Nechako Farmers' Institute is holding a stock taking campaign. . . ' The post office building at Olen-annan on Francois Lake was corn, pletely destroyed by fire recently. The building was; owned by A. O. Annan of the Hotei Endako. ' The marriage will take place here shortly of Miss Eve Georgina (Girlie) Byrd and Robert McCur,:J die Richards, both of Vanderhoof. The local Church of England has started conducting services at Fort St. James, the first having been held yesterday. Judge H. E. A. Robertson of Prince Oeorge presided over a sitting of the County Court here last Thursday, naturalization being granted to the following: Lars Olof Dahlgren, JobaneUx Johansson and Lais Enoch DaMfren Fra-' tag Into tome gasuline in a buchet. ser LaK?. Jonn uoor ana ovu. uua.c who own uAku.buw..vW Georse-of Vanderhoof; William ! Henry Dickinson of Fort St. James, i and Walter Pebreney of Engen. I The village commissioners have I decided to build a new sidewalk .Hi. the of Avenue Jack Jack Agar, Agar, who who has has -been -been' vfcsitln! rHVf of a li'tock livestock Ion west side Lampitt PSti cSlumbi, Street to'bdy. advocated lor mis his honie In Swift Cur Sireet. TERRACE The Canadian Legion held its weekly danea Saturday with a six-piece orchestra supplying the music. A good-steed crowd attended. All enjoying themselves. The Parent Teachers' Assooia 'I Uon jnet Thursday evening at the school, to discuss the plans for May 24, which Is to be school sports day here. Pupils of Miss E. An Orange Lodge was organized here Tuesday evening, comprising eighteen members. Burnett's Oarage deloo shed accidentally caught on fire Friday afternoon, caused by a spark gett- i saving much damage being caused Mr. Burnett and Norman Yack had their hands badly burned by seizing the burning bucket to throw it Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Gordon arrived home Saturday irom Seattle, where they have spent the past tew months. Mr. Gofdon suffered from 111 health and was con- fined to bed during the latter of his holiday. m SKIDEGATE out o: doors. - tin In riatn thrn v.. vWUns.n. Df .pring Mjmon on 8 day tQp rent, Sask. James Tyler, who spent the win ter in Kent, England, at his old home, returned Saturday. A. French played piano solos dur-i Mr. West came home from Ru ing the evening. tin the hospital for medieal atten tion Coast or in Skidegate inlet i though quite? a lot of herring j showing in Skidegate inlet .Archie McLeod, station agent, tit Thc standard Oil Co oi Calif confined to his bed with an attack nja has an engineer hpre uw' of pluerisy. A relief agent from over the oil possibility on o Smlthejs is replacing hint. ham Island. Mrs. Ardagh returned fromi,yaa- couver on Saturddjk,after QenH lng thei winter nibntsflherS, in other points south.' C. W. Homer, provincial as..... 3tFrIhcil.RuPSrt. arrlVe here last anThursfe.fr6m;(.Maett to X tuurse ui his annual oiilcial visit to the Queen Charlotte Islands He will be returning to Print Rup(rt this week-end on the Prince William. Owlne to daneerous rnnrtin,. pe"rt Saturday, where he has been i Skidegate Mission wharf, it unfi necessary ior people irom then and Skidegate to go as far u Queen Charlotte City to meet the CN R. boats. pays. the Ad. reading habit 6 Billion Dollars JACK of our .Canadian homes is more wealth than the mind can conceive . . . a. vast financial reserve which is destined to protect us and our loved ones from want and privation. Perhaps you have seen the help that just one Life Insurance Policy for $10,000 has brought to many a home in the day of trial. Multiply this one incident by 650,000 . . . and you can picture the future work of Life Insurance now owned by Canadians. For six and a half billion dollars is the amount Life Insurance Companies have contracted to pay to living policyholders or their beneficiaries. As an investor in Life Insurance, your savings aid enterprise in the financing of new buildings and other important projects throughout Canada. They help to provide employment for thousands of Canadians and thus contribute greatly to our national prosperity. Six and a half billion dollars is a large sum of money ... but it represents an average protection of only a little more than $2,000 for each Canadian family . . . enough to yield an income of about two dollars a week! Wlicn you measure your own Life Insurance by the 111 r;v?" mm income it will provide you will learn "if it is sufficient. Any Life Underwriter will gladly suggest a solution to your problem. ' .