L ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPI. E READ BECAUSE IT IS Holiday Resorts DOUGLAS LODGE K.tlVIlOW tkoit are plentiful this, leason In the Stuart Lake district, they either fly or spoon. In this wide virgin country there are hundred) of miles of wnterwayi in like and stream many pleasant bay and wooded unexplored by white tuen. Nov really good aeocmmodatlon la provided and modern camping qulpmert obtainable, many art taking tuning-trips. Another Important attraction there a ride or bike to the top or Mount Pope, from which a wonderful picture seen -100 miles of take and woods in every direction. Apply to CUM. or by wire or letttr lontl:u Lodge. Fort M. Jamn, n.C. 3tn Je 24 JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements snd Queen Charlotte City, Uondayi and Saturday. lavn- port Clement. SJO a.m. Qnecn Charlotte 1.20. p.m. I'are SS earh. Round trip $0. L. 11VSOX. Port elements Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte Is. Sedan Cars meet all boats at Port Clements and at Qucee 'Charlotte OH". Regular trips to Port Clements every Tuesday and Thursday Isarrnj Q C. City at S ajn. returning from rat C3-meats at 3 pjn. Kates uren CbarMte City to Port Clements 4W or $6 return or vice versa. Intermediate polntu, I Or. a mile. Rid: in comfort, it costs no more. Phone 3 short, 1 long. Wire or pbone our expense. EDMUND BTK ENS Proprietor Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Begins September 2 II, AUBREY PRYCE , a- . Professor ind Teacher of Violin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone G74 Silversides Bros. WALLPAPERS PAINTS Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD A VEND E PHONE 22 STEAM BATHS 201 6th Street Phone Black 7CI Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladles from 2 pjn. to 9 pjn. Gents, from ... 10 aan. to 10 pjn Hunts Furniture & Upholstry "The store or quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G.M.HUNT Third Avenue. Phone Red 637 The Elite Beauty Parlor MKS. SUTHERLAND Expert parceling. Finger ana Water Waving Telephone 499 FATHER FOR RENT FOR RENT 4-roora flat with bath. Phone 543. tf FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc. Enquire store. tf FURNISHED FLAT, 4 rooms and bath, Phone 547. . tt FOR RENT Furnished room, board optional. Phone 543. FOR RENT Modern Flat, kitchen range. Westenhaver Bros. jf FOR RENT Five roomed flat furnished. Phone Blue 345. tf FOR RENT Furnished suite, two rooms. Phone Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT $5.00 a month puts a olano in. your home walker's Music Store. r y. r " 1. FOR RENT-jHwekeeping rooms by day1! wieV or month. Phone Red 607iTn J1L. m, tf IFOR RENT Ve-room flat close In Bath, moderate rental. Westen-haver Bros. tf FOR RENT--Extra warm modern house, 5 bed rooms. Also smaller houses furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf FOR RENT New house, 5 rooms and bath. Electric fire place. Modern. Harbor view, close in. Phone Red 720. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll pr exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Block. tf INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Room IB Smith Block Courses in Technical and Engineering Training. Write or Phom; Local Agent for information. Rax 155 F. J. Koutell Phone 763 To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $16 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. - -...! . . J MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 N. M. McLean BOAT BUILDER Seal CoveW Can take you out of water under roof for repairs. Any class boat built at reasonable prices. Boats For Sale, Real Bargains SALE, FOR FOR SALE. FOR SALE Weber Piano. Phone - Green 138. ' FOR SALE Bus business with ga; rage and equipment. Address Box 780, Prince Rupert. 213 1 FOR SALE 303 Lee Enfield sport ing model B. S. A. peep sight windage and elevation, neatly' new, fifty rounds of ammunUj tlon. Act quickly. Apply proprle tor. Western Rooms. 228 PRICE REDUCED The price ht the launch Gwen Is reduced to $200 for quick sale. This is the best buy on the market. Cylinder recently re-bored and new ring Installed. Pullen, Daily News, tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tt PLASTERING GEO. MACKLIN e Expert Plastering Artistic work Of all kinds, stucco, : chimneys built, calsomlnlng. Phone 42) sZO . SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 33) SALVAGE ANP TOWING "If it's on or under the water we ! dolt"' - ' i Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. ( .Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descrlp tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire j Bargains In Gas Engines Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINE? Northern B.C. Distributors Cootidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity. . delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 561 P.O. Box 1564 75 TAXI 75 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Careful and Courteous Drivers , LUXURIOUS CARS-- A. We Edge Co. AVholesalc & Retail Plate, Window, and Ornamental Glass. Watlpaper. Wallfelts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and Paperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave., Prince Rupert September 25, 1930. nday, VISE BAILY NEWS FAQ3 PITJ gat g'Ji ! ut ! J Steamship Sailings For Vancouver fianday 83. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. i unday ss. Prince Charles pjn. Tuesday s. Catala J.30 p.m. Thursday ssP. Oepree-lO pjn. Friday ss. WfPMsnwlO p.m. , ss. Cardena, 12 midnight t pt. 14 ss. Prln. Louise .. p.m.! pt. 24 ss. Prln. Louise . p.m. From Vancouver r unday as. Catala 4 p.m. : - ss. Pr. George .. .1050 a m. Thursday -ss. Cardena p.m. I nday ss.Prl. Maqulnna, 4 p.m. t,aur. -ss. Pr. Rupert, 10:30 a.m. : pt. 10- -ss. Princess Lou tee a.m. t pt. 20 s. PrinceM Louise ajn. frr Naas River ana Fort Simpson nnday- ss. Catala 8 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala .... 1U0 a.m. For Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. P. George 4 p.m. t.iturday sc. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier i f .mday ss. Prince Rupert 8 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala. ....il jo ain.l Tuurs -ss. Prince George 8 p.m.l For Ocean Falls ! . .in -ss. Prince Rupert fo pJn. Thurs. ss. Prince George 10 pjn. Friday ss. Pr. Mary, .. .10 p.m. From Ocean Falls V? :d ss. Pr. George 10:30 ajn. r iday- ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. r. iur -ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 ajn. For North Queen Charlottes iur ss. Prince Charles noon From North Queen Charlottes ' jnday -ss. Prince Charles pm. For South Queen Charlottes M inday ss. Pr. William, 8 pjn. From South Queen Charlottes Thurs ss. Prince William, a.m. f.rur. ss. Prince Charles ajn. For Alaska F.itur ss. Prince Rupert 4 pjn. & pt 20 ss. Princess Louise am. From Alaska Sunday ss. PrtnceJ Rupert 8 pjn. t. pt 14 ss. Princess Louise pjn. ' pt 24-s. Princes Louise pjn For Port Simpson and Wales Island-Thursday ss. Cardena pjn. From Port Simpson and Wales Island-Friday ss. Cardena p.m. PHOTO FINISHING HV EXPERTS Send tour lllm ami I'hoIoWork To Yvruthall Photo Mnl-hlni Prince lttirrt. I1.C. Oiihty Guaranteed. Prices SUITS, SHIRTS Real Raincoats Rnli.ible quality made to order for particular men. Sec Wm. Auld WEE TAILOR SHOP Near Post Office TYPEWRITERS No other value ran approaih the uperlal REBUILT uxnnmvooD' 5 $75.00 Very easy terms All older makes from It.VOO St'M)Tn.XI AHDINO MACIIIMIS United Typewriter Co. Lid. VAM Oivnt, ac. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA RRAJvl) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE PHYSICAL - CULTURE Dieting Is punishment. Daily jilOzens are fatiguing. Try my take course in Physical Culture with the Graybar Health with teles, Stimulator. Results guaranteed that In 24 lessons. Is Craig School of If Dancing Is to STUDIO 2i7 Hays Bid?. Second Ave. Phone Black T21 A BIG OPPORTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows for special low prices. Regular Prices Reduced $5.00 to $15.00 Finest quality and latest patterns. Come in and see us today before it is too late. SUITS Special order complete and finished in three days. See Line the Cutter Ling, the Tailor Second Avenue Phone 649 A. MACKENZIE FURNITURE Chesterfield Suites; Dininc Suites: Bedroom Suites; Carpets and Linoleum Rugs Everything for the Home We will make an allowance for your old furniture on the new Phone 775 Drivurself Taxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this rcnlng or tomorrow! If you cannot drive now, why not learn? There'll be a day when you'll wish you could. We will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. x Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Dlstrlbutorsof CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS OIL BURNERS Agents for the famous "Kay Burner" for Industrial plants, hotels, apartment houses, etc. and the silent "York." fully automatic for residences. We guarantee a saving of from one-third to one-half in fuel consumption. Enquiries Solicited Walter Lorigwill Heating Engineer rhone 581 P. O. Box 730 Daily News "Want Ads" bring quick results. BRINGING UP RENT, LOST & FULL OF JIUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO. YOUNG ANDOLD. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS MAKING $15 !PER Week , up, in spare time (more .according to time eiven) sellina ( MERE ARE YOUR ) T f 1 " 1 1 ' foQ VtlLl -T CW0,MG!. i 1 . lease the following described foreshore ut-...ui Art A.t. made-in-Canada,Uato.Coinmncl j i j, I 'Imperial at a pUBted Personal Greeting Christmas ion the south shore of Swindle Island . I about 20 chains south and 100 chains .-, , i.. v, j. i. Cards, by agents acknowiedjed of the uth west corner of Lot and public the greatest selection SSS. thence eagerly and northerly alonft In talue, price and new variety. Season In full swing. Write for sample book on approval. British Canadian Publishing Company. 51 Wellington West, Toronto, tf nELP WANTED HELP WANTED Young man in every city, town and village in Canada as manager of miniature golf course. Write for particu- ars. Canadian Miniature Oolf Corp. Wilson BuBdlng, Toronto. (226) SITUATIONS VACANT j . -. ., i . ... . EARN money now taking orders for Personal Christmas Greeting , Cards. Finest line ever shown. : Easy to sell- Write for partlcu- ars. Regal Art Co., 310 Spadlna, Ave., Toronto. tf j SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Stenographer wishes position. Can do office or store work of any kind. Phone Mr. Brown, 51. (226) GOOD Mechanic, 4 years refrigerating, Diesel and gas engine experience, wants position. Own tools. Go anywhere. Apply Box 49 Daily News Office. 225 YOUNO man willing adaptable wants work, anything. Experience with stationery gas-engines drives car or truck (owns motorcycle.) Write Box 48 Dally , .Hews, or Phon .98 223 CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINALI, (Chiropractor) G & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous. Female and Chlldrens Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 241 C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mail. Stewart British Columbia GOAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Ray, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 By ts I 1 . . ' . IMS. I'l 1 r. . s,i r, im FOUND RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District ot Prince Rupert ciAiiti TAKE NOTICE nui LE that mai Frederick rTeaericK Rusaeh iwn Bartlett of Vancouver. B.C Secretary. intends to apply for permiseion to Hleh Water Mark to t south west corner of Lot 335, thence to Low Wa ter Mark, thence southerly and westerly along Low Water Mark, thence north 3 chains to point of commence ment, and enclosing all ildal flaU and lagoons, and containing 80 acres Wore or less. Dated July 6th. 1930. Frederick Russell BaiUett. Jams T. Underbill. Ant. RANGE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prlnoe Rupert, TAKE WOTICE that Norman Hill Ot Vancouver. B.C.. Clerk, Intends to apply lor permission to lease the follow Ing described foreshore lands: Commencing at s post planted on the south shore of Swindle Islcnd about 20 chains south and 100 chains west of the south west corner of Lot 335 thence westerly along High Water Mark about S40 chains to a point behind Double Island, thence S chains more or less to Low Water Mark, thence easterly along Low Wster 'Mark, thence north to point cf eom- mencement and enclosing all tidal flats nd ieons and containing no acrea Dated Jul eth. 1930. Norman H1U James T. OnderhUl. Agent. RANGE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Frederic Clare tJn- derhlll of Vancouver, B. C. Land Sur veyor, Intends to apply for perm Us loo to lease the following described fore shore lands: Commencing at a post planted on the South shcre of small bay on North End of Price Island about 1 miles south and 1 mile east ot the outh east corner of Lot 336, Schooner Passsge, thence North 10 chains to opposite shore, thence westerly, southerly and Eterl; alon? High Water Mark -o poim or commencement ana enclosing the bay and containing 12 acres more or leea. Dated July 4th, 1930. Frederic Clare Underbill. James T. UnderhUl. Arent RANGE S COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert, TAKE NOTICE that John Edward UnderhUl of Vancouver. B.C.. Engineer. Intends to apjriy for permission to Kim 'toe following described foreshore lands t Commencing at a post planted at the -vest ead ot assail bay about 1 1-2 miles -outh snd 2 miles east cf the south ?aat corner of Lot 338 Swindle Island, thence south east 20 chains, to east entrance to bay, thence easterly, northerly and westerly along High Water Mark o point of commencement and con-alnin(r SO acres more cr icss. Dated July 4th. 1930. John Edward Underbill, James T. UnderhlU. Azent. BAICOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE thst Rlchsrd Walter UnderhUl of VanoouTer, B.C., Accountant, intends to apply tor permission to lease the following described foreshore lands:--Commencing at a post planted at High Water Mark about 1-3 mile south and 1-3 mile east of the south cast earner of Lot 334, Swindle Island, thence south S chains to Island, thence east T chains to shore, thence northerly westerly and southerly along High Water Mark to point of commencement and containing 20 acres mors or less. Dated July 8th. 1930. Richard Walter Underbill. James T. rinderhlll. atent. , SKEENA LAND KECORIIINO DISTRICT 1 Take notice that the British Coliun-; bis ruhlng & Packing Company, Ltd, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation, fie? packers. Intends to apply tor a leas fit 1 the following described foreshore, situate on Naas Harbour, fronting on LotiS, I Range S, Coast District: Commencing t ! a post planted on' the east aide of Naas , Harbour, thence west IS chains, more or lana. to the opposite shore; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly, tol-' lowing high water mark, to the point of : commencement, and containing twenty-! fle acres, more or less. .Dated 9th August. 1930. 1 J. H. BushnelL AgenU BRITISH COLUMBIA FISIUNO . PACKINQ CO., LTD. George McManus COOK WAS ApriciM? im the rro-EN LOST ft is , ll,,. ,n, jm itwrott. MAKEiiYQUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS