rue DALLY NEWS Page Z scents antenatal tata ee - ee insets : THE Daly NEWS ‘HAD RHEUMATISE: (CLASSIFIED, BANK O= MON Ue ADVERTISING “AVE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 98 a A Ly, - > OVER 100 y | Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News FGR FIVE YEARS a a Board ‘ i 7 : Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. a This » the wine they: want anything wf = of Direc: Ors, ; —_—_ peop read / CENT MEREDITH, Bon p.. ai ) {H. F. PULLEN, Manacine Epitor. i. * Sate It brings results Sim CARLES CONDOR cb ey ' Return Trouble Since 5g R. B. ANOUS, Eso. ; ees , “ERUI_ACTIVES" WANTED, H.R. DRUMEEOND, F-4 D.ponees amen geo" C2 norms, sty Del Pine SITTIOM RATE | GAVABLE GIRL WANTED FoR] | MogeMmstOnme win tty A City Delivery, by querier or mail, per month (5¢ general house ywork, No wash- E. W. BEATTY, Ese Scan t h = By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. ing, Best wages. Apply Mrs. vos To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 G. H. Orme, 223 Fourth Avenue SIR FREDERICK WILLIAMS-TAYLOR. Goer, — es 256 _ TELEPHONE 98. ,° none Capital Paid Up : . $ 20,000,000.99 aliindiiin aiden ath, ont 4 . ; : ; pe for . . . 7 20,000 on 3 : Ss 16 ¢ ne GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED . a 0.00 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 75 cents per inch general housework. Good wages Total Assets (April 30th ee . sal 614 16 Contrnet Rages 08 sapientne =e Apply Mes. Mobley, 303 4th Branches throughout Canada and Newfound!» 3 I 7 a oR, Avenue. tf dee ae ha aa e on Bad ‘ > { / : _— ne rit merican Bank (own ed bx ~) wt Francisco. DAILY EDITION. » - Satetany, Weve) Pare Gentleman desires furnished bed «os acenmam y Bank Montreal), Thee kaso ea room in private house by the] H. St GLEE, Manage, =~ = ~~ PRINCE RUPE Returned Men : é month, Apply box 11 Daily News E. W. MARENTETTE, Manager, TERRACE BRANCH Under Disability. , 3 tan. JOMM E. GUILDERSON oflice, b 258 . a seam > CE BRANCH \ relurned soldier who was away fighting and who had not s 2 . Sdn eda — a ae returned before the beginning of the year is not allowed to regis- P. O. Box 123, Parrebore, K. 8 " be oe tains eee tees at SE ter as a voter in the city unless he is a property holder. It is “t suffered with Rheumatism or five “Wn a 2 260 ; the law of the province and one that should have been amended,| ‘ears, having its » badly at times I wis p. EER. Y Sh f V but apparently no one thought of the matter. It seems curious unable to get up without assistance WANTED Competent waitress our are oO ictory ; e : I tried diferent medicines I saw . nae that a man who is out of the provinee in the interests of the : for the Chilli Parlors, 835 2nd B d I; N whole community should have to be disfranchised for doing his advertised and was treated by doctors 59 on nterest Ov, Ist ’ ee . Avenue. : in \mberst, also in my home town, duty. but the Rheumatism came back FOR SALE The Dominion Government will distribute es 250,000 tn int. Women Voted in . In 1916, I saw in an advertisement ainsi pom 0. aah vm yeni 7 y Loan on Nov. 1, gy Large Numbers. that ‘Fruit-a-tives’ would step Rhew | FOR SALE—Small pleasure boat adh i Carte Deimenes om ete x n voted in large numbers at the Victoria election when) = matism, and took one box and got with new four-cycle 4 h. p You should use the pro one ft om your ae Hon. 8S. F. Tolmie, minister of agriculture, was returned. Forty] relief; then I took them right alorg marine engine; or will trad: savings account with us or ald ¢ ee per cent ia the registered electorate were women, but it is said] for about six months aud the Rheu for piano or anything of value started. You siready know the value of thre, MY that over forty per cent of those who voted were women. rhere| matism was all gone and / have never Also for sale fishing and hunt ca was nothing unseemly about the way in which they turned out) /fele it since. ine boat and one 12 h. p. gas and exercised the franchise. There was nothing immodest. It Anyone who would care to write engine cheap. See MeGowar UNION BANK OF CANADA was not reported that any chil iren were neglected or that dinners -— - + agra lym gar a = ld the eyele man. Seeond Avenue. Sis Ploncer Bank of Western Canad ere left uncooked. All the fears of the anti-suffragists were © gla em what ‘Fruit-a- Near McBride “Street. Phon« . . : ' ahs te be false. So it is with most reforms. We im all: sorts] tives’ did for me.” : ; ahaa -_ i veg at PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH A, fT. Broderick, Mage of evils through the colored giasses of opr distorted imagination. JOHN E. GUILDERSON, eeepc ——__—-- sates aii — Contractor and Mason. | FOR SALE—Beautiful new even- cade siodhclinibelasihaaiaaimninnnsiasti sounane toaneaeds in SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. ing gown, size 40. Slippers and ‘tr a Matters Mun . At all dealers or sent id by scarf to match. Owner leaving Th R ] Ba nk f C It is a good sign that p ople are once more taking @ keen] pruitatives Limited, Soot Geax. town. For further particulars e oya an Oo ana a interest in municipal matte The registration is larger ioe eee} = phone Red 322. if begs to advise that it has for rental at m year than it has been for ma: years past and it looks as if there scochiosmmebeemadansiandatineninggsteaim es : f ), z2nd day ‘ot ‘Sepiember, 1919. berta, with loan of $2,000 in sums of money had not bee spent in keeping the wheels of! a . e Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. industry moving during the t: .nsition period from war to peace. IN PROBATE. improvements to assist new b PA BOL 26 ae ae Bate PHONE 134 Mall Orders Given Prompi Attention Srince alll ene ‘ > > te : @ settlers. Act now they are In Prince Rupert we have benetited by having ship contrac iN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISE placed in the city. This was made possible by the last Victory COLUMBIA. going fast. For free booklet ee Loan and the present loan will help to pay for it. Canada w:!i|in rye marrern OF THE ADMINISTRA and full information write li. ' have the ships after the money is spent and can operate them or} THN Act ~ G, Loughran, - General Lani! sell or charter to someone else. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE or| ‘@eent, 744 Hastings St. West, ERT 3 aaa a iia : ROBERT J. DUNN, DECEASED INTES- Vancouver, B.-L. S.S. PRINCE RUP TAKE NOTICE that in order of Mis eae 7. McB. fe made the 17th day f October, A, D. 1919, I was appol Comfort \dministrator ‘to the estate of Ro 7 For ’ Courtesy~ rtd 5.5. PRINCE GEORGE buon, deceased, and all ries having SAIL! ae — the said estates Cg hereby and Service FALLS equired to furnish same, properly verified MIDN cca . ‘o me, on or before the 17th day of No- go to THURSDAY and SUNDAY 1Q@HT for SWANSON BAY, vember, A.D. 1949, and all parties in debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN HH. MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIONIGHT FOR ANYOX S. 8. PRINCE JOHN Beis tS Good blood makes firm on ie steady eyes and clear brain. Keep your blood pure ae DATED this 17th day of October, 19 For Stewart, Octeber 30th, Never’ full of healthy, ‘Pil! sles, and your liver active, by ace ~ ener aaa FP. 1, Bowness Massett, pas Port Clements, Novem! using Beecham’s i Wouuch remove poisonous matters ee . a Southern Queen Charlotte Islan in NT SU : WOU OF ! RVICE for Smithers from the system, assist the stomach to assimilate its ww THE SUPRELuMBA “SY Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 veniieien tendsib, shdiiiecen ad Gpoereee * om wo food, and the food to nourish the body. A world- Prince George, Edmonton and Winnircs uzing IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- THN ACT all points eas! 4! famous remedy to streng~hen the vital danad helpto Make Pure Biood Worth a Guinea a Box Peay ed cay, by Themes mo cnet st; Melons. Laneachive, Raglond, and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF roe GUSTAP ALBIN JOHNSON, DECRASED > INTESTATE. rince TAKE NOTICE that in order of Hi» | Honour F. McB. Young, made the 16th da AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations %) City Ticket Office, G26 Third Avenue Phone 260 f October, A. D, 1919, | was appointed EUROPEAN Administrator to estate of Gustaf Albin PLAN ohnson, deceased, and all parties having ‘ per claims against the said estate are herebs sd se day and tl required to furnish same, properly verified to me, on or before the 17th day of No vember, A. D, 1919, and all parties in FIRST-OLAGS CAFE debted to the estate are required to pay Cart the amount of their indebtedness to oe A La © e forthwith. — JOHN HH. MeMULLIN, a we atin Sie cane. OMecial Administrator. Dated this 17th day of October, A. D. 1019. The “Gartland”’ Boarding House CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY astern Points d the PTE Hla ws Lowest Rates to all E via Steamer to Vancouver an LAND ACT ; Railway Tv ‘ : ; neste 416 Sixth Avenue East Canadian P: we acai Youre too —_ SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF Near Drydock h included on e FOR A Pont > COAST, RANGE 4. Liinlies teen tain” teins thine Meals and Bert woess MARY 6.5. PRINCESS ALICE 5.5. PRINCESS U's For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattic fron September 9, 19, 26; Oc tober 6, 17, = trom prince aupert For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, alae, September 4, 15, 22; October ©, 43, 2 CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES Ries ME TAKE RovicE that Mark Smaby, of PORSE Veean Falls, B. C., ceeupation logger, in A OC ; tends to spply for pyreeeies to lease the following scribed %. Commencing at a via post at the net: west end of a bay - “ihe south ae Tr. S ee 5. an and directly north ) stone Reefs; thence east 40 ch ret thence south 40 chains; ’ wr ° ° thence west 4 x chains; thence north 40 ‘chains t int of PHON » any © commencement, and containing 160 acres se = re ROARD, ‘Generel Agent. Cc MARK SMABY w. o. , ince Ruperts B.C Date, July 24th, 1919, on ” LAND ACT. 3rd Avenue and 4th ee ee Hay, Grain, Feed | . — Medias fi Len was In of intention te Apply Pom ne rg ah 3 Ty ie of c anslar, and situate a gniiee Arm intment - e notle e owler and ; H. FP. Kergin, of Alice Arm, oceupation D N Ri k Disa 0 : ine - end to 2. slo > E> tovlagse” ihe Tollgwing deserved foreshore || CHICKEN FEED ’ ot _ rders Pe AAs CAKES Co ene 0 , ec us > = Oe 7 C , bau Of guutannt Nur thence sui’ a Specialy REAL HOME MADE CHRISTMAS e ene eas oO o eon gue ft iiiance iver: "thence hor 2 re 7 less Mail Orders promptly attended to PUDDINGS AN ND ‘PIES ee ore ese to lo ) ene est follo i —_ shoreline. to cai of ‘commence = nt, T R 309 Second A fmm eugen 9 a . bore or less : P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. The Smeeton lis ide OU eal 1h Moke on a Dated Uctober iith, 1019.