Li 13 Your Home Should Come-First" Good Furniture Will give you pleasure the year round Rarrie's Home Furnishings Third Are. First St The Regal Shop CANDIES In Be. Bark or Bars Eexed or TaWet STATIONERY Crepe, Tissue sr Waied Paper Peseta. Pens and Inks MIL & MBS. JOHN MeBAE 369 Block. Third Avenue Phone R Ho Extra Charge Cease to our pen counter and let us show you how Parker's "Doable Duty" Efeofotd ess sssfswriy be changed from a Desk Pea to a Pocket Pea-bow Parker Desk Sett now rjve you two pens in one at aoincrasK inprice. Complete sets, Including Free Pocket Cap aad Ch, $6.71 and up. McCutcheon's Drugs Scesnd Avenue and Sixth Street Telephone "ft Sirs. J. A. Murray 5th Ate. Wast. DR. IIUOII L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Bye. Bar. Nose and Throat At SL Elmo Hotel yes Tasted For Oteasei 20 Per Cent Discount on all Toys All hand made fancy work at a discount IDEAL GIFT SHOP 328 Third Avenue West Phone Red 556 (OA. Telephone IS Theiest defease against tip cc7d - T 21- t ozne jjvy tar fjaestfueZ There's ort.y one defense against the cold weather aad that'! the proper kind of coal Buy a ton of coal from as and fire away at Old Man Winter. HH ojatt on the ran. Order a ton of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone CIS Auditorium GOLF COURSE Jut the place to pass an enjoyable evening. Clean, quiet, comfortable snrroundincs. AUDITORIUM GOLF COURSE L. J. MARREX Proprietor ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Store Pipes, Galvanized and Black Elbows, sizes 3" to 8" Bakin; Pans made te order 340 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephones: Office 310 Works Blue 70S NOWolN- Rupert Fish and Chips (Old Country Style) Open 12 noon to midnight R. R. STRACHAN, (Prop.) 201 3rd Ave. W. Ph. Black 936 f Free Four years ago hockey was new to Chicago. A team was purchased by a syndicate of wealthy Chicago sportsmen, beaded by Major Mc- T n .WI... I .W I ;an Qrganisation founded on the aid army principles of discipline and bhyilcallltipn. is no novice In the sports world although his hockey knowledge has only a few years' foundation. A few years ago the major was one of the outstanding polo players of the country. He always has been a dose follower and keen student of boxing and wrestling and be has a eom- 'ptete knowledge of baseball jbaU and other sports. ' . . f . 4I THE DXTLY NETS FAGS rctsst Get Your Local Merchant's Price Before Sending Your Money To Outsiders ImE wittl I TIES, up from ... .95 GARTER SETS . .$1.00 SUSPENDERS ..$1.0 Eetts. SHris, Ilaaakerthiefs. Scarfs, Etc, ia Christmas bases ready for ma Bine;. STEVE KING JW 3rd Aveaae West Pbsee Green 8$ C. C. Marshall Manager TwoPensinOne Podct Cap and Clip are Included u4th Every Parker Dak Pen j Have Your Jewelry Made ts Order or Repaired By Me Enframing and WaUfa Repairing LEO CONTOLI Leo Waugh. Section 2. 330 Sixth St Phone 941 BREAD With Extra Goodness Just Like Mother Dsed to Ma ke Hems, Nut and Raisin Bread The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone 6CI Tickets ! For Someone Somewhere on this page, in two different advertisements will be found the names of two residents of this city. Examine the advertisements carefully and find the names. If the two persons whose names are in the advertisements will call at the Daily News Of-f ice they will be presented with a ticket to either the Capitol Theatre or two tickets for games at either of the golf courses, they to choose which one they desire. These tickets are FREE. His Team Is Real Title Contender Written for The Montreal Standard by J C Parreu. Publicity Director. Chicago Btaek Hawks) ' Soeed. soeed and more stweti. Thai's ke watehwArd nn the ice and in the training quarters of the Black Hawks.' i Chicago's sensational 1930-31 entry in the National Hoc- !l. V T"l j. . m vy xague race, rnysicai conanion roomea 10 a state oi almost perfection is the chief factor in the burst of speed the Hawks have displayed during the early games of the ; hut cnace. now eiieeuve sne- eombtnaUon of physicaJ condition and speed has been ta shown by the fact that the Hawks are near the top of the heap m the title chase and the Chicago team has become. , within the short apace of two i months, the greatest attraction for ! the fans tn the ewenrt ! Physical ntneas is the chief order I of Major Frederic McLaughlin, mu- Monaire sportsman of Chicago and president of the Black Hawks. Physical fitness is preached to h players every day and strict training rales are adhered to. Physical fit-new is drilkd into his men on and off the Ice and the result of this Disciplinary Methods In bringing about the army discipline Major MtLaofhtin set forth a few rules for his players, some of line condition of the players is in j which are: evidence every night the Hawks; 1 Every man from the star to take the fee and oatspeed their op-; the rookie player must obey orders ponents. 2 The physical condition of each Started Hoekev Club man Is careioOy cheeked aad guar diction at aU taaes. Have a definite plan and defense for each game and follow that plan from start to finish. Seattle and Portland Tied for Second place 'Half .Point Behind ;- Vancouver 1 Mclaughlin has thrown a great portion of htt efforts into the bwl-1 neas of hockey. When be entered. the puck chasing game the Major had only seen a few games of the SEATTLE. Dec. 27 The Seattle Eskimos draw level with Portland Boe karoos tn second ptaee in the Pacific coast Hockey League by defeating Taeoma 5 to 2 last night. Vancouver liens lead the second place teams by one point. foot-1 Special meeting Trades and La 1 bor Council Tuesday .evening to As In every other spott In which .discuss munldeil affairs. All del .he h taken an acMre irt, Major eaatas requested to attend. , Scottish Leagne First Division Airdrie 2, Morten ft. Ayr United -Clyde not played Cattle 3. Falkirk ft. Owdtnbeatfa 1. Queens Park 3 Dundee X Bast Fife 0. Hearts 3. Rangers ft. Leith Athletic 0. Aberdeen 0 MsthcfweU &. Hftemian 0 Partkk Thistie 3. Klhnarnock 1. St. Mtrren 4. Hamilton Acads 2. Scottish League Second Divbion AOoa 1. Dundee United 4. Armadale 2, Arbreath 1. Clydebank 2. St Bernard 1. 1. speedy Canadian tee sport Bat his 14 education came fast; his old body raetnods 01 common mg of the body were brought Into play and today' the other magnates of the National League are matching the Major and his team for new Ueas. I Head of Chicago Hawks Tells Why Old Country Soccer Bast SUrUnaahire 1. Brechin City Fotfar Athletic 4. Albtoo Revera Montrose 2. Kings Park 1. Rasth Rovers 2, Dambarton 9. St Johnstone l. Queen of Sooth Stenbouaemutr 6, Bon ass 2. Tntsd Lanark 2, DrafermhBe 2. English League First Divklon Arsenal 7. Blackpool 1. Asten Vtta 7. Maneb ester Uni ted 0. Blackburn Ravers 3. Liverpool 3. Chelsea 5, Grimsby Town 0. Derby County 1. Liteaatsr Ctty 0. Hiiddersflekl Town 2. Wettham dad. A.l follow the Instruct lens of United 0. the pfayaieat director employed by Winchester Ctty 2, Sanderiasd 0. the Hawks and are under bis juris-1 Middlesbrouf h 3. Botton Wander- era 0. 3 Keep skating at top speed all Newcastle United 1. Sheffield WsV 1 Ml I LI I mows nv aw.vsa wavw a . V . . is . . . i ker box ring installed the Old m , 4 . of . attack ,.,, a.if. nRM. i ntr.w. Cohseum. For two years Mayor Mc Laughlin watched his team per-' form, meeting with defeat after de- feat, without In the actual HAAS Tlufl h. taking una an so active active part parv - . ZSSTJZ!: Hockey Race hockey chib and rule it after his ; own will. The results have been astounding. I ' The present Black Hawk squad Is Tightens Up English League -Strand Division "Bafnstsy 5. Port vale 2 . Bradford 4. Oldham Athletic 0. Bristol Ctty 1. West Bromwteh Al bion 1. Bury 2, Burnley 1. Cardiff Cfty 1. Swansea Town 0. Charlton Athletic 2, Bradford Ctty 1. Bverton ft, Plymouth Argyie 1. , Reading I, Tottenham Hotspurs 2. Southampton 2, Preston North End 1. Stske City 2. MiDwall 3. Wolverhampton .Wanderers 4, Nottingham Forest 2. WSham Beaumont, maehlntstat the dry dock and well known local "celUst, is suffering from the effects of a broken bone In his right hand, the Injury having been sustained In a recent accident ren Yard Penalty To Powder Nose Clad tn a weird and colorful as ortment of uniforms that inclnd-A riding habUs. Dartmouth "shorts.'' bathing sate and nga-jiUon moleskins, two teams rcpre-mrtfng the Pi Kappa and Tan Sie na aarorttata of Dee ring High: fehoat mat at ParUaad. Maine, re- gentry, ta the flrst football ganv between gtrla ever played m nor-hern New BnaJead. The girts bat-Jed for fear S-mmute periods on the frsce gtidlreo of the Coon-' try Day Ochoot besore a crowd of. LSG8. Despot the scanty and on-; jaosted aoatamea of the bare-leg-1 ted athletes there were no sert aaa injuries. Bruised shins scrat-hsd faces and several black eyes sere not considered by the hardy nayan to be worth treatment. Pi Kappa, making skillful an-i Slants use of forward and la-era! pa sar i deieatad Taa Slam. S to a. rallying in the last hall v ovareoaae a tva lend after a pey talk from the male coach daring, the intermiiaion. A penalty of ten yaaaa was ! on me new hen a aabatwuli came on th fleht uttasdng a vanity rase to guard whose noss had become aad ahany m the frosty atmo phere. The losers played the la-two mhtotes with only ten girls j. the field, one of the end havtr aatt to keep an appotnUneni wi. her hslidtaaiir. WOLGASTAND GEN ARO Did rinreirht TH , ., Differ ni. NBW YORK - y Woigast and Prar.,: - o- rtatmant h . . mwk, uwaani line-: 4 draw here la: r..i Max'ne Duni . 22-year-Jd giri. who break late R world's aliitii men of - View of ski jump at Lake Placid New York. wher Olympic ski events mill be staged FOR FALL AND HOLIDAY FESTIVE SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE A True Frak Drink UnaxeeBed By Any on '-'' Per Dozen, $1.50, Delivered A Trial Order Will Convince You BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS Telephone 132 Prince Rupert. U Whatever Your Skin Trouble-Get Well This Magic Way Many Sufferers Relieved by Famous Herbal Healer Wketktr It be a sfetgariog rk, or as osttoesk of piaiale, pore tktffwd kaad, ftoMiiit, or say rat, bars, r rl4 Inn tar asses st tats wish tiM grssd asrtal surt-xaat, Zssa Bak. It U besBtifulW frrtaiag, twlftly asaUag, and kighlr fcastfisptis. jntta fa akjoak tmsates like wis, slt rasam, alters, sad )ilwat4' strts, Zssi Bsk eradkstet mnm aad grew as kla. You :aa "mk tt ta" fst osU-osHks-asast, bd saiua, stiff, araias, wassalar paa. etc In fti. taste art a haadrM aes for Xsm-Bak. Be sure te keep a bos st ksats. ALL SPEAK WELL OF ZAM-BUK -ZmBk rri aw at ir rtii snd rowMUmy ImsM mr trtlrri Bntrr ." Mm. g. Crjr. Hi iu Du Us, VkaNotw. rtU4 ! 2i.Ba fa tro vtek. Mr tkla la av Ana ss4 rMwkMtv JI. D. II. Ds ill. HunboWt. AJk. VThMI I rofTrrS fr- " tfT ban. ZaiHk ' cffartlv ivaMdy ' - Nvwhurn. Uinnl.ur. N aat' FWr otittnen' el jtS w tkla f a ' -Mr. H. Rrawa, Si. J ' plt.l. St. John, N B "1 eooUnTt And aM"1 ' m btirn on Bjr trm ui.'-aaaSM Zm-Buk N CraSMii. WMartto. (J The aaMialbted Bak as a healer of kin '" is its origiMl sad vhm' Ssm Bak ia roaipoon.lf! t -straets at kerbsl oricv tkat taey aosk thnu.h poeea isto aadarlyiag ("" tfak heals from below ' rf.M Ml. amd HtkiaS. c rt . tier Mw'.ki.. Zsn-Bak i. al-. I-'" for aim aat a B" '" for injariea. ZasvBak, bs Z Bak MtthsUsl Nap eaka. , -tain irV ,. oi