PAGE SQ This aavertisoseat u not poblished or displayed by tae Liquor Control Board or by the Covenant f lri'ir l)iulltH Rentals, Properties For Sale STOCKS AND BONDS Wl DCSCKE nrEHYTHWG-Lile. Fire. Automobile. Accident and fidmeaft. Liability and Plate Ohm AGsWTS TOBK8HOB UVDsX36 LOaJI ASSOCIATION MeCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. ATOfCE TELCTHONE 11 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED m hi IF DUh tt B Dili 1YIAJ1S Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PMNCE IIUI'EKT, B.C. poooooooooeooooooooooocooooooooopoooooooooocioe ouoc oo Want Ads Let Them Be Your Broker in Buying and Selling Somebody Is waiting to bay that boose or bedroom set. or coat yoa have to sea Somebody Is waiting to tell that car. or typewriter, or whatever else It Is yon are in the market for. Oet the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. Youll find undi earned of bargains undreamed of opportunities Do your shopping through these column and see how profitable and pleasant H Is. - READ and USE I PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS a Phone 9S g "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" 1 n Twenty Years Ago Jn Prince Ropert December 27, 1U WeB over HMjMQ has been col lected in eustorns and excise rev- eiUK in Pitnee RnM rfnrtna lk j jw nwnn unr lew hare called daring the year , The masters of the fisheries pa-: tul vessels Fmieon and Hi lit m. do jnot believe, as has been reported :hste. that fish poacher are active in Chattann Sound. i The Indians of Fort George have refused overtures of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to sell their Oct the Ac uay reading oa&K I Week-End Special MaJUn's Best Tea 14b. pkg. ... 14b. tin De Luxe Orange Pekoe Tea 14b. pkg. Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate. Mt-lb. bar Rown trees Cocoa i-fc. tin Holland Rusk, for your afternoon tea. per pkg. Pan Yan Old Country Pickles, per Jar dark s Pork is Beans med. stse Nabob Asparagus Tip-- square tins Clark's Oovernor Sauce Mr bottle lhnUkt DtUBfet Rnan jf&sp Baby Own. 3 for I wooi nosp large cake, each 50c S1.45 69c 26c 24c 23c 35c 11c 39c 24c 20c 8c The Economy Cash & Carry 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" THE DAILY N2TKT3 WATERFRONT WHIFFS Christmas Quiet on Waterfront Bird Shooting Season Ends American Fishermen New Treaty i With all the fishing vessels of every description tied up ' and business at a standstill, the Christmas and New Year reason is being celebrated quietly and sanely on the local . waterfront. Peace and goodwill reign supreme and not 'even a political argument disturbs the tranquillity. Christmas has come and gone and now New Year impends. The ' New Year will not be long in before preparations are com-i menced for another season of activity. The halibut season ' legally opens on February 15 and it is possible that, as was idoae last year, the operators of 'boats ata nmtuxllr scree not to tm1mi hi4im th. start until two weeks later The ap-' usually mi. beta ten October 15 , proaeh of the Her Year prompts the and Nonanber 15 by the American expression of a wish that 1M1 may boats which have to travel so far contain for one And all their share to the banks. Among the halibut M prosperity ar-,:: well-being. For boat skippers who spoke at the Sesame. 1330 was rx ; so good bat hope ' utle hearing were Capt, Howard 'springs eternal and it is fortunate, J Qiske ot the Keptune. Capt. H. Nes- .aero. uiav. wur most w iouLjiand of the SeatUe: Capt. EgUl jaaticipaUon of better things in the (Erfkaen of the Sunde K, Capt Paul :uire oemanas a rooo aeai more jM Pedersen of the Aleutian tune and atienUor. than does reOec- uan ajx-ri ibe tnai and disappointments of the past. Scarborough tan nest town there is Scarborough. Dyrndahl. sekction by J. WeOe s halibut boat la Bri- story. For off the caught a fmh such only dream of. The rah was nine feet three inches long live feet eleven in girth, and weighed 735 i ii winds, The monster was a tanny fish CHRISTMAS OBSERVED Ftee Entertainment Stated Yesterday By Sobs of Norway Lodie which was caagbt off Scarborough With a children's party in the af-ifter a terrific struggle by Mr. Fred temoon and one for the grown-ups Taylor, a Manchester man hi the evening, the Christmas sea- Lea Ting Scarborough about stx son was appropriately celebrated i clock in the morning in the motor- yesterday in the Metronole Hall bv boat Jeffery. Mr. Taylor started to Vmbtnd Lodge No. 3. 8ons of Nor- fiab from a aaaaii boat the Agnes, way. There were some t$ children For thirty mbwtet after casting his and almost as many grown-ups at line Mr. Taylor watted for a bite, the afternoon affair while the hall And then tt cam. was crowded with nearly SO people What a bite! in the evening. The entire proceed- For three and a half bourn. Mr. tags were most enthustaatkauy en-Taylor fought the tunny, aad only joyed. after the flab, had towed his boat j The afternoon affair was opened five miles. wait killed. by Rev. John H. Hanson, pastor of . The fish vw W f limits beavtod 8t Paurs Lutheran Church, a pro- i than awy osber tunsty hmdid at gram included vocal solo by airs. H. I orchestra, vocal sow by Mrs. J. H. troDer and MeUod and vocal solo bv aha and. munched at the ,nm Welle. After the ororram. Ban-1 Ote Moberg boat yard, Seattle, re- ta Oaus tOle 8kogi arrived on the cenUy for U I suntmn and L Peter- 'scene and distributed presents and sen. The craft is 4S feet long with a sweets to all. The Oid Country cat- at ii ie ana a aeptn ox 3- torn of dancing around the Chriau ' feet 8he Is powered with a 30 h. mas Tree was observed. AUas-Iatperial diesel engine and ' The evening proceedings opened her gattey is evMppad with Flaaao with selections by the Premier Or- snpiiMia gas. chestra. The program which follow-' jed included an appropriate speech With the ending of the year next by John Dybhavn. vocal solo bv Mrs Wednesday night, the bird hunting Drrndahi. reciUuon bv S. Larsen a m this district will legally step dance by Mr. Lelth vocal solo to a dose. Since the deer sea- by Walter Howarth and mil aoin von ended two weeks ago and with by Mrs. Simonsrn. The ceremony of the hooday season ensuing, there dancing around the Christmas Tree has not been much activity among was aaain entered Deiiefc the hunters mtefr although a f ew , freshmenu were served and danc-of the more penastant have gone 'in fniinvavi ith tnn ik. d forward pretty persistently. The niier Orchestra soose and duck season could not be , 0 B. Sather was master of cere-said to have broken any bag re- mo, uarty -orda this year although it was pro- chairman of the Christinas commlt- J0"1 aI!f- "T ; charge of both af- seu wUl soon be going back to their Urooon and evenlng af(aln T shelves for a several inonths'.stay. ' MnrvoW was in charge of the klt- The eieetioa neat Tuesday here dahl un a Am.r. m n ! and at SeatUe andKetchan for;Welk. Mtt. R jAQCen general secretary and local at the three points for the Deep Fishermen's Union win be of general interest as it usually is. There are three candidates in the field for the local agency J. M. Morrison, the present soermbent Hnar Larsen and J H. Meagher. The last-mentioned, who was formerly agent is now in California. It seems to be the general expectation that Mr. Moriraon. who bus been aaent here for the past two years, wffl be re- elected. The halibut schooner Viking. Capt Matt Strand, suspended fishing shortly before the end of the season and was taken oat of the water at the Barbae shipyard. Seattle, for Installation of a new diesel engine of European manufacture. Iiuild Ilalibutter Rasmus Kvinge, a member of the crew of the halibut schooner Faith during the past season. Is having a M foot halibut boat bwftt for htm at the John Flam boat yard on Salmon Day, SeatUe. The craft win nave a beam of 12 feet and a depth of six , feet. She Is of the seine-boat type and will be powered, with a 30 h.p. Atlas diesel. I At a recent bearing m Seattle. , halibut vessel owners of that port went on record as being opposed to a proposed extension of the closed season. By extending the closed season, the American fleet would be disastrously affected, the fishermen argued, in view of the fact that the pa hammer presiding at the door R Jensen. John 8torseth and tog. Japan Bulwark Against Reds Is Wattbinc DeveiesmeaU In Russia and Prevmr Effective Check VICTORIA. Dec 27: "Japan stands as a bulwark for the Anglo-Saxon peoples against the spread of communism on the Asiatic coast" declared Dr. R. B. Teusler. director of 8t Luke's International Medical Centre at Tnkva vhn n. way to the United State. Japan, added Dr. Teusler. was closely watching develontnenU in Soviet countries and so far bad I been an effective check to the i spread of communistic propaganda. wttn an organised, conservative and responsible government. Japan has right on her borders -dtoor- ganised and irresponsible govenw ment or. Teusler claimed. "Geographically Russia Is setlve right up jto tne boundaries of Japan and this has been well demonstrated 'many times in China, where Red propaganda has been rampant." ; Dr. Tesuler Is seeking another SlJKOfin for completion of the St. Luke's Medical Centre, which will cost $5,000,000 when finished. So far more than $3,000,000 has been raised. i aaaaCsnaaa?Bsi I i George O'Brien in Zane Gray's Great Story "LAST OF THE DUANES" Comes to Life on the Screen "lalrodueinx Mr. Gibbs" COMEDIES -HaU th' p-Animal Novtltr "Hot Do Novrlty "Saiat Yon v , Admission. 2c L 65c Teatare Starts at 8:M and J- . SATURDAY MATINEE at 2,:3t-Uc k 10c - Feature Sun TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY - "Love Amenr the M.ii, USED CAR BARGAINS In order to reduce our stock of used cars before the . year. w have reduced our price on every used tar a. small cash payment and monthly Inula barnli will take a: cars listed below. Cars will not be mssrepiTsenttd. bu; general condition will be frankly totd AH but two &u with self-starter. Ail but Use very cheapest have good c: : teries and good Ure ecnuatnent Oae Ford Dcthrry Car "as fa" : : One 1SC5 rord Covered Dtlivery Oar-good cwadHiM r llj .: One Dodge Cwverrd Delivery Car tod eeaditifta One lagg Ford A Covered Delivery Car eompletely mBdiUoard $50.00 S150.00 S175.0U S400.C9 Three Ferd TT Ton Tratk.i Arcordinr to tire aud rm . i. tlT""" S75.00u S150.03 S125.00t S150.C0 Stsiamj. good roaditien Owe IMS Ford Ferder &H rn r r. tod etrW OiOU.litl Owe IMS Ford Coupe 017 All Two lMC-n Ferd Tudor Sedans ExuSeat rne prieed at . Owe IKS Chevrolet Toorlnc fair eondiUea , One IMS Chevrolet Sedir excellent condition One IMS rrd A Coupe exeeSest eonditien .... 8225.00 S250.00 S150.CO 8475.00 8425.00 ARRANGE rOR DEMONSTRATIOX OR TRLU Well teach you to drive if neecesary S. E. PARKER LTD. Third Ave. East FORD DEALERS Telephr LaaK-. Zkl r i Brilliant Jewelry for the year s gayest season! With the holiday season comes a constant round of social activities. Parties, dances, dinners, theatre, opera! You'll be there, of course. And veve assembled here Just the right pieces of smart, mo rn Jewelry to wear ; mm with newest Uocksl you. . . . Brooches, ruias, pendents, bracelets that wffl detight you as much as thstr moocr- ate prices wis surprise you. Come in soon. v T is Bulger Ltd. f I LJohn Prince Rupert, B.C. ? ; TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA nRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZH) MILK AND CRE..M DAILY Early Dtlivery Throughout the City i.i a i COAL Buy the ml Coal our famous Ed ton and, Cs-"" Welllncton In any qnanUi" Also Bulklty Valley U' Grain and Roblu Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 55 AND 558 Daily Hews Want Ads. bring quick Results