Saturday, Dec. 27, IC30 THE DAILY NEWS PAOS nsa. Classified Advertisements. Business and Professional Mens Guide. Legal Notices. A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD.-W.ILl CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! ' ! FOR RENT FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc. Enquire store. tf FLAT for tent four room and bath, Sixth and Fulton. Phone 543. tf FOR RENT Modern house, 5 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. tf FOR RENT Furnished and Unfurnished modern Houses. Apply 215 4th Avenue East. 304 FOR RENT Clean well furnished modern apartments. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 441. t f To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $16 monthly OYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. FOR SALE : FOR SALE little old Oumev heater. Price . Daily New., tf i a FOR SALE Labrador puppies, 2 months old, good land or water. $15.00 each. F. Turner, High Street, R. M. D., No. 3, Victoria. B.C. 303 : : SITUATIONS WANTED I ! PROPERTY repairs. Plain f ml - 1 ture made. J. Wllkle. Phone umz nri. PRIVATE stenographer. 516 Ave. West, P. O. Box 306. 391 MUSIC SINGING Lessons evenings. J. E. Darey. -Phone Black 3W. J17" BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 107. tf ROOM and Board. Phone Red 130 tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch, Cedar and Jaok Pine tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 264. tf nELP WANTED GOVERNMENT POSITIONS M Postmen. Clerks, Stenographers, Customs, and Immigration Officials. Free Booklet tells how to get them. Obtainable only from the oldest Canadian Ctrl Service Correspondence School. M.C. C. Ltd.. 401 Kensington Bldg . Winnipeg. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous. Female and ChlWrens Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINAIX (Chiropractor) Phone Green Zll 8 & 7 Exchange Blk. Opp. Onne's) HAI.VACU ANP TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTHOl'E ENGINES Boats and Scows of al! descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Enclncs Northern B.C. Dlstrioutors Coolldre Propellers Band and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 561 P.O. Box 15C1 A Dally News, want-ad will bring results. BLUE GOOSE NEST FOUND Canadian Government Scientists Success After Years of Starching OTTAWA, Ont., Dec. 27 After six years of rentless searching in the Arctic wastes of the north, a Canadian government scientist, J. Dewey Sopher, finally discovered in June, 1929, the nesting place of the Blue Goose. The North West Territories Branch of the Depart-, ment of the Interior now has issued a booklet, describing Mr. So-' pher's long search and including all the data and facts he gathered ' In "Blue Goose Land" in Baffin Is-: land. Because the booklet Is the only authentic report In the world on the nesting and breeding habits of, this species of wildfowl, it is ta great demand among ornithoio- gists and is being distributed to I31 P ot the North American the viewpoint of bird lover the booklet tears add! the veil of mystery that has en- shrouded the Blue Goose ever since the species was known to man. The first part of the report deals with Miv Sopher's six years o! wandering through the Barren (Lands of the north during whicn time be travelled 30400 miles be fore he succeeded m locattnc h. legendary -Blue ooose Land." The Uygtery of the breeding habits of 'thli species of goose has intrigued ornithologists for years. The Blue Ooose spends the winters on the Lootstana coast and In the early spring begins Its long flight north ward. It has been traced up the Mississippi valley, across the Orea. Lakes and as far as Hudson Bay art4 Ja7kH xiW fr' from there Jti trail vahisnecT completely It was In 1933 that Mr. Sopher began his long search to end tlu mystery. During a trip of 7.000 miles, touching at Greenland, El lessnore, Dovon and Baffin Islands. enquiries were Bde of the Eski mot and white men concernin; the northern habits of the Blue Ooose. Finally he was told by one old Eskimo that the goose neatea on the shores of a lake far in the Baffin Island interior. Mr. Sopher decided to follow this single due and in 1934 struck a camp on Cumberland Sound. Baffin Islam. Because of the lateness of the sea son. however, he was unable to trek overland before the goose be gan flying south. He spent the fall and winter mapping and exploring the country and in visiting Eskimo tribes. Kaify tn the spring, with a part of Eskimo dog-drrton, Mr. Soper began his trip Into the Interior. After five months of strenuous Investigating. Jm returned to his headquarters Wh the mystery stM unsolved. The oM Eskimo had been mistaken In Ms information. Undaunted by Failure Undaunted by this failure, Mr Soper became more raeol'td than ever to looate Blue Ooose Land. The winter of 1996 was spent In long trips over the rugged terrain of Baffin Isand, exploring and so- 1cttto- mfermatkn from the Ei klmos. So persistent was ne tnst he was named by the natives. "Kl araeato." the man in search of the DlttC Ooom. In the spring of 1M6 a new camp BRINGING UP it ACCEPT THESE GIFTS WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS DO YOU think of your newspaper merely as a means of finding out what the famous people in the world are doing, saying, thinking? As an impersonal record of events which do not concern you at all? We have something more than that to offer you. For instance: Please accept today with our compliments these things . as a gift throughout the coming year, which you'll find in our pages: ey, and better ways of, performing old household tasks . . . mean's of savings steps, time, effort . . .. labor-saving devices' . ; short-cUts to efficiency . . . money-savingi,"Why " you say, "youlre probably talking about the advertisements !" Just so we are. Think of the advertisements and read them as news. News of the world of goods and things . . . news of scientific achievement accomplished for your benefit ... news that concerns you far more directly than an account of boundary disputes in Baluchistan can ever concern you. Read the advertisements regularly, and use them as millions of other people are doing to save you time, effort, money, trouble, when it comes to buying the things that make life a little easier ... a little brighter. Reading the advertisements will .keep you in step with the rapidly advancing standard of living in Canada today. E vy7(3aWHere': somTthinnewLinl as we in' as o on was struck on Cape Dorset, at the southwestern extremity of Baffin Island. Eskimos from the locality Informed him the goose nested oa the tundra along Foxe basin. Unforeseen I events necessitated Mr. Soper'i return to civilization In the fall of 186 and practically the whole of the next year was con sumed in study and preparation for the final drive to be conducted in im. In the summer of that year, Mr. Soper returned to the north, again taking up headquarters at Cape Dorset. The fall and winter were spent in mapping and exploring the country. In May, with four sledges, 42 dogs and five Eskimos. "Klameate". set out for the Foxe Basin country. A permanent cams was struck and named "Camp Kungovlk" after the Eskimo nam-? for the Blue Goose. With two Eskimo helpers Mr. Soper prepared to spend the summer there, deciding to chance a retreat later through the Interior of 'the Island by means of a canoe. It was at this camp that the Blue Goose was found at Its brood-mg ground, thus solving a zoological mystery of kmg standing. About six weeks was spent In ob-' -ervation. photographing and gathering minute data on Un nesUng habits of the birds. Of the weather. Mr. Soper says It was "the bleakest, coldest, gloomiest' FATHER the I front-page. Beinformed and most Inclement" he had ever was perilously close to the frees- llng point at all times and an In- icessant raw, cold rain beat down. Only a few hours of daylight ap- 'peared in the twenty-four. The I only sound to be heard was the ; ever-present honking of thousands i n t nin. Beautiful Spectacle With it all. however, Mr. Sopher says In his report: 'The most beautiful, as well as the most remarkable spectacles that I have ever seen In bird life, were these great gatherings of Blue Geese on the marsh-lands of Western Baffin Island. In the stillness of a June night when the sun was sinking in a, weird red and golden light over the northern horlron at midnight,1 their close ranks appeared like huge snowbanks against the back ground of the browning tundra The beauty of it all fell upon the eye as does a surpassing poem, or strains of music upon the ear. It was epic, with the heroic flavor ot those larger experiences In nature wh'eh strike across one's pathway but once in a lifetime." Ot his hazardous canoe trip back to Hudson Strait and a waiting government steamer Mr. Soper had little to say. Out In the unprotected sea the frail craft was tossed about like a cockle-shell and finally 72 miles of old Ice masses si si advertisement on all sides! had to be surmounted. The food supply of the little party gave out but with their precious cargo of scientific material finally the ss Beothic was reached, nine hours before she sailed for the south. The question of conserving the Blue Goose, Mr. Soper says, is largely a question for United States. It will be unmolested In Hs Northern breeding, grounds for many years to come and only when It migrates to the south is it vulnerable to the guns of sportsmen. CNJl. steamer Prince William. Capt. William Thomas, Is reported due back at 2 o'clock tomorrow morning from her weekly voyage to Queen Charlotte Island points". SCALE OF CHARGES The following la the scale of charges made for reading t notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements 12.. name. Birth Notices Wta, Funeral Notices Jl. Cards of Thank 12. Funeral Flowers 10c per 4 Missionary Coming Here For Week On Lutheran Behalf 'Rev. P. K. Fosse of Belllngham! will arrive In Prince Rupert next; Wednesday from the south to conduct a week's services In St. Paul's Lutheran Church here and also Ibok Into the possibility of estab lishing a missionary boat in local waters next spring. Mr. Fosse will conduct the services both in the! Norwegian and English languages Originally a fisherman In Norway, Mr. Fosse has travelled extensively through the Dnltid Staler engaged In missionary work. He Is a splendid singer as well as; speaker. BOY SCOUT LAUDED (Continued from rage Ohti flames. The prompt action of Bobby Houston with the advantage of his Scout training saved the situation from being serious if not fatal. The boy's hair was singed and his hands badly burned. "It Is Just such Incidents as this which demonstrate the real training a Boy Scout receives." Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10.30 am From the East Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 330 pjn For Vancouver- Tuesday 1 noon Thursday t 9 pjn. . Friday '. r .... II pm. Dec. 3, 17, and 31 From Vancouver Sunday 4 pjn Wednesday 10.30 pm Friday . ., , pn ' Dec. 13 and 27 pjn For Anyox and Stewart Sunday 7 pjn. Wednesday 3 DJn. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays 1U0 ajn. Thursdays 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port JSimpson Sunday 7 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson- Tuesday 1120 am For Queen Charlottes- Wednesdays 7 pjn. From Queen Charlottes eunaays ajn. For Alaska- Dec. 13 ancrtt ajn. From Alaska-Dec. 3, 17, .and 31 pjn. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Block. . tf Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month-Cheaper to tuy than rent k All makes of machines paired. McRAE BROS. LTD. TYPEWRITERS No tibw raise ran approach the special REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 S75.00 Very r7 Trrmn All ether makn frora $13.00 ' Hl'NnSTRANO ADMNfl MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd, VANCOUVER, B.C. MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading While House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 22 Window Class and Glazing Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croguignole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $750 Skilled artists In all branches of ' beauty culture 211 Third Street Phone Blue 561 Wood and Coal Cheer upl The best was coming. Now It's Here Trjr our new coal Just arrived CASErS CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 . SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and. Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged ' W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue rhone Blue 339 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF TOT ESTATE OF dfiOROK SKIDOFF DECEASED ALIAS BQHTB SKIEAK ALIAS JTJHKO SKI-ZAK ALIAS JURKO 8KIDIFF. NOTICE U berctoy yfirra that fell per on taring claim Mutrwt tL bote nuand late of Anchorage. Territory ot AlMka, United SUtea ot America, aad toctnerlj ot tt City of Prince ; Rupert, in toe Piorinc of British Ottui&ta, Canada, who died at Anaboraa a&re menttcoed on the ath day of February 1SS9. are required to aead particulars thereof, duly vertined. to the under slg&pd on or bfore ttke Sth day of January. 1831. after which date It ptoceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persona eatttled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which it than then hare . had notice. DATED at Vaacourer. H O. this 17th day of November. A.D. mo. MONTREAL TUOST COMPANY, 814 Fender Street West. Vancouver. nA Administrator of the Batata oj tn aboes anmttoard Oertfte Sttldoff. Baca id within tot, ProTtnoe of British OoiumWs riM, dS-10-lT. By Georgd MrManus ( VVEU-. MAGSCS 1 ( EvEWtHTMiNG IS V. f LfD CUKTnSlBOX. V tHELLO. IS THIS TVe J 23? COMB AWV POt I P&A.01 ANO?UET. TO tS 1 tfUGT A I lIIMl MCPfrAl. ? iru.. vou mm "B v.tMO- I rut. just emjov I I vou JTj 1 mSwt WAD be-er set am I'Z-t.y J law, tail VMnn Ssrvtot, Us. Owst Srtss nrsn nmmi Q " i