ember 1 10419, ‘i — - ril, # 0% 4005 $07z.. . T5e | Smoked Black Cod and Kip ef Condial, special 20 pers fresh everyday. Ber aize $1.25 Wehave perhaps the la; gest © ot Birch Beery @ stock of Sw et, Sour and \"Velicious Beverage . - 25¢ Mixed Pickles inthe tity, rhorpe’s Grape Cordial Be | wweet Relish, Mustard K uspberry Vineg ir, spl Bbc and Chili Sauce lo your Cott m’s Bird Seed, the liking. . original, only .. SBBe | Libby’s Sauerkraut, Whisks, Brooms; Stove | darge tins. witiiBe br ishes, ShoeBrush- } A®other line We carry a ful] 1g, et Best stock dine of 4s Drug Sundries, in the ¢ity and-~at | @guch as Cough Medicines, lowest prices. iniments, Salts, Boracic toria Cross Ghoco- s A ‘id, Borax, ete. late. Have you tried ARIt, per package 10 it? In-tins®nly Van Hoaten’s Coeoa, all sizes. Reindeer Condensed Coeoa, none better, onsale, nly ....+25e. and 35e Crisco, on sale, per Ib. 40¢ : King’s Cream’W hipper Ze | Genuine Curry Powder in glass .. P. WwW ler, only bottle : ner lb. Condensed Coffeeand Reindeer GebhartsChiliPowder the original Mexican Tabasco Sauce, per bot. Kitchen Bouquet, per Wellington Knife Polish, 25c¢ Colery Salt, per bottle » 20e | rived, whole or cut, Rird’sCustard Powder McLaren's Quick Pud- ings, Gustard, Tapi- ora and Choeolate, per package ......., Corn Starch, 2 pack- , FULLER’S ee LIMITE 25¢ | Mapleine Flavour gives the finest taste to your syrup, per bot. ‘Wellow Corn Meal, 4 I|be. for ; . »25c Heérse Radish, wet or dry. Niceand fresh: order now. | Prices for Jam in Van- 25e | @ouver run to $1.50 per tin. Our price ‘ao 1 i nin 60c | =" Dry Strawberry Jam. 50c | Junket Tablets ..... 15e | Oleomargarine....... 45¢ 50c | Domoleo Molasses for Hot Cakes. 60c¢ 20¢ | good things to eat. Tea. Fualler’s Special Biend. None Better. ages for . .++++ 25e] Ivory Soap, 2 bars for 15c Asparagus Tips special 40¢ Per case of 100 bars, $7.25 bMing’y ColbGR, Tisisss ss cece As ose. rac 2 Pas .. 65e All other tins as Malkin’s Best, Nabob, Empress, ote, nee 1D, . seniors e's ce neers 60¢ Fuller’s Fresh Grouwnd.... 55e —.— <=. ee 50e Color, Zand 402. bottles Special--American Our Pastry and Biscuit De- Fresh Peels, just ar- —* is extending. atch our window for j | . Per pound 60¢ | Big Soap Special. 15c | Palm Olive, 2 for.... 25¢ Per dozen . $1.35 Two Stores Phones 44, 45 and 534 THE. DAILY NEWS HUNTING SEA _ LIONS TOGET THEIR’ HIDES Victoria Man Kills 700 in Waters of Queen Charlotte Sound. TELLS OF METHOD “ADOPTED BY FISHERMEN James Geseford of Victoria has been hunting sea lions in his fishing boat and took 700 of them around Queen Charlotte In telling the Victoria about it he The fions is Sound Colonist says: method of \ ery hunting the interesting You have to get them when they cam: oul of the water upon the and fit then’ from an advantag: pointdngher up. . The reason for is that they never look up for danger, Phey giwave took straight rocks, out to sea, even if a shot were iced from above, We therefor: always lodged on a rock higher up to do our ‘shooting. The dugular Vein. “One has to be a very good shot to be a suceessful hanter of sea only resull will be that your prize Will jump or roll into the water and immediately sink. As they never get far from the water's edge, it takes very little effort to Cet back into-thewwter in case of anges Lhe one Vital spot is be wind the ‘ears, and as the have errall *arspusually nol more than an inch in size, it re quires a very accurate plunk your shot through the jugu lar vein, vers Strange Rocks. The lions have a habit of pull self-preservation. They will ladge Dr. Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Lecayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Bfficiency~ Bayne OFFICE HOURS— Horning, 9 to 12; Mternoon, 1.20 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only, Every Evening frem.30 7 to 9 Dental Nurse'in attendance Phone 109 for appointment on rocks that are cauldrons when lie storm-tossed seas sweep ove: and as usually there ar¢ about three hours between the tides, when it is safe to ven ture # the gvocks, the time in which the hunter ean do his is limited. The rocks on which the sea lions land are worth’special men- They ane of a peeuliar na re, and T would judge are of leaniec origin. The surface is like pulverized glass and it is im possible to slip on them. A pail of boots made of ordinary leathe: would be cut to pieces on those rocks in a very few hours. This fact is sufficient to demonstrat the quality of leather to be mad them, only shooting lion from the hide of the lion. If land cattle were to infest the Troeks their hides Would be torn inte shreds in an incredibly short time. But with the sea lion the hides remain intaet—-the grain is not scratehed and that is the im- See ALBERT @ McCAFFERY before you purchase Lime Brick Anything in the Building Line We handle Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber B.C. Mill’s Fir Cerent Shi agles Plaster Laths : SS = Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. portant thing when it comes to tanning, id Like Taking Candy. seat ee ‘When the cow lion is breeding the most dangerous of the rocks ——= ———. ~ jane chosen forthe young litter, aud at such times the bunting of pups is like taking. candy from a baby. “But after you have fired your first shot don’t the rest of the lions jump into the water for safety’? ‘No, That is the strange part of u hes have m thouelt of danger from-eany othe source than from the sea, When a shot is fired from bigher up the rock. the lions look straight ahead on the water for. danger and eroueh further on to the rack Tol All you have ta do is sit and pick them off if you are a good enough shol But if you do not hit the jugular vein they roll into the water and sink seem to safety there Mv \like a piece of lead. If you hit them in the right place they drop MINING STOCK -FOR SALE Uhave for sale part of the treasury shares in The B. C. Silver Mines, Ltd. One of p hese Capital - p roperties is situated between the famous remier Mine and the Bush Mines, Ltd. ‘hares will be listed.on the Vancouver ‘Stock $1,500,000 “Snange, For further particulars. apply to 344 Pender Street W. 0. B. BUSH , VANCOUVER right where they are hit, and emit long streams of hlood from their wound. One tion will weigh anywhere 2100 to 2,500 pounds. The hides are about an inch thick, and very tough It makes the very finest of rough jeather, such as is used for workmen's mitts, saddles and such bike. The ehief trouble seems to be that it wears s0 well that manufacturers buek it, be ‘ise it reduces sales, Destroy the Fish. here is, however almost an inexhaustible supply, and they should be hunted down, not only l for the hides, but because they « vt isands of tons of fish eact have seen statistics somewhere which claimed that it 0 pounds of flab a day to from fup tho sAneon, | } lakes lions. Ther® is only one place where the Shot\will do its work. [f the hunter hits the animal in any Other part of ¥t# body, the lignes} aim tok ing Out-to the most 'dangerou- rocks to be found, This seems) to be an instinctive effort towards |; THE ORIGINAL OPERATED The “WEE MaeG water. up to seven feet in’ diameicr. green or dry logs, 20: to °0\ cords of wood a day. 80 light is its weight ib can easily be earried from ope can move it on the log and two men from log to Joe seconds, a 4-foot log in 3 minutes and a 6-foct lo gasoline, oif and grease is approximately 4 cents a cord, With equal facility avd preportionate Depending upon s Full operating instructions are furnished 5 simple it can be operated and kept im order by to the feed cutter, the pump, the circular saw, parts. In case of emergency there is no long wa 310 Granville Street =! ti | feed one full grown lion. I ean} quite believe it. I have seen them| with a whole big salmon in tneir! mouths, and théy will eat end, | halibut and practically every hin of fish in the sea. “The sea lions are savage ani strong animals. They wil! figit with big patches of the hide torn of by the teeth of other lions qluring a fight.” | TURUAUOAETTUUU ELEN OODLE AADAD UNGER SD AEASE UD UUEUUEA TA UUEHOOUOONOOUOEUUHOREOO FOTO ENCUEEUOOS OE COON FURDAEOEESEDAD “Wee MacGregor” (Frequently imitated Never Equalled) practical and proven machine, j aud accurate cutting of wood under any conditions, on land or We carry in-stock at all times imour Vaneouver W Vancouver, B.C. tiesperately. I have told you of ihe thickness and toughness of the hide, vet I have seen lions SPRUCE DRAG SAW LIGHT DRAG WEIGHT FORTABLE, GASOLINE SAW & POWER PLANT REGOR’’ Ding Saw isean inexpensive liathyeadepted forthe rapid) — ravie vill eut the small or Jarge log ze aud character it will cut firédm either poiut to enether. One man Tt has sawn a 2-foot leg in 50 gz in 6 minutes. Its operating cost for ith each machine, and its mechanism is so any person. Its power ean be harnessed ’ t separator. UODADODOGELANAEROAUNDAMAGAAAAAAEAGAALORAA the ehurn o7 7 iP murs O1 taal ‘ehonses a full-line of service it for delivery. Write For Our New Illustrated Folder. Sent Free If You Mention This Paper. WEE .MacGREGOR SAW: MANUFACTURING CO. The “Wee MacGregor” ~ Drag Saw has been © adopied by the Domin- ion of Canada in the Fisheries and Agricuk — e tural Branehess and by the B. C, Government Forestry Service and Provincial Farm. Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES430.ang 423. _ P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. OC. FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY FIR CEDAR Consult Us. es = aD YOUTHFUL BANDITS RAIDED A-HOTEL (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs EDMONTON, Oct. 34.—Three young bandits raided a hotel here 23, section 7, and collected the sum of $280. aS All three have been arnested. le | Por sale, one 4- wir, electric light Geo, Waddell] "=" Phones BLACK 367 — GREEN 394 FOR ELECTRICAL WORK - . ; Save. Money In Lamps. | Motor Delivery Price #1,700.00, half cash MARINE INSURANCE PHONE BLUE 69, WESTHOLME TiiGATRE BLOCK, P. 0. BOX 66. THEO COLLART, Notary Public room house with bathroom, plastered, hot and cold . telephone, ete., and one 3-reoom house papered, block balance 6-12 months, REAL ESTATE FIRE | NSURANOCE Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Prompt Attention We sell Frisbie Engines Cemplete and ready to install. Frisbie Motere give iong, uninterrupted service with practically no repaire- except occasional grinding of valves. Valves in cages; accessible in a few seconds. An “ali muscle” construction throughout, every part designed for hard work. Overhead vaives, opening directly inte combustion chambers. No pockets or crevices to gather carbon, and waste fuel. Thie typé of con- struction effecte a gain of 15 to 20.per cent. more power than le possifie with L or T-Head designs. intake and exhaust manifolde are cast integral with the cylinder; miles ahead of the old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. Large valves insure full eharge on the intake and a complete, clean exhaust. 1 to @ OVLINDERS—5 to 76 HORSEPOWER Frisbie Motors are made in following eizee: t-oy!l., 6 and 7 H. P,; 2-cy!., 10 and 16 H. P.; 3 oyl., 18 and 26 H.P.; 4-cyl., 30 and 40 H.P.; G-cyl, 50 and 76 H. P.—Boere and Stroke, 434" x 6” and 6” « 6". For work or play, the Friebie will measure up to “your hardest teste. FRISBIE the friendly motor Lipsett Cunningham Co., Ltd. SSS 5 Horse Power, $450 7 9”? ”? $600 10 ,, » $700 16 ,, » $900 25 ” 99 $1400 Ask the Man who has used one ; & : a meal 2A @ AR: - aif 1 a Qe