Lturr' v- August 30. 1030 r t'.it St THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THHE? A SuH9 rich Slavcmr that Summer COLDS 1 gives complete enjoyment Local Items Quick 1 Scandinaviar o'clork Labor sharp. Day sports commence Saturday. from Sore Relief any Throat, Cold, Annette Ladies Wear Co., Ltd. by Anderson. Headache 203 or Other Pain Glasses fitted by registertd optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. II II Fresh from the gardens9 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One New Gillette Ilazor One New Gillette Blade One Tube Palmolivc Shaving Cream All For 35 Cents tea LicL Z7fio Pionacr Drucelsls ' Phones SI & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists PHILUPS- du to Acid MOKltTlOM cams nmK JUT W xi.-vm km in the stnmarh. The I I-; aourl. The instant remeily a t'i a utli whii-h neutralises aricla. i.: Uic crude help. I'm' what ' r wi.iilJ advise. ' T- -t 1 li, ia 1'billtpa Milk of . . Vur the 60 veara ainee it has remained atandai ian. You will And nothing ok In iti effect, so harmless, I'ltlNCB RUPERT. D.C. Immediate Relief! L .Oaa .ttalslMi spawf uLia wtervnw, traiiaea many tinea ita rolmne in aeid. The reaulta are immediate, with no bad after effect . Once you learn thin fact, yon will never dial with excess acid in the eni'le ways, . Go Warn now why thia n?tUod,ia nriiaa riant for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Kach bottle contains full direc-tiMM any drugstore. UNION STEAMSHU'S LIMITED HatHiif Mom Prince llttpert '.' "OUVBU. VHTOIA. Buiedtle, Alert Rij. etc Tuesday, 3.30 pjn vwroiw.u. virioHli. KuteJaie Hen iu. tie., ttuur mianuhi ALICE AKM. ANYOX. NTMVART. Xa KJer. Port lmpitt. sun 1jr. 8 .00 u m I SIMPSON and WAIJ!1" ISLAND. Thursday pm ii Atenoe H M !Mini ent Itlnee Kuiiert. II. t T ronth tlrVets le Vlrteela ceauie oartsxe rwua Ihruath to detlnstlon . Msmrs B. C. Coast Steamship Service : ibiMMNOS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To ''Ketchikan. tWaneell. Juneau. Skagway August 1. 4. 8, 11, 15, 18, . 3ft. T9 Vancouver, VlcJtorla. Seattle AttBUSt 2. 6 9. 13. IS. 23. t3, 17, 90. Princess Mary- Ocean Kails. etc- Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjh Agents For All Steamship- Lines IV C Orchard. General Agent, 3rd Ate, I'rlnce Rupert, lho.. SI DEMAND Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD SmoUed Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Try a Daily News Want Ad. Special meeting of Prince Rupert BP.O. Elks will be held In the Elks' Home Sunday, August 31 at '7.30 pjn. AH Elks are urgently requested to attend. (203 ( CNH. steamer Prince William. Capt. William Thomas, returned to port at 4 o'clock this mornuu af ter a special trip to Shannon Bay. Massett Inlet, with cannery men and supplies and sailed at 8 o'clock this morning on a regular trip to the Skeena River. Mrs. Elizabeth Dean, district jeputy-grand recorder of the Women of the Mooseheart Legion, who has been paying a visit to the lodges here and at Anyox, sails this afternoon by the Princess Louise on her return to Vancouver accompanied by Miss Margaret Hill. After a day's 1stt in the city. Dr. tad Mrs. R. A. Stiefel. who were married this weak in Victoria the bride having formerly been Miss Pete Tremayne, popular pioneer girl of this city, left on to-iays train for Jasper Park where they will spend a few days before proceeding to Detroit where they will make their home. NOTICE Receiving classes commence September t ftnd all. parents who have children who will be 8 by Feb. 1, 1931. and wish to attend are requested to report to the principal of the school in which area they reside before opening day. J. O. WILLIAMSON, Secy BABY'S SOAP Pure &Fra$ratit 1 U&I Cafe Formerly the White Lunch Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel irXllMt NEW MANAGEMENT S)ma Heated. TravHlero' Hample lionins: Hot and Cold Water tee Uu Meet All Tralnv and noata Kates $1.00 and Up SPECIAL MONTHLY ItATfch C. K. niGGAUT &' A. DONALD ITopilefors PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading f im-lly hotel, hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. I'KUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. Of Fraser and Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Zafelll. Top. THE HOTEL UOKTlt WHILE Hot ft Cold Wir; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone KI LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team oi Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Planr una Furnl'ure Movlne ,ONT treat a "slight cold" liehtlv! The discomfort of a summer cold can easily develop into dangerous illness it neglected. A tablet or two of Aspirin will check a cold as quickly as it came. And you will get immediate relief from the headache that goes with it If there's a sore throat, too, crush 2 tablets in 4 tablespoons f water, and gargle. Those who have learned the true value of Aspirin are never without it in any season of the year. It's always ready to relieve headaches, neuritis, neuralgia, and a long list of aches and pains: see proven directions in, each package. Aspirin does not depress the heart or upset the stomach. Druggists everywhere have it. Sty TRACK MARK RCS. ASPIRIN Admission to grounds Labor Day, Adults 25c. Children free. Dus leaves for Government Road Sunday and Monday at 1.30 return 7.30. Fares 50c. each way. 203 Dinner ware, china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. On September i; Labor Day, the Post Office general delivery an ! registration wickets will be open from 6 a.m. to U a.m. The Post Office lobby will be open from 8 am. to 8 pjn. The 100-yard dash will be one ef the big featuresfLabor Day. Heavy winds' beWwen Red Pas .TunrAanm nd Prtlawifl agree intM-w vices between here ana Edmonton last night. : Miss E. A. Mercer, principle of Booth Memorial School, who has been spending the summer vaca tion at Victoria, returned to thr city on the Prince George yeste-day afternoon from the south hi 'preparation for the resumption of ! school next week. At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last night a letter was received from the Under Secretary of State at Ottawa statin? that permission to change the name from Board of Trade to Chamber of Commerce had been granted and the change would be gazetted this week. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS , Rebekah Bridge and Whist September 10. Moose Bazaar. October 18. 1" II FROM MONTREAL TO tlL.SHOW-ELr .Lsr-LIVEUPOOI, 8. pi. 1'. xuc. 1, .uaCnlL. Bept. If Durham C RiabutjnC x&ept 37. xOcl IS MUU xNot calling n Liverpool. To CIIEKIIOI KO-SOUTIIAMPTOV 1IAMIU ltd i Sept. S Mmtealm j Bept. IS Mratdars Sapt. OCT. To HAKVE LONIlONVVNTWEItP Maatrow . .Montcalm T LIVBHPOOt TSept. 10 Pilots of Bedford eept. 17 Oct. io uuenaaa of York Sp is. Oct 24 Oeeattsa oCAUmU FROM QUEDEO To tTIKUIMWItti-fglUMrTON Sent. 0. Sept. 90 . staiM ef Sootland 8rpt. is. Oct. 8 Baivvaa of Franoa 8apt. 33. Kov 24 E:itpaas of Australia FROM VANCOUVER Tu Hawall-JapuM-Clilna. Philippine Sapt 4. xOc so. BMp. ef Japan &pt 18. Nov. IS HrnjirTM of Asia xOct 3. (Nov 37, Bsap. of Canada Oct 16, xDrc 8 Empesaa of Ruaala xlncltidlnfr rail at fono)ulu. Aonlv to Aaenu everrwhere or 1 i. t'OIIMTKIt 8tesaihlp Oenl. Pass Aent C P H stntum Vancouver. ' Telrphiiiie iililll) 1111 Tuesday, from 2 to 4 Dresses Reg. values to Q(i QCJ $25.00, special Voile Dresses Reg. up to Q -fl Q $12.75, special Pt7J House Dresses Reg. up -I A A to $4.95, to clear M V Smocks (9- special Flannelette and Jersey Dresses, special The contests in the field events promise to be keen Laitor Day. Scandinavian dance Saturrtay. Moose Hall. Music by Anderson. fr sdfce StMt iSplphlc sef ipMrtt'. Bert HK 203 nstant general manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co., was r. passenger aboard the as. prwee ueorge yesieroay axternoan re turning to Premier after a visit toj her home in Manitoba. : I Dr. and Mrs. Hayworth an'ij daughter and Mr. and Mrs. A. Sal - j ter, all of Los Angeles, who recently motored up as far-as Haseutnn ailed last niglit on the Prince Mary for Vancouver after having spent a couple of days In the city Mrs. E. O. Newnham, whose hus band. Dominion Constable Newnham, has been here for the past few days, arrived in the city on the Cardena last night from Kin - eolith. Together they will return to their home on the Naas River tomorrow. Pour perjury cases arising out ot the recent federal election her were further adjourned until nev Wednesday on coming up befon Magistrate McClymont In city no lice court this morning. It is expected that the hearings will br proceeded with then. Mrs. Elizabeth Dean of Vancou ver, district deputy grand recorder if the Women of the Mooseheart Lrglon and supreme secretary of the Ladles of the Royal Purple while here this week, was driven out to the end of the Kaien Island highway and also Inspected the dry dock and cold storage plant-She was very favorably Impressed with the city and port. You Can't Loser Anythlng Out of "STOP-LOSS" POCKETS No Jluttcr What Position You Work In Coollie Coats Reg. $4.95, to clear . . , . :rm .j ,t l- " " w " TsW m isS asM si I asl 1TM n 1 - - - t ifaT 1 fBEJ UTBSC ..$2.50 Chiffon Hose, with double tZe black heel, reg. $1.95, clear All Hats- 4 A A to clear at ?JLaTO Beaded Georgette Dresses AC special,, ,..,,r.H V 3 Dozen Wool ,Tars ... j Special i Serva 'Sanitary Napkins' -fl A A special, 3 pkgs. for .... Viv V Annette Ladies' Wear Co., Ltd. No Charges No C.O.D. 0tiitcK $txvkz$ I ITXT , mm FIRST UNITED CHURCH I'astor, Itcv. A. YYilson, 15. A. Mcrning service at 11 a.m. Evening service at 7:30. Both erviccs'wlll be conducted by Rev. C. E. Motte. Sunday School will reopen on September 7 at 12:15. ST. ANDKEWSTCATHEDRAL (Church of England I Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean LABOR SUNDAY Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a.m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society. 213 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "CHRIST JE8U8." The public is cordially invited to attend. Reading jptm, 243 8econJ Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pin. ' . i liv v rir -7TT7 Don't forget the big dance, in the .Moose Hall, Labor Day evening. Union Orchestra. CPU. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. Fenton, arrived in port at 7 j'clbck last evening from the south sailing at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypomta. Mrs. M. H. Blott and daughter Peggy, who have been spending the summer vacation In Vancouver, re turned home from the south on the Prince George yesterday ; Tt." ' - . fM8yRoy Stevens entertained recently at the tea hour In honor of ter jtfftter, Mrs.- H. Littler of Prince George. Vancouver Province. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Slaggard, who have been on a trip to Minneapolis and elsewhere In the Middle States, returned- to the city on the Prince George yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dolile and family of Anyox, who have been on a trip to the States, were 'passengen aboard the Prince George yesterday afternoon returning to the smelter town. In TIME TOOLS and MONL'Y "ST0P-L0SS" POCKETS i i nil .1 U1U Save You Sianj' ' Times What You Pay 'for Overalls The Only Overalls Made in Canada That Are Equipped With "Stop-Loss" Pockets If four dealer rannot supple you, write direct to The Great Western Garment Co., Ltd., Ldmonton, Alia., (Itlng as his name.