eee a a es Page 4 _ — THE EE a = Anyone |i) appiy thence We have thought and rkea wo 8 rately sup TAKE GENERAL CONTRACTOR vereto OMce and Shop Fraser St. Estimates Given. The 4 SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING + 27th > Joe Brown’s ‘ Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN otice is 8th September, D Phone Green 269. + a, Sealed tenders will be LAND ACT ® District f Prince Rupert ; ; a e Yotice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land Char istand= Land If ' ' at Port Clements, Graham Island NOTICE that we, the Orahar & Cedar - Limited f ements, ocenpation lumbermen it for permission to lease the lescribed lands n le ; itend wing Commencing at a post planted 4@f the } N.W. cornes of Blox 53, townsite of Port lement«: thence N. 760 der. W 540 fT uih 33 dex. W 455 ft.; thence SKEENA south 237.77 ft.: "thence east 479.05 ff ence following the shore fine in a forth aster lirection | the point of com jmencement and containing 7.1.acres, more less /RAHAN ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR Ct He or ehe likes But all LIMITED the «at t sometimes Dated August 12th, 1919 makes a difference wher QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Dis ro TRICT—RECORDING DISTRICT OF NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, of hich flows north and drains about 200 feet we indary Lot 4954 ek w steam . , vest b The water will be diverted from the eam at 4 potnt about 180 feet N.W. of S. W. Cor. Lot 4954 and will be industrial power purpose upon the and described as Lot 4954, Range 5, Coast District This notice was posted on the ground eo m the 6th day of September, 1919. A copy f this notice and an application pursuant! and to the “Water Act, 1 By W. A. Bauer, I wants at very rince Rapert, B. ¢ prospector, intend ewelry bus © apply for a licence to prospect for coal . ; 41 and petroleum over the following de ness. scribed lands on the West Coast of Gra From collar buttons + mm Island liamonds we strive : mmencing at a post planted at three : all niles north of the north east corner of make s e ft 2457, thente & chains north, thence ' vita nt : mins west, U e 80 chains south We 80 chains east to point of com n nr sk that t anything PETER PIOMBO . ; measure in just neated July 27, 1919 “ iz we in showing Datcd September 25th, 1919 . . 1 WATER NOTICE JOHN BU GER DIVERSION AND USE _ TAKE NOTICE that Northern B. C. Pish Jeweler ries Limited whose address is Wine! the Siun f Worth end suilding, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for Besity s licence to take and use 4 cubic feet per ” second of water out of un wun-nat int st of used O14 | be Mled in the office of the Water Rx : order at Prince Rupert, B.C Sash, doors, mouldings and Objections to the eppiicetion may be : . led with the said Water Recorder or with all interior finish lumber al- ~ Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia a : mnt Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within ways in stock. ae fty days after the first appearance of Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's bis notice in a local newspaper # NORTHERN B. C. FISHERIES LIMITED hardwood. Applicant Agen! ate of the first ~~ of this EXGIRKEERS TIMBER SALE X 1676. Pati : Sealed tenders will be received by Estimates furnished. inister of Lands not later than noon on ly News the day of November, 1919, for the peepee Reet victoria s ., or District Forester, P naa. 20. pert, . & 4 JamesF.Marten SIGNWRITING PAINTING DECORATING TIMBER SALE X 1798. th October, 1919. . rehase of Licence X 1676, to cut 3,574, Address, 3rd Avenue, head 60 feet of Spruce, Hemlock. Cedar, Cotton ‘ood and Balsam and 14,680 Hemlock of Second Street. © Of am area situated near Usk, Skeena er, Range 5, Coast District Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 Two (2) years will be allowed for re val of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, rince received by the ‘istrict Porester, Prince Rupert, B. C.,. not Phones 544 and Black 507 iter than noon on the 6th day of Novem = wer, 1919, for the purchase of Licence X P.O. Box 514 i: 798, to eut 370,000 feet of Cedar, Spruce. Workshop: 329 Second Avenue temlock and Balsam on an area situated 1 Fisher Channel, Range 3, Coast District roe Three (3) years will be allowed for re — poval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Porester spe ‘ictoria. B_¢., or District Forester, Prince ? impert, B. C. in Gey —-« = CONTRACTOR * Alverations and Repairs CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Phins and Estimates furnished ees — NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the eserve existing ovef Lots 4005 and 994 Phone Green 450 fan@e 5, Coast District, is cancelled, 6. BR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Land * $$ nds Department, daa ia Virtoria, B. C, Motor Transfer and 1 Tg Storekepers } | hones 170, biack 334 . AND OTHERS ree rece oreo ing surplus fittings: ror Newly painted. 8th Ave., W. DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND Phon® Green GOT 1017 Grd Avenus Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ~ Bacon Slicer i OR SALE Electric Coffee Mill Seven-roomed house with McCoskey Register bath and finished basement. National Register Cheese Cutter $28 75.00 Taylor Fireproof Safe Very Easy Terme. Burroughs Adding Machine 523 Third Ave. Clock ae Some Show Cases and various other fittings, all at a low price to clear. PHONE 18 : Mussalem Grocery Co. ; SEND FOR JOE have for sale the follow- “ectalists in Light and Heavy Con M ssallem Groce y siruction, Repairs and Alterations u r Viest Class Staircase Work and Finishing Estimates Cheerfully Given thICK AND CONCRETE 8Uii.0ING : CONTRACTORS 117 Co., Ltd. Economy” Store 410.423 Fifth Ave,, F MANY REGISTER ON VOTERS’ LIST Over One Hundred Names Added | Yesterday Before Final Closing of Lists. Yesterday was a very busy day in the city clerk's office, as it was he last chance for householders and license hoiders to get their ames on the voters’ list for the i920 municipal elections. There were more negistrations this year than in the last four or five years and a greater interest was taken by the general public in getting on the lists. Even though the city officials had done everything ti * people to realize that if they were classed as householders or license holders’ they must register before 5 o'clock last tight, still it is known that many missed their voting privileges Even a well-informed secretary , local organization asked last night if a bunch of his members could go up after supper and register. City Clerk Woods eve: had a call at 1:30 this morning from some one wanting to regis- tern. It is very likely that this year's voters’ list will have in the neigh - borhood of 2,600 names on it or roughly speaking an increase of! between 400 and 500 from last year, which was something over 2.100. There were 107 registra- tions made yestenday alone and 274 during the month of October fhe city clerk is now busy com- piling lists of the names and the complete list wil] be ready in De- cember after all registrations close. The time for property holders is up to the end of November. THREE MONTHS FOR GIVING EXTRACT TO AN INDIAN FAMILY The supplying case against Wm. Brown and 0. Donald was disposed of in the poliee court this morning. They were found guilty of supplying extract to an lian family and gettinz them “+ drunk. Wm,° Brown, Who is not a anger in local police circles, is given three months’ impris- oiment without the option of a line. His partner in crime, 0. Donald, drew a § fine or three months’ hard. W. 0. Fulton ap- peared for the accused. "Sam King, a Chinese, accused f having drugs in his possession was remanded till Monday. There promises to be a big ‘rowd out tonight to the musical ‘omedy at the Westholme Theatre tonight. Saturday is usually a opular night for theatre goers and it is not often they have an opportunity to go to anything but the pictures. -That is the great reason why so many are turning out. The special feature in ad- dition to the comedy is the Ha. vaian trio and the lady who dances the hulu fiulu so well. PORK PRICES REDUCED LEVEL OF LAST MARCH (Speelal via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) TORONTO, Novy. 1. Commene- ing this morning the Board of Commerce order requiring a gen- eral reduction in the wholesale prices of pork products to the levels of March 10 last becomes effective. #,°,4,° ee a" ee es sa" = cf E i E ree 78 @ ! ~ ‘ on : on g ea Hear it at WALKER’s! Music Store . Corner 2nd Ave. & 4th St. s eee ee eee se” Ocean Falls, B.C., occupation married wo-| Court of British Columbia, B. ©., vires man, intends to apply for permission to] Miner’s Certificate No, 23583-C, inten herth end of & small island on the west] of improvements, for the purpose of ob side of Choked Passage, west of Munter|tining a Crowh Grant of each of Island, thence south 40 chains. thenee west} above claims. i chains, thence north 40 chains, thence And further take notice that action, UP pest 40 chains to point Of eommencement| der seetion 85, must be commenced befor ond containing 160 acres, move or less the issuance of such Certificate of Impro': DAILY NEWS Worth Hearing The New Edison for the first time is like opening the blinds to the sunlight. You expect to heas the familiar “talking machine tone,” Instead—there pours forth the voice, ot the music of the imstrument, in all its natural beauty—pure and full, and indistinguishable from the living artist. When you choore an Edison Re- Crearson, you receive the actual voice of the artist or his masterly instrumental performance—nothing more, nothing less. We know that when you select an Edison Re-Crearion, you are getting your full money’s worth because we have proof. Two thousand musical critics have endorsed our claim that | Lhe NEW EDISON | “The Phonograph with a Soul’’ Re-Creares the human voice and the music of human played instruments without tlie slightest deviation from the original, «What the Critics Say”, tells the storv completely. Ask for a ” copy; and also for our beautiful new look «Edison and Mu ‘ TOM LEE CO. | 840 Second Avenue, West. when you come to hear the New Ellis. 2 S ‘CHARLES W. TEETZEL. - PRINCE RUPERT GOVERNMENT GRANT Committees Struck for Collection eecsies. e Hot Tomales HOSPITAL GETS A ' Chilli Coal ail Campaign for Funds. VEGETABLES \t a meeting of the Hospital Board held Thursday evening the announcement was made of the receipt of the sum of one thou- Prince Rupert. B.C. sand dollars from the Provincial : — Government. This is a special|§ Pbone 547 — P.O. Box 725 CHILLI PARLOUR grant made to tide the institution . 835 Second Ave. over in its present financial straits. f Phones 41 and Red 391 ‘ ee a ye For Hire by the Hour, Delivery Service Extra «uwmed to take charge of collec- Day or Week Phone 557 tions in the city in. the special campaign for funds: 8 5 — G. T. P., sawmill, cold storage : = and drydock—KE, ©. Gibbons and Launch ce e cng Ggpew eer e te a1 Peeeer eee at the J.D, MeAuley. | Second and Third Avenues—JJ. Pienic and Fishing Parties Y ©, MeLennan and D. G., Stuart. Trips round Harbor Fulton Street and outlying points—W. E. Williams and Ald. J. MYHILL-JONES McRae. ’ | Pool Room IN THE SUPREME COURT or BRITISH ru oe ware eer lt The Gurvich {1 721 Third Ave oe CEASED, INTESTATE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN of an order made by His Honour Judge Young, Local Judge, in The Empress Hote the above matter on the 9th day of Ucto- ” ber, 1919, as follows: IT 18 ORDERED that J. H. MeMullin, DA ones Agumanetier od 4 rtion of oe CIGARS s0 tunty o thin, aliowe lo sWear te the death of Hugh MacPherson Martin as Phone Green 548 cent. Beer mving occurred on the 4th day of August, > 3 ’ 1919, one month from the Yate a the P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. Two pe frst publication of notice of this order ae ce ee unless in the meantime proof is furnished the District Registrar of this Court at i ll . Coal Prince Rupert that the said Hugh MacPher e . . son Martin was living subsequently to the 4th of August, 10919 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the ven - said J. M. MeMullin publish notice of this} * order in the Prince Rupert, Daily News ? & hewspaper published at the City of DE N | IS I RY --or" JOHN PELLICANO Prince Rupert, B. €., once a week for a] ) perios £ oe mene. . M 0 —cl.=» = TOR ated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 10th day of October, A. Dt 19. : OFFICE HOURS: 4. H. MeMULLIN 9 am. to 12; 1:80 p. m. to 6180 p.m. SELL nOTIOS . J. 8. BROWN IN THE MATTER of an «pplication for OR. J. 8 jw V E the no ¥ 0 fee ores of tithe & DENTIST part o o ight hun and forty-eight Bioock, Third Avenue. (848), Group One (1), Cassiar District), O°? = a4. ———, satisfactory proof of loss of certificate ——— ae been filed, notice is hereby given| eeee See ay 1 is 4 es. * the Serones of one mon rom t ret publication , Tr. hereof, to issue 4 fresh certificate of title MINERAL A‘ ! in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, 5 4 n ak- Gurney: commence’ in 5 8 4 : Sti tove in Li 3 w y ; which Certificate of Tithe is dated 8th Certificate of improvements. ing of business February, 1913, and is No, 3067-1, —— the same Hn ‘o in Dated at the Land Registry Office, Prince NOTICE 7 eds in use Rupert, B.C., this 16th day of October, “Silver Tip’ and “Monarch Minera 1919 Hund! 1919, Claims, situate in the Naas River Mining ince Rupert W. P. BURRITT, Division of Cassiar District Prince Acting District Registrar Where located About four miles from pe * ee ————" Thead of Alice Arm on its west side i VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT..DISTHICT fTAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore OF COAST, RANGE I ¥. M. C. No, $1018-C, agent for B. H TAKE notice that Emma ©€. Smaby, of | Tyrwhitt Drake, Registrar of the Supreme On SALE aT Fred Stork’s Hardware OND AVENUE 4 114 Phone Black ll lease the following deserthed tans sixty days from the date hereof, to app Commencing at &@ post planted on the|to the Mining Reeorder for 4a Certificate the EMMA ©. SMABY, ments, Mark Simaby, Agent Dated this 18th day of September, 4 1919. By . alo September 4th, 1919.