the DAILY NE173 f ""ay. Junefc PAGE TWO OFFICERS 1 OF EAGLES I The choice of those men ho ho appreciate appreciate good good Scotch Scotch Whisky Whisky 7 ? . k - 4;':. , - i ai Tins ud in i :oment is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia JL-j V V A A JLJ II W I l J. Jii. Ildckin returned to the city w (ru train frnm n hrlpf husl- William Sherman Jr New Presfdent r" - and Others Installed Last , Nliht Ofcicefc of the locajjr Aerie ness trip to the Interior. Mr. and Mrs. RpbeW Arthur Sail ed last night tm fhePrince George Eagfes for the coming year were 1 for a trip to Vancouve installed last night by Thoans Cloujjh. retiring worthy president, as follows: Junior Past President Thomas Clough. ' Worthy President William Bhfer maa Jr. Worthy Vice-President G. A. Hebb. Secretary Angelo Astori. Treawrer R; G. Ford. Chaplain Leonard Brewerton. R. o. Cunningham ofprt Es-elngton arrived in the cljjm the Cardena today 5 from therSlfcena M- William BaAon, 1$?' Royal Bank of CaWdata'fr&'lled last night on the Prince George for a trip to Victoria. , Conductor-!. C. Seherk. ! , Inner Guard-Ray Scherk. f Albert Mrto Steamboat i(,m,. In-Outer , Guard Alex Guyan. Itpeetor. sailed by the ss. Prince Trustees Peter Gamula, James. George last night on his return to Brown and William Reid. (Vancouver after a brief visit here The installation ceranony was official duties. followed by serving of refreshments. Charles H. Sawle, publisher of Ithe Omineoi Herald. New Hazel- High School and Booth Memorial ,brlef f School will meet tomorrow after-jdty He arrived from the Interior noon in the Junior Football League on today's train and will return to with line-ups as follows: 'New Hazetton' tomorrow morning High Stinech, Nakamoto, Smith, or Saturday, f . ' junior Football Fisher. 'isher, Greer, Bacon , Mextty.i ' 1 Wlngham, Kanaya, Katsuyama and Bartlett. S T3 3L.T23 O T Frank Hoy, superintendent of the WoodEffgllsh logging operations at Snglewood, and Mrs. Hoy: were in thfyly today abofrfd hejj steamer Cardena in the course of making the round trip north on that vessel. Miss Helen Gould and Miss Troup, who have been engaged in missionary work at Kitlmaat, arrived in the city from there on the Cardena today and proceeded by train to their homes at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. Viggo Kihl, noted pianist attached to the Toronto Conservatory of Music, sailed on the Prince George last night for Vancouver alt r having spent a cbiiple of dsMn in, the clty conducting Con Ijatrtxamhratk taminations. u. B. Finn, dfiec director of the ss. Ptffire Rupert Fisheries Expert mental station, sailed last night on the Prince George for Victoria whence he will proceed to the west coast of Vancouver Island to Inspect . ?the- pilchard reduction plihts. H$ expects to return to the citM in a week or ten days. 4 O L&TE Ttt; CLASSIFY SNAP for Quick Sale. Cabin cruller, 18 h$. Cash only. Apply Caretaker, Yacht Club. 133 LOST Canary near Post Office. Phone 137. Reward. The Hand of Time You can't push it back, but you can prolong your days by eating foods that keep the artencs Bbft and pliant the muscles strong and vibrant and the mind clear and active. Shredded Wheat with milk supplies the elements that keep the body strong and supple -contains all the needed vitamihsarid"r',v mineral salts for insuring health and J. strength. It's readycooked, ready-to-serve. Delicious for any meal, with milk or fruits. shredded HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD, T. t. Shen ton, inspector of mines returned to the H:ity cn today's train from a brief trip to Skeena Crossing on official dutie6. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barbero and son of .San Francisco were in, the city it r My f Morton iFetg$to? of the 1. C. Packers staff here returned to the city on today's 'train from a brief trip to the.' Skeena River. Charles Leslie? for dninkennejs, !was fined $25, wth option oj, vta Rmrfchtim nf thi rnnnriian CP.R. steamer Princess thlr aboard the Cardena todaj' They,ty daya' Jmprlsoninent. WtP Deposed cl to to Submarine Submarine ,Crosr. ari making the round trip north, trate McClymont In city -policy on! the vessel. , coun inis morning. ft' XI CTOR-RAD1 0 wiA ELECTO OLA I! E-4S. Tke fmj&eu madrra mnilc InntrumrnU AlWJUctric Kdi aW Victor Rcroni rrpro-taction. ( 375 complete with tulwa. MIA INST TUNNEL British Government Not Favorably Xing of Channel LONDON, June 15 Premier Mary, Ramsay MacDonald informed the; Bank of Commerce staff here, vho ' Capt. S. Kk Gray.'ls reported due House W lOWnmons tftfcy that the has been spending a holiday in at 8.30 tonight rom Vancouver govennt ma deciaea against the south, returned to the ity and waypoints tpvd will sail an conswueuon a ine preposea vun- from Vancouver on the Cardena hour and n-half later on her re-,nel Under the Enlth Channel to today. turn south. (France. '" ' ; . - spec Foa f'v finest Orange Pekoe leaves are used to make this ble&4 fci3 msk pekoe B pi 1 A 'Fresh ivota the gartfead' ffer t its old sa limited -time only on. y 0tii0 old Vfetrola Trade in your old Victrola today! Victor has made it possible for Victor dealers to allow yon $80 for it on the purchase of the amazing Victor Radio-Klcctrola RE-15. Think what this means! You can have Victor's greatest, latest, most highly perfected instrument, at a cost never before even approached! you can enjoy in your own home the matchless TONE of Victor-Radio and Victor Records . . . all the music you want WHEN you want it! Remember that this ofler is for a limited time only. Act at once I Only Victor could make nich an ojjerl Victor has revolutionized thercpro- duction of both radio and recorded music The Radio-Elcctrola RE45 surpasses the greatest musical achievements of Victor's 33 yean of leadership. Victor wants its countless old customers to know the ultimate in modern musical entertainment. That is why this unprecedented offer is made to owners of old Victrolas exclusively. Don't wait until it is too late. Choose your new Victor Radio-Electrola today. Telephone your Victor dealer NOW! f XICIOR TALKLNC MAQILNE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL X T v ictor-Radio with ELECTRO!! ORTIIOPHONIC VICTOll VIGTROLAS AND ITllVU MCRae RfAC JULUl I fA UADIO JSSgSjmt RECEIVERS 5v