—a oo Page 6 a = oe G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public For Sale A fine level Double Corner on Fifth Avenue, Section Six. This is one of the most desirable residential sites in the City, and the price at which me we are offering it is very moderate. If you are thinking of building it would be worth your while to ask us about these lots. Real Insurance H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Estate Bonds Prince Rupart Dry Jock & Engineering Co, ere LIMITED Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds Several boats can te docked section, making fees light. materisls Founc cry Castings in tron, Bross, in wood or steel. together on one smal/ Large stock of repair is being laid in. Work Bronze, Etc., made at Reaso: B. B. Boudry arrived from the south this morning. He is to he wireless operator at the Dighy ‘sland station. BIRTH There was born this morning t Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Phillipsen a laughter. > SNAP For Quick Sale Lots 5 and 6 2 he less tudio Hiock 43, Section 8, $60.00 Each. — — — Room steam heated modern house oO Nientiaiftien ty highest ear drydock, $2,800, ' ur Portraits have won highes en . ao vee awards wherever exhibited. Let ivtoon house, 7th Avenue, Section us demonstrate to you what ex- $1,750, Terms. > perience, skill and daylight can do. f-ltioom houge on Fifth Avenue in ; Make an appointment today. cotton 5. $1,600, Terms. ; Pr ee Ree Lott éth Avenue Section 5— ; Suite 22, Alder Block $€50 cach, Terms. : All busses stop at our door McCaffery, Gibbons ii} a: 7 ry, ons At your Service with & Doyle, Ltd |! Fall Footwear —_— Agents Vhone 114 - 3rd Avenue Insurance Heal lkistate Kentals. hertixe in the Daily News Westholn: e Theatre TONIGHT TONIGHT ~ 2 ' 1%, ‘isher’s Folly Girls present an entirely new bill entitled “COHEN AT |iONTE CARLO” special Attraction! Native Hawaiians and the Hula-Hula FOR LADIES Dorothy Dodd, Onyx, Lady Belle, Slater, Invictus, Class- ic aud other well gnown ) brands. FOR MEN Slater, Invictus, Fitrite, Tetrault, Williams, Leckie, ete, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Leckie, Eclipse, Williams, Pillow Welt, Clams, ete. Rubbers—Rubber Boots for All. Family Shoe Store | Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum Phone 357. The Practical Shoemen oreo ~ wwe. reer. SAVE YOUR SIGHT fe vanes The most valuable of all the senses—-is the most neglected and the least understood. Many suffer from ills, which, upon examination, can be traced directly to defective eyesight. “Tue removal of the cause will often restore the delicate and run-down sufferer to robust health, When glosses are properly preserib ed, they restore the vision to nor- ial and eliminate all eye strain, Fred Joudry ‘Practical Optometrist Third Ave. - + Prince Rupert Opposfie Post Office Local News Notes te ee er ® Miss Shaw returned from the south today. 7 ‘ Pianos correctly tuned, G, U, Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf . > > Mrs. O, H, Sawle returned to her home in New Hazelton this morn- ing. * 7 > CoP. Riel, the cannery man, ar- rived from the south on the Prince Rupert, . . * The Sunday Sehool and services al St. Peter’s Church, Seal Cove, will be resumed tomorrow. it >. > * The “Nora” will sail from the government wharf for Stewart and way points on Tuesday morm- ing. it * . ,. Simpson arrivals at the Prince Rupert are J. ©, G. Wynne and P. M, Port ilotel Spencer, fohnsen. . . 7 Db. W. Cameron, of Alice Arm, discoverer of the Wolf mine, has been in the city on business since Thursday. He returns to \iice Arm tonight. . . ’ : The first snow to fall on the ownsite this winter appeared arly this morning, but went off ts the sun came up. Vancouver iad its finst fall last Monday. last All teamsters and chauffeurs ire requested to attend a meeting to be held in the O, B. U. hall on Sunday, November 2, at 3 p. m. for the purpose of considering hours and wages. it * . ’ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford, formerly of Alice Arm and now ‘f New Westminster, are spend- ng a holiday in Nova Scotia. they will return to the coast in he course of a month or so. * * J. W. Graham, of Cedarvale, re- turned from the souththis morn- ng en route to Cedarvale. While south Mr. Graham was at the bedside of his wife who died there last week following an operation. . . > Miss Alice Monecoeur returnes ‘rom Vaneouver this morning on he Prinee Rupert where she has ween on business in @pnnection vith the recent Sun Circulation ontest in which she was a large wifiner. . > > . The lack of information about he anrival of the Prince Rupert this morning was due to the fact that the wires were down between were and Digby Island and infor- nation could not be obtained from he wireless station. > . > All returned men whe are de- irous of taking up a commercial surse during the winter months re requested to submit their ames to D,. 8. Cameron, secre- ary-treasurer of the Great War eterans’ Association. 258 * . . Henderson, one ditors of the Vietoria Daily Times, arnived here this morn- ‘ng and is looking over the town. He is making the round trip to \nyox on -holiday. Mr. Hender on has been with the Times for a number of years. _. o. of the . * . The regular meeting of the Corner Club, of the Baptist hurch was held last evening and ook the form of a regular Hallo- ve'en social. The church parlors vere beautifully decorated for the easion, and all the young peo- ve enjoyed a fine time. CGames ind music passed away the even- ng very quickly. There was a plendid supper served without ‘harge to the members. . . . RK. ©, MeConnell, of Vanderhoof, arrived from the south on the Prince Rupert en route to Van derhoof. Mr. MeConnell is just meturning from his honeymoon, accompanied by his wife, They were married two weeks ago in Prince George and made their vedding tour to California. Mr. MeConnell is a well known gen- eral merchant of Vanderhoof and a number of friends were at the wharf to greet him and his wife. Spirella Black 257, —_—_—_—_———————— Corsetiere Phem Baptist Church Services SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 by the Rev, J, Conducted Bavin Rowell oo & Subject, dwelling.” 2:30 P, M.--Sunday Sehool, Endeavour, 7:30 PT. M.--Subjeet Hesponsibillties,”’ “Christ tn Mis sloiary “Missionary “ There is a Welcome for all ee Sm _— This was the enthusiastic passed by a discriminating who was present when we o new shipment this week of Ladies’ Sil k Underwear ee eee ieee remark { ustomer pened g The lot comprises Camisoles Envelopes, Boudoir Caps, beautiful creations in silks Knickers, and other and s¢ tins CAMISOLES are priced from to $4.00. $1.75 . BOUDOIR CAPS from $1.00 up- wards. KNICKERS AND ENVELOpxs from $4.00 to $10.50. We shall be glad to have you look them over. New Goods Constantly Arriving. te ee H. 5. WALLACE CO., LD, Corner Third Ave. and Fulton “t. ~ uedtbenmatdillietiigeeesee | Paras wen een R. W. Cameron GS Co. a Beg to announce that not being able to obtain their old corner on Second Avenue, at the head of what ] he used to be Centre Street, they have ened on Third Avenue, No. 626, with a carefully selected stock of Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, Toilet Re- quisites, Cutlery, Cut Glass, etc. All fresh from the factories, and are w ready to their new and old time patrons Old Firm Come Back welcome new store at No. 626 Third T, Avenue Opposite Dominio: egra li aiaalai red ccereeneneee Se + INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC David H. Hays General Real Estate Agent Gor. Second Avenue and Second “ireet. Royai insurance Company, Limited Northern As urance Co. Limited. London & Lancashire Fire insurance Co., Limited London & Lancashire Guarantet 4 Accident Co Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co "RK 1) Ke i _ -Ormes, Limited Values Tell. Phone 82 - 200 sundesd 0nnengnnnsvegneeennuneqvvnnez suits tt Your Drug Store Just consider the amount of confidence you place in your Drug Store. W ~ out its co-operation you cannot hope , achieve the desired results in helpine you regain your health. Don’t you think, then, that it your best thought in selection the advice of your Doctor: proud to say that we feel sure that ; ¥ Doctor will tell you that Ormes ; ‘ . . sJiable. scription Service is thoroug!!) reli Ormes, Limited At Your Service leserves Perhaps We are a | lle