' day October 7, 1030. 10th ANNIVERSARY OFFER Dr. West s 50c. Tooth Brash I n r mCT I STEAMSHIPS TO !"r sJ SPECIAL 40c Qraies J3U ZTfio Pioneer Drutvsls l'hones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Siilllna. Iroin Prim Ktirt I i M OI VEK. Vlf'TOKl.t. Hutrda'r, Aim Hay,' etc TunuUy, S.:U p.m. I i VNI WM. M( IllltlV H 't. .1 .1.-. lrrt lint, tl . ..Irldiiv mldnUUt A' " ' VK'- At'V -iiw Suae Klvrr. I'urt Klini'won. Suit- il.ij. x.imi p.m. 1 : .'nil veiiiir K. M. SMITH Vent IVIne Uuprrt, U.C. .l;r( ii,.li ilckr i Ij to vicl -r!a nr.d Seattle and baggage dieck'd thruugH to destination. B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS I710M riMNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway October 1, 11, 22. fo Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle September 24, October 5, 15, 26. Princes Mary- Ocean Kalis, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. Acenu Fur All Steamship Lines W. C. Orchard, General Ajr?nl, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, PhoneSI. PKMHINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 M1NEHEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAI) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroncrls store. L " fa 'V. rM vvwHwcuuteneon returnet city on Sunday afternoon's from- a brief trip to Terrace. A. J. Curzon sailed last night on the Prince William for a brief business trip to Queen Charlotte City. Rebefcah Anniversary Serylcl on Wednesday; ock a -at 8- put. in Metropole Hall. RebaKahs, Oddfel lows and friends Invited. 231 In the current Vancouver Sun-; day Province appears an Interesting article on the enthusiastic and optimistic little town of Pouce Coupe in the Peace River country. AH ' members of the Retail Merchants' Association are urgently requested to attend a banquet in the Commodore Cafe tonight at 630. Important business and an address by Lt. Col. 8. P. McMordi" DB.O. 234 Inspector William Splller, divisional officer commanding, provin cial police, returned to the eity on Sunday's train after having spent the past week at Houston In connection with the investigation into the murder of Charles Yoeh, a farmer there. Miss Minerva Page, R.N.. wha has been on the nursing staff ot the Atlln Hospital for the past year or so, was a passenger arrir lng here aboard the Princess Lou ise Sunday afternoon. After a visit here with Mrs. Alex McRae, Green Street, and at her home Jn the Fraser Valley, she will proceed to Chicago to take up post-graduate work. She sails this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. Leo Contoli Jewellery Manufacturing and Repairing. Plating Wcrk. 320 Sixth Street Mill Orders Solicited l . MiaifflSfflw cVuuo ill i i.Tit jpiip j y pjjll WONDERFUL WHISKY- - I ! ' aJpill SPECIAL e -1 fffcrfi LIQUEUR nrrtrtifiliilii Also ihe De Luxe Whisky t B EXTRA SPECIAL LIQUEUR DlsUhocC Blondorflnd Bellied In Scotland This advertisement Is not publihed or delayed by the Liquor Control Uoard or by the liovernment of British Coiiimlna Try a Daily News Want Ad. I The Rega! Shop Mr. and Mrs. John MeRae Proprietors We solicit your patronage In . tobaccos, candles, magazines, stationery, etc. To please yoj Is our aim. Courteous attention to all. 360 Block Third Avenue Next MeCIymont's Office STEAMERS Jbutfo TRAINS vim W kur) mini N.lloo. ! ,1 W1W k.n. !,.a.0,,,, ,..ln Mo"-. ,nl. l " I Full Isfurmallaa (ram II, I'. Mrm ll!TO DM. Paasngst Ait 1m llsptrt, n.0 W.1J0 TITE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREP Dfntierware, eblna, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fletcher, who arrived in the city yesterday from Watun River, Massett Inlet, will sail on the CataLj this aiternoon fori St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove Bazaar. Thursday, Oct. 9, from 3 to 6. Plain and fancy sewln homecooklng, candy and refresh ments. 234 The Fireside Club of First Bap tist Church had a quiet meeting last night. There were readings from the Scriptures and hymns. Quite a large number of members were In attendance. The ladies In charge of the Cir cus and dance prize display Satur day sold 100 tickets at the store to visitors who were looking over the prizes. Much Interest wars taken In I the possibilities of the mammoth drawing. Bringing north a good-sized list Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E Dickson, arrived In port at 51 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the south and, sailed at 8 p.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other north ern poiipr whence she returned here UrM afternoon bound back t: Vs inrrrn- ill An aMKeseriblng the 'scenic beauttej Wf& OoUa Lake district and relating tome hunting exper iences there is featured In the magazine section of the current Van louver Sunday Province. The article 'is nttt'ed 'Hie Enchanted Clr cle. Ootsa Lake District," and th' author is C. F. Barton. Disorder lv house cases adjourned from last week In eity police cour4 were a'l disposed of yesterda- when thov accused either appear ed In court and ware fined or fail ed to appear and estreated bai' The outstanding cases were: Chri tlna Ivarson and Jessie Clay charged with being keepers; Ev elyn Green, Joseph Burch, Wons King. Dominic Delta. Alexande 8mith and Swen Skogl charge with being found ' in disorder! houses, and Babe Martin, charged as an Inmate. 1 Make dresses . washing. I bright as new! I DIAMOND DYES are easv to use: go on smoothly and evenly; make dresses, drapes, lingerie iook ntw. ' Never a trace of that re-dyed look ! when Diainond Dyes are used. Just : true, even, new colors that hold their own through the hardest wear and Diamond Dyes owe their superiority to the abundance of pure anilines they contain. Cost more to make! Surely. But you pay no more for them. All dealers 15c. Diumondoycs Highest Qualify for 50 Years HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'MH K NKXV MANAOKMBXT Meant lltrJ. Tranr Samplr lMt: lint ami Ctild Walrr IrffDw Mrrt All Train and Kates $1.00 and Up SITTIAI MdNTIItY IUTI.li C. It. lltOftART & A. DONALD ProWllors PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Ruper.'s leading family hotel, riot ind oold water In all roomi A. J. ritl'DlI )MMK. Trop. Cor. of Fraser md Fifth 8t New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. rop. tiif. iioi ki. mouth wiui.r; Hot ft Coin Watrr: atnn llrt 75c Tin DAY AND UP .. Trlrphoiif 281 Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPFCIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Nlcht, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 457 Trincc Rupert Perhaps you've never made Oatmeal Recipe for Oatmeal Macaroons 1 taUepoon butter 1 cup white sugar J teattiKjon salt 2 teaspoons Magic Bating Powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cupa rolled oats Hub together butter, sugar, rolled oat, salt and baking powder, then drop in the egg unbeaten, add vanilla, mix well with wooden spoon. Drop mixture about the size of a hazelnut in buttered pans and bake 10 to 15 minutes. lok far thU mark M rwr tin. It VMiwi fJUf htofLic limiting ipMiWaW art mmtmin iViun or mng harmful ingrwdimnu A. H. Waddlngton of the Forest 3raneh staff returned to the city in Sunday's train from a trip to the interior on official business. Capt. William Oliver, who ha een on a trip to Vancouver, sailed 'ast night on the Prince William for his home at Sandsplt, Queer Charlotte Islands. Frank O. Aker was fined $10 an -.osts by Stipendiary Magistrate II 7. McLeod in provincial poU?" ourt yesterday afternoon for car rying firearms in a boat withou a license. Why not ride contforttbly ir new cars. New Chevrolet and Mar- niette. Anywhere in town 50c Spelal rates to end of New Road and back. Day and Night service Phone 32. tf The following appears in the Forty Years Ago column ot a re icent Vancouver Sun: "F. W. Har has recently passed a successful examination in Toronto and hn. recurved a diploma from the Un dertakers' Em banners School." In connection wHh an artl'.'e de scriptlve of the lower Mackenxi" River and Arctic Coast which an pears in the current issue of th? Saturday Evening Post appears a picture of the old river steamer Distributor which formerly operated on the Skeena River between Prince Rupert and Hatelton and which now plies on the lower Mackenzie River. The title of the article Is "Summering in The Arctic." and the writer of lt Maude Radford Warren. NOTICE To whom it may concern I will not be responsible for an -lebts incurred by any person other than myself from this date. F. M. FITZGERALD October 6, 1030. 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS "! St. Peter's 'Church Baaaar October 0. Oddfellows bridge, whist and dance, October 11. Mfxwe Biiaar. October 16. 17. Badminton Dance, I.O.D.S. Hall Tciober 17. Moose Whist Drive and Dane? October 21 ; - , Varden's Concert October 30. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist Series, next game October 20. i Hill GO Bridge and Dance October 1 ; .I1.V K'l ' Catholic Basaar Nov. 5 and 6. Moose Whist Drive and Danca November 7. v Rupert East United Church November 13. Gyro Hoedown November 14. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 20. Anglican W. A. Baaaar Decv 2. M aearoons Try this delightful .recipe Thcv'xe. especially good when made with MAGIC HAKIXG POWDER The kind that 3 out of every 4 Canadian housewives, who hake ;at home, say (itey use because it gives consistently better baking results. Thi$ fact teas revealed in a recent Dominion' vide investigation. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to be on time. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A-S. Dickson, returned to port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Anyox Stewart and other northern point? ind will sail at 3.30 for the south. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wenerstrom cere DassenKers aboard the Catala 3unday evening returning to An-i 'ox after having accompanied the, -cmains of their little daughter to Vancouver for burial. Mrs. L. Q. 8V,nner of Copper 'ity arriv?d In the city on the Ca-ala Sunday evening following a brief trip south and proceeded to the interior by train yesterday morning. MACS ARE Red Apples Feature Fruit Market; Eggs Adranee and Sugar and Floor Drop Again A number of the late summer vegetables and fruits have now dis appeared from the local market and, except for apples, little new goods is offered. The popular Mcintosh Reds are now the feature of the fruit market and are retailing locally at $2 25 to $3.15 per box. Eggs are continuing their usual advance and another slight drop In the price of sugar is recorded. Butter remains steady. There has been an all around drop in the price of dried fruit. Flour is also down again. Following are reu& prices current tie re today: Flour Flour, 49s. No. 1 hard wheat 2.10 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs .0 Lard M Pure -28 Compound 29 B.cffresh pullets, doz 45 B.C. fresh first, doa M B.C. fresh extras, doz. , .56' Local new laid, doz GO Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valencia .05 California soft shelled walnuts 2t Walnuts, broken shelled .40 Walnuts, shelled halves & Peanuts - 15 Fed Wheat. No. 5 and BulUey Valley 3.73 Oats 255 3ran 255 Shortff 2.35 Middlings 2.75 Barley 3-30 Laying Mash 3j80 Oyster shell .. 2.1D Beef scrap 455 Ground oil caKe . 4.50 Fine oat chops 2.65 Crushed oats 2.65 Fine barley chop 2.40 nrid fruits I.rmon and oranae Deel 30 1 Black cooking figs, lb la Citron peel White fflsa. lb Currants, lb. If fan baVa at iom lb New Magic Cook Book will provida you with dwcnaof firacti cal yd attf aetf va Lakiog augfeationa. A copy will la mailed on requeat. .15 M 25 - - (IH11 Peaches, peeled Apricots, lb Prunes, 60-70. lb Prunes, 30-40, lb Prunes. 40-50. lb. Sveet Potatoes, 2 lbs. Vegciablca Potatoes, netted Jems, 9 lbs sack arslcv. bunch Dutdoor Cucumbers, 2 3.C. Celery, head Punpkin, lb. lor .25 .10 .15 .12 a .25 .25 2.50 .10 .15 .15 1) STANDARD BRANDS LTD. GILLETT PltODUCTS . TORONTO MONTREAL WI.N.MrEG Brunch in mil th prlnripmt Cmnrndian GlUt Hubbard 3quash, lb . .09 Garlic, imported, per lb . -35 Cabbage, B.C .06 Onions. C lbs 25 Washington head lettuce, head .15 Victoria Tomatoes lb 10 Carrots, 2 bunches 15 Beets, 2 bunches -lo Vegetable marrow, each 15 Clreen Onions, 3 bunches .10 Bulk Turnips. 6 lbs 25 Cauliflower, B.C., head .... 25 to 25 Green Peppers, lb 15 Parsnips, 4 lbs 25 Com, Golden Bantam, doz. 45 Armies Mcintosh Reds, lb 05 to .10 box 255 to 3.15 Lemons, Sunkist, doz 40 Cooking Apples, lb. .0 Fruit- Valencia Oranges 40c to' i lO Lemons, Sunkist, doz. .. .50 Cal. Grapefruit, each 12Vic to 2d Cal Grapefruit, each 12fec to 20 Bananas, lb Extracted honey, per Jar comb noney Dates, bulk. lb. . Ratsnw, due. id. California Seedless Grapes, lb, .15 25 25 .15 .15 .25 Tokay Grapes, lb 25 Greengages, bskt .65 Sugar- - Yellow, 100 lbs 4.90 White, 100 lbs 5.40 Butter No. 1 creamery, lb. .42V& So. 2 creamery, 3 lbs. ... 1.15 McLaren's Cream, jars, 45c and .85 Camembert 8-oz. pkg. .65 Kraft Limberger. Vfcs 25 Ontario solids . 20 Zealwd solids 20 Stiltin. Ib 40 Kraft .45 Norwegian goat 60 Napoleon Limberger .70 Roquefort .80 Swift's Broofctlfild, lb . 45 Crorgonsnla, lb .-. .50 3rookfield Swiss, li-lu. pkg. 20 Qruyere .45 rimokfield Canadian cheese, 4-tb.pkg 25 lolden Loaf. lb. .45 Meats -'uwU No. 1, lb 38c and .40 'toasting chicken, lb .45 Broilers .45 flam, sliced, first grade .55 Mam, picnic, first grade cottage rolls, lb (-Bacon, aide. sUced. beet grade Veal, toln org Shoulder . Pork, dry aalt Ayrshire bacon, lb eal shoulder . . Pork, loin ork. leg Beef, not roast leaf, steak ':rab. 2 for Lamb, leg Lamb chops Mutton, shoulder Fish- 55c to 22c to 20 25 .60 .45 .35 25 JS0 20 .45 .40 ef, boiling 15c to 22 Beef, roast prime rib 25 lamb, shoulder 25 35c to 25 .45 .25 .45 .40 20 Smoked kippers, lb 15 Kippered wnlte sairaon, id Red smoked salmon Smoked black cod, lb nnnan haddles, lb Halibut Salmon, fresh spring Saddle fillets, lb .. Shrimps, lb IIAVFJ XOU TI?IED f A CLASSIFIED? More and more people are turning to the classified columns of the Daily News to find wht they want. Used cars, furniture for sale, lost and found, houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. All sorts of things are advertised there. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try It today. 25 .45 20 25 25 25 20 20