PACE SEC TIIE DAILY NEWS i a MAKES ELECI0US SANDWICHES Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle AH Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 DEMAND upert Brand" THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, D C. WMOKKWHKH0HKKHWKHJOW Want Ads Let Them lie Your Hrokcr in Uuying and Selling , Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody la waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever elce it is you ure In the market for. Oet the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find und learned of bargains -undreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and see how profitable and pleasant it Is. ' I fWtlXiliiHiusE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 ' "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" 29 EE-Iniroductery Ofer-FREE Hand Painted Enlargements FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS OK PHOTOGRAPHS. AH sizes in Oil, Water or Crayon Although we have a large number of customers throughout Northern D.C., there are many who are not familiar with our work. 80 as to thoroughly introduce our high class art work for the following two weeks, to those who bring or send their snap- shots wc will make a high grade hand finished painting, charging for the cost of materials only. All work thoroughly guaranteed. Delivery within 30 days or no charge. We also carry the latest in polychrome frames fitted with genuine convex glass 25 to 50 per cent lower prices quoted by Vancouver art concerns. Before placing your orders for paintings or frames phone or write for our prices and samples. WESTERN SALES CO. Phone Central Hotel CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert YDOCK AND P. O. Box 158 SHIPYARD OPERATING (!. T. l 20,000-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK Engineer. Machinists, Iioilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING 1 li II I NEW CHURCH To Jake Charge AT STEWARTi 0f RaA Station Unlled Congregation Decide to Go Ahead With Building STEWART. Oct, 7rr-M?mbers the United Church at a D.v. mv.vw,., V)ltJlUk. kill iiVDtllMIA) I and these are already partially cleared by volunteer labor. Since Rev. James 'Dewar first started services in Stewart last year the United Church has been growing rapidly and Its members feel that the time for building their own church is now opportune. Heretofore services have been held in the Legion and Moose Halls. Rev. Ivan Baker Is the resident pastor. Georgia River Mine Closes STEWART. Oct. 7: Ten men iamc up from the Georgia River nine last week-end, leaving only hree at the property. So far as is known, this is but a temporary ar rangement, and according to re-ibrts from the property the mine 's looking better than ever. Bert Shearme. manager, confirmed the report of the temporary shut-down. BUY Canadian Goods & Empire Products Support home industry by buying lanadian goods. Build your country md so help the people of Canada. IVc offer these SPECIALS for your consideration Janadian Poas Sizes 4 and 5. 0 tins Canadian Cheese 3 lb. Canadian Macaroni 3 pkgs Canadian Biscuits Good assortment, 4 lbs 2ft's, 6 tins SI 95c 35c $1 Braid's Best Tea "The Best Yet" with each pound of Tea we are offering a Cup and Saucer FREE Braid's Tea per lb Braid's Coffee per lb 60c 50c We recommend this line stock up your winter supply now Tomatoes Malkln's Best flCn Tomatoes Malkln's Best DCo 2'n, 7 tins UOVf Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE 1 ANIl 84 KBira rain rata tmcBExraicBiBtiB Bring in your Old Gold Lots of people have old gold Jewelry lying around which la out of date and will never be worn again. Very often these little things are mislaid or lost. ' We will buy the gold or make it over into something you will use. We are equipped to do most of this work in our own workshop at moderate ' " prices. , ! M m.'.ill! No.( chajge. for an palmate anyhow. 1 Tilt STORE WITH THE CLOCK;l;B:fB3s:i:iaii;i,i:i::iaiii,t:Ki.g! a 1 K. G. Emmerson Arrives From Dead Tree Point to Take Over Duties Here I t. bttW r. feci if ' ' R- Jaoroerson. forseveraLyeas kuutbt ui ieuu nm ruuu wiie : meeting last week, decided to go ahead with 1088 SKuon' ornvea jrrine city-on Ithe building of a church here anU j the PrlncWimam yesterday morn-j to that end work will be started this I ins from tne IsJands to take ver week. The church owns two lots on i the Permanent appointment as Flirhlh Rfrof nnnncllo llint..c'.lfnl ! CI11C1 operator here succeeding H. D. Tee, wlfC was appointed radio inspector fbf Saskatchewan some months ago. '' C. A. Mosss. who has been reliev ing as chief operator here, will tak6 a month's holiday In the south before proceeding to Dead Tree to take charge. Before their departure from Dead Tree, a large party of friends motored from Skldegate and Queen Charlotte City to bid Mr. and Mrs. Bmmerson Qod Speed. On behalf of the people of Skldegate Inlet a slate totem pole was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson. These eople would have petitioned the .government to have Mr. Bmmerson left at Dead Tree but he explained that the move would be best for the schooling of the children. Mr. Emmerson was in the naval service at Halifax at the time of the disaster and they lost one of their, children in that blast. It was weeks before Mr. Ejnmeraon tould find out what had happened to his family as the only word he received of the disaster was by wireless on the boat on which he was operator. Shortly after he received leave from this boat, it was torpedoed by the Germans. NativeCouple Are Married Mrs. Lucy Collison and Weiler Robinson United Last Night The 8ddhjg(. took place at 7 o'clock latf evening in First United Church, Rev. Alfred Wilson officiating, of Mrs. Lucy Collison, daughter of-Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hill, Kitkatla, to Weiler Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kobln-'xm of Hartley Bay. The witnesses of the ceremony were Mias Violet Robinson and Edward Clifton. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will take up residence at Hartley Bay. ME D3EM2I Mussallem's AT Market Loin Lamb Chops per lb Loin Pork Chops per lb Loin Veal Chops per lb Sirloin Steak per lb Stew Veal 3 lbs Stew Lamb 3 lbs Shoulder Lamb 5 lbs Shoulder Veal 5 lbs Shoulder Pork 5 lbs Pork Sausage 2 lbs Mussallem's Meat Market Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIitV FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FUKSII PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Nervous Dyspepsia Bad liver, Headache of Years Vanish Gives Credit for Health to "FW-A-TIVES" Fcr years wiif troubled with bad iieadiicho .. nervous dyspepsia and liver troubles Finally tried 'Prult-a-tlves' and im qhcj niureentlre-well." - R. A. Bovay. Trenton. Ont. Years-j.ii ,ive uDUble, constipation end overnight with "Frult-a-tlvos," say thousand. Dyspepsia, biliousness.' berrrburn, gas, sick headaches go Uke a Hash. Nerves quirt, ound &eejj at oner. Kidney and bladder ill, pain In berk vanish lle ;nagtc. Rheumatism, neuraijla, neurltli decamp quick. Complexion clears Ten of nature's greatest remedies combined in handy little tablet Marvelous discovery of famoiu . Canadian doctor. Speedy results. Oet "FrulUa-tives" from druggist today. Be new person tomorrow. ROYAL PURPLE CARDCONTEST Serins of Fortnight! v Events For Winier h Started Last Night The I a1es of the Royal Purple 'ist nir ht opened a series of bridge nd whist parties which will be T:Id every, two weeks during the nincc vlnter. In each event there -. !;1 be lntividu il prizes and, at the p 1 of in-1 season, grand prises will jc presented to those having 'the hirhet anl aggregates. Individual prises last night were won by the following: Bridge, low. Mrs. O. A. Johnson; high, J. Mc-Leod; Whist, high, Mrs. Bert Morgan; low. C. Larkin. There vere seven tables of bridge and five of whist. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. O. E. Phlllipson. convener, Mrs. Angelo Astori, Mrs. Bert Morgan, and Mrs, O. E. Qulick. Mrs. Frank Clapp presided at the door. Separate Fish Officer Asked On Q. C. Islands SKIDEOATE, Oct7: Fishermen and citiaens of Skldegate Inlet are again urging tha appointment of a separate fisheries supenrlaor for the Queen Charlotte Islands. A person fully conversant with local conditions Is desired and the name of CaptiJ. B. Oillatt of Sandsplt la now being suggested. piAr,; CHURCH HAS BIG DINNER 1 Large Crowd at United Church Anniversary Banquet Last Night; Speeches and Music There was such a large attcn dance at the annual anniversary banquet of First United Church last niht that It took two table sittings to accomodate all. The affair was most successful and enjoyable. The banquet Ubles were beautifully adorned with dahlias and other fall flowers and were laden with a!l manner of good things to cat. After full Justice had been done to this end of the proceedings an acceptable program of speeches and music commenced. Rev. Alfred Wilson, the pastor was toastmaster and he punctuated his various remarks with witticlsme and interesting anecdotes. In opening the program, Mr. Wilson welcomed members of other 'congregations who were present. He then called upon Rev. C. E. Mutte. pastor of Rupert East United Chinch, who. after a humorous I opening, welcomed Mr. Wilson back latter his holiday trip to England. Mr. Motte then spoke on church matters national and local and made an appeal for support of missionary work. He paid tribute to the nemory of the late Dr. Dunn, retiring moderator, who had recently died. Another pleasant feature of the evening's proceedings was the honoring of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirk-patrick, long active workers of the church, who are leaving here next week to Uke up residence in Victoria. After due mention had been made of the support Mr. and Mrs Klrkpatrick had accorded lh church. Mrs. W. T. Kergln presented Mrs. Klrkpatrick with a beaut! ful sliver flower basket while T. J Sbenton made Mr. Klrkpatrick the gift of a handsome fountain pen Mr. and Mrs. Klrkpatrick both replied and both expressed the many regrets they had at leaving Prince Rupert. A toast to the Ladies' Aid wa. proposed by Frank Derry and onded by George A. Edgecumbe. Both spoke suitably. During the proceedings there was lively community singing under the leadership of J. 8. Wtjeon. An acceptable musical program included vocal solos by C. C. Kennedy, J. S. Wilson, Mias Bdnm Vfckera and J W. Plommer. Two numbers werx sung by a group of choir members. Accompanists were Mrs. A. Wilson and Miss E. P. Oraaale. Among the ladies who assisted with the dinner were Mrs. Frank Tuesday Or. . , ISM Eg MONDAY and lirsim X at la William Haines in - "Way Oat ! West" a s AN ALL TALKING W) STi:i( 1 TllltlLLLK i Comedy "TUB NEW WAITEK" Song Novelty "ROSE PERFECT' auiiiu llUVli:w PARAMOUNT SOUND M u Showing Views of It-lo.. Admission m Feature starts at 7:50 v ,, WEDNESDAY & TIiriWM) "JOURNEY'S KM)" a V vs as kj iu at an no ua ickers. convener, Mrs J : Mrs. Harper. Mrs. W p .Irs Hugh Killln, Mrs M vlrs. O. V Wilkinson Mr Jhenton, Miss Ruth Wilkin 1. Krlkevtky. Mias P. t.' vlrs. Thomas. Mrs. P CM ). R.Barclay. Mrs. J.J Pa i iharpe. Mrs. Lance St., i. tanterbane, Miss K. P. G; 4as Phyllis Lamb. Mrs. W. B. Cornish and M el Haddock were respon d k he decoration of the tables W. R. Love returned to i. m the Catala Sunday nir;l : irtef trip to Vancouver li ' companled home by hLs-m gOfMCi0OH0a0HHM o Do You Play Bridge ? ? THE chap who ovorbids-his hand always logos in the long run. No perton can continually bid what ho hasn't got and mako it. Business in one way is something like a gamo of bridge ... with merchant and manufacturers playing for your patronage. You want furniture and breakfast food, hooks and clothes, radios, cigarettes and toys, grocorios, fruits, vegetables, etc. they want to sell you theirs. They bid with -advertising. The morchant who advortisos an unworthy product can't win. He is simply inducing more peoplo to find out in a shorter time how poor it is. Ho is overbidding his hand, . and is bound to get set Losing is too costly . .. ; depend upon it, products that are advortised must be good! The advertisements in this nowspapor are guides to tho , unosv marcnandiso ot every sort, merchandise Ciitfifull MaF VWHP made of ccrtain' llonost valued TruK tnb'rmrnufacturors who writfr'them. It pays to read the advertisements. They are bids backed by products that can compete in the open . . . and win. D?aa0oroo0aaaroaooooooo 'A j 3 ;1 .J ) -3 OS OS .9 3 jS :0 .-a OS - s '5 .13 0 :S ;) 3 - 0 3