PAGL TWO DAILY EDITION The Daily News PRLNCE RUI'EKT-. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor subscription rates .: .-i-' -. By mail to all other parta of British Columbia, the.BrJtlsh Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year ..'. 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year '. . : 7.50 By mail to all parte of Northern and Central British Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for 100 For leaser period, paid in advance, per month- -50 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Local readers, per Insertion, per Mne , .2o Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion 1.40 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone .86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Saturday. April 36, 1930. i SOMETIMES EXAGGERATION In reading the reports of troubles far away from home it f. i inMJ HOW ABOUT OURSELVES?'b,n,b 11 And how about ourselves? We must not pat ourselvesfl w im. uux.n aim oiliuc SCll-olliaiav.lIUIl iLLl L1UL ""v JIT ; -1. 1 f.i . . i . . is right with us just because we have regular employment; a steady income and all the facilities for enjoyingrur-selves. While there are unemoloved neonle in the cmintrv: HOX. "PAT" MAITLAKD May desert provincial field and enter federal arena by way of Bur-Irard nomination. COMMITTEES FORHOEDOYN must be remembered that the reports are sometimes ex-j aggerated by an over-enthusiastfc reporter? Complaints Gyro cua t hm Affair on May o have been made that reports from China do not give a i . For Playground Fund true idea of the condition of the country. In that thickly i populated country trouble among a few thousand people ; committee have been appointed does not mean much. It's millions-that count. for the Oyro Club's hoedown dance There have always been bandits in China and will con- 00 mv 9 for tJneKt tinue to be until the country- becomes civilized and then, dL. Freeman by our own experience, banditry will continue. rWn"Taoi TTsmiuV The strong prey upon the weak when they have the oppor-; Musk ana stunt- v. Bsiagno tunity ana it will take centuries pf development before 1 ichainnan). Dr. j. h. Carson, f. e. anything like an ideal condition can come about. jRobertJ Phlnn nav in a 4 aw ravfa Wnina onmattiinn MVa ! Refreshments C. E. Starr selves or even better, but even the most optimistic would wDh hardly claim that to be an ideal condition. What is satis- watt. factory is that China seems to be awakening to the need Raffles w. cr.iciahank (ehair-for improvement and. once she is thorouehlv awakened. ,nn. joe areer, n. f. McMaugnton. me cnange win take place, bhe is already ceasing to snore anu ueginning 10 open ner eyes. Dr. J. R. Oosse, H. Ic-nby. S. J. Jaaoir, w. W. MaoPterson. Cider Booth C. C. Mills, (chair man), M. il uiozl, i. w. wautn. Tickets E. J. Smith, (chairman). D, Nelson H. A. Breen, L. Holtby. .PrtniMw Advertising F. Dibb and G. A Hunter. .Master of Ceremonies -J. Greer. lee Cream Booth Ja.s. Farquhar i chairman). Wm. Mitchell. Decorations G. X3. Arsencau While there are thievflanVKnthpr frfmitm1a- irhila thom (chairman V. F. Abieson. M. M are neonlo whn suffpr frnm rlicoocn onrl ,Uo.,i,n,n. McLachlan, M. A. Bnrbanic, C. A r-an enfaltt nn..n,.in. i ... mi V- KiricenaaH, ur. u. w. rterpn. cvuiinjr v.uiioLutai.c uuiccjvco uil our civilization. r We must awaken to the condition but not be alarmed by it J vuungc wm come out iney win come graauaflv"3S'we de velop ana cnange our outlook on life. There iS&h lDimehse lot of savagery .amonrr us todav but evehttiallV cii-n, J tion will triumph. In this forward movement the nations li ll Man in the Moon uut gu nanu in nana, livery peace mo-emeht, every con- uLu- civc, 0 1 cc!.v league V 01 nations gatnenng, P O' every '"t inter- v Jake says his stenographer de national greecmg is a step toward the day when the na-'cltre can pnetute beeauso tiona will be to each other just as friendly neighboring vil- ,h te,,,e btog on nme ln lages are to each other in this country, and all will move the mornln- Shalfbfj Which suffering! wh the daToT televWen ar-- 55! rf u mmmum,anfI happiness shall be the general rives women wtti do much less tel.; condition throughout the World. jephonlng before hmch. HOW SHALL IT GOME ABOUT? wm the aertlaer who asked for How is this change to come about? In some of the chur- f, FL? ?lthe T"? J5 mfnTO thaJuCan d, lr RufS,a f8 that the banish-, to know who is to do the coinK. ment ot religion i- is the only hope for the future. Some look I , - to legislative action, others to the spread of, the idea of i "The nd a story.teiier." brotherhood and yet others look to the use. of force, such moan" contemporary. Ob, wen. as has taken place ir. Italy and Russia. There are vet other trout f9Uoa ta Jurt ftbw,t to oa;Li e w inem w ii rje eiieptive alone. It is the auppiy a considerable part of . the ...vlw lu,tlv,u ux iu mat wm urine aoout me result world lor which we look. Possibly other and newer movements will yet be commenced which will envelop the old and surpass them. Twenty Years Ago f District NeWS In Prince Rupert April K, im. Stewart Dtonle Improved " beat at mirm mall izju -servlc -Brrvjcr PRINCE GEORGE plaintiff company and C. V. Ben-1 Legion building followed by a Jun-nett for the defendant. Icheon under the Joint auspices of the Board of Trade and Women's Owing to recent storms, there Institute. nas oeen considerable trouble on the government telegraph line ar ound Hazelton and the string has been down a good deal of the time. 8ee the news oi tne stores in the; advertisements. From the Dally Newt of April 1, 182: "The golf season was opened today with proper ceremony, the mayor declaring that this was the most Important step in the development of the city, a mile post In her advancement and a ln pointing to a greet and glor ious future. Where the muskeg once stagnated, beautiful turf would now arrow to be hacked and j df !ved Into by the members of Uie TVlA Mlt, rM i r-nil TM... i . I j. I - i 1 n . v.v luuuwi ui riunc ueofgc uuwuw anu Diuirmaou srcuon n' between there and Prince nupert. en able to reduce the muni-'. the comm unity JiMt as they dflved The town ia aim rViitaftfMtf Ik.. ClDal taxation rat a fUim van U ' fnr triArvaaw tirliLiK hMi fM A -jm wv.s ur; -w jet uj ws niiiwi itivj. aiicu tu government to spend $35,000 on ; flve mills. I find." (Long, proionged and up- sewors and waterworks. j ' rorJous cheers.) William Bexon, I. B. Baird, H. B. At the first sitting of the Su-jO"et. A. B. Moffatt and William! SCHOOL no Y HOWLEItS prerao Cknrt In Prince Rupert. Cellos have been appointed a com- Chief Justice Gordon Unntar mtttee to inllrit. awarded SttTSO to the North Coattthe DomlnloA-iiDay celebration aoraotet' r1"! Utm "itii Polygon 1. comoanv. The act nn imco rtt ,.. I '....". - a man who has " : wives. . rmany the coUision ,,. , . last fall of the pro- Prince , George .. was busy yester- A brunette is. a young , bear , 5 Srt ,amer ""Pen City day entertaining Ird and Lady Ambiguity means having two A. I "w M. 01 the tUg Mcculloch. th!was jWIUInsdon. At 12 JO noon tnerc' wives living at the same time. Manson was counsel fnr a racentlon At th nanht, All brutes are imperfect animals man alone is a perfect brute. Matrimony Is a place where souls suffer for a time on account of their sins. The Pope Issued a bull decomposing Elizabeth. The, Normans Introduced a frugal system. THE DAILY IfSvTS Saturday, FIRST AID ON C N R. Vice-Persident W. D. Robb Speaks at Accident Prevention Convention TORONTO. April' JC: Speaking before the Industrial Accident Pre-ivention Association's annual ccn- ear of . it Canadian National j Railways team was the Monttam-Jbert Tnpjshjr, embleinatto of the championship for all Canada. MRS. SUNDAY . GETS DIVORCE Wife' of Son of Billy Sunday Says Husband Beat Her Many Times venUon here yesterday. W. D. Robb. T. . . vice-president xf the Canadian Na-L1 Aa&. APf, l obUlned her Uonal Railways, stated that the 1" National system had practically SQ?JJ the fauottc evangel-first reached Its objective of spreading SuV. aid throughout the railway tet sne xuitd UMt aer nuaana system so that no acicdent could beat her frequently In company to occur elUier employee or passen- ger over 23,000 mile of line without with other wemen and -that he a worker being at hand to render drmnk to exceM- Several women necessary assistance. 1 corroborated her statement. On the Canadian National Rail- ' tt followed wavs. both sflfotv firs? and fint Sunday nd found him in eompanyi aid were practiced and well defined witn another woman did not enter j courses were laid odwn. One wus ;nw lne amorce proceeamgs. the prevention, the other the cure. Employees undertook the ln true- C. P. A&hmore. general manager Uon voluntarily and the women em- of the Gran by store at Anyox, and pleyees took an additional training Mrs. Aehmore and family are pas-, in home -nursing The vteefjresi- wngera aboard the Prince Rupert dent pointed with pride to the fact today returning to the smelter that among notable cups won last town after a trip to Vancouver. The New Gillette DUda fa the new green pdeket 1 grejvcffci?i Our Mechanical Department v .: ,. : v. . Has been placed in charge of Fcrnand Kouseli Mr. Rousell has been 24 years in the automobile tr ,.-charge of some of the largest shops ln Canada, ir.r Legate Aato St Bapplies Ltd Montreal; Webbers c gary; Pacific Nash Motors, San Francisco, VS., and t)i, v, years witrtSruinMotoa, Vaficouver. has " r,. Realising the pressing need for a marrofithis'tnlibre m p Rupert and wishing to feel assured that .our patnm F(, maximum service, has been the motive forjplacinc M i;, in charge of our shop. We solicit your patronage. Our prices are competitive. ROSS & MOORE LIMITED Chevrolet and Hulck Dealers Jfre GiUctte Blades ,LZ : ';. ct day! ' &ominionwide demand forces Qillette production to highest point in history , Lf . , ; ' "Send more blades! Send more blades! Send more blades!" The telegrams keep pouring in; and our plant attempts to answer them by making 2675,000 of the New Gillette Blades a day! The highest production in our history! cvcr7 OQ5 of those thousands of blades is carefully inspected,. Every blade must be right. If your dealer is temporarily short of the he will have them presently. If he has not been able to sufficient get a supply pf the Nor Gillette Razors, remember that the new blades can be used in your old Gillette until you get your new one. We promise to catch up to the demand very soon. Then everybody can have the perfect combination of the New Gillette Blade in the New Gillette Razor. The greatest $2.00 worth of shaving comfort ever offered, lM-the New lQillate'Razor lM-tenNcvQMcttc Blades Get this great combination the minute your dealer can supply it. cuirrra safety razor co. of Canada, limited, Montreal, fl