Kit V 'JfVER VICTORIA. Buudaie. Aiert Bay. etc Tuesday 3 30 Dm NO'tltK, i VietOKU. ISuletfale. A,n in,,. He . rr:Ut inldnlchl I it VAM Jar ALICE ARM. ANVOX, dJT 8.00 p.m. I B.r COAST B STEAMSHIPS LU1V STr.WAUT, Nu. Kiirr, mswriii win i-ori niuiukoa, sun- m i H1MPSOW and WALES ISLAND Thursday pa Hi iud Anemic U M HMITII Aient - iTlnce Ituuert II C Timutli tickets to Vlrtorla and Seattle jtud baccate " " lu cbMked tu lhnu(h to dntlnilton B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway prtl 0, 19, 30. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle-April 2. 13 23. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and vicioru. every naay. iu pjn Agents For All Steamship Lines C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Ianadian National 1. he I D c. n A STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, sr.ATTLE and Intermediate points, Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. For ANYOX arid STEWART each Wednesday & Saturdai-ari ...- For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Wed For SKEKNA RIVER POINTS. Mondays, 8 a.m. For NAAS RIVER POINTS. Tuesdays, 8 a.m. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT-MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. for t Ticket Office. 5z8 Third Ave- Prince Ruoert Phone 2G0 IIBhlEUIaSMl'UiBBIJtoMB GARDEN SUPPLIES f'tS, RAKES, SPADES, WHEEL-BARROWS, GARDEN SEEDS FORKS, TROWLS, SHEARS. THOMPSON HARDWARE Go. Ltd. P N DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK f 'lMSU, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. Specialties Mile Grain Iloat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cniar shinian nnanU. Dimrnsions and Timbers , , . . , Doors, Windows, Shingles, Etc. Odd lots off.gradc material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. umlfr Manufacturers Prince Rupert, B.C. News Want Ads. bring quick Results PRINCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastl rrn lanaaa, united antes. ' . '( r,- .rencT ah iiccan airamsnin Lines HI S: HI D m H m K H H r H m 5i 2 a ri s I rday April 26, 1930. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE KODAK TIME IS HERE Wr carry a full line of Brownies and Kodaks at prices to sait every purse from the Brownie to the Cine Kodak and Films to fit them all. Daily Photo Finishing Service Ormes Im Zffte Pioneer Druocists HIRD AVE. l SIXTH ST. TELEPMONFit 82200 Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Malllntt Klom Prior. Um.ri Local Items Dentist. Dr v C8G. J. R. Gosse. Fhone For higher 'prices, aha prompt returns ship' your raw furs to Prince George, B.C. tf Mrs. Roy G. Selman and small daughter are visiting here from Vancouver with Mrs. M. H. Blott, Fourth Avenue West. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspec tor, sailed by the Cardena last night on his return to Vancouver after spending a few days here on official duties. All Moose requested to meet at Moose Hall, at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 27, for parade to St. Andrew's Cathedral. 96&03 Mrs. William Thomas arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vaancouver to Join her husband, Capt. Thomas, who has been assigned to take command of C.N. ss. Prince William on the local service. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Exeprlmental Station, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver on official business. Galvanized Iron, Pipe Fittings, Belting;, Etc. Pull tin of new and UMd Oalr. and Black Pipe and Fittings; new Rubber Brit. 1 to 13-mch; alao Pyramid Hair Belt, beat Knjllsh make, vary durabi; new Corrugated Iron. 8, 8 and 10 tt aboeta, alway In stock; used flat 0tr Sbeeta. 30-tnch by 10 ft. Full atuck nf SUl Spilt Pulley: Potato and Grain Sacks: Barbed Wire; Wrr Rope; Canvas: Dock; Wlndowa: Roof ing; Pelt; Oarden and Air H-je; Boom Chains, Merchandise and Equipment jI ail dtcr:piloi,h. Enqulrlea aollclted. 13S Powell St. Vancouver. B.C. II. C. JI NK CO. Largcfl fiilway Syflem in Amcri&Zwffik GIKLS! COMMODORE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment Business Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the Commodore Habit HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UMlKIt NLW MAVUiEMEXT Mm in llratnl; TravHIrra' Sample Itoonin; Hot Htiil Colli Mutrr 1'rre Hut MerU All Truln and llnat Rates $1.00 and Up m'Kcial monthly kati.s C. R. 1HGGART & A. DONALD Proprietor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. ot Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy . . R. G. Cunningham, Port New Royal Hotel J. Znrrlll, "rop. TIIK IKITEL MOKTIt WHILE Hot ft Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone 281 Royal Pierre LcRoss. jr., Pacific; C. Leslie, city. H. We want more dwellings, to rent. Hclgerson. . 98 Oddfellows service Presbyterian Church Sunday ;7.50. Oddfellows meet at.Metropole Hall 7 p.m. Rc-bekahs meet in Church Hall. 98 vited to the Preceptory Annual Dance at the I.O.D.E. Hall, April 28, at 9 p.m. (Informal). 98 Miss Helen L. Morgan has returned to her home In South Burn-aby, Vancouver, after having spent the winter at Massett as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. T. F. Size. Dr, II. T. James, field engineer up residence here. After having been up for three or four days undergoing hull re pairs. C. N. as. freighter Canadian i The vessel Is to sail on May 5 for Vancouver where she will be re-commlssioned in the lntercoastal trade. FROM MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL May 18 DjcIwm of York TO BELFAST-GLASGOW May 17 Mellta May 3, 'May 38 Mlnnedoaa not caning at Beirut. TO HARVE LONDON-ANTWERP May 8, Jun 5 Mtttfam May 2J Montroce FROM QUEBEC May 14, June 4 Empreaa of France May 31. Jur. ll..Empra ot Auatralla May 26. Jun 18 ..Ecipreaa of Sootlanc! FROM VANCOUVER May 8, Jun 28, Emprcia ot Rua.ia May 39 July 24. Empreaa of Asia June 12. Aug 7, Empras.q Canada 'Including call id Uonwulu. AddIv to Ateota everywhere or 1. J. lOUSTDIl 8tramshlp Oenl. Pa&a. Aent C.P.rt. Station. Vanoouver Telephone: Trinity 1151 BEAVER .WANTED ' fyer!be & big order for beaver pelts and also for fox, otter, mink, marten and fisher. We are satisfied to pay highest price as our customers must have the furs. Send them to the OLD RELIABLE W. Goldbloom HHaHHHHBananaaBHHHB Glasses fitted 6y registered optometrist at Heilbroner's Store, (tf) Try Minehead egg coal for kitchen use. Clean and hot. Phone 771 tf Scandinavian Dance in, Metro- Masons and their .ladles are In- pole Hall, tonight at 9..,aeritsJJ5c. muic9 f lev, ; Public Memorial Service, Moose Hall, Sunday. April 27, at 2 p.m. No collection. 06&98 for the Granby Co., Is a passenger , staff l M M sailed -1 " Jr last a. night t a. on ' 1 the 1 1T 1 -nUl Prin aboard the Prince Rupert today cess Royal for a holiday trip to returning to Anyox after a brief Victoria. Mrs. Goodrick Is already visit to Vancouver on company. in the south, business. II. A. Breen, who has been on a A. E. Parlow, district forester, three weeks' holiday visit to Van returned to the city on the ss. couver, New Westminster and Pow Prince Rupert this morning from eM River, returned to the city on Vancouver, accompanied by Mrs. the Prince Rupert this morning, Parlow and family who will take Mrs. S. G. Harlan returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from at rip to Vancouver. W. ipoodrlck of the post office C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, arrived in port V. Crockett and O. H. Stocks, on time at 1030 this morning from Smlthers school teachers, who went Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean south to attend the convention of Falls with a good sized list of pas- the British Columbia Teachers' sengers. Federation, arrived In the city on the Prince RupertfJhis morning Members of the local school from Vancouver anil proceeded to teaching staffs, who have been the Interior by train. spending the Easter holidays In Vancouver, will be returning to Mrs. Barr. who has been paying the city on the Catala tomorrow an extended vjsit, here with her afternoon, son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Greer, left on this T. B. Campbell, engineer In morning's train for Toronto. She charge of totem pole preservation was accompanied as far as Smith- work along the Skeena River, left ers by Mrs. Greer who expects to by this morning's train on his re- return Tuesday turn to Hazelton .after spending a ".'' ' few days in the city. Miss Mlllicent Osborne, R.N., and '. Miss Rose O'Neill. R.N.. araduates' Alter many adjournments. Ken Roof- of last year from the Prince Ru- netn ana Roger Powell, maians. GIRLS! How about having your boy friend take you for a nice car ride? Tell htm' -v Drivurself Taxi Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors o.' CIJRLR and PLYMOUTH CARS nert General Hosnttal nurses' nave eacn been nnea siu, witn op- trainine school, will leave next n of seven days' Imprisonment, week for Vancouver where they ex- by Magistrate McClymont In city pect to follow the practice of their Pce court for drunkenness. profession Jaelc NMsnn wlH bo.leav!n2 wlth- !ln the next week jrf so for Tor onto where he will attend the graduation of his eldest daushter, The poles being used for trans mission line by the Power Corporation of Canada are being sup- plied by the Hanson Timber & Lumber Co.. which concern dellv- Miss Jean Nelson, from the nurses ers them to Haysport. gaining school of the Toronto! , j k floral Hnsnitai hp will also at- Jhn Anderson, for his third tend the Grand Ceremonial of the offence on a charge of drunken- . . ...... ... noma ra fn ttifVt 4 1 re imperial snrine wmcn is to oe new .....w, in Toronto In June. Imprisonment, without option of , fine, by Magistrate McClymont In Football and baseball players and fans are all expected at the Aeronolis Hill grounds at 10 Seigneur came off the pontoons at' , " T V ,V 7 .h. .J. ! ,n the work ot e"lne m the surface bssv avrvfs vis j uuv1 issta utuiiii5. of the grounds in shape for the season's play. It Arthur Cade arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from his studies at the Unlver sity of British Columbia In Vancouver to spend the summer vaca tion with his parents, Dr. and Mrs, J. P. Cade, Fourth Avenue West, THE MARKET Following are retail prices current nere toaay: Apples bellow Newtons. fancy $3.50 C. Grade 3.25 Cooking Apples 3 lbs 25c. SpltzeV.berg, fancy 350 Spitzenberg "Cs" .v.... 3.25 Delicious, extra fancy 4.00 Wlnesaps, fancy 3.50 "C's." .' 3.25 Rome Beauty fancy 3.00 Fruit- Naval Oranges 35c to $1.00 Valencia oranges 35c to 1.00 Lemons, Sunklst, doz 40c to 50c. Florida grapefruit 15c to .25 Cal. Grapefruit, each 12Vc to 15c. Bananas. 2 lbs. .35 Extracted honey, per jar 2i Comb honey 3b Dates, bulk. lb. 15 Raisins, bulk, lb 15 Butter- No. 1 creamery, lb 45 No. 2 Creamery, 3 lbs $1.23 Cheese Camembert, 8-oz. pkg. .65 Kraft LlmberKer. Vis .35 Ontario solids .35 New Zealand solids 30 Stilton, lb 45 Krart 45 Norwegian goat 65 Napoleon Llmberger 70 Roquefort .75 Swift's Brookficld, lb 45 Oorgonzola. lb 75 McLaren's cream, jars, 45c and .85 urookfleld Swiss, Vi-lb. flkg Gruyere . urnokiieid Canadian cheese. &-lb. DkK. . Golden Loaf. l'o. Flour-Flour. 49s, No. 50 .45 2i .45 1 hard wheat 2.00 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - Cliristlan-Sdence,, Society-2 15 Second Avenue This Society la a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 a.m. Subject, "PROBATION AFTER DEATH." Sunday School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting oh the first Wednesday evening of each month at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially Invited. Reading room, 24S Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) , Very Rev, J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning prayer and sermon at 11 am Sunday School at 2:30. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. Loyal Order of Moose Annual Church Parade. SALVATION ARMY Week of Prayer, April 27 to May 3. Self Denial. May 1 to May 11. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. Morning worship at 11 ajn. Boy Scouts and Girl Guides .in attendance. Sunday School at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject. "THE SECRET OF ENDURANCE." Wednesday at 7:30 Devotional Meeting. 8:30 Official Board. THE SALVATION ARMY SELF DENIAL EFFORT May 1st to 11th Bulldlnf a better world darkened homes acain radiating happiness; wrong doers reformed; the abject, the outcast raked from the gloom which engulfs them. Hundreds of thousands of voluntary Salvationists are building a better world for you and yours. The Army most earnestly appeals for your support to the Self Denial Appeal. Its work at home and throughout the Empire depends upon the success of this effort. It depends on you. j i'j-!(JO JK GIVE LIBERALLY ATTENTION: TAKU PROSPECTORS v Avoid the necessity of clearing your supplies through the customs af Juneau. We carry complete prospectors' outfits right the round in Canadian territory. " TAKU TRADING CO. Wm. Strong, Prop. . L Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. u Lard-Pure Compound Eggs B.C. fresh pullets, doz. B.C. fresh firsts, doz. B.C. fresh extras, doz. Local new laid, doz. Meats-Fowl, No. 1, lb .38c and Roasting chicken, lb. Broilers u VtBu U1J OMt ......... Ayrshire bacon, lb. Veal shoulder ... Pork, loin Pork, leg wv. IVMbi ItlitC liU Lamb, shoulder Beef, steak Crabs, 2 for Lamb, leg Lamb chops ... Mutton, shoulder 35c to .35c to TAKU RIVER P.O. Address: ,60 2i .25 35 3S .40 50, 45' ! Ham, sliced, first grade 55 Ham, picnic, first" grade .30 Cottage rolls, lb J5 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .60 Veal, loin Pork Shoulder 55 .45 25 .45 .40' 50; Fish i Smoked kippers, lb 151 Kippered white salmon, ,1b 25 ) Red smoked salmon .45 smoked black cod. lb. . Finnan haddles. lb Halibut Salmon, frozen spring. r resn Haddle fillets, lb. .? Shrimps, lb. Nuts- DA I Almonds, shelled Valencia 65 California soft shelled walnuts 55 wainuts. broken shelled . Walnuts, shelled halves . veanuts ........... Feed-Wheat. No. 5 and Bulkley Valley Oats . . Bran ....J......... JL Tulscquh. B.C. ANNOUNCEMENTS Anglican W.A. Spring Sale. May 1 Mooseheart Ladle? Children's I Masquerade May 2. Children and 40 ' ipectators 25c 45 ( Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. Moose Minstrel Show May 6&7. 45 oyro Hoedown Friday, May 9, .35 Andltorlum. .35, 50 ! Lelf Erlckson Independence Day 50 Banquet May 16. 45 .40 22c to 2i Lelf Erlckson Independence Day Beef, boiling 15c to 22 "aniu W - 3i Eagles' Smoker, May 19. WHEN A CHILD IS FEVERISH, CR0SS.UPSET ia " Colic, gas, iotir belch ing, frequent vomitingi feveriabness, in babies and children, generally how food ii louring In the little digestive tract. When these irrnp-toms appear, gira Baby a teaapoonfni of Phil-linn Milk nf Xf.tme.U .40 to the first bottle of food in the 5C n morning. - ..... Older . . . children . ihould . be (Hren . . u.v lauinnooniui in a siasa or water, inn , will comfort the child make his itomach and bowela easy. In five minutet he is 325 comfortable, happy. It will aweep the - , bowels free of all Sour, Indigcitible food. "' " It onena the bowela in constipation, colds, 2.25 chlldren'a ailmenta. Children taka It Shorts 2.35 readily la palatable, pleasant Middlings 2.73 " n,.i n m "rn Its many uses . for mother and ,Bar ey ; 2-50 child. Write for the interesting b. ok, 'ylng Mash 3.75 "Useful Information." Address The Caaa. Oyster Shell . 2.10 PhUHp Chemical Co., Windsor, Ont. Beef scrap JL 4 05 It will be aent FREE. . In buying, be to Phil- nrnnnrt around nil oil ..v. cake 4.50 sure get qmuint ,ips Mk hof Ma?nMil Uv, Fine out chops 3.20 prescribed it for over CO year.