PAGE SEC Nearly all seek quality nearly all drink SAL ADA "SALAM" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Children will fret, often for no apparent reason. But there's always one sure way to comfort a restless, fretful child. Castorial Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than some powerful medicine that is meant for the stronger systems of adults. That's the beauty of this special children's remedy I It may be given the tiniest infant as often as there is any need. In cases of colic, diarrhea, or similar disturbance, it is invaluable. But it has everyday uses all mothers should Mffillll wwiMiiaiiT .rp4ih law I ,11 ill . understand. A coated tongue calls for a few drops to ward off constipation ; so does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever children don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little upset this pure vegetable preparation is usually all that's needed to set everything to rights. Genuine Castona has Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. Doctors prescribe it. Brana' DEMAND "Rupert EGppei "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FO'JLP Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. prince nuPEirr. b.c. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'UKATINU . T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Itlarkstniths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.00 ALBERTA EGG-Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP-Delivered, per ton 13.50 Snccia! Inutcr Sup. ' wood JUST ARRIVED. NKW SHIPMENT OF MUCH AND JACK PINK MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 If you lose anything, advertise for it. 721 THE DAILY NEWS SaturdayAprll 25 , WATERFRONT WHIFFS Herring Seining Still on Completing New Boats at Dry Dock Power Company Now Erecting Poles Seining of herring for fresh halibut bait is still in progress in the vicinity of Prince Rupert, although it is near the end of April. The run having ended at Pearl Harbor near Port Simpson, the fish are still available around Jap Inlet on the north end of Porcher Island. At that point. live herring pounds have been established by the Island Packing Co., which has about fifty tons of fish in store, and by Capt. Ole Skog, xvho has about 150' tons on hand. The seineboat Reveille is now fishing for the Island Pack ing Co., relieving the Faith of Se- chart which has returned to the j as well as Mickey Donovon's gas-West Coast of Vancouver Island.) boat Dot and Happy Moore's trol- Capt. Ole Skog is still using his seiner Fredelia Capt. George Cook got away from Prince Rupert for his maiden trip to the fishing grounds on Wednesday morning with his new 52-foot halibut boat Teenle Mllly built in Cow Bay during the past winter by V. Suehiro. The Teenle Mllly per formed admirably on her trials. Capt. Pete Thompson's new 51-foot halibut boat, under construction at the Prince Rupert dry dock, is practically completed as far as hull work goes and delivery from England of the 50 h.p. full diesel Gardner engine, which will be installed in her, is being awaited. Capt, Thompson is applying for the name White Hope for the new boat which will be a fine acquisition to the Prince Rupert halibut fleet. Planking of the new 63-foot fish packer for the Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co. has been completed at the Prince Rupert dry dock and the 60 h.p. Fairbanks-Morse jsemi-dlesel c.o. engine has been : installed. In about a month's time : the vessel should be all completed. ;The boat will be used In salmon i packing during'the canning season. 'Her name has not yet' been an-j nounced. ! ,,-WKh transmission line clearing I and slashing now about completed. the Power Corporation of Canada started work this week from the , Falls River end of erecting the poles from Falls River to Prince Rupert. ' A floating camp and fleet of gas- boats is being used in connection w(th the work, the boat work being, charge of Kenny Rood who has his' own boat Raghnlld on the job An itching skin? Ugly pimples? Red eruptions? The active fluid DDI) will wash the disease germs out of the skin. Touch a, few drops to a bad spot watch the formula penetrate. Repeat the test one, two, three tiroes the rough unsightly spots nave disappeared. ORMES LTD. IV. J. McCUTCHEO.V, DRUGGIST Why Not ? GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. YOU WILL FIND IT WORTH YOUR WHILE SUNLIGHT SOAP 20c per pkg PEARL NAPTHA SOAP 50c 13 bars CARROTS St TURNIPS 25c 10 lbs CUT MACARONI 9c per lb AUSTRALIAN RAISINS 35c 3 lbs CLARKS SOUPS $1.00 Assorted, 11 tins ... SNOW STORM PILCHARDS 25c Vi'Si 3 Uns ... SPLIT PEAS 20c 3 lbs HEINZ SWEET MIXED 29c PICKLES Per bot HEINZ PICKLED WHITE 29c ONIONS-Per bot AYRSHIRE ROLL 1 35c pertfr KI3 PLUMS 2Vi'S 45c 2 tins The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 360 319 Third Ave. ler Duck. The well known local power tug Ruby May has been purchased by the Power Corporation of Canada from John Currie St Son and was delivered at the first of this week to Fall River where it will be used by the company. The Ruby May Is a 41-foo. vessel, equipped with a 16 h.p. Sterling gas engine. John Currie St Son had a new boat built last year to replace the Ruby May In their service. Enlne Sales The Ward Electric Si Marine Sup ply Co. reports the sale recently of sLx Acadia gas engines. These in- tuded three of 6-9 h.p. for installation by the B. C. Packers In gill-netters at Balmoral Cannery and two 15-233 and ond 35-50 for installation in new Japanese fish packers on the Skeena River. The big Prince Rupert halibut boat Cape Beale, Capt. Edgar Ar-nott, is back on the fishing grounds again after haying undergone repairs to damage occasioned recently when she was swept by heavy eas on the northern banks, losing ill her equipment above decks, damaging her pilot house and mashing a dory. Repairs were made at the Prince Rupert dry lock. The damage amounted to tbout $1000. The Vancouver halibut boat Can- ick, owned by W. C. Splan and skippered by Oflpt. A. Sunde. also received permanent repairs at the Prince Rupert dry dock and is back on the grounds again following an acldent In northern waters. A coupling became loose and the vessel lost her rudder, managing to cet into Sewart, Alaska, with Jury rudder. There temporary repairs were made and the boat came on to Prince Rupert for permanent work. This Is the Canuck's first' season on the banks as she was built only last winter In Vancouver. She Is a fine big vessel, 65 feet long and equipped with a full diesel engine. The American halibut schooner Liberty is fishing again, having undergone repairs at Seward following a recent stranding on a reef of the Trinity Islands, southwest of Kodlak Island, as a result of which considerable damage was done. She rode the rock for an hour before working free with the loss of her rudder and after damaging her keel. A Jury rudder was rigged up and the vessel was finally picked up by schooner Resolute, Capt. John Ramm, and towed to Kodlak whence she was taken on to Seward by the coastguard cutter Chelan. The New England Fish Co. Is again operating the steam trawler New England this season in the halibut fisheries -with Capt. M. B. Scott In command. The New England wintered In Vancouver but $ Fast Eosij-Cuttlnj iScMONDSV. - - vuil became mado Irotn our own steel UMONM CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTMAt VAMCOUVm. ST. JWM.N.K TORONTO A MteiVMtiiir iiiii'ii-iViiiSililJ Dr Alexander PHONE 578 REHNrn iiuck DENTIST NEIVES WEIE BAI Could Not Sleep Tired All Day Long Mis Florcne Otratier, Buk Lake, Ont, write i "I wai troubled with my nerves, eould not sleep s sight, sad felt tired til day long. "A neighbor cam In to tee me, cm morning, and adrued m to uu "The first box did me rood and after the tilth box I wa able to go back to mj work." Priee, 50c a box at all drngglrti and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co, limited, Toronto, Ont. shifted to Ketchikan and cleared from there for the banks on her j first trip. Last season, the New j England took approximately one j million pounds of halibut, HaJIbut landings at Prince Rupert for the week of April 19-25 in clusive totalling 841.200 pounds brought the total landings at the port for the season to date up to 4,-786.000 pounds of which Canadian vessels had contributed 1,342,300 minds and American, 3,413,700 tounda. The week's total Included 23.800 pounds of Canadian fish and 617,400 pounds of American. P.1"os throughout the week stood it a rather low level. The top bid for Canadian fish was 10.9c and 5c ,hich the Prosperity A. received for 7,530 pounds and the low 0c and 5c which a number of boats received. The highest American price of the week was 123c and 5c which the) Lansing was paid for 0,500 pounds while bids sank as low as 9.2c and 5c which the Foremost was given for 40,000 pounds. Landines Still Lower The two-week delay In cwh mencement of halibut, fishing oper,-. ations this year is stjll to be marked by decreased landings so fadJJt season at Prince Rupert. Up to April 17 Uiis year landings aggregated 3,914,800 pounds as against 5.497,-850 pounds at a similar date last year. Canadian vessels had landed 1.118,500 pounds as compared with 1,306,850 pounds In 1939 while .the American total was 2,836,300 pud as against 4,191,000 pounds. ,,K The decrease in American landings may be accounted for to come extent through the low price condition that has prevailed at Prince Rupert a good deal so far this year. Many boats offered their catches at the port but proceeded to Seattle when bids were not satisfactory to .hem. However, around Easter a; iistinct fllip was to be seen in volume of landings and, within the next few weeks, it is expected 1930 may commence to make a better showing. Prices were rather lower than might have been expected at the opening or the season but picicea: up around the end of March and, first of April, only to fall back again j because of the exceptionally heavy landings around Easter. Captain Kohrt returned this week i from Louis Locker's logging camp at the south end of Pitt Island. He says he was not conected with the planned salvage operations on the : halibut boat Bingo, which was! wrecked on the west coast of Banks Island. Any salvage operations with 1 which he has been connected had1 always been successful. Good for Cap! Prince William Runs Her Trials Would Hardly He Recognized Now as Grimy Greek Ship Which Arrived Here Last Year For the first time since she ar-1 rived here nearly a year ago from ' the Atlantic Coast a grimy Oreek waif known as the Aktlon, the C. N ss. teamer Prince William, a veritable transformation of her old self as a result of an extensive, program of reconditioning at the,, local. dry doc Ht was seen steaming around the Prince Rupert harbor yesterday afternoon. She moved out from the dock to run her trials with Capt William Thomas, who Is to be her skipper, in command. The Prince William Is now a trim, neat craft of 1 racy lines and should be well suited for her local service out of Prince Rupert to the Queen Charlotte Islands, Skeena and Naas Rivers in which she will be commissioned next week. ECLIPSE MONDAY More Details of Phenomenon Which Will Be Partially Visible Here The arc of greatest darkness of the eclinse of the sun on Monday morning will, otctfr a'bout fl:l$.i The central patn or we eciipsc will begin far out In the Pacific Ocean, entering California near San Francisco, crowing the States of the northwest, entering Canada near Broadview, Sask., passing Jauphin, Man., crossing Lake Win nipeg and Hudson's pay and enter- ng the Atlantic Ocean' near Nam, Labrador. The eclipse will be total in the leighborhood of San Francisco, rhe duration of totallity however Is ery short, less than two seconds at ts maximum. In Canada the central line of the cllpse will assume the annular :'orm. An annular eclipse Is described as .n eclipse of the sun In which a xutton of the surface is visible in he form of a ring surrounding the j lark body of the moon. This oc- :urs when the moon Is too remote from the earth to cover the sunj 3pmpletely and at the moment' Then the centres of the sun and! .1.. - II ...I U tk. I nuou 'ire ucuiijr in wic wiiii uic oolnt of the earth's surface where the observertstands. At n9 tlrae Jie annular eclipse in this case last longer than 15 .seconds. While a partial eclipse,as will be seen here, pm.ides nothing of the pectacular, an annular eclipse Is striking phenomenon. This eclipse was visible In April 1912 under similar conditions, but further east. Fifty-four years from now It will repeat In the same long itude. Prince George Couple Wedded i Allss' Itlanche Cam and Noel DucIm '"'Unlied bn Easter Monday i nut. iCE GEORGE, April 26: The Adding of Miss Blanche Caus and Noel Duclos was solemnized in the Catholic Chureh here on Easter Monday by Rev. Father Wolfe. The bride, who wore a white chiffon wtddtng dress with veil and orange blossoms, was attended by Miss Kathie&T1 Powers and was given in marriage by her father. Oeorge Causf fclfill Caus, a brother of the bVlde!fwa's 'groomsman. After a wedding breakfast, the happy couple left for a honeymoon trip in the course of which they will travel as far as Kamloops and Vernon. Good News for RADIO FANS We are now fully equipped to handle your Radio problems. Dependable servicing of your set can be done in Prince Rupert. A Good Radio Set, properly installed will provide hours of pleasure at a minimum of cost. Enjoy your Radio more VICTOR synchronous RA The Unquestioned Leader Tubes Batteries Reesonators TIIURS., Fill, and SAT, KEN MAYNARD -in- Senor A ! Americano A splendid outdoor pictBre TALKING and SINGIXG 8 Talking Comedy "T00TSWB:r:r Sinpinjx Novelty "HARMONY ( LT B" Oswarl "PERMANENT WAVE" "SCENIC" You should sec tin g program 5 S TWO SHOWS, 7 & 9 PM. S Admission 20c and 6'x I SAT. MATINEE a At 2:30 15c and 40c TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZKJ MIL! AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throuxhout the City PORT SIMPSON FISHING PORT 8IMPSON Ap ! 2' f; Jng is still good but Li'.ui little though the pri-e i " 1 factory. MO Agent t-.i''1"' Fanibti' A"" lK Elcctro-C'bi '"' rt'H'