it 1 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS JMgnday, Auvu,, To The Daily News GARDENING PRINCE RUPERT - IiMTISII COLUMBIA F R.UPERT SUCCEEDS Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert 1 1 "TTF, yUECETT-- --JlanagW-KUitor DAILY EDPtroj SUl?15 Monday. August 25. 1930 IN THE LETTER BOX LAND ASSESSMENT Editor, Daily News: Your editorial "Assessment Va-1 lues" sce!T,s i o beg the question. You , say values are difficult to assess. No general complaint would be, made if the assessor honestly tried j to ascertain actual values of the lots and made the assessment as c!ose to the actual values as he could. Any errors could readily be eorree- ted by the Court cf Revision, providing it, too, were honest in the performance of its duties. j The trouble is that the assessor, has not for years made any honest , attempt to assess at thr actual va-' lue of the property, and the Court of Revision has, year after year, in ' the main, sustained the false assessment marie. The Municipal Act. P. 2426. Par. 212. says "For the purpose of taxation, land, except as herein provided, shall be assessed at its actual value," etc. It does not give the as-sessor any choice in the matter. It ' Is mandatory land must be asses- sed at its actual value and at no! other sum. Has this been done? It has not. as everyone in town knows. ; If the Council really thinks that j the assessment, either this year or in any of the past 15 years has been made as the act directs it can readily set its mind straight by taking the sworn values in the deeds filed in the Land Registry Office during that time and comparing them with the assessed values of the same properties. It will certainly be found that In practically every sale made the price obtained by the vendor has been very much less than the assessed value. There are some exceptions to this- Very limited areas of best residential and best inside business properties are assessed at about their actual values. Outlying residential and semi-business properties are assessed for double and triple their actual values. By why argue that point? Everyone in town knows that the assessed value is. in the main, .away above the actual value. The real arguable point is whether the assessor should obey the law and assess for actual value or stultify himself and assess as it is thought expedient to do in order to raise the money which the Council considers necessary without raising the mill rate. Mr Balrd as quoted by the News on Saturday points to some undesirable effects which flow frr.m false assessments There are many others. C. N. U. Case Trkc the case of the Canadian National. In 1927 the city assessed its property for $2,M2.140. It claim ed this to be excessive and appeals to the Court which recl'ced it t-$1,280,164 Because it had a goon deal of money at stake so that the cost and trouble were worth while it was able to get its assessment, and consequently Its taxes, eut in half. The other property holders were assessed, in the main, as much beyond the actual value of their property as was the .Canadian National. One would have thought that the City Council, in fairness to the sma!l holders of land would have re-assessed the whole town-site. This they did not do, and have contmued to assess the small holders, who cannot afford to fight in the courts, at practically twice the rate.hjjrged t&e C. N. Is there any fairness in making, say. a working man who owns a lot across the creek, pay at least twice as much tax for $100 of value as the C. N. is made to pay? And it all comes about because the assessor did not in each instance assess for the actual value Had he done so, the C. N. would not have been able to, win its case anc" both iar?e and small holders woulr now be paying the same relative taxes. It is said we have a certain amount of money to raise anyhow so It Is as broad as it is long. If you reduce the assessment you must raise the mill rate. This is only partially true. The Municipal Act P. 2436i provides that the Council rate the land for three purposes: 1 1 Pay the Municipal debts. Rate unlimited j All. Rrpvide for schools. Rate unlimited). 3 To provide for all other lawful purposes of the Municipality, a rate not to exceed twenty mills on the dollar." The tax levy this year is for debt. 15, schools, 21, and general (No. 3 above) 12 milk on the dollar. The assessment being at least twice the actual value make this "general 12 mills " in reality 24, which is four mills over the legal limit and would have to be eliminated (X a true as sessment were made. Metal Question The crux of the matter is a moral luestlon. I would like, Mr. Editor, to have you answer it. The law says that land shall be issessed for its actual value The City Council has for years, and is today, knowingly assessing for very Tiuch more than the law allows and the Court of Revision each year, in he main, sustains this false valuation. Is it morally sound for the City Council to continue this illegal iction? Is It morally right for them tor the sake of expediency to habitually violate the law? 8dme non- MdenU actually believe that the i scssed values are the real values i id base the handling of their real tate on these false valuations. ' in you Justify the city in making hese false statements of value to I'.iem? O H. ARNOLD. I Will II SH 1111 TOT rlLtS VJ u f Jr f I 'X K3I Winifred Spooner Uefii. one of i .C..-mx wU1 known uviatrtrs, who has been namid wiin r m m;ii it imni nu. Europe flight. Right rru-m., who Ui'W wilo her. Good Shpwinf Made In Canadian National Railway Station (i rounds WINNIPEG, Aug. 25: The campaign launched this season by the Canadian National Railways in the beautifying of its station grounds was a successful move, with the result (hat a larger appropriation will be considered for this Work next year, A. A. Tlsdale, general manager, announced today. The agents, according to Mr. Tlsdale, have taken kindly to this work, and the time and labor necessary to look after a small plot was cheerfully ?lven by them. They were amply repaid by trie pleasure derived from the pleasant surroundings and congenial recreation. Authoritative Information was secured about the growing of each flower and plant, and the success and good showing lay in the enthusiastic campaign and close co-operation that the agents have known what to plant, where and how to plant and the care that Is required to make the growing of flowers a success. "While there are hundreds of stations which showed that some one cared about flowers and trees and shrubs and all they mean." said Mr. Tlsdale. "Outstanding points, where a great deal of time was spent by employees to make a picture for globe trotters to talk about, are Malachi, Fort Rouge and Transcona Shops. Dauphin, Orays-ville, Rosthem, Drumheller. Edmonton, Blue River. Humbolt, Wat-rous, and Biggar." Travellers, in letters received from time to time, are ever thankful that employees have had time enough and sufficient inclination to'make a garden for all passers-by to see, Mr. Tlsdale added. Man in the Moon These are the days of diet. Women especially hate to be fat and the only way to prevent It is to eat less or eat the right non-fatty foods. Many carry the fad too far and the result Is fatal to health. Miss Brewster's dieted 18 days. She's tried it 18 different ways; Her last one proved a real slaughter. Her mother's tost her only Jake says plenty of people make Jokes about plumbers but paying the bill Is no Joke. Who is it comes to mend the sink When the darn thing goes on the blink? The plumber. Who brings along a trunk of tools Wrenches, pliers scads of rules? The plumber. Who picks a wrench and lets it drop And says "this teak Is hard to stop I'll have to beat it to the shop?" The plumber. The quarrel between husband and wife was so funny that when she threw the axe at him he thought he'd split I wteh I could break a record, it Is one I hear so often on the enlgh-bor's gramaphone. Two men were to take part In a boxing match, and surreptitiously eaeh backed himself heavily to lose j the fight. During the progress of , the bout one accidentally hit his ! opponent a light tap on the face I whereunon the reclDlent of the blow lay down and the referee pro-! j oeeded to count him out. The other was In a quandary, but Just with the call of "nine" a magnificent idea came to htm. He rush- j ed to the prostrate man and kicked , him, and was instantly disqualified. Le . SCALE OF CHARGES ! The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements S2. name. Birth Notices 60c Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, $2. ! Funeral Flowers 10c per 4 ! an eptember 2, 3, 49 5, 1930 OFFICIAL OPENING, TUESDAY, SEPT. 2nd, at 7.30 p.m REDUCED RAILWAY FARES Fare and One-Third From PRINCE GEORGE to PRINCE RUPERT Good Gqing Aug. 30 to Sept. 5, Final Return Limit Sept. 8 EXHIBITS It is expected that they will surpass anything yet shown, and will come from all parts of the country cast, to Prince George, and the Queen Charlotte Islands. INDOOR ATTRACTIONS FROM WEST COAST THEATRES ADOLPIIE & CYNTHIA -In a clever juggling and acrohatic dance act, wire walking and sliding stunU Adolphc juggles with clubs, balls, sticks and hoops, and gives his audience a real lhrill.(Cynthia( young and pretty, in acrobatic and classical dance numbers. QUBY'S DOG ACT These dogs arc beautifully costumed and do all the tricks known to this form of entertainment. They come to us through FANCIION & MARCO, Seattle, and arc recommended as an outstanding net. Fun for the children and grown folks. a KEN ROSS An acrobat of outstanding ability. He also comes to us through Fanchon & Marco, who recommend him very highly. His act is called "EDUCATED HANDS." BASEBALL -VANCOUVER VAC'S VS. PRINCE RUPERT The Prince Rupert Baseball Association have secured the famous VAC'S of the Vancouver Athletic Club, who are now leading the Vancouver Senior League, for a series of three games. This team is one of the best in Hritish Columbia. Come and sec how the local boys stack up against such, a team. Indian Sports - Baseball - Football These games arc for the Championship of Northern B. C. The Iwys are keen sportsmen and will provide a high standard of play. TWO BANDS AT FAIR Greenville Concert Rand and Prince Rupert U)s Rand will be in attendance. CANADIAN UNITED SHOWS With their Mcrry-Go-Round, Sideshows, Jungle Girl, Roxcrs and Wrestlers and other attractions, be in attendance. will GRAND BALL -FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1930 EXHIBITION BUILDING This dance needs no boosting as it is the OUTSTANDING EVENT of the JeS '