u: nday. August 25, 1930. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Jne ,mil)e PaIniolivcIu it1 One New Gillette Kazor having Cream All For 35 Cents tf Pioneer Drtigcists Phones SI & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists T.TM ? W-fLrt ubih & nous Ttntznunr EVERYBODY CAN IK i ansist in the preservation. of 'the forests of British Columbiirom the ravages of fire, Jjut not everybody does. Elaborate and far-reaching measures are being employed to control the annual cut, but the general public can do the most to eliminate the annual waste. BE CAREFUL WITH FIRE AT ALL TIMES AND EVERYWHERE. , , I mm. '- v mm r i I rvrin ' a- pi a- w - - numi U 1 W f will & VTA WJ L A li J A U LA VvUll A iLiJJ . ItRITISII COLUMHIA FOKEST SERVICE-.- Sj4 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED HaUllnc I'rwn lYInee Ruiiert I VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA, Butt dak-. Alert Bay, etc. Tuesday, 3.30 pjc r vr-coi:u, YK'IOKM. Hitiedaie. Aim It., etc.. Irldir mldnleht I r .11.1, K .tllM. ANVOV. NTMVAItT, Vu Utrr. Purl Miap.ua. bud- day, S.OO p.m. " :r HIMrSON and WM.ES IS! ND, Thtinoay p.tn I ! 'ikI Atenup K M StIITH rnl Prince Kuiiert. II C Ylrnuth I'rkfU void ( tlrtnrU and iiillle rd bttiaip clierkril It.r itKh (o tWInoiton 1 COAST w3n , B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FHOM PIMNCt KUPEKT To Ketchikan. Wrarufall. , Juneau, Skagway Ausulf 1, 4. 8, 11. IS, W22, 38. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle- August 2, 6, !), 13. 10. 20, J3.,2T, 30. Princess Mary--Ocean ftlls, etc- Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pan' ArenU Fr All Steamship Lines 'V C Orchard, Gtneral Agent. 3rd Ave i'rince Rupert, Vhui.o Si .!A:i (iiil 'mil i'i i collar 9 No man of gooil njicnrnnco gooHout v illiout a collar... nor iloen lio go nlMtut villi tliiHty, unpolif lictl sliocs . . . IVrMonnl pritlc sufiet8 a frequent "Nuppcl" shlno to kvcp tlio shoos emnrlly , LLil.iAl.l.. ri.1t.'tiliraL ' 111 r.t.-lltttfltj ttiiit at SHOE POLISH (jk NUGGET TIN cpciti mill a ImJl If you want anything, try a classified ad. Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroncrs store. Annette Fashion, Show at Capi-Patugur27 and 28- 193 Rppekah 'special meeting tomor-rpw, Tuesday, at 8 p.m. Presidents Visit. All Rebckahs please attend. ver Island. U&I Cafe Formerly tiie White Lunch Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS New Royal Hotel . I. Zarelll, ITop. TIIK IKMT.I. MOUTH WHILE Hot & Cold Water: Stram Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP ', . Tc'fl"e SHI 193 , Miss Gwana Alofson, who has been On a visit to her home at Os-land. returned to-the city on today's train. Rev. Peter Conall. former United I Church pastor at Vanderhoof, ts ,now locaiea at raricsvuie, vancou Mrs. James Hogg has returned to Smithers after a delightful summer spent at Calgary, Toronto and other Eastern points. R. H . Worlock returned to the' city on yesterday's train from one of his periodical business trips to the Interior as far as Prince George. MlsfjuAik Crulckahank, local 11-bWrifcrC.tfho has been on a six- weeks 'Vacation trip in the course of which she travelled as far , as the mouth of the Mackenzie River, returned to the city on yesterday's ' train. Announcement IMtaf-Our new sriitary Beauty Parlor jt now open for your Inspection and we sincerely hope tt will meet with your approval. Mrs. Hlckey and Mrs. Kelson first-class operators In all Departments of Beauty Culture. . Mr. Al Nelson, with 10 years Experience in Permanent Wav- .Irtirrutiiotntv hi. lotoat ttla JJfCroquignole Method. NELSON'S BEAUTY PAIV.OR (formerly Mrs. Stephens) 211 3rd Street Phone Blue Ml Central Hotel I'XHKit m:v manaciumcnt Slram llentid'. Tratr!r' HKinpIt ItiHimt; licit and Cnlri Water I'ree llu Meet All Iraliu and rtnat Hates $1.00 and Up hl-tClAI. MONTHLY RATI C. It. It I (1G ART & A. DONALD l'roirletor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. ntUDMOMME. Prop. Cor. of Praser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. Roy Herman, Hays- port; Mr. and Mrs. James Spence, Porcher Island Cannery; Mr. and Mrs. S. Milne, William Dolton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Atkinson, Mrs. Camp- balL Mrsi Ridley Simon Lawson and James Starr, Ketchikan; J. Frsars. N. Ranto. Alfred Auckland. J. Meachy. J. M. Dunn, D. F.Jones F. Munro. Q. II. Leslie. Charle; Beck, W. Jphnson and H. Deering. city; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Price I Port Simpson: D. Duffltt. Stewart; R. E. Vaipy, Inverness; George Col-1 11ns, Port Easing ton. I Royal ' J. H. Peets, R. C. Jackson, Dan Beaton, Pado Stonl and L. H. Bra wand, .C.N.R.; J. M. Baird. Van- couvcr; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Milne, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Reilly, Metla-katla; D. MrKenzie. John Graham. AU x Munro. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mar-mli mid A Pi'cliTson. city; L. Has-tad. Tmnce; C. Mr Donald, Port B.- in -''in: A M -iihrsiiu. Boston; J. J. McDonald, Buudale; D. Mc-Connell, 'Lowe Inlet: J. Holland, Oona River. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREP TWICE BENEFITED BY SAME REMEDY Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cobourg, Ontario 'Tews ago hm 1 had a side father and a noising baby to care lor, 1 got all run down and I took Lydia K. Pintham'i Vegetable Compound to get strength to do my work. Another time at Change of Life, I ha!l severe headaches and felt tired all the time. I took seven bottles of the Vegetable Compound and felt like a new woman. I recommend it to any woman who is at the age when she nerds building up." M nsTr. E. SuxiUM, 1UL 4, Cobourg, Ontario. J. O. Johns returned to the city on yesterday's train from a busi ness trip to the interior. Miss Isabel Haddock, United Church deaconess, who has been spending a Vacation in the south returned to the city on the Catala last evening, from Vancouver. Jack Hildltch, Who has been em- poyed at Hayiport' cannery during the past summer, arrived in the city on yesterday's train. He will be leaving soon for Victoria where his mother, Mrs. J. J. Dore, now resides. CP.R. steamer Princess Louise arrived in port at 10.30 this morn ing from Vancouver and sailed at 1230 noon for Skagway. The Princess Louise Li in command this trip xof Capt. Hughes who during the past season has been her chief officer. J. B. Lambert, assistant district engineer for the fsderal depart merit of public- works with head quarters at Victoria, was a passen ger aboard the Catala last evening going through to Stewart in connection with new dock work that Is being instituted thete. Tiere were 2f4 passengers on board the steamer Princess Alice which was In port Saturday after-noon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, The list Included 91 tourists and & Filipinos bound for Seattle after having been employed for the summer in Alaska canneries. Thirteen persons disembarked here from the vessel. PROOF PLUS PROOF NOTICE The Principal. Mr. Hartness, will be at the High School evecy morning, August 25 30, : to interview narents of pupils entering Grade 9 with regard to Courses offered. Senior Matric students are partio-ualrly requested to register their names at the School as soon as possible. "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" Si iMlLllI, The letters from mothers telling what Pacific Milk has done that it has restored children to health, saved children's lives, nourished children into robust boys and girls Is the most powerful evidence of its food va,-lue that can It obtntned. We know the virtues of this good milk and have the scientific tests that reveal its quality, but the proof contained in these letters is Invaluable. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, H.C. SPRINGS For any makes of cars and trucks. Repairs, reinforcing, rctempcriiiR, new springs. All work guaranteed. North Star Spring Works First Ave. E. P. O. Box 258 1'rlnrc Rupert, p.C. Dinncrware, china, crockery, classware. Ilcilbroner's Store. Verge Moore, -who has been on a brief trip to Terrace, returned to the city on yesterday's train. A. A. Connon, who has been pn business h'H tbHffe iriferW, re turned to the city oh yesterday's train. Robert James, who has been spending a holiday in the interior. returned to the city on yestorday's train. Entries for Labor Day sports (major events), must be made to the secretary, Frank Derry, not later than- Saturday, August 30. (199) Mrs. W. B. Cornish, who has been on a holiday trip to Seattle, returned to the city on the Catala last evening, accompanied by her little daughter. Mrs. William Sherman, Jr., and daughter, who have been on a two months' vacation trip to Los An geles, returned to the city on the Catala last evening. There was an enjoyable dance under Scandinavian auspices in the Moose Hall Saturday night Quite a large crowd was In atten dance and the affair, was quite successful. There were 70 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Louise whleh was in port this morning north bound from Vancouver to Skag way. Seven persons disembarked here from the vessel. G. H. Kohl, beating engineer for 'he Power Corporation of Canada with headquarters in Montreal, re turned to the city on the Princes Louise this morning after a brief trip to Vancouver. - 1 Mrs. William Harwlll and eon ar rived in the city from Dorreen on today's train and will spend a holi day here for the next three weeks as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cameron, Second Avenue. William Ware of the fur depart ment of the Hudson Bay Co. is a passenger aboard the. .ss. Prince George returning to Vancouver af ter a trip Into the Stikine River country on company business. Aid. and Mrs. Theo Collart and son. Robert, sailed Saturday even ing on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Collart may remain for some time in the outh on account of her health which has not been good of late. Mrs. F. A. Roberts and son, Gerald, sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where they plan on taking up future residence. Mrs. Roberts' husband was killed in a railway accident near here about a year ago. Charles Dawson, architect for the provincial government, was a passenger aboard the Princess Lo uise this morning going north to AtUn on official business In connection with work that is belnv carried out on the government buildings there. Father E. AUara, O.M.I.. who has been spending the summer engaged In Roman Catholic Church mis sionary work In the Stikine River and Dease Lake country, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from the north, being on his way to Fraser Lake. Delayed by heavy freight load ings at Vancouver, CNIl. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. B. O. Jones, will not arrive in port until 3.30 this afternoon from the south, the train leaving for the Bast awaiting her arrival. The Prince Charles will sail at 8 o'clock this evening 'or Stewart, Anyox and Mtssett Inlet points. In last Thursday's Vancouver Prbvince on the front page appears a picture of Mlsi Amy Johnson. England to Australia avlatrlx. when she was ercently presented with a car at Orosvenor Hotel. Park Lane, London, in recognition of her flight. Beside 'IMIssiJohitson In htepictur e stands her father.' Will Johnson, brother of T. H. Johnson of this city. 1 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS ' (Rebekah Bridge and Whist September 10. Moose Bazaar, October 16, 17. If You Co You Find Mslt Extract i i WmSim Packed exclusively In Air-Tight Tins Mrs. W. R. McAfee of Prince Rur I Roy Summers returned to the pert, with her two children, is vis. city on the Prince George this iting relatives In the city. Van-, morning alter a brief weekend trip couver Province. i to Ketchikan. Provincial Constable William i Charlie Nelson of Cow Bay re- Robb of Port Esstngton arrived in j turned to the city on the Prince the city on yesterday's train from George this morning after a brief the Skeena River. ' trip to Ketchikan. i R. O. Johnston, manager of In- j David A. Brown, accountmt tor verness Cannery, arrived in the city the Swift-Canadian Co., sailed Sa-on today's train from the Skeena turday evening on the Prince Ru- Rlver for a brief business visit in ' pert for a trip to Vancouver, town. j C. P. Ashmore, manager of the Mrs. F. M. Robson. who has been Granby Store at Anyox, was a making the round trip to Skagway passenger aboard the Prince Ru- aboard the steamer prince George pert Saturday evening bound for a on whiah vessel hereon, A. H. Rob- business trip to Vancouver. son, is purser;' Is passenger -todayj returning to 'Tier horn In Westi s. C. Haydn, who is identified Vancouver. .with the Department of Marine service in the work of getting out C. Manrell, superintendent of yearly tide tables, arrived in the transportation for the Canadian city on the Princess Louise this National Railways, Vancouver, and morning frqm Vancouver for a Mrs. Manrell are passengers aboard visit here on official duties, the Prince Georee today returning ; south after having made thej On Saturday evening at the round trip to Skagway. Farquhar, 417 Agnew Place. I Elks' Home anouier enjoyable dance was held by the Pats Play The Government gang worked! Boys' orchestra from the Interior, yesterday in order to take advan- j a good-sized crowd being in atten-tage of the low- Udeftitofpour ce- j dance from 8 a.m. until midnight, ment in the Oallpway Rapids The orchestra is now leaving for bridge. They poured the under-! the interior where it has a number water portions of eleven abutments; of engagements to fill. thus advancing the work very con- siderably. Mrs. M. Malury arrived in the city on the Princess Alice Satur There were 164 passengers on board the CN R. steamer Prince George. Capt. Neil McLean, which arrived in port at 8. IS this morn- day afternoon from Ketchikan to j ing from Skagway and other Al-attend the Salvation Army Con- aiVan points, sailing at 4 o'clock gross. She is the wife of Ensign, this afternoon for Vancouver. Of Ma jury, local commandant at Ket-, these passengers ten were local chlkan, who arrived In the city persons disembarking here. The earier in the day by gasboat. I large majority were tourists re- . turning south after enjoying the With quite a large list of pa.v! Alaska cruise. It is the la voyage sengers on board. Union steamer of the season fro the ss. Prince Catala, Capt. A. E Dickson, a'rriv- Ocorge on the Skagway run. ed in port at 9.15 last evening from the south and sailed at 8 pjq. for1 A party of local glris. who havo ,bee'? Ptojl for the past six Anyox, Stewart and other northern at uteto points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon enroute back!,turned 10 c 011 f Ulf last eenlng from down to Vancouver ' Included in the party were Mrs- ' Ivarson, Mrs. McCook. Mrs. Car- Mrs. H. R, Oran of Fort William , j ,e M,M Anaeraon! MiM and formerly of this city afterhav- Ounborg Pean Miss Rosalie tag spent the past ; month at Prince Mjs MUs George with her daughter. Mrs. R. todays train from the interior to . ,,,,. " visit with friends here before re- fare' ,W,1crof Clara ' 1Phem turning to Fort William. She Is now i "S the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James ' " " Lcod. who also went down with the girls, returned to the city about a The very low tides yesterdnv week ago and has since left for caused much inconvenience to the California where she will spend the natives and others who were moor-! coming ycai ed at the Provincial Government j boats almost turned over and the! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY whole place was strewn with na- tlve women and children who had ! LOOT Brown linen eovervd 376 S. to leave their boats. Many peonlej ire willing to take a risk at the old folats rather than walk th"J extra distance to the new ones. A. Field Note cr.ws f- tlon book with pencil, notes a';1 sketches. Finder please return to Dally Ne Office. Reward. m The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL. BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND KEFINEKS Purchasers of Gold. Silver, Copper. Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper. Pig Lead and Zinc TADANAC. TRAIL