PAQE SIX BRITISH EXPLORER TOURS AFRICA OVER "IMPASSABLE" JUNGLE TRAILS LIEUTENANT Commander Glen Kidston, millionaire British sportsman, racing motorist, big game hunter and airman, has just returned from a 4.000-miIe safari in East Africa, frankly astonished -a. il. m i 11 - m. lire penomance against increa-ibl" odds of four Fbrd -cars which hauled his equipment. Lieutenant Commander Kidston Is famed for his almost miraculous escapes from death. He was the only sunrivor of the drash of the German passenger plane which was wrecked and burst into flames last year when it struck tree tops in Surrey after departing from Croydon for a cross-channel flight On another oeouion, his racing automobile, travelling at high speed, truck a telegraph pole, yet he escaped with only a few bruises. "Having just completed my safari, I feci I must tell you of the wonderful behaviour of the four Ford light deliveries which I purchased from you last year," Lieu tenant Commander Kidston wroto to Nairobi Motors, Limited, Ford dealers, at Nairobi, Kenya Colony. "I motored almost 4,000 miles oyer Kenya, Tanganyika and lirlnda on safari' nnri I thnnirhf T had a pretty good idea of what a car1 could do. Frankly, however. I have, been attmUhoH Vv th rriarkable and unfAilinir urfum. ance these four little cars nave put up. "Loaded rlrrlif nn It Tint mam - - - - ..ww ,ii often grossly overloaded on account vi cars oi another make being bogged and their loads having been transferred, these cars have been driven throutrh tnrnrliM suffering the most violent joltings without murmur. The Narok Kila-mafeza road has regularly been re- DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked DailyJb& 3 U C Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PEMIHNA EGG-Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEHEAD EGG-Delivercd, Per Ton 12.50 MINEHEAI) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 - Want Ads - Let Them Re Your Rroker in Iluying and Selling Somebody is walling to buy -that house' or bedroom set, or cost you have to 6ell. Somebody is waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else it is you are in the niarket for. Get the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undt earned of bar- , gains undreamrd,Sffcrjpartunlties. Do your sliODDlnir hrough these cojyftrrnItoaJSe'c how profitable and afot it is. Jm. rW VtfiKv READ and USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" Lieutenant Commander Glen Kidston ported as 'impassable' for almost the past two months, yet these cars have managed to get through, passing other cars bogged, stuck in rivers, and in many cases giving them a helping hand. "I have, driven ears in Canada, Australia. Kew Zealand CM no iiul other countries, and am acquainted with the gruelling they are generally put to, but the performance of these four little cars has been a revelation and I want nothing Anyox Scouts Gave Concert Entertainment at Terrace Friday Was Much Enjoyed V . TERRACE, Aug. 25: The Anyox Boy Scouts held a' concert last Friday evening in the Legion Hall which was filled to capacity. The Oirl Ouides from Prince Rupert were out in full force. Also the local Scouts were present. . The Anyox Scouts gave some musical numbers and then several group songs, led by Scoutmaster Oale. Jack Pinkney sang twice and was heartily encored, having to respond to repeated calls. , Mr. Oale sang "Gay Caballero" and two of the Scouts were dressed In Spanish and Russian costumes and gave a sword display which caused much merriment. SPECIALS Shredded Wheat O eZ n 2pkgs Empress Jelly Pow- O CZ ders, 4 pkgs, am J Vx Peek-Frean's Biscuits All varieties Kftn Allen's Rum & Butter Toffee, per lb, Silver Spoon Tea per lb Sunlight Soap per pkg. Palmolive Soap 5 bars Lux Toilet Soap 5 bars 50c 55c 20c 40c 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited Wl-Va 5th Artnue East PHONE Ik AND 81 Cartage and Storage i'bone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team oi Motor Service Cosl, Ssnd and Gravel Wt Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. THE DAILY NEWS Monday. An MEETING AT THEATRE Four Hundred Gather to Hear Commissioner and Airs. Hoggard of Salvation Army Work " MAYOR PRESIDES Speaker Says He Is Thankful For fifty tears of Toil and I or Beautiful Wife "I thank Gpd for 50 years of toll, for my health and strength, for his goodness, and mercy to me. for a beautiful wife who has strength ened me," declared Commissioner Hoggard, who with Mrs. Hoggard addressed four hundred people in the Capitol Theatre yesterday afternoon. Mayor Orme presided and on the platform with him were P. G. Tinker, president of the Chamber of Commerce. Inspector of Schools Fraser. Aldermen P. H. Lin-zey and II. F. Pullen. and Staff Captain and Mrs. Acton. Mrs. Hoggard gave some account of her work ameng the people of Thibet and told of a wonderful cure of a crippled boy which was looked upon among the natives as miraculous. It was the direct result of earnest prayer. Commissioner Hoggard spoke of the days of misunderstanding when the ignorant persecuted the Salva tion Army and ridiculed the work they were doing. He had been closely associated with General Dooth. founder of the Army. Those were dark and mysterious days. He told of a bishop who studied their work and wrote that the Salvation Army would sing its way around the world but whether the world would be the better for it or not, time would tell. Today all the world welcomed the Army, but even today there was some misunderstanding of their work. The speaker recalled the days of riot and bloodshed. There were injustices because some dared to take a stand for Christ. He could give a list of many who gave their lives for the cause. Finally the matter was taken up in Parliament and Sir William Harcourt, secretary of state for foreign affairs, declared from his seat In the House that the persecution had, to cease. Since then they had enjoyed great freedom everywhere. . Turning then to his work In Africa, Commissioner Hoggard told of the conversion of a huge Matabele who was so bad a Negro that he had to be kept In chains. He was converted at a prison service and from that time on devoted his life to spreading the gospel among , his own people. Another case of an artist's wife who was sent to the Salvation Army settlement was a story of a wonderful recovery from the drug habit through the power of the Gospel. The commissioner said he had served on four continents for SO years and had been twice around the world in connection with his duties. He spoke of the opening of Central Europe to their work recently and mentioned the marvellous number of Jewish people who had been converted. He expressed the view that possibly a Jewish leader might arise again as was the case two thousand years ago. The work of the Army was to -arry light and blessing into prisons and hospitals, to porvlde homes and shelters for homeless women, young mothers who were sisters of sorrow. The work they were doing was being appreciated everywhere. At the close a hearty vote of thanks was moved by Alderman Llnzey and seconded by Inspector Fraser and carried with enthusiasm. A vote of thanks was also passed to Mayor Orme for so ably presid ing and to the Boys Band for their services. The following was the program: Song, "Stand Up For Jesus," congregation. ' Prayer. Introduction of Chairman, Staff Captain J. Acton. Chairman's remarks. Mayor C. H Orme. , Scripture Reading, Mrs. Acton. Address, Mrs. Commissioner Hog gard. Vocal Solo, Sergt.-MaJor Alexcee Lecture. "Reminiscences, of Fifty Years Warfare," Commissioner R iioggaro,, . ( Announcement and offering. Selection. Prince Rupert Boys' Band. Vote of thanks. Doxology. ? James Calvin, well known prospector of this' city and Alloc Arm. who has been spending the summer in the Tsku River and Rainy Hollow districts, returned to the city for mthe north on the Prince George this morning. HER FAT IS MELTING FAST AWAY All over the world Krusrhrn Salts Is appealing to girls and women who strive for tin attractive, frcc-from-fat figure that ctuttiot fail to uin uiUnira-tion, ' , , Here's the recipe tlkat hanislien fat and bring)! into blossom uT the natural attrnctivrneM tliat every woman Every morning- take one -half of Kruwhcn SalU in u gloss of hut water licfore breakfast. , lie sure and 1 this every morning for " It's the daily iW tlkat takes olf the fat." Don't hums a morning. Knwrhen daily means that every particle of iniisoncxw wante matter and harmful arid arxt gases ate cxK-llrd from the syttem. At the same time the utomach, liver, kiilney and bowels are tiHMtl up and the pure, fresli bkxal containing Nature's six life-giving salts is carried to every organ, gland, nerve and libre of the Ixxly. and this Is followed by " that Kruwhcn feeling" of energetic health and activity that is reflected in bright even, clear kkin, cheerful vivacity and charming figure. PRESBYTERY AT TERRACE Enjoyable and Busy Time Spent at Recent Meeting TERRACE. Aug. 25 .The Prince "upert. Presbytery met in Terrace ir the first time, and had an en-ivar nnd busy time. Mueh busl-'ess of an Important nature was inctiKsed. Ministers of the Presby-ry In -iltendance were: Rev. Pes' Kelly, the new minister of "Pa Ooola: Rev. Oapt. R. C. 8rott "I K., of the Central Mainland Maine Mission: Rev. V. II. Sansum M.A., new minister of Port Simpson; Rev. W. H. Pierce, veteran missionary of Port Esslngton; Rev. T. II. Wright B.A., of Hazelton. secretary of Presbytery, and Rev. H. T. Allen B.A., DD.. pastor of Knox Church, Terrace. Laymen present were Messrs. J. Neurtck, Haxelton; P. Bennett. Port 8impson, and Oeo. E. Keith, Ter race. Visitors to the meetings were Rev. O. M. Sanf ord, president of the B. C. Conference, and Dr. O. A. Wil son, superintendent of mlsatana. Showers For Girl Who Will Marry Rolla Man Soon M!si Louisa Oord'Ti whose mar riage to Oleen Bradon of Rolla, U.C. will take place shortly, has been honored lately at several pre-aup- tial showers and other Interesting affairs. Mrs. P. Granger was 'a re cent hostess, entertaining with a tea an dmlsoellaneous shower, while a kitchen shower was given by Mrs. D. McKerrsie. At a t?a given in honor of Miss Oordon by Mrs. S. Andrews. Third Avenue, the bride-lect was presented with a hind-some amber rose bowl. During the latter part of last week Mrs. W. M. Ramsay was a hostess for the bride- to-be with a personal shower, and Orandvtew United Church ehoir surprised her at her home on a recent evening when she was pre sented with a basket of gifts. Fol lowing their marrlagr. Mr. Baden and his bride will reside at Roua. Vancouver Province. Guides Having Fine Holiday Local Girls Enjoying Camp at Little Canyon Near Terrace TERRACE, Aug. Is: The Oirl Ouides and Gulden of Prince Rupert are having a very happy and interesting holiday in their camp at Little Canyon. One party of Ouides under the care of Brown Owl Norrington, made a trip to Lakelse last Monday and another party, with Capt. Rogers in charge, made the same trip on Tuesday. Delightful bathing was enjoyed at the lake on each occasion. One or two sandy beaches on the Skeena have been discovered and the nearest of these is used for the nightly camp fire. Everybody IS wonderfully kind to the Guide. Can are always at their disposal for trips to town and elsewhere. Rupert folks -too, have not forgotten them. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh sent the girls candy and George Dawes sent along a huge box of goodies from the bakery. All this was much appreciated. One or two of the small girls are learning the ways of a farm, and are hoping to know all the secrets of milking and churning before they leavo for home. QUBYDOGS ARE CLEVER Interesting Feature Act For Indoor Attraction at Fair Next Week. , fn, ', Doglovers will see one of the be$ jail-round canine acts ever shown jat the fair next week as an'Indobr attraction along with several others that have been secured. This Is Quby's Dog Act. Eight enthusiastic dogs make up the ensemble which presents a routine which is interesting throughout. Seven are poodles tind one Is a SplU. Dancing, high-diving, the revolving tables, barrel spinning and rope-walking are programmed In the canine procedure among other things. Particularly cute is Baby, a three-pound poodle, French, who elects a small doll carriage as the scene of much of her act. Outstanding is the eagerness with which the dogs perform, a feature being generally commented upon by most who view the act. Prof. Quby treats his dogs as pals and, thought about, this probably accounts for the willingness with which they go through their respec tive stunts. 1913 Pioneer qU Prince George Is Dead at Ripe Age John McLeod, resident of Prince George since 1913, died in the Prince George Hospital last Wednesday after a brief Illness. He was 85 years of age and arrived, in Truce County, Ont- in 1876. He same west by way of San Francteeo before the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The late Mr. McLeod leaves a widow and three sons and four daughters. Mrs. R. Breek-enburg of Anyox is one" of the daughters. The body was sent , to Vancouver where interment was made. g MONDAY & Tl ' :sd"? BUDDY ROW ia "Safety In Numbers" A Great All T.iii With Many New COMEDY "THE FAMILY Ni NOVELTY "DRESDEN ! 3 PARAMOUNT SO! Admission Jj Feature Starts at ; ' iai.HlB.lBJBMB h 1 TELEPHONE G 7 VALENTIN DAL V I V. skeena n:;v n Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTri'KIZ' .1 LR AND rill-AM II' it'fV ' Early Delivet t Thr u the litv COAL Buy the real Coul n mous Edson a 'id i . Wrllineton in any u 1 Also Butkley Vulh II Grain and Robin ll-.cii I . ..: . mice Rupert Feed Co 1'IIONBS 58 AND t:S Features of the -New FORD Car t in Beautiful New Streamlines Shatter-Proof Glass Windshield Rustless Steel for allbrightmetal parts Four Houdaillie double-acting, Hydraulic Shock Absorbers Four VheehBrakes, Fully enclosed .mr-.i Spioothness, Balance and Security at all speeds Long Life and Greater Economy, Call or Telephone For a Demonstr;iii S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, 1J.C. Cm CmrtDMckt Ortf faLud cAmei enamel Hi For sports wear . Grucns designed in inlaid enamel! 5o charming, thcic, tiny Gruen w Ey, modish designs! ThcfoughKrl .t. as nn!v GirilJ rj-aftjtmjnariiTflWrr&fmfo"!!)!' Delightful as gifts, or for personal weir v summer frods and sport costumes. Many ' as low as $4, in solid gold cases. Come in I John Bulger v Icwplipr r Third Avenue Prince Rupert J2 If you lose anything, try a classified