;iy, August 25, 1930. OIK THH DAILY NKW3 PAGE STVJ fan m chill .nilinrrc Monday ss. Prince Rupcrt4 .... p.m. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LO ST & FOUND i'uc iUay S3, Catala 3.30 p.m. WdnCaySgRlii.m, Wednesday-g$Mgrh 9, am. ! THIS IS TIIK PAqp win ST PEOPL E READ .BECAUSE IT IS FULIF QpABySESTERESTD. XQIIN.?S5ANDOlLD. ss. PrlnceSlipfce; S p.t, Thursday s.s. Pr. Charles, 4 p.m. ss. Cardena, 12 midnight Saturday--ss. Pr.Charlotte, 5 p.m. ss. Prince George, 7 p.m. rem Vancouver ,,unday -ss. Catala 4 pm, i ndiiy -ss. Princess Alice a.m-Princess Charles, 11 30 a.m. W-:d'd.v - ss.Pr. George, 11.30 a.m. Tiianday -ss. Cardena . .... p.m. fi-Sday ss. Princess Louise, a.m. ,rs Prince George, 11 30 a.m rs Princess Mary 4 pm. Saturday ss. Pr. Henry 11.30 a.m. or Naas River and ori Biinnauii Cunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. F uy ss. Prince William, 8 pm. rom Naas River and I ort Simpson Ti:r day ss. Catala .... 1130 a.m. Fu'iay ss. Prince William, p.m. zip t ii' n ri n n f nnvnr Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Monday ss. Pr. Charles, 8 pin. Fi.d :y ss. Pr. Georgr, 220 p.m. up iauv:ari- h 1 1 it ii viii Tut day ss. Catala ...11.30 a.m. TUui's ss. Pr. Charles, 10.30 run. ' ruri.iy ss. Pr. George, flpm.l r .Mirday ss. Pr. George, 6 pjn or wnau r,iii.' Mund.iy ss. Pr. Rupert, 4 pjn. F tday ss. Pr. Mary,,. .10 pjn. r ss Prince George, 7 pm rom urcan t ans W :d ss. Pr. George, 11 JO am Fudav ss. Pr. George, 11.30 a.m. Princess Mary, 4 p.m. Sa ss. Prince Henry, 11.30 am. or norm iueen hsrlnlle isianflo Monday- ss. Pr. Charlet, 8 p.m. rom norm queen nanoitc isianus T' as ss. Pr. Charles, 10JOa.ni. narinit iianfi Monday ss. Pr. WiUtem. 8 p.m. rum numi ifucrn TUuj s ss. Prince William, am nthiy -m. Prrn9S'"Alftfe. VB. W U ss. Pr. George. 2.30 pm F ii.iy ss. Princess Louise, am p.J ss Prince Henrjr, 2.30 pm. win mash!0 M n ss. Prince Rupert, 7 am W'.a ss. Prince Henry, 7 am ss. Princess Alice, pm. r 'urday ss. Pr. CharloUs, pm. or i on aimpson nd Wales If niifl T; LJi - day -ss. Cardena . pm. F ... .y ss. Pr. William, 8 am. rom rort Mimpson nil fa1inf Fad ay a. Cardena p.m. ss. Prince William, pm. or Mifena Klver Thurs. ss. Pr. William. 8 am. r 't ss Pr. WUllam .... 8 am rom RLni IMLKr TSiurs ss. Prince William p.m ss. Cardena pjn. fat ss. Prince William, p.m. Mail Schedule or the East- Mi nday, Wednesday and 8att- ur ny 1130 am Tursday, Thursday and 'ia;iy 12 noon Dally except Tuesday 1250 nm Monday 3 p.m. Tuesday 2J0 pjn. Wednesday 4 pjn. Thursday 3 pjn. F 'day y Jl pjn, Pjturday 4 n.m.. 0 n.m. r , "unaay m 4 pjn. Monday 9 a.m. Wednesday 1U0 a.m, Thursday p.m. J iday 9 a.m. P t'urday 11.30 ajn. Or AnVOV find (timtvnrt '"Jnday . 7 p.m. Monday 7 p.m. rjway im n.m. J mm e. ...I !C i A lllclay 11.30 ajn. Thursday 1050 a.m. A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Itetall 'late, Window anil Ornamental Glass, Wallpaper. Wnllfrlts, Miiresco Brushes, Paints, Var-"Ishrs, Oils, Tainters' and ''aperhangers Supplies. J'lione Ued 63 I'.O. Box 9 130 Second Ave., Prince ltupert Holiday Resorts RAINBOW TROUT Are plentiful Un season In the Stuart Lake dUlrlct, tlvey take either fly or spoon. In this wide virgin country then-are hundreds of mile of watcrwsys In Uke and stream with man; pleasant bay and wooded lata, unexplored by white men. Now that really Rood ac oommodatlon la provided and modem camping equipment la obtainable, many are taking fishing trips. Another Important attraction there is a ride or hike to the top of Mount Pope, from vh!ch a wonderful picture la area 100 mllea of lka and woods rn every dU-aotlon. Apply to C.N.It. or by wire or letter to Douglas Lodge. iv,rt tit James, lit. 8m Je 24 Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the ajiore of Lakelse Lake is now open to guests. Fine Fly Fishinp; On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest in Canada; Good for rheumatism. l'hone connecting with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return 52.50 Manager .1. Bruce Johnstone Wonderful Tlell Jl'rX'N CIIMtl.OT f E ISLtNPS The Home Farm Fine beach rtd'tneadows for Child.rcji'w playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing Rlvrr and Sta Bathing Excellent Cuisine Parties ran lie met at Hklilrtate or INtrt Clements. Wlrrlrs fr '-- Kewervat bHia- MADAME RAJAUT JITNEY SERVICE Betwi en Pa ft .Bsamenia ana Queen go WW W'J onoays and .niin IWrWe1lfifnl. SJO a.m. I)ueen rhnrlvtle 1JM p.m. larra ys erli. Keund trip M. L, HVISON. INwt flemenl Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte Is. Sedan Oars meat all aoaU at Port Mats aad at Quean Ofearlotte Oily Secular trips to Port Clementa vary Ttaaaday and Tburaday leaving q. C. City at 0 . raturnlaf from Port Cl-maata at 1 pjn. Itatf Ourrii DkarMte City lo rrt riiiiajjilii iM nrSO rt(iirnrlrevrMa. Inliaau illiile point, Iflr. a mile. Rib.in comfart It coats no more. PhoaSjl short, t long. Wire or phone OU.IOUMf STi;BN . Propilelor Hunts Furniture & Upholstry Tho Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged 0. M. HUNT Third Avenue, l'hone Ked 637 A Dnlly News want-ad will jrlnn results. 1 BRINGING UP 1 FtrWrTHlNKi "trWr THIMQ WR WkKiUow- WOW THtvu. THtyu. as as aoiioiM aoiioiM thk,e thke n OoORt ON) TOO OP FLAG- 0 MAKE YOUR FOR RENT FURNISHED Flat, 4 rooms and bath Phpne 547. tf FOR RENT--Furnished apartment by day, week or month. Phono FOR SALE Red 607. tflFOR SALE Launch FOR RENT Furnished suite, two rooms. Phone Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT 16.00 a month puts i piano In your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Five roomed flat, vacant July 1. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. tf FOR RENT by September 1, modern three-roomed house. Apply 335 Second Avenue. Phone 787. FOR RENT Partly furnished modern house, all newly decorated inside. Close to two schools. Apply 8. C. Thomson, Phone 150. 191 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707.. 1 BOARD residence, week or month, ,for terms apply The Inlander, Phone 1S7. , ' Inj-JS Second-hand dp-aleus New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 239 STEAM BATHS 201 Cth Street Phone Black 701 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies from 2 pjn. to 9 p.m Gents, from . .. 10 ajn. to 10 pjn. Silversides Bros. WALLPAPERS FAINTS Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - PHONE 24 Spirella Service Supporting Garments made to meet your personal needs. .MRS. ISABELLA PLTF.RS Resident Corsellerc Phone Red 103 C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mall. Stewart British Columbia C.N.R. TRAINS From East Dally, except Tues day, 12.30 noon. For Bast Dally, except Sunday. p.m. FATHER BOCKS j JfroS-T -TwiwK I MINIATURE FOR SALE New1 clinker built 'cedar rowboats $30 up. Lindsay's Boat Works, 842 Powell Street, Vancouver. tf Owen", 19 feet long, wide beam, 4 h.p. 4-cycle engine, canvas cover. Good condition. Apply Pullen, Dally News. tf FOR SALE An ff tninl tinnc ivilli IS Vtr1 - 4 a J vrus IS a w av a - rooms, in live town and doing good j boarding house business. Ill-health compels owner to sell for $1100.00 cash as going concern 16 boarders. M. M. STF.rilENS & Co. LTD. i To Whom ft may concern: This is to warn any party or par- ties' contemplating purchasing orjp jr. C-iv pn i(J chartering Msnlino launch "BLH1- r CiriC OaiVage O. ken" registered No 126544, now In Prince Rupert, B.C., that they will have to deal direct with the owner II. II, Hogan. Bella BeUa, B.C. The authority of any agent to sell or charter aakl gasoline launch has thbtday been withdrawn. II. HOGAN, tt Bella Delia, B.C. CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervom. Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated Thone tireen 211 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERf AUCTION MART W buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. 'tf DrivurselfTaxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now, why not learn? There'll be a day when you'll wish you could. Wo will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS Chesterfield Suites One Week's Special On Chesterfield Suites. It will pay you to see them. Tile pricey are the lowest Uiey ever have been. Six suites only. At MacKciizie's Furniture Phone 775 Progressive merunanis advertise AGENTS WANTED EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for a real live man to take over the Watkins business in Prince Rupert, serving hundreds of satisfied customers. For further Information apply The J. R. Wat-kins Company, 876 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. 199 SITUATIONS WANTED f - wwunux cxpenencea ina cry airl seeks position. Box 34, Dally News. 202 BAIVAGK ANH TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it." fuuy equipped lor UlVing and ana flpncml Rnlvntro Work ! 1 Boats and Scows of all descrlp - : tions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity. delivered anywhere by water Thone, Day or Mght 5C4 P.O. Box 15C4 "novr.nxMEXT M()t;nn act" Nollre of Appllratlon for Consent to Transfer of Iteer Licence NOTICE Is hereby given that at the expiration of four weeks from the first publication hereof, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 1S39, and Issued In respect Clements hotel," situate at Port oi.n..nt. nr, n ,k. -. 'L.?.ock .DUtrlc,, and , Inten4f to apoejuay aaeas tH w; ncrtfi Sf chstns to point of commence-upon the land abutting directly on the nient, and enclosing all tidal flats and work, except such portion of the cos' 1 lagcons. and containing HO acrea mora as Is incurred at street intersections. i or less. 3. The estimated rovt of the work Dated July oth. 1M0 U I4.58O.40. of whleh tXM.'O Is to be paid by the evaporation, and the estl-mstd aanuai apeclal rate par f-:t frontage 'Is $0.6684. The special assessment Is to be paid In 30 annual Instalment. 3. Persons desiring to petition agalntt undertaking the work must do so on or before the 39th day of 8cp-temper, AX). 1030. E. F. JONES City Clerk, nted this asm day of August. 1830. COIIPOKATION OF THE CITY OF PUIXCE KPKUT TAKE NOTICE,lftti(Tf,''K The Countlblaftitas Orctrarfon the City of Prince lluBtrf t Intend construct an asphalt Us uiewalk on esc ted lumber bate with concrete ijr; ,"nrt7- T Econd Aetru frosn McBrtde m Street to l.""S"":.rlupon 1 i"Pn th the lad lad aMttlBg ttaK directly on th-reUconl Vt,rlt- i parUon of th aost u lacJril mtenecUoos. iu I,. i ami i nriuri, . Hamoton. ; OaeUno Clecono and Theodore re Moscom tatfohS teJonn flated thta 8th day of August. 1930. juiiH rnira ovpro APP"canl A BIG OPPORTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows for special low prices. Regular Prices Reduced $5.00 to $15.00 Finest quality and latest patterns. Come in and see us today before It Is too late. SUITS Special order complete and finished In three days. See Ling the Cutter Ling, the Tailor Second Avenue Phone C19 - - TYPEWRITERS No other value ran approach the special REBUILT UNDERWOOD (75.00 Very easy terms All oilier makes from SIS.oo M'MISTKANI) AHDIM1 MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANcnrvnt, nr. CORPfUftATIOV OF THE CITY OI I'ltl.NTE in ti:kt TAKE NOTICE THAT: The Council of tbe Corporation bt the City of Prince Rupert Intends to construct an acphaltlc sidewalk on cre-osoted ' lumber base with concrete cur)) twelve feet wide on the south side of Third Avenue from Seventh Street to Eighth Street as a local Improvement, and Intend to speczary awes the coat upon the land abutting directly on the work, except such portion of the cost as Is Incurred at street Intersections. 3. The estimated coat of the wurfc Is (2507.40. of which 1133.00 Is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estl- i foot .. mn rrtA n.. iP. : ZZZ: merits 1 3. Persona desiring to petition' against undertaking the work must do ! so on or before the 29th day of Sep - I temper, A XI. 1938. E. P. JONES. City Clerk. Dated this asm day of Aiikum 1030 rouroit.tTirt.N of tiii: rrrv of I I'KI.NTE HIPICRT TAKE NOTICE THATi, - - f'ha nriinH rx thai nnmAMlUn of the the Olty. Olty, sf-lrv (,lrnre -Rupert -Rurr Intends Intends t,i construct afi akfeaJUa ilttewalk on cr;- csotrd lujnber,-faae HUf oprrrnte cur i twelve feetrwld on the north side -.r iniru nveuuf irom Mcunae aircet xo icr Mara, iqcnoe aouineriy ana wesr-Eeaond Sthtet, aa a lo.-al lmpr-yfnent. erly falong Low Water Mark, thence ,afin ""TUI t,h ' S90S9.00, of which 1939.00 U to or , paid by the Corporation, and the estl- - 1 mated annual special rate per . fo-.t rmnTaoai la, mn tc-.hik - - ment Is to. be pa)d,ln 30 annual Instalments. ' 3. Persons klr,ln2tp rWtltlor against undertalrthk' (ft Wfk must do so on or befece hi33lh day of Bep-temper. AD. 1830. ' e. Jones, City Clerk. Dated this 23rd day of August, 1830. courmiATiox of thk city OF ntlNCK KtTKKT TAKE NOTICE THAT: The Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert Intends to construct an asphartlc sidewalk on cre-osoted lumber base with concrete curs twelre feet wide on the north side i.r Third Avenue from Seventh Strret t-Eighth Street, as Irsal Inaprovemei.' and Intends to specially asaaaa th cot upon the land abutting directly on the work, except such portion of the cost as Is Incurred at street Intersections. 3. Th eatlmated coat of the work Is 12488.20, of which 178.30 Is to br paid bv tha Ocmorati-m nt th n. mated annual special rate per Too' I frontage Is S0.5634. The 'peclal njnew- mM la to be paid In 30 annual inataj- ! S. Persona desiring to petrtlor i again undertaking tha work,, must dn so on or before the 38th day of Sop-I temper. A.D. 1930. ' E. F. JOfllJB. I City Clerk. I Dated this 33rd day of August, 1830. 1URS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry aud Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 By MKi HA.O JMO AVJ Tuis,n Vbo.Tob"W so oo wsHifl fZZZLZD-i ( well Iflil I Till HBBS QOW M WE PLAV M NJ FACT, flUHN aiilB I BsS I I I WfTl TIB- .ii.SBH'Bgsn,nir:rr-TV nni:i c . ... S 1. II, La f w BBBBW rwwmiBsy mi vaaaagf m imm a liMll III I I gal I II RANOB 3 COAST PMTBICT ' BeocrCHnf District of Prince Rupert, 'TAKE NOTICE that PnMkrle Clare Un derbill of Vancouver, D. C. Land Surveyor. Intends to apply for permlaalop. to lease the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a pot planted on the South shore of email bay on North Snd of Price Island about 3 miles south and 1 mile east of the eouth esst aornetr of Lot 336, Schooner Passage, thence Worth 10 chains to opposite sliore. thence westerly, southerly and Easterly along Itteh Water Mark to point of enmmen cement and enclos- and containing 13 acres more or lots. DatPd JUlV 4th. 130. Vtrlc aare Underbill. James T. Underbill. Agnt. . . RANOB 3 UOABT . DISTRICT Rerordlnr- Dirtrict of Prince Rupert, ;TAKE NOTICE that Prederlck Russell Bartlrtt of Vancouver. B.C., Secretary, Intends to apply for permbwlcn to 1 leaxe the following described foreshore i lands: Commencing at a post planted ! on thu south shnrc cf Bwtrrllc Island about 30 chains south and 100 chains west of the south west corner of Lot 38B. tbenca easterly and northerly nlonz ! High Water . Mark to 'Mi south west ; aorucf W Wt ass. thence to Low wa- Frederick Russell narUett Jam T. Underbill. Agent. BANOE S COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Hucert TAKE NOTICE that Richard Walter Underhlll of Vaneouver, B.C., Accountant, intends to apply tor permission to fleaee the following described foreshore lands: commencing at a post planted at High Water Mark about 1-2 mile wuth and 1-3 mile east of the south ast owner of Lot 3S6, Swindle Island. thence south 6 chains to Island, thence fast 7 chains to shore, thenoe northerly westerly and southerly along High water Mark to point of commencement and containing 30 acres more or leas. Dated July 6th, 1930. Wchard Walter Underhlll. Jamas T. UnderhUl. Agent. RANOB S COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prl-iee Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that John Edward UnderhUl of Vancouver, B.C., Engineer. In-tonds to apply for permission to Jeane he following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted at the west end of small bay about 1 1-3 miles south and 3 miles east of the south east corner of Let 336 Swindle Island, thence south east 30 chains, to east entrance to bay, thence easterly, northerly and westerly nlong High Water Mark to point of commencement and con--alnini 30 acres more or leas. Dated July 4th. 1830. John Edward underhlll, James T Underhlll. Agent. RANGE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Norman 11111 of Vancouver, B.C., Clerk, intends to ap ply for permission to toaae the follow ing described foreshore lands Commencing at a post planted on the south shore of Swindle Island about 30 chains south and 100 chains west of the south west ooner of Lot 33S thenoe westerly along High Water Mark about 340 chains to a print behind Double Island, thence 3 chains more or lass to Low Water Mark, thence easterly along Low Water Mark, thenoe north to point of commencement and enclosing all tld.il fiats and lagoons and containing 120 acrea now or less. Dated July Oth. 1930. Norman Hill James T. Underhlll. Agent. PHOTO FINISHING IIY EXmtTS Hrnd jour Film and lhu(oVork To Vtrathall Photo llnMilnj I'rlnre Kiix-rt, ll.C. Quality Guaranteed, Prices Reasonable George McManus NEBUCK I JU6T A OHOK1E CJKLU rOf-tvlR-FAlRWArS) 6HE.TOLO M6 SHC wAOOAMO MINIATURE iV GOLF I Ii WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS