THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. WH. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EprTor. {SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. l'o United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 ‘TELEPHONE 98, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING = 75 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. = _ es DAILY EDITION. —-aaii@fwD Monday, Nov. 3, 1919. Should Economize In Fuel During Strike. The coal miners of the United States have gone out on strike and it will be the wise thing for .ue people of Prince Rupert to economize in coal. There is pl.nty im sight for some time to come, but it is never sure that the supply will continue. We may sometimes think the coal is expensive but it is worse to do with- out than to pay the price. If the miners remain on strike many months, it will certainly be more difficult to secure a fuel supply than it is today and possibly the prices may go higher yet. May Burn Wood In Place of Coal. We may have to burn wood pretty soon. If there is a coal scarcity there is wood all around us and none of us need be cold. li would do many of us good to cut wood for an hour after sitting in an Office or doing other sedentery work instead of sitting around. The main difficulty is that the wood is damp and there is little opportunity to dry it this time of year. Must Live Up to Our Reputations. W. S. Henderson, telegraph editor of the Victoria Daily Times, says that at present Prince Rupert looks very good to the people of his city. He says that down on Vancouver Island they are expecting great things from us. Prince Rupert must live up to her repputaticn which she is earning, she must show that she really is-a live town. She cannot afford to allow her streets to remain as they-are, for instance. There must be a change and that at once. ‘To ride along a level road and run the Ford on Low is undignified and tends to make us feel that we are of no importance in the worid. There is no need for such a condition. The citizens as a whole are demanding that money be spent on the streets. The profits on the public utilities might well be spent in making them passable until such time as a bylaw is put through to have them properly paved. Agrarian Government in Ontario. Ontario is to be administered by a group of farmers, aided and abetted by labor representatives. That is a fine combination. There is no danger to the country from the farmer. He is radical in some respects but in others he is very conservative. ‘The labor element will do him good, and on the other hand he will steady up the laborites. The only difficulty in Ontario is that the ma- jority of supporters for the neW government is very small. Pos- sibly, however, the farmers will get some support from the Liberals. Too large a majority does not make for good government, neither does too small a majority. When the majority is very small there is a tendeney to grant concessions to certain interests in order to secure or keep their support. $400 GIVEN IN CASH PRIZES ist Prize $200 Cash. 2nd Prize $100 Cash. 3rd Prize $50 Cash. Special Prizes, $50 Cash. These prizes go to those who secure the largest number of new subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is decided by points which are earned on new subscriptions as follows: City Circulation. Gut of Town Circulation. { Month, 75e. ..... 75 points | oa 6 Months, $4 ..... 450 points S Month, Ge. ...... 50 points a ee 1,000 points eS. re 350 points 2 Years, $16 ......2,000 points 7 a Tn week a6an 800 points Renewals, City or Outside. On every dollar colleeted, 50 pts. SPECIAL CASH BONUSES. Anyone turning in ten fully paid up new yearly subscriptions during the first week of entering the contest gets a starter’s bonus of $10. Anyone during the course of the contest securing 100 fully paid yearly subscriptions gets a Century Bonus of $100 in addition lo any prizes or commissions Otherwise earned. Every competitor, whether the winner of the four big prizes or not stands to make a substantial sum, according to the amount collected. Nominations for the competition should be on the form here- with and iis receipt at the office starts the competitor with 100 poimts. Nominate yourself or a friend, but each coniesiant can be nominated only once. The contest manager will be in the office only from 4:30 to 6 each aflernoon, when every information will be given intending competitors. NOMINATION BLANK | hereby nominate as a contestant in your Prize Competition: Name IN Wisi int 18 nda ie ee Eas a) Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ang 423. P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central 8. ©. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. ~~. THE DAILY NEWS Keep Peps handy as the sure and safe remedy for winter coughs, colds, sore throat, influenza and bronchitis. Keep the boys at the front well supplied too. ‘lhey can have nothing better than Peps to ward off colds and chest troub- les caused by exposure to bad weather. | The Peps medicine is | breathed in as a Peps tablet dissolves in the mouth. It penetrates where liquid medicine cannot reach; and pro- vides direct and instant protection for every part of the throat and chest. FREE TRIAL Send this advertise- ment and Ic. stamp (for return postage) to Peps Co., Dupont St., Toronto and free trial package will be sent you. a TIMBER SALE X 1889. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 2nd day of December, 1919, for the purehase of Licence X 1889, to cut 1,- 082,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated in Juskatla In let, Queen Charlotte District. One (1) be moval of tt x Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, B. C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. c. 3. TIMBER SALE X 1881. year will allowed for re mber Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands net tater than noon on the 2nd day of December, 1919, for the purchase of License X 1881, to eut 14, 370,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on Lot 1511, Dinan Bay, Queen Charlotte District. Ome (1) year will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, B. ¢ or Distriet Forester, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ mt CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Lots 4005 and 994, Range 5, Coast District, is cancelled, G. BR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department, Victor B.C, 8th October, 1919. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Recording District of Prinee Rupert, and situate at Port Clements, Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that we, the Graham Is land Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port Clements, occupation lumbermen, intend to apply for permission to lease the fol- lowing deseribed lands:- Commencing at a post planted at the N.W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Port Clements; thence N. 70 deg. W.—540 ft.; thence south 33 deg. W.——455 ft.; thence south 237.77 ft; thence east 473.95 ft.; thence following the shore line in a north: easterly direction to the point of com fhencement and containing 7.1 acres, more or loss ORAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR CO LIMITED. = Dated August 12th, 1949 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Dp THICT RECORDING DISTRICT SKEENA. TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, of Prince HKupert, B. C., prospector, intend to apply for a licence to Prospect for eval ae potcotoum over the following de- seribed lands on the West Co: : ham Island — Commencing at 4 post planted at three miles north of the north east corner of Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence 50 chains west, thence 80 chains south thence 80 chains east © peint of com- trepcement PETER Po j t-cented july 27, 1010 _ Dated September 25th, 1919. een From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. Mill Bay and Wales Isiand. COCOERIS. . . vadsesccicavis p. For Port Simpson ene Naas River pointe: BROPOEIGS 0: 604 0 0 ks od 10 p. m. From Port Simpson and WNaas River Points: ‘aturdays Queen Charlotte isiands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island poiats: October 23, November 6, 20; i, 18; Jan. 1, 4. p.m. ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: October 24, Nov. 7, 24: Dee. 3, Jan. 2, p.m. “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: October 17, 31; Nov. 14, 28; Dee. 12 and 20. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points— ‘tober 14 and fortnightly there- after. 19; For Skagway and the Yukon. October 13 and every ten days thereafter. From Skagway and Yukon. Friday, October 17, and every 10 days thereafter. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For-—Wednesdays 12 noon. m From—Thursdays p. = —— = now and not a COLD later. BEST LUMP COAL $13.00 Per ton 1 delivered Terminal Coal Co., Black 85 For Comfort, Courtesy and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL F. T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte. etn” rari 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Board by Month or Week. Phone Red 246 —_—_— —-. MEE a lala Rai dwar Beaver Cove, Cor 3rd Ave Por Stewart, (ict Masesett,. and Por southern Queen Prince George, For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from pri From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Oceen Falls, Hard Passenger Monday, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Servic S.8. PRINCESS MARY November 11, 21 and For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert November 15 | Decembe &. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE Powell River, Lvyery Vancouver and Victoria- Saturda at pu Por rates, retervations and sailings, apply 1 W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C, nue and 4th Street S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILING VICTORIA and SEATTLE. MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN ober 20th, November it2th a t Clements, November 61! Chariotte Island Points, Getobe making all points eas! and south AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information end reservations apply | City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 noe Rupe y Bay, Alert tay, S.S. PRINCE GEORGE san Bers, Wednesday and Saturday o) 1) 1e em for ' nnectons MW Edmonton and Winnipes. coeee 06000000008 () 2S 7 ae MAIL SOHEDULE . — ns eee eee eeeeeaeeee Fin . 7 Nom. e Diamond Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- LC ie. urdays at 10 a.m, Engag Ri ee Bagement Ring From the East. i Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. © For Vancouver: . SGPONO ociktcivadetet 2p. m. A diamond is the hardest substance ir BMORIS 600 cesstcderce 10 p.m. world. Nothing will serate it ht muUenGaye vc cccsectdiia 6 p.m, very hard to break even wit} a homme, Thursdays ........... 10 p.m. No acid will affect it. It can be mids os aa hot and will come out just as beleke From Vanoouver before. es Sundays ...:i........ 410 p. m. Yet some diamonds are wort) _—" Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. others. A diamond is valued fo whl FIGBYS woe ccccesesevees a. m. ness and beauty, also freedom fro i aturdays ......«.+... 10:30 a. in. imperfections such as spots and flaws 7 I have had 20 years ex ° : a J var xperience ir , see For Anyox: ‘0 aul business and will guarantee gat j« _ ED sn ieeae & 4008 ves .m. ; Wednae@ie i 10 p. m, Besides the one mentioned above i SEND beecdaetcics 10 p.m. have rings at $50, $75, $250, ip to a ver . fine large stone at $1200 ; From Anyox: GREED 0-0 nue¥sesisore p. mig JOHN BULGER “hursdays .......+. scence Oo Mh Jeweler Sundays ...... sevecees ++ p. m. The Gift Store Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, Mill Bay and Wales Island. — sundays ...... eececens 10 p.m.|— - a —2 THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON GAY, OCEAN FALLS, VANCOUVER, WEDNESDAY end SATURDAY THEO COLLART, Notary Public wld For sale, one 4-room house with bat! mo water, electric light, telephone, etc., and papere 23, section 7. Price $1,700.00, half cash bala cilinarpeitemegsitnaiemmtnatons a MARINE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE om PHONE BLUE 69, WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK, P. Oo BO ne REAL HOME MADE CHRISTM The Smeeton Tea Rooms but place your orders now for PUDDINGS AND PIES THAT You - iM CAT WILL SCRATCH STRANGE evT Dow N mm, Do Not Risk Disappointment! AS CAKES —! 309 Second Avene