f Ran ad ian National in. i ,T January Z5, wo This flavour will please you more than any other M Til Fresh from the gardens' SPECIAL! Klenso Tooth Paste, 35c. Meritas Tooth Brush, 35c. Both for 50c. OiiB.es mm. yw Pioneer Drutetut i AitT 1 1 -r Tr i r r- liti in .- . WWW AYL. Ir 3IA Ml 3 I. ILLtt'MWOII.3 C ' 6 U Three Graduate Pharmists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED , (Ultima r'iiin Prim- II u pen .M. Ol'tt-K. VICTORIA, Mtaiixm bar. Ilulrdulc. Alert IUT. etc.. TltM-i lu p.m. m Ol W.V.. VlCllllilt. Ilutedak-. Alert lift), tie . Friday KlMnlfhl .Wr, AK.M. ANVOX. TI'.W.UT, K(u lUter, Vrl Wluiuwii. SUB-rij. S:tO p.m. . A.enur C M SMITH Agent Prime Kupert. II. C. ii i m.cIi Hekeu told to V lrturU and heatlle .and btiif.fe rlieeked - ii t.i destination Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will Be In Effect From W EMBER 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 uflher Information Enquire At Local Office mm B ' f'OAST B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM riUNCfi RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway wember 28. January 11, 25. To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle -Jan. 1. 15,29. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday 10 p.m , Atcnts For All Steamship Lines W C Orchard. General Agent, 3rd Ave., Trince Rupert, Phone 31 Qjc Largeft Kailway Splem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Saiiifigs from PRINCE Ul'PEKT for VANCOUVER, V1C-T0U1A, SEATTLE, nd intermediate points, each Thursday 10:00 p.m. I '). A.WOX and STEWART eaeli Wedaesday at 4 n.m. l or NORTH and SOUTH OOLLN CHAUI.OITE ISLANDS, fortnithlly. I'v -I N(il;it TltAINH I.EAF. l'KIrF. lU'l'KKT i' .D.W. (VKIlM.NliW and M.Tt RIlAV t IIH am. fr I'lMNn: '' 'iliur. I.HMONTON. wlNiri;o. oil mIiiU tlatttrn CuiMOit. United AOK.NCV ALL OCKAN STlUMMIIP Llr.8 ' Ticket Office, 528 Third Ae, Prime Rupert Phone 260 S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER. COURT & CO., LIMITED r ; :ne benefit of the In-Pt bllc. Miller. Court & l ui , publish a semi-' M market report, deal-.v 1 mining, oils and in-;.;iiU stocks, which Is auhibl at our office on the ' ' ma J5th of every month. offor prompt and rell-T '- wrvice in the execution "Ul'lS to hnv ne call all 'j ts on the Vancouver, :CaK-.. mu loronio uxenanges. S.D. Johnston Colli 6'0 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert 'D.C ! has been declared by the " 11 same department "" B-C on nredntorv Notice of Election 1 PUBLIC NOTICS I hereby given to l i!w elector of Uw Municipality of th City ol Prince Rupert mat I requtrt , ' the prewuer of the aald aMoUira n thr City Clerk' oHIoe, In the City ' Hall City of Prlnc Rupert', on Mon-1 I day the 3rd day of February. 1W0, at j i cluc'.liig iwraJii to repreaant tiMm a Bohojl Trustee (or the bateaot of the i tenn rnarl -acaut by the Malgna-tlcn of Wm. pilehrut. 1 Th'- ni-Hlr i f uomlaatlan of oaudl- ldv?- shall be a UHowa : The cu!iUldBH shall be nominated ! in writuiK. tin- writing ahall be aub-acribttf by two vlet-tor of th muni-Upulif hh pre)o r and eaconder, and ahull uc delivtwi to the Haturnlnjc . Olfitc-r t any '.inn- between th ttaat ;f th,- iv '.loe and two pm. W th day ol nomination; the aid wrlUUf may be In the for.n numbered S in the Bohedulo of Hi- "Munlolpal BlMUoiVi m afs -aww. 'each pciK n pmp. ed. in auoh manner ajajflclintly t Ktenttfy auoh cn-dldate; and in th.- e.ciit of a poll lw hw net t Maw . such pull shU M op-sum m S th day of brwary. IBS0, at the Oounrll Chamber. City JlaU. City of Prince Kupert. from the hour of 8 o'olock h in to tin- hour or 8 O'clock p.h .1 win. H very pereon U ,herliy rec.vm.ii to take notice and tiovern lum-eif ordlngly O tvBn uiuK-v .n. hand at r-rin-e Ru- of pert. B.C tin.- J4th day Jtmuiiry. Unl ,,n.,rn .TrtTJES. Rttlrnlir Oflkrar. Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. K. Gosse. Phone C8C. L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. whist drive and dancf 'tfarniary 30. $5 Gold piece (f or 'Weky 'ticket;' ' ' Thomas MeMcekin has about re covered from the effect of at rather severe attack of influenza! with which he was confined to his home for a week or so. George.. Rorle C.A. was re-ap- polated :auditor of the Prince Ru pert General Hospital for the year 130 at the annual meeting of the association lat night. J. W. McKlnley, who underwent an operation on Thursday morning in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, U making satisfactory progress toward recovery. j The Caaaiar Dregdlng Co., with head office In Vancouver and capitalisation of $100,000. is one of the Incorporations announced in this week's issue of the B.C. Gazette. The Boston, Hall is now in use as a Masonic Temple following the de- H. W. Birch, managing secretary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, although suffering with Ian attack of influenza, was able to be present at the annual meet- dance, Feb. X Bks' Home. Elks' ary 14. Central Hotel INIKU NRW MANMOKMBXT Mcmii llMtrd; TrWr' Namplf KiMmiH Hot un.l Cold Water lYrf 11m Mfvto All TraliiK and lUwtn Rates SI. 00 and Up HFtmi. MONTHLY KATI'.H JOHN FRY and A. DONALD ' ln'rlrtor PHONE 51 Central A. H Locals. Telegraph R. H. Saunders, city. New Royal Hotel J. Znrelll. Prop. THE IIOTKL WOKTII WHILE Hot & Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone tSI ' Royal THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TOREK Telling Fortunes By Hie Tea Cup Interesting Book aent Fit EE Interest ii this form of .fortune terlin'ij has increased enor-" mously dunce the 'ast ew years, until now you find people everywhere indulging in this pastime and eager to learn what the tea leaves will tell them of the future. Telling fortunes by the Tea Cup is an interesting feature of Dn Chase's Almanac for 1930 There has been printed a copy of this popular almanac for every home in Canada, If you have not received yours, ask your postmaster for a copy or send in your name arid address and another copy will be mailed to you free of cost. The person who can tell fortunes is most popular at tea parties and helps to pass many a pleasant half hour at the dining table after the cups have been emptied. Just mention thU paper and send your name and address to The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Canada. The Canadian National steamships, Canadian Seigneur and Canadian Winner, which are tied up for the winter at the local dry dock, are expected 4o leave the structlon ten day's ago of the build- r yard in March to be recoramis-ing on Sixth Avenue, by fire. Tyee stoned in the lntecooetal service I Lodge held an emergent meeting in ' the new prerottes last night. between Vancouver and Montreal. Delayed by calling at Ocean Falls on the .wy tip, the .Qoast, CPJt. steamer Princess Mary. Capt. C. C. Satatey, iMdue in port Dr. Hankinson, Phone 61. (21) Don't forget the Moose dance tonight, 9 till 12. Premier Orchestra. Admission 50c. A. P. McCorkindale sailed last night on the Princess Royal for a trip to Vancouver. He expect to be awaj abo$ two week. y W. C. Blanton, Stewart broker, who has been spending a couple of days in the city, will sail this evening on the Princess Mary for Ketchikan on business. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, president of the Ladies' Music Club, was hostess at luncheon yesterday to members of the executive of the club. Covers were laid for eight ladies. Owing to many other affairs be ing on last night, the Moose Lodge cancelled its scheduled whist drive and dance and will hold instead a Cinderella dance tnis evening. Inspector William Spiller. provincial police, left on todays train for a trip to 8mi triers and Prince George on official duties. He expects to return to the city about the middle of next .week. Union freighter Chllliwack, Capt. J. Muir, is due in port from Vao-' couver next Tuesday. The veeeel's local cargo win include piles and lumber to be used by John Cur-rie St Son in the construction of the new fishermen's floats here. An overheated stove caused the at 5 o'clock this "Evening from! fire department to be called out at Vancouver and wu u an nour 4:30 yesterday afternoon to a ing of the association last night, j later for Skagway sad other Al- house near the corner of Fifth aska points whence she is sche-, Avenue and Lotblniere. There was ' Mrs. Mussallem sr., mother of duled to call here southbound Mrs. N. Mussallem of this city and next Wednesday afternoon, j or Sol Mussallem of Port Haney.j who was elected reeve of Maple a special committee of packers slight damage through the scorch ing of wallpaper In the house which Is occupied by foreigners. Ridge last week, has been confin- has been sitting bn Vancouver tots' . jed to the Royal Columbia Hospi- week to hear appeals for adjust-; Wovnl Whicf Ml m 5 VP ital New Weatminater. since last mnta of th Htmt and mr rot- lUVCll If iilOt. 2JI 1 VC August when she broke her nip brings laid down by Hon. 3. L. a fall. Mrs. Mussallem sr., who for-; Howe, provincial commissioner of Lmerly Jived here, it xssussrtUL t itl!0OOOIOW. ANNOUNCUMRKTS fisheries. The chairman of the corntrdttee is R. R. Pfeync. production manager of th Canadian Fishing Co. And Dance Last Evening Success The members pf the local Royal rv, mntfa vf Twn. UALfM v. wanaoian navai voiunww neMrre ,i . - , . . i . mi .. 1 unit inn uieir imav irwran. imuo m sewraoeo. rjy n. mbiuirb, me i r; . , . , . , . . ...VI retiring noepttai txrn was ten-; , r' . weranoven piano reoiai wop- """ m ",c BCU9U" "l ueu" a Tote of thanks for its ser-iBno neaday. anuary . quarter, last night. Whi t was en- vlces gt m last LeU Srikson Fishermen's 8odal'nJKht of the Prince Rupert GenJ ioved tmtU ll o.pjpck, Jollpwe by February. t eral Hospital Association. A vote .:lMaTw . f ttianks at whl8t bv. Mim of was also oaAed to var-: RoyairiTurnto bridge, whist and ioui onanisaUons whksh had as- a wrence and George Howe. Masquerade BalL Fepra- Players' Club staging the "The Patsy." Feb. 34 and at Moose Hall. C.N.R.A. Sixth Annual Ball Auditorium, Friday, February 26. (IS) Catholic Women's League Spring Sale, April 24. HOTEL ARRIVALS1 Point; Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hoi and cold water in all rooms A. J. TKUDUOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fruser and Fifth 8ts. Harry Anderson and Hans Busch, Vancouver; E. Hay. Prince George ! White Lunch Reopens UNDKK NEW MANAGEMENT MONDAY, JAN. 27 L . -M I . . . woo me nuapiuii aurrog uic pax i year as well as to the press. The program of the Werkhoven j Toung piano recital win be published ooi Tuesday and as Mr. Werkhoven is . in the city he states that he is pleased to announce tfaat he will be assisted by the talented cellist. Mr. W. Beaumont of tins city. Mr. Beaumont was formerly a member of the Capitol Theatre Orchestra. Tickets for the recital may be purchased at Heilbroners, the music stores, and from the music teachers. The annual general meeting of the Prince -Rupert General Hospital Assoetatlap ;wa htd 4iiSttie City Council Chamber hist night James JI. Thompson, president of the association, occupied the chair others present including H. W. Birch, managing secretary: Miss Jean Harrison R.N.. lady superintendent; Aid W. M Brown. Aid 8. D. Macdonald. O P. Tinker G. V. Wilkinson, R. E. Benson and Dr. J. P. Cade, directors; L. Lamb-ly, K. Mussallem. A R. Phillips. Frank Dibb. Robert Gordon and Thomas McMeekin. Thr C. P. R. steamer Princes. Norah, in place of which on the Alaska route the st-vnr Princess Mary came north today, has gone on the West Coait of Van Chief Petty Off icf' Ytftfng was i master of ceremonies. Refresh I ments were in charge of Mrs. R.C.N.V.R. (Loeal Naval Headquarters) Training classes held from f nm. to 9 pjn. Monday and Friday evenings of each week. Classes in Seamanship. Marine Engineering. SaHtng, Etc. Rifle competitions. Badminton. Sailing in Summer and other recreations available for members of the unit. There art- a few vacancies left for uood types of young men between the ages of 13 to 26 years Apply at Headquarters during the duy or evenings couver Island run for a Jew weeks! TO GLASliOW-BELFAST-HVER-in place of the Princess Maqdinha 7 WL which is oh dry dock for repairs -vb, u. Mar. u Montcalm for bottom damage Utart re-; Montro. Tl ? t0U"hef,fa "tf " TO CHERBOURG-LONDON Matilda Greek on the West Coast Mar 1, Api 10 Metagama of Vancouver Island The Princess! to CHERBOURG-SOl'TRAMP- Adelaide has been placed on the, TON-HAMBURG Vancouver-Nanalmo run which the Princess Mary had been carrying out. . ' "j7T. .Ill ll:l I. CASE ADJOURNED After hearing- oi Mime evidence j adjournment until Monday was. made ywrterday afternoon in city police court in the case of Carl Htlvarson who is charged by Rose Lelghton with fulling to contribute suprfbrt muter the Chil dren of Unmarried Parents' Act Both the principals In the case are represented by counsel , Feb. Mar FROM SAINT JOHN 20 Mellt TO BELFAST-GLASGOW 20. Apl j,7 . .... ... Mellta FROMIMEWTOKK TO CHERBOUUG-SOUTIIAMP-TON-LIVERPOOL Mar. 14 Duohea of Bedford FROM VANCOUVER Tn HuwiUI-JaiMii-tiilita-l'hlllpplneit xFch 15. xAp 17 Bmprea imprea of of Canada Canada xMi . May 8 mma Mar 20 Mny 2H x 1 :i-l udlii); mil I Imprea of Rula . .Imprea of Aaia at Honolulu A:v! ui Aneiit.. everywhere or J J lOKSTDU st i.in.-hip ien: Piu-. Ateat c v u sii-uua. Vancouver. Ti-lephune: 'Trinity 1151 B FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. Morning Service at 11. Subject, ''SPIRITUAL HEALTH." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Worship at 7:30. Solo by W. Plommer, "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings." Sermon subject, "THE CHURCH THAT OUGHT TO BE." Tuesday at 8 annual Congregational Meeting. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor, Rev..John II. Hansen Res. 618 Sixth Avenue West. Phone Blue 187 Sunday Services: Morning Worship at 11 am. (English). Sunday School at 12:15 p.m. Seal Cove Sunday School at 12:15 p.m. Evening Worship at 7:30. A musical program will be given. Special children's services and baptism at 4 pjn. February 2. A cordial welcome to all. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "TRUTH." Sunday JSchool at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially invited. Reading room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 8 pjn. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. Thomas McConnell, BA, Morning Service at 11 ajn. Subject, "LOVEST THOU ME." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Subject, "LOVE THOUOH UNSEEN." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, DJ), Minister Services: Morning Service at 11 ajn. Subject, "CHRIST AMONG THE COMMON THINGS OF LIFE." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Subject, "A LIFE MADE OVER." A cordial welcome. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean " 11 am.. Morning Prayer and Sermon; 2:30 ' Sunday School; 7:30, Evening Prayer and Sermon. Frederick van Werkhoven will render a few selections on the organ at the close of the evening service. Annual Congregational Meeting will be held Monday at 8 pjn. Arthur Brooksbank left on this morning's train for a business trip to Smithers. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Simpson of New Massett, who have been spending a couple of days in the city, following their return from a trip to Vancouver, will sail by the Prince John tonight on their return to the Islands. Mr. Simpson Is manager of the Langara Fishing & Packing Co. Russian r.olfhounds are used In hunting by 'sportsmen of Russia. SCALE OF CHARGES The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices ; Birth Notices 50c Cards of Thanks, 12. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers. 10c per name. Msrriajre arTd Engagement announcement! S2. 4 To Owners of Calmont Oils, Ltd. Shares With a view to the protection of the interests of the owners of shares, the Directors'of Calmont Oils Limited wish to learn how the Company's shares are held. Those owning shares, either with or without holding certificates, are requested to let us know particulars of the shares owned by them as at January 20th, 1930, and forward the coupon below to the Quaker Finance Corporation Ltd. Sponsors of Calmont Oils Ltd. 400 LANCASTER BLDG. . CALGARY I own Shares of Calmont Oils Ltd. I hold certificates for .scares. .;f ' ' i ;. i . T own . . . .shares for which I hold no certificates. State whether certificates you own are In your possession or brokers'. Name Address If you lose anything, try a classified ad.