Next to the Postoffice. PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday 0 A Spatial JPuydwse$M:sh. Quality CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND PUf SHIPYARD UI'BKAtlNti G. T. 1. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK engineers, Machinists, UollermakerB, ItlurksmiliM, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Oirice, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTEIIS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, Copper. Lead and Zinc Ores Producers r Gold, Silver, Copper. Pic Lead and Zinc TADANAC, TRAIL Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 573 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY ; , .-1 ii ( .'iiiij. pun n i r ii i J ILK W 01 w $1.00 per pr. Regular Price $1.75 Pr. Beginning Wednesday and running all next week As an introduction of our ladies' hosiery department to Prince Rupert's ladies we offer this extraordinary value, Full fashion- ed, first grade stqcjtings of tiful, flawless pdre thread' silk at $1.00. Fashionably sheer- yet made for saunch ar extra long length. Full range of the latest shades. No more than 3 pairs to a customer. Also Full Fashioned Silk & Wool Stockings of a famous English make. Fine gauge slenderized ankle. Ideal for winter wearHye not bulky. In black and all popular shades. See this, extraordinary value. ? : $1.00 per pr. Reg. $1.50 Per Pr. CURZON'S The Hosiery Shop Dr. Forrest A. Kerr of the federal Geological Survey and Mrs. Kerr, who have been spending the summer In the Stiklne River country, were passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver. HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS i Wc have all Hallowe'en Variety, even Candy Apples, Mcintosh Reds Household, per box Apples, Mcintosh Reds C. Grade, per box Apples, Mcintosh Reds Fancy, per box Apples, Winter Banana Fancy, per box Chooolate Bars for Hallowe'en, assorted, 6 bars for One Cent Candy, assorted 30 for Red O rapes i lbs. for j Crab Apples 9 lbs. for Queen Charlotte Island Cranberries, 3 lbs. for ...,.. flprv i. ' jjj,bunehesor J Mixea ianay per lb Fire Crackers per package $2.25 $2.50 S2.75 82.75 25c 25c 45c 50c 85c 25c 25c 5c GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 Sth Avenue East PHONE It AND 81 7, WINNER IS ANNOUNCED Sheila McKenney Found to Be Most Normal Child in Terrace 1 - TERRACE, Oct. 27: The long delayed decision as to the winning child in the competition held by the Terrace Women's Institute at the Fall Fair last month arrived from Victoria on Saturday. One hundred and fifty children were weighed at the health booth under Mrs. Halllwell, who had as her helpers Mrs. Mills and Mrs. McCarthy. Of the 150, 60 were under seven years of age and a case of milk was offered as a prize by O. W. Nlckerson, Prince Rupert, for the child showing the most perfect de velopment. The judging has been done by Mrs. McLachlan, superin tendent of Women's Institutes, Vic toria, and her decision was that the successful competitor was Sheila McKenney, daughter of Constable McKenney, to whom the urize has been awarded. Sheila is only three ounce over the stand- rd weight, and was closely run lor the prize by Dorell Doll who ex- eeded the standard weight by four ounces. "Quite a lot of your children em to be overweight," said Mrs MacLachlan; "you must live in a ;ood growing country. We are very lad to hear you had such a successful exhibition. You certainly must have worked very hard." MRS. BRADY ISH0N0RED buffet supper was served, FAREWELL WAS SAID Large Tea Held By Miss M. A. Way For Mrs. J. C. Brady Who Is i JLeavincUbr Ottawa Nearly two hundred persons cal led yesterday afternoon at the spa-! clous home of Miss M. A. Way,; Fourth Avenue West, to say goodbye to Mrs. J. C. Brady who is leav- j ing the city next Saturday to take up residence in Ottawa. Hearty; wishes for health, happiness and prosperity were extended by the callers to Mrs. Brady and her family. Withal, there was a not of sad-1 ness in many voices and dampness in many eyes when it was realised that this was farewell to an esteemed and gracious lady. Mrs. M. M. Stephens was Joint hostess with Miss Way. Mrs. George McAfee, Mrs. J. C. McLennan, Mrs. II. B. Stiles and Mrs. James H. Thompson acted as a committee. Serviteurs were Mrs. Vic Houston, Misses Phyllis Lamb, Irene Bouraa-sa, Swanna Olafson, Edna Vlckers and Laura Stephens. The rooms were tastefully decorated with chrysanthemums and carnations. Were Married Saturday Eve Miss Mara Ludwigscn Becomes, Bri;lr of Klaus Muller at St. Paul's Lutheran Church In the presence of quite a large congregation of friends, the tnar-j riage took place at 9 o'clock Satur-' day evening of Miss Clara Ludwig- j Mrs. W. B. Morgan Hostess at De-'811- rnUy arrived from Norway. llrhtful Farrupll Function allu nluo muuci, wno is a memoer Last Evening Mrs. W. B. Morgan delightfully last evening' at of the staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The church was entertained Prf,ttJiy decorated for the occasion her, tastefully decorated with yellow and bronze chrysanthemums. Mrs. D. McD. Hunter poured and Mrs. B. Walke'r and Miss A. A. Pierce were serviteurs. During the evening, W. Vaughan Davies played very acceptable' piano selections. The ' guests, besides Mrs. Brady, were Mrs. P. W. Anderson. Mrs. Geoifge McAfee. Mrs. D. 'McD. Hunter, Mrsl R. W. Cameron1. Mrs.1 B. Walker, Miss M. A. Way, Miss A; A, Pierce, Mrs. A. R. Holtby, Mrs. J.' D. Fraser, Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Miss E. A. Mercer and Miss Jessie Rothwell. Aged Father of Local Man Dies Lance Stiles of This City Was Son of Late George Stiles of New Westminster George Stiles, aged 84, father of Lance 8 tries of this city, died hist week atthta home in New Westminister. The local' son had been catied south but had returned to the eity before his father's death occurred. There are two other sons and six daughters as well as a widow. witn riowers. ana Rev. Jonn ii. hi hon- i Han80h- the par, officiated. Mrs. Home, 101 Hays Cove Circle, or of 'Mr. J: C. BMy, who'is leav-! Hanson played the Wedding March. Ing the' city wtthln'a few days to iMr- ano Mra- jonsmsen Uke u "residence' lh Ottawa. The witnesses. j dinincr rrihm in wnlrh a delicious Afte the ceremony, a wedding wafisuppt as served at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. liagbort Jona risen. Mr. and Mrs. Muller are taking up residence at 211 Ninth Avenue East. Local Lady Vas Guest of Honor Mrs. Frank Dibb Was At Bridge During Recent Visit in Vancouver Mrs. Thomas Marr was a recent bridge hostess entertaining in honor of Mrs. Frank Dibb of Prince Rupert who after spending the past month in the city the guest of Mrs. J. 7. Efford, East Tenth, has returned home. Other guests were Mrs. J. J. Efford, Mrs. J. R. Scott. Mrs. A. Kennedy, Mrs. Stanley Mc-Spadden, Mrs. W. Crosier. Mrs. P. Tucker, Mrs. Warson, Mrs. L. Johnston. Mrs. R. 8. Stevenson. Mrs. J. Bruce. Mrs. H. JWhJtclaw, Mrs. Oeo. Watt and Miss Bertha Efford. Vancouver Province. Union freighter Chilllack, Capt i W. W. Mounce relieving in place ! of Capt. John Mulr who ts taking j his annual vacation, is due in port The funeral took place on Friday , tomorrow from the south. in New Westminster witli Rev. J. C. . 1 Jackson officiating, assisted by ; Rev. W. J. Beamish and Rev. H. T. . mammtmmtBB0 Murray. f Many Families In This City Only Tour Centres In British Columbia Have More Than This A booklet published by the Great West Life Assurance Co. shows Prince Rupert as having 1,598 fa-I inllles. Only four cities in the province of British Columbia have I more families than this Vancou- I oiHVi YMotnrla u,lV 1 048. New Westminster with 4,551, and Nanalmo with 1,998. The Daily News can be pur- chased atr- Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville Bt-Vancouver. ' Karl Anderson. Prince George, B.O Smlthers l?rug Store, Smith- ers. B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. General Store, Anyox. constipation threatens , remember' tbese age-old iion-babit-j -forming., , correctives ,015 HieeclianCi BRING HEALTH EiiB:sMHiMiia:ra ! ......... . . i 1 1 j nmvriAv .! ..,,. FREE! v I W I tt FREE! Two Shows -7 & 9 DtB Warner Oland In "The Return of Dr. Fu Manck" THE SIGN OF THE DRAGON APPEARS AGAIN ALL TALKING AND A PARAMOUNT PICTl'llE COMEDY "HE TRUMPED HER ACE" Screen Song "Oh, You Beautiful Doll" Paramount, s i;. Admission 20c & C5c Feature Starts at : : i i g WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY "GOOD Mn, LBJffia1iTii;ni:sifT'a'':BfKan.i:a:t,B:ifl'i:ni:Bi:nra ;a s a r Hi. Hand Painted Enlargements To introduce' our work to local customers, until Nov n will make a guaranteed hand-painted enlargement (r m snapshot or photograph, without charge. And suuph : your paintings at 25 to 50 lower prices than pric outside concerns. Before placing your order for en:. . Consult Us Either phone or write WESTERN SALES COMPANY I"D. BOX 158 w HEAD OFFICE w- v. CENTRAL HO 1 Life Assurance is the Best Investment A MAN on create in estate ' himieif of $1,000, J. ' $3,000, $10,000, or mure dependent upon bis p ' Income tod prospecu. Th-Sun Life stiuraoce he ua sure of reaching thif ohji : within ipecified tune, caferr and without lost v,r pairment of principal. If death should intcrrenr, 1 Assurance will do what n . InTes&nent can guarantee ;t. male the full intended r 1 ; ' tTailable at once for his ( and will carry throuth t)ic . gramme that he had plaiuu i them. The Sun Life of Canada I i policy to corer every need. St if tj its RrpmenUtit cu SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA MONTREAL S. J. JABOUR NORTHERN K. C. REPRESENTATIVI i I I i i I I ! Western Canada's favorite for nearly Malta JLentury ii , , 1 1 it If you lose anything, try a classified at