PA02 Wednesday, August ji The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue ED H. F. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor .! Contract ratfs&f application.:! ? .dvertisin and Circulation Telephone- .93 Editor and Reporters' Telephone .!.,.$6 0AILWEDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Wednesday, August 6, 1939 AMY JOHNSON'S GREAT FLIGHT It is no wonder the whole Empire grew excited over so ! gallant an adventure as Miss Amy Johnson's', says a recent number of Overseas. None of the victories in the campaign for the conauest of the air has aroused more anxious in terest and admiration. It is a signal demonstration of what i a woman flier can do, and of the enterprise and courage of British women ; indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that her solitary flicht of 10,000 miles from Croydon to Aus tralia in nineteen and a half days is the greatest thing that j stands to the credit of any girl in the history of the world. Though the fates were .contrary and she failed i tier self-imposed task of lowering Squadron-Leader Hirikler's wonderful record of fifteen and a half days for the flight to Australia, yet by reaching Karachi in six days, or two days less tFanhis time, she has established a record of her own for aolitary flight to India which will not easily be bettered. Bi&when everything is taken into consideration, the Second' half of her journey, because of the plucky resolution with which she faced its far greater difficulties, which included a constant battle with the elements over the stormy Java Sea, and long flights over tropical forest, where the possibilities of disaster were many, was an even finer performance than her record flight from Croydon to Karachi. Moreover, it has to be remembered that she was using a Gipsy Moth light aeroplane, one of the smallest of British machines, ana a second-hand one at that, and she had had less than a hundred hours' flying experience when she started on her great adventure. When the King cabled that he was "thankful and delighted" to hear of her safe arrival, his words expressed the feeling? with which her fortune's Mfrbeen watched by the people of the Empire, and theiSQvpilferred upon her in the Birthday Honors hdsjejieraatisfaciion. BIGGER THAN STATES The same journal, commenting on the Empire movement, makes comparisons with the United States, and quofes Lord Melchett as follows: ,. . j "How many of us realize that the area of the British Empire is 11,000,000 square miles, about one-quarter of the world s land area, which is nearly three and a half times as large an area as the whole of Europe? Just visualize that for a moment three and a half times as large as the and nearly three times the area of the continent of Europe. I emphasize those figures and I think it is important that we should all get that picture into our minds. One more figure. The population actually of the British Empire is 450,000,000, as compared with, the total population of Europe of only 420,-000,000, and more than four times the papulation of America. I want you all to get those figures in your minds; I want to stress those figures. "Across the other side of the Atlantic there is an idea that we are rather a small concern. Some kind friend sent me a very ably written book the other day which had a happy and cheerful title. It was called 'America Conquers Britain.' I felt when I had read it that I wanted to reply with a book calledGreat Britain Conquers New Jersey.' What is the real answer? The real answer is that, compared with the British Empire, the United States of America are not in the same street -a purely negligible position, in population, area, in wealth and power. "But why cannot )fe do what they do? They enclose their huge continent in one ring fence from New York to San Francisco one language, one council, one exchange of agraements of trade between each other, keeping their country to themselves. We arc divided up into dozens of isolated units, each with its own fiscal policies, each one concerned with its own affairs, and thinking not in terms of Empire unity, but in terms of locality, and eveiy locality in itself too small to be competitive with a great economic unit like the United States of America. There is the same trouble right through, owing to people not thinking in terms of Empire, but in terms of South Africa, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. THINK IMPERIALLY "This is a big problem that must be solved; instead of thinking in terms of South Africa, Canadn, Australia and New Zealand, we should think of the Empire as a whole and retrard ourselves as citizens nf Rmnim rnko n live and active interest in the development, not merely of mm pan oi me empire wnicn one nappens to have been born in or reside in. but an equal interest in every part of the EmnigCvI am glad to sayjiml to thnk that this idea is gahunSfrand and is making!jtlclf heard. all over tMHro. pire avtllrpresent time. There are peopltnn thlkc&untry who whenever Empire unity is mentioned say it is a wonderful idea, 'but I am quite sure the Dominions will not do anything.' They are like the young man who was going to nronose to his vountr ladv. but before flnino- ho shiVI 'Shn is sure to reject me.' With such a negative complex we are jiiivijr iu civ.tiJvu jiiijiiii; uiliujr Ul UC DUWCtHKUUl Willi a young lady. "The first thing you want is a conviction, not merely that you are not going to have a rebuff, but that you intend to have a success. The first thing you want to impress on the other man's mind is that you expect him to do some- thin?, that you are not merely expecting him to do it, but you are confident he will do something that you cannot possibly conceive'he will not do something. Then possibly if he did not intend to do anything he Would begin to thinlt he ought to. The oldr long story of Imperial Preference Wjhich started with that brilliat.;te;niani Sir Wilfred Laurier, is too often forgotten. People do; not realize the steady and consistent growth of Imperial trade. People do not realize today that 50 per cent of Great Britain's manufactured goods go to Empire markets. If anybody likes to study the trend of modern industry, modern trade, thev 'Will see one particularly satisfactory fedture the continual growth and .development of Britain's trade within the Employ i Noway Mi in Size of AH Trade Fleets 1,091,000 Tons of Shipping Under Construction For Her Account on July 1 NEW YORK, Aug. G-SUt'lstlcs received her from th Norske Veritas Bureau show that the net additions to the Norwegian' merchant .narine in the first half of the present year numbered 42 ships of 183,000 gross tons, thus bringing the total fleet up to 3,468,000 tons on July 1, "which place her fifth among the merchant fleets of the wortd. belilg surpassed only by Japan and Germany. The net increase In the case of Sweden in the first half of the year was 14 ships of 50,000 gross tons, ind that of Denmark was 12 ships of 43,000 gross tons. The total for the former on July 1 was a fleet of 1,583,000 tons and l.lHMXW tons for .he latter. As a result of the deliveries in the rirst six months of this year the shipbuilding activity In the three countries has slightly diminished. Thus the ships under construction r on order in Norway on July 1 epresented 46,000 gross tons, as compared with 65,000 gross tons at the beginning of the year; the corresponding figures for Sweden are 313,000 tons and 333,000 tons at the two dates respectively, and those for Denmark are 189,000 tons and 221,000!. ton respectively. The 'shlpSfVtrtEir. or building" In various countries for Norwegian account on July l numbered the imasing total of 153 vessels of 1,-091,000 deadweight tons, as compared with 117 vessels of 693,000 tons on July 1, 1920. Of this total 27 vessels are motor-driven oil tankers with a tonnage of 83300 deadweight. Jreat Britain stands out as the large t builder, having under construction for Norwegian account 36 vessels of 383.960 deadweight tons, while Sweden is a second with 295,-760 deadweight tons, Denmark third with 178,200 tons and Germany fourth with 09,750 tons. Norway is only building for her own account 11 vessels of 10,340 tons. The reasons for the low estate to which shipbuilding has fallen in Norway is attributed to a long period of labor troubles and the closing down of a number of shipyards. Figures recently issued by Lloyds Register of Shipping" placed the United States second to Great Britain as a shipbuilding nation, vith isv total of 238,l& gross tons accounted for during the quarter ended June 30 last. Norn-ay was not even listed, so small was the actual volume of tonnage being built in that country, but if the total orders bejng built for her account by various nations are taken into consideration, she far outranks the United States in the volume of shipbuilding. This point was recently emphasised by II. G. Smith, president of the National Council of American Shipbuilders, who cautioned a-galnst undue optimism over the shipbuilding conditions in this country. Entertained at Tea For Visitor Mrs. T. J. Shenten, Eighth Av.e. W., entertained on Monday afternoon at tea hour in honor of her daughter, Mrs. II. Q. Bryant, who is visiting from Courtenay, Vancouver Island. Mrs. Bryant's sisters, Mrs. Haefeett nd Mrs. J. Ratehford' presided at the tea table. Among the guest were Miss Way, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. hart, Mrs. Millar, Mrs. O. W. Johnstone, Mrs. Gilchrist, Mrs. J. H. Smith, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. II. Busby, Mrs. Llnzey, Mrs. Jas. Krl-kevsky, Mrs. Priestly, Canadian ss. Prince Henry arrived from the north this morning at 7 and left for he south again at 10.3d. "" !33 Auto Mechanics Hold Meeting There Was a full attendance last 1 evening at the first regular business meeting of the Auto Mechanics and Trades Association, with F. Roussel, president, in the chair. j The sub-committee which metj the garage owners recently reported i to the meeting last night that theif ! reception by the owners had been I entirely satisfactory and that all their requests had been favorably considered. Prince You can buy Salada quality at three cups for a cent TEA 'Fresh from the gartf tas' Rupert SUPPORT The Fall Fair and Take The Daily Regularly J i V ... XUtt News y Now that Prince Rupert is about to have a forward movement, two local institutions are well worthy, of ' consideration and support as being important factors in that movement. They are: The Annual Fall Fair . The Pr. Rupert Daily Neuis , Out of town people are recommended to malic their , f plans now to attend the Fall Fair which promises to be the biggest and best ever held in the city, and to enter their exhibits with Secretary Vance at once. Thy are also recommended to see that their subscriptions to the Daily News aire paid up so that, they may hecp in touch with all the forward movements. It is a daily record of the doings of the dstrict and a support of all that is best for Northern andlCcntral B. C. The Daily News 'Prince Pupert, B.C7 H.F. PULLEN, " Managing Director. TU