.... a. ....ei a 10m ffpdnesaay. m"8 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE "HIRE? 4 I1A1LV ROUND TRIP thing ' Cans ss. Trince William H. oina River P.:nts .. $1.50. ' N.ids River !' ..nU . $2.00 r. u same day. i. Uii ' ii half fare B :OAST ly" MsiiipS PR'" """ TO ""Mil 1 r LINDSAY'S Carlagnd Storage I'hone 63 Ur'm Warehousing, and Wstrlbuting. Team oi Motor Service Sand and Gravel W Specialize In Piano and V .. . 1 1 . . ui mi lire moving. fj From 15c. to $1.00 Special 1-3 off Qrmes Eta. Pioneer Drugeisls 1'honcs 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists rn a i w x-s. J I'EMIJINA EGGDelivcrafrPer Ton $12.00 MINEHEAI) EGG-Delivercd, Pqr Ton .'. . 12.50 UNEHEAl) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton ... 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 EAST 2 earners OLITII by ilea in c r lu Vancouver. Victoria, Sratlleant! inlrrnirtliate porta Monday, UVnlajr, TliurMlajr and Saturdays. For Anyot and Stewart Monday and Friday. For Alaaka Porta Vcdnnnlay ami Saturday. Alao regular aallinc for Skeena and Naa ItUer port and North and South Ourrn Charlotte ltland. raaatngtr tralna for Kdmonton, U innipeK and all point F.aat leave dally eirept Sunday at I p.m. l.ow fare NOW, Atk about our Triannle Tour. TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA tiblnjitr motion rail or tcntr It. F.-McNALV.IlTON. INalrlet PaHM-noer ent. Prlnee Uiiperl. II.C tMrrm-IHftiltaTTHtial iMbtat W.IBI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . Hlllnt Irmn Prince Kupert r YANrmTVER, VICTORIA. Butodale, Ai-rt Uay. etc Tuesday, 3.S0 pan t VAMottKK. Vlt lDKU. Ilulrdnle. Alrt lu. Me . trlrtsy tnldnlcbt rut ALICE AUM, ANYOX, HTKWAKT. Na Uiirr, Purt Miupnua. Ban-, day, g;oo p.m. "i.i- KIMPSON and WA12H ISLAND. ThuriOtty pa 1nl Airnue K M SMITH ent Prince Rupert. 0 C. Tln.uth ttrkets told to Victoria and brattle .and baetutu cbecrd Ihranjh to destination B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM WINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway August 1, 4, 8. 11. 15. 18, 22. 35. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle- August 2. 6. 9, 13. 16. 20. 23, 27, 30. Princess Mary-Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday. 10 p.m Agents l or All Steanwiiiu wncs C Orchard, Orntral Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, ihoi !s COAL Juy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-WelllnjEton In any qnantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Pfii.ce Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Mrs. Annette Stone sailed for the south on the Prince Henry thl3 morning. Mrs. Ponder and daughter sailed on the Union ss. Catala last evening for Vancouver. Mrs. T. McClymont returned to the city on the Prince George after spending three weeks in. the south. Mrs. L. M. Fuller was a mssen- trip to the south to Vancouver and Victoria. , Corporal Barber of the Provincial Police, who ha? been recently t stationed at Tulsequah returned to I the city this morning on the s. Prince Henry. i H. S. Fxaser, lrtptttor of schools returned to the citF on the-Prince George this morning from Victoria where he has been engaged in ! marking papers In the Department of Education. Canadian National ss. plnce George Captain Nell'. McLean; arrived from the outh' this morning at 11.30 with a large passenger list and sails at 220 for Alaska and northern points. Q. F. Laldler, sr., and Mr. and ( Mrs. G. Laldler, Jr., were passeng ers on the Prince Henry this morning accompanying the remains of Mrs. Laldler, sr, who passed away in the city last evening following a brief lllnets. Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Ethel Marion Roberta (Pte- Tremayne, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Tramyane of .William Head, formerly of Prince Rupert, to Dr. Richard A. Stiefel to take place at St Marys Church, Met-clKatln, at 220, August 26. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Bazaar. October 16. 17. SUMMER COMPLAINT CAUSES MANY DEATHS AMONG INFANTS Thoumnds of mothers throothous Canada, have used during the past SO years it has been oo the market, and tneir child's life no doubt saved by iU itnely use. lriee, 50c. a bottle at all dniprwta or dealer; put up only by The T. Mil-bum Co., limited, Toronto, Ont. U & I Cafe Formerly Ihe White Lunch . Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel t'MlElt NEW MANAGEMENT Steam llrot-ri: Traveller' Sample Uoonn; Hot and Told Water Tree Hu MrrU All Tralm and Itoalu Rates $1.00 and Up special Monthly n.ms C. R. ItlGGART & A. DONALD Proprietor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PltUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Znrrlll, nrop. THE HOTEL MOKTII WHILE Hot tt Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY ANn UP Trlrphone 21 New Royal G. Berlasque, Anyox: K Stwar, '?.iBtist! Quick RELIE Rheumatism Lumbago Neuralgia Headaches Colds ASPIRIN tablets ' will relieve k pain. No doubt about that Even those deep-seated pains that make a man's very bones ache. Even the systemic pains that women suffer. They yield to these tablets! Genuine Aspirin has many important uses. Read the proven directions found in every package of Aspirin tablets and don't endure needless pains from neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, etc. Keep a bottle of these tablets In the house; carry the, pocket tin if subject to unexpected headaches, sudden colds. Quick .relief, without any harmful effects. Aspirin does not depress the heart. Just look each time for the name Aspirin and the word genuine printed in red on every box. ,' TRADE MARK MO. SPIRIN j Prince Henry this morning. i Mr. T. Kelly of the Kelly Logging Compan ywas an arrival In town on the Prince George thl3 morning from Powell River. Passengers from Anyox to Vancouver on the Union ss. Catala in-"eluded Mr. and Mrs, D. McLeod Mr5.T. H. Davis and J. C. Dandy. C.P.R. steamer Princess Charlotte, Captain Saintey, is due in port this afternoon at 3.30 from Alaska and will sail again for Vancouver at 5 pin. A northwest Alaska tour party of twenty-five arrived on the ss. j Prince George this morning and 'will continue to Alaskan points ! this afternoon returning, here on Monday and going east by train. SALT LAKES THURSDAYS Leaves our dock on the hour 1 p.m. until 7 p.m. Last boat leaves Lakes at 7:30 p.m. SUNDAYS Leaves our dock every half hour 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. Last boat leaves Lakes at 9:00pm. WEEK DAYS Leaves our dock 2:00, 3:00. 4:03 and 5:00 p.m. Last boat loaves Lakes at 5:30 p.m. These schedules on fine days only Special trips any time by arrangement PACIFIC SALVAGE CO, LTD. (185) TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKF.ENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY 4 Early Delivery Throughout the City Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 UESNER BLOCK DENTIST Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. For cleaning and pressing phone 577. Called for and delivered. 183 Mrs. W. McAfee and child were passengers southbound on the .ss. Prince Henry this morning. Wm. Auld, district old-timer, has purchased MacDonald's Tailor business opposite Post Office. 40 years experience. Phone 577. GOOD SALE OF TICKETS FALL FAIR Question of Bail Teams to Be Considered at Meeting Tonight With a good sale of tickets for the Prince Rupert Fall Fair already re ported the prospects for a very suc cessful exhibition are indeed bright. - There will be a meeting of the Fair Board tonight to make further arrangements. The report that the visit of a Japanese baseball team from Ocean Falls might be arranged and that a game would be played with local Japanese players was not quite correct. The Ocean Falls baseball team would be able to engage In compe - - tltion with the best team that R. Boyd Young of Port Simpson Prince Rupert could probably field, was a passenger on the Catala to j it has been suggested however Vancouver last evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Johns and child returned to the city on the ss. Prince George this morning after holidaying in the south. J. E. Merry field, Conservative organizer In the recent election, was a southbound passenger on the ss. that it might be better to get a team up from Vancouver. There would be little additional expense while it is felt in some circles that a game with a Vancouver outfit. where it is practically semi-profes sional baseball that Is played, would be a much bigger drawing card than the Japanese team from Ocean Falls. A communication was recently received from the Ocean Falls foot ball team asking if the games for the Norhtern B. C. championship cup now held by Ocean Falls could not be played this year but so far no actual decision has been come to. i FISH SALES Total fish landing today were 101,000 pounds of which 87,000 pounds came in American boats and 14,000 pounds in Canadian boats. Prices were from 8.1c and 4c to 10c and 5c. American Sunset, 27,000, 8.1c and 4c to Roy al Fish Co. Ivanhoe, 29,000, 8.4c and 4c to Col Storage. i Schorn, 10,000, 8.1c and 4c to Booth Fisheries. Betty, 7,000, 9.8c and 5c to Cold Storage. ' . Wabash, 7,000, 10c and 5c to Royal Fish Co. Hilda, 7,000, 9.7c and 5c to Pacific Fisheries. Canadian Oony, 9,500, 10c and 4c to Cold Storage. H. and R., 4,500, at 9.7c and 4c to ttlin Fisheries. THE WEATHER Haysport Clear, calm, 64. PortSlmpson Clear, calm, 62. Terrace Clear, calm, 62. Rosswood Clear, calm, 60. Alyansh Clear, calm, 60. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 68. Anyox Clear, calm, 70. Stewart Clear, calm, 70. Atlln Clear, calm, 55. VVhltehorse Clear, light south wind, 65. Carmacks Clear, calm, 64. Dawson Part cloudy, calm, 64. Hazelton Clear, calm, 67. Smlthers Clear, calm, 60. Burns Lake Clear, calm., v Vanderhoof Smoky, calm, 60. Election Cases Are Remanded The cases arising out of alleged election Irregularities and In which charges have been made against Captain N. McLean and Chief Engineer Charles Davis of the Prince George and also against O.M. Hun and F. Morris were before the court this morning and on application of the prosecution were remanded for a further eight days. IHRKENHEA1) IS ILL I LONDON. Aug. 6: The Earl of Birkenhead lay seriously ill today at ome 1x1 Orosvenor Garden. Hga! Ends a,gin. ) yy I Nt . -aiBSaaBHaBlSBfBSBSBfBaBfBJ 'EIGHT 3P0UNy .ptO-US. 'Atc. BTsTaBVraTTrrTa5 Irritation Blue Ribbon Malt represents yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's standard of quality. Wherever you 30 you find America's Biggeit Seller the nermanent choice of millions. Hop Flavored and Plain. oAre YOUR Holidays 'I Carefree or Otherwise? f-u;ii.if( R M WLJTLAYS on holidays should-be money well spent. Often what otherwise would be a real, beneficial vacation is spoiled by thoughts of the cost perhaps by the thought of sacrifices to be made afterward. Get the greatest pleasure and benefit by saving well in advance. Enjoy the thrill of anticipation as well as the carefree holiday itself. Regular deposits, begun well ahead of time, and put in a separate account if desired, will ensure the kind of holiday . ' you want to have. , BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Asset In Excess of 1800,000,000 Prince Rupe.rt Branch: A. H. CAR5HN. Managei. Pimpled Cleared Rash Healed Expels Eczema If you lose anything, try a classified ad. 1