i. , - PAQK BIZ THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Ann t 6 1 .-JB DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST ONLY 'M1 You can buy a ELECTRIC IRONER. 5 or only .00 down The balance $5 a njontrr m ND "Rupert Brand" TIIEJ)AINjriEST BREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by ' 4' 1 ' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 10-Day Closing Sale Peterborough Boats & Canoes Below Factory Cost Second Ave, next to Post Office P.O. Box 913 Phone Blue 315 oooooooooocrtioooooooooaooaoooaDoooooooaooooo&oooooooa - Want Ads . Let Them 13e Your Broker in Buying and Selling , Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody is waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else it is you arc in the, market for. Get the habit of shopping through tfte. Want Ads. You'll find undreamed of bargains undreamed of opportuoiUea. Do your shopping through these cplump'jiap Jo. how profitable and pleasant His. f'-pPgS' READ and USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly Bold" Hero is your op- portunity to taKo the toil out of iron ing day; to save hours of ' time; to give longer life to all fabrics. With a Thor, you simply sit at ease and feed each piece into the Irpner . . . sheets, table cloths, lingerie . . . everything. No trouble at all and such wonderful results. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TELEVISION NOT GENERAL SOME TIME Laboratories of Scientists Working On It Still tory stage for public use. It is dan , Victoria People Having been 40 years in business in Victoria. J E P.-.:ntr nrf Ron Tk T r .1 two years ago. 1 "Premier Gold Mining Co. offers possibilities as a speculation, at year, before depletion and depre ciation writeoils. i While the company's earning? i from the Premier mine are doubt -less diminishing, owing to the rapid depletion of the property, it Is well fortified with cash, is well managed and has at least two new properties, the Prosperity and the Porter Idaho which are giving evi dence of promise. As a company whose policies are time-bred and above renroach. which has new properties coming; i into production; the element of speculation should offer greater Inducement to investors willing to gamble than new companies with properties in the unproven class. The total ore reserves of the Pre- NEW YORK. Aug. d:-Natlonal m,er mam Prope"?. re- c5nized as fast nearing depletion, television on a par with sound broadcasting is a considerable dls- was 419-038 ns. assaying at $1U tance in the future. When such a Per ton- Principally in gold, at the development wUl materialize, en- end ot last year, vsufficlent to op-gincers hesitate to say. Dr. Alfred eratc th m111 at ul1 capacity to Nl Goldsmith, vice-president and about midsummer 1931. In addition general engineer of RCA and long there 13 tne possibility of adding identified with broadcast engineer-1 to tnese reserves. The liquid assets Ing, thinks it will not be possible the company are equlvolent to until three years have elapsed, and ' approximately CO cents per share, it may be longer. i and as referred to previously the "It seems likely that national te-1 speculative element, offered by the levlslon service of proven value ; company's new properties under within a year would be a miracle," he said. "Within two years it would be an amazing feat; within three years It would represent a fine achievement of hard work, and within five years, it would be a de velopment proceeding at a good and normal pace. "If television is developed as a service of real entertainment ,and Instructional value to the public it will take Its place beside radio broadcasting as one of the greatest ChildrenCryi M.ur CASTORIA A HABY REMEDY APPROVED BY DOCTORS i fOft COUCCONSTl'ftTION.DlMtRhCA , agencies of human progress and enjoyment, but It is not to be ex- --Tr M M n j-nr'--'! pected that the day of television is BB&SBKnanmzjiZSi as yet near at hand. "Laboratories are doing excellent work In the development of tele vision and will probably ultimately bring the equipment to a satlsfac-: SPECIALS gerous to make any definite predlc-1 tlon as to how long this will take. 'FitT Bars, fresh stock OCT each Pan Yan Pickles 20 oz 60c Alex, and party decided it was time Purity Rolled Oats tftP to take a look at the north country! G's . . . .... V so they booked on the Prince Henry ti p;rtt, Tt,.,K,.l, and and are are eettlne getting fine fine weather weather all all the the Up-RlVOr Rhubarb way tthe Naas and through making an extra call at Wales Island Union ss... Catala did not arrive till 5.15 yesterday evening and left at 6 paaoooociooiiooooooaaociocioonaooooaooooooaoooPMaaooolfor tne south. G lbs. for ..... ... This morning the Painters looked Fresh Celery up some former Victoria friends. ivi and went on south. With Mr. Pain- f n ' ' ' ter in addition to his son were two Seedless Grape-1--" other Victorians, Mrs. E. Fulton and per lb Limited 25c 15c 25C Delayed by unfavorable tides in MllSSalleill GrOCeFV Co. 417-423 Slh Avenue East rilONK Ik AND 84 est. Made Bri.VisitiBI"bon Baking 30c 5 last Snow Cap Crab 5C iNews or me Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Conditions In Taku Better Says Visitor Premier Gbld Situation Analyzed Ry Financial Paper which Premier has a lontrolllng Interest. The company also owns or has under option the entire capital of "J7-"tu1o ConsolVVited property thare. Unique among the mining wh'fh ?U?nentl r ' Ptaltotton i stocks, states the Financial Post of mm Jn $1 Par value shai Tmt u i. w rr Mn return on the investment, which 3f WlHare 0UHtSnf,!,Il8- T. was earned during the past fiscal e GUIDES OFF NEXT WEEK TO TERRACE Arrangements Made For Joint Camp at Meeting Last Night A meeting of those interested in the Oirl Guides' camp at Terrace was held hut evening, in the Cathedral Hall. There will be 34 girls going to the camp which will be cn the Lakelse side of Terrace with headquarters in the residence of C. J. Toombs. Four companies will be represented, namely the First and Second Prinee Rupert Companies, 67th L O. D. E. Company anl the Port Clements Company, which will send two guides. At the camp there will be four patrols, the patrol leaders being Lucille Brooksbank, Kathleen Keil-back, Winnlfred Bby and S. Sten-gel. In charge of each patrol there will be a Ruider, these being Captain N. Rogers. Lieutenant M. Brewerton. Brown Owl Mrs. D. Nurrington and Tawny Owl Mrs. Motte. In accordance with the rule for Girl Guide camps, that where there are 25 in attendance at a camp, there must be a nurse. Mrs. Sher wood will be the camp jiurue. Tin- girls will leave on Thursday. August 14, and expect to be away for two weeks. To complete further arramiements there will be a meet-in k uf the Guides on Friday of this week. Visiting Here Died Yesterday Mrs. Christina Laidler, Mother. Local Man, Passed Away In General Hospital ot Tho death occurred suddenly ninht at the General Hospital Mrs. Christina Laidler, 55 years. of age. wife of George F. Laidler, 3222 Fifth Ave. West. Vancouver. and mother of O. W. Laidler, Wal-dron Apartments. Mm. Laidler came here two weeks ago to visit her -.on and daughter-in-law. and a little over a week ago was taken ill. Mr. Laidler was sent for and arrived Friday and-yesterday M"s. Laidler passed away. The body is being taken south on the Prince Henry and the funeral will take plsce in Vancouver. O. W. Laidler is the sales mana- mra. c. m.. nanus, an oi wnom were Ker for M-ifrm & Co ot prinCe Ru- enjoying Prince Rupert's glorious Fresh Fruit and Vegetables .,'iJiwPSetS. sunshine for a brief time. Boat , Arriving Every athy oI nta many u.tMt ,n hls bereavement. In order to compete the salvage of the Western Canada Airways hydroplane which crashed at Bute-dale a party left on the Union ss. Catala last evening. 2P5fllSSiM Alaska to Get Herd Musk Ox WASHINGTON, Aug. 0:-J5eekIng g suitable cattle fpr the frozen areas as In, Alaska, the department of agrl cuuurcnas herd of 30 musk, oxen. collector is given the task of ob taming the oxen from Greenland. The sum of $40,000 was appropriated' at the last congress for that purpose. Resembling the ' small-sized buf- i fntn the musk oxen arc considered tne tne j'oruana uanai mming aivision). trulv nlnia, nnd tho sur. district, said Mr. Brentlinger, has of British Columbia which n nnnnlaHnn nf nhnnt. 125 thl snme cpneral area as Health Authorities say that over six million Germs have been found on one fly. Get your Flit and the Special Flit Sprayer Todays COIBX:i.llllK!i:GaGK; 8 & l. H or a , , . . . . Experiments will be made for do-. Conditions in the Taku mlnins deve opment. are worthy .u of .r-1 more tnem An MpcrIenced. uisirici appear to oe ucuer now cuiisiueruium uuui ikw jjiuitnva than ever before, according to owned by untried organisations. Fred Brentlinger and C. Gilbert.! who have been prospecting there Prosperity since early May, and who are in' The first of the company's out-Juncau for a few days, says the side properties to reach produc-Juneau Emnlre. tlon was the Prosperity group. In "Tulsequah:" the camp of WEDNESDAY and Tin TWO SHOWS -7 ana 9 ig jsu ' v ! nr,lfi;jVlval 0f the latBe 5PCC,M whlch SHOUT COMEDY-me i remier,,vero nayve 0f North America, and "KIDE 'EM ( fl . summer. Of course, tne numoer main group, r remier is interested onco existed in Alaska, fluctuates for most of the persons in the property to tne enient 01 tj now extnct. who make the camp their head- per cent while the remaining 21 quarters are constantly going to per cent is owned by the Prosper- and coming from creeks. Prospect, Ity Mines syndicate. I There, a" 2 . ln nouses m New YorK irg work Is actlv-. A diamond drill Production, started last Novem-1 u,y is operating pn the Sparling pro- ber, and to May 30, amounted, to s pcrty on Tulsequah creeK. gross sm?uer vaius or siob.dbo or a Mr. Brentlinger and Mr. Qllbert net oroflt of $124 569. with Increa- renresent the. Jumbo and Great sea each successive month. Now it Bear groups of claims. Both men Is announced, that initial produc were in the Taku district last sum- tlon has been taken from ore en- mcr. Mr. Brentlinger has made countered in development work, an his home in .Alaska since 1007, the Porter Idaho property which Mr. Gilbert came to the Territory adlolns the Prosperity, and in but arc P William Haines I "NAVY BLUES" 5 A lliotous Comedy H t ;i m With Anita l'agr anl K , i o;ue CANADIAN NATIOEISHIPS Prince Riipert DRYDOCK AND 0T"Y SKETCH "Con;.v r SCENIC "Sunv t II picture 3 Admission - - cmvaniB3aiEra..ar:.z: a t j: ti F'l! n : C.IM bll i jclcan smelling ) F ! I lvJ est Selling InscclN SHIMARD IF. !! UI'EUATINU . Tvl 20,000-TON FLOATING IJKVtti n K Engineers, Machinists, noilermakers, Hlnrksmltli I'.iii m Makers, Founders, WoodwnrkerM, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 mr ja Ml. 90 PER CENT OF ALL FORD CARS ARE STILL IN USE Consider this point when you j)iircbas i car. Wo havo several Model ,4T" Fords', at ji which will enahle.anyono to own a car. Come in and let us show you somo real i! ' Wo will be glad to demonstratp any r.' : , : choose, or you arc at liberty to.drivo it 1 ' without the least obligation. Purchase your car from us. Drive it t days and if you are not entirely satisfied. ! allow you the full purchase price on an ' car. in stock. . J Hd " 1927 Chtvrplcf 'Coacli'. .' .3 . . . 1926 Vord Coupe ... s:! v "0 1925 Ford Tudor si '.0.00 S.E. PARKER, LIMITED FOIU) DEALERS Try a Daily News Want Ad.