Wednesday, August 6, 1930, Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday ss. Prince RuperU pxa. Tu' .day ss. Catala .... 350 pjn. V,.ciii'sday ss Pr. Henry,. 9 ajn. Vcdiwsday ss. Pf. Henry, 9 a.m. ss. Princess Alice", 6 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Charles, 4 p.m.'e Fricuy s. Princess Mary, 10 p.m. ss. Cardena, 12 midnight Saturday ss. Pr.Charlotte, 5 p.m. ss. Prince Oeorge, 7 p.m. ' From Vancouver gundny ss. Catala 4 p.m. Munr!:iy ss. Princess Alice a.m. ss princess Charles, 11 JO a.m. y. rdy ssPr. Oeorge, 11.30 ajn. sre Thursday ss. Cardena p.m. Friday ss. Princess Louise, a jn. ! J?1"- Now that re good ac- Prince Oeorge. 11.30 u.m.jSn Princess Mary 4 pjn.'Bre. Uig fiahing trips. Saturday ss. Pr. Henry 11.30 a.m. For Naas Itiver and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala B p.m. Fuday ss. Prince William, 8 pm. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday as. Catala .... 11.30 ajn. Fi iday ss. Prince William, pm For Stewart and Anyox. Sunday ss. Catala, 8 pm. Monday ss. Pr., Charles, 8 pm. Friday ss. V$i Oeorge, 2 20 pm, For Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala 11.30 am. Thurx ss. Pr. Charles, 10 JO am. Saturday ss. Tr. Oeorge, flpm. Saturday as. Pr. Oeorge, 6 pm. For Ocean Falls-Monday ss. Pr. Rupert. 4 pm. Friday ss. Pr. Mary 10 pm. 8iit ss Prince Oeorge, 7 pm. From Ocean Falls Wod as. Pr. Oeorge. 11 JO am Fnuiiy m. Pr. Oeorge. 11.30 am, Princess Mary, 4 pm, Sat -ss. Prince Henry. 11.30 am. For North Queen Charlotte Islands- Monday as. Pr. Charles, 8 pm. From North Queen Charlotte Islands Timrs -ss. Pr. Charles, 10.30 am. For South Queen ' " Charlotte Islands Munday ss. Pr. vftilfam, 8 pm. From North Queen Queen Charlotte Islands Thurs ss. Prince William, am. For Alaska-Monday s. Princess Alice, am. W-d -ss Pr. Oeorge. 2.30 pm. Friday ss. Princess Louise, am. Sat ss Prince Henry, 2.30 pm. From Alaska Mon -ss. Prince tyuper, 7 am., Wed ss. prince Henry, 7 am. M. Princess Alice, pm. Saturday ss. Pr. Charlotte, pm. For Port Simpson and Wales Island Thursday ss, Cardena pm. Fuday -b. Pr. William, 8 am. From Port Simpson and Wales Island-Friday ss. Cardena pm. ss. Prince William, pm For Skeena River Thurs ss. Pr. William, 8 am. 6at-ss. Pr. WUllam .... 8 am. From Skeena River Thurs ss. Prince William, pm. ss. Cardena pm. Sai -ss. Prince WUllam, Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Satt- Wuay 1U0 am. Tuesday. Thursday and F"day 12 noon From the East Daily except Tuesday 12.30 pm. For Vancouver-Monday M s pm. Tuesday .... aib pm. Wednesday JL 4 pm. Thursday 3 pm. r'aay H pm. Saturday 4 pm, 6 pm From Vancouver 8lnday 4 nm Monday 0 a.m, Wednesday 1U0 ami, niursaay p.mJ '"oay 0 am, oaiuraay 1150 am. t Anyox and Stewart ?aay 7 pm. Monday 7 p.m. Vriuay 1-30 pm. 'vm Anyox and Stewart iaay ....... 11.30 ,a.rri I'-Thursday lOJOlami wuKJay lt Wales Island and Simpson-Thursday p.m. Frm Wales -Island tni Tort Simpson Friday wm p.m. F,r Queen Charlottes! Monday 7 p.m. From queen Chariotteal Thuradnv Fw Alaska- am. Mondays and Fridays am. nt Alaska wWnidayj and Saturdays, p.m. ImAMl CLASSIFIED THIS IS Tire FOR SALE New clinker built cedar rowboats $30 up. Lindsay's Boat Works, 842 Powell Street, Vancouver. , ,tt Phone Oreen 7Z8. 187 'F0R SALE-Player Plan0i cablnet and reels, sewing machine, sealers, bed, vanity table and bench Chif robe, vacuum cleaner, etc. Phone Oreen 334. FOR SALE An 8-roomed house with 6 bedrooms, in live town and doing good boarding house business. Ill-health compels owner to sell for $1100.00 cash as going concern 16 boarders. M. M. STEPHENS & Co. LTD. CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrens' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 241 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING by experienced dressmaker. Coats, evening gowns ete. Phone Green 187. 191 DrivurselfTaxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now, why not learn? There'll be,a day when you'll wish you could. , We will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. k . ,. . alker Hlotor ,T Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER f1!! f t In UVtnnnetilii M h.1 Clvl - All Guaranteed j i SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to any Part of the City Ling, the Tailor Phone C49 RANCW S COAST DISTRICT Recording Dtstrlet of Prime Rttprrt TAKE NOTICE that Richard Walter OlUNrhin of Vanosuver, UjC.. Aeeoun-umt, intend to apply tor permission to lease the M lowing dveftb foreshore WANTED S roomed unfurnished suite or house In good condition. Apply Box 31, Dally News Office. tf HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper, must be good cook. Call evenings between 5 and 8 or Phone Red 710. tf 1931 Census Clerks. Hundreds will be required. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 18 Mackle Block, Calgary. w SITUATIONS WANTED STEADY local married man Would like whole or part time position as caretaker or Janitor. Apply: Dally News. tf' EARN money now taking orders J for Personal Christmas Greeting, Cards. Finest line ever shown.: Easy to sell. Write for particulars. Regal Art Co., 310 Spadina' Ave., Toronto. tf Hunts Furniture & Upholstry "The Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, fhone Red C37 RANGE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recertinjr, District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Frederick RusaeU Bartlett of Vancouver, B.C Secretary, Intends to apply for permlaalon to lease the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a post pltnted on the south shore ot Swindle Island About 30 chains south and 100 chains west ot the south west corner cf Lot 318, thence eatterly and northerly along iiifn water mstk to tb aoutla west eomer of Lot 335. thence to Low Wa ter Mark, thence southerly and westerly along LOW Water Mart, thence north 8 chains to point of commencement, and enclosing all tidal flats and lagoons, and containing 80 acres more or less. Dated July 8th. 1030. Frederick Rusiell Bartlett, James T. Underbill. Agent. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT- NOTICE OF ArrtlCATIOX FOR RKCR LICENCE notice is hereby given that, on th 31st day of August next, the under- signed intends to apply to the Uquor w" uoara tor a licence in respect of premises being part of ths bulldlnx known as Seal Core Hotel, situate at the City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as all that portion of SALVAGE AND TOWING V tW "If It's on or under the water we do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Oravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 564 P.O. Box 1564 PHOTO FINISHING BY EXPERTS fend ynor Film and Photo Work To rat hall Photo Finishing Prince Rupert, n.C. Quality Guaranteed. Price Reasonable Spirella Service Supporting Garments made to meet your personal needs. MRS. ISABELLA PETERS Resident Corsetiere Phone Red 103 STEAM BATHS 204 Cth Street Phone Black 364 Opposite Prince Rupert notel Ladies from 2 pm. to 9 p.m. Gents, from .. 10 am. to 10 pjn. RANQE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert, TAKE NOTICE that Frederic Clare Un derlain of Vancouver. B. C. Land Sur veyor. Intends to apply tor permission to lease the following described foreshore lands; Commencing at a son planted on the South shore of small bay on North End of Price Island about 3 mUes south and 1 mile east of the south east corner ot Lot 336. Schooner Passage, thence North 10 chains to opposite shore, thence westerly, southerly and Easterly along High Water Mark to point of commencement and enclosing the bay and containing 13 acres more or less. Dated July 4th, 1930. Frederic Clare UnderhlU. James T. UnderhUl. Agent. RANOE S COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert, TAKE NOTICE that John Edward UnderhlU of Vancouver. B.C., Engineer Intends to apply for permission to lease the following described foreshore huw. Commencing at a post planted at th west end ot small bay about 1 12 miles south and 2 miles east of the south east corner of Lot 336 Swindle Island, thence south east 20 chains, to east en- muw w Lmj, iiKucr rtwierij, norcner Dated July 4th. 1B30, John Edward UnderhUl. James T. UnderhUl. Agent. RANOE 3 COAST DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE hat Norman HUI of Vancouver. B.C.. Clerk, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a post Dlanted on the south Lii ,7 ch1"? south and 100 chains west of the south Ce HwitM.3?,? T.X???1' J.SfiS about 240 chains - t - niruiT! 3 chains tnore or less to Low Water Msrk, thence easterly along Low Water mars, tnence north to point cf commencement and enclosing all tidal flats and lagoons and containing 120 acres more or less. j Dated July 6th. 1930. I Norman IIIU I James T. UnderhUl. Agent. Waterfront Block -I" Bay of Prince iy and westerly along High Water Mark Rupert, City of Prince Rupert, Province I to point of commencement and oon-of British Columbia. Map 928. Prince ! talning 80 Jcree moTor lei. itutn uum rogiairaiiou i-iuirici, ana being more particularly described as leuows: "Commencing at a point which lies In a straight line bearing north 69 dag- 36 ft.. S Ins. East a distance of 76730 feet from the centre of circle as shown on said Plan 823. Section 7. thence south 6 deg 39 ft., 23 Ins. East a distance of 60 feet to a point, thence north 83 dee;. 24 ft., 331ns. East a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence north 6 deg. S3 ft. 23 Ins. West a distance of 60 It. to a Dolnt. thence South 83 Org.. 24ft.. 93 Ins. West a distance of praniaee. Dated this 22nd dy of July, 1030 II. A DODO. Applicant, Oet the Ad. reading habit. It pays. . iandsi-OommenclKg at a post planted ! feet to the point of commence. at Hash Wakar Wark taut 1 .5 mil meat." ' southland. mnitof trVsouthlh the .ale of beer by the glass or by east corner of Lot tw. Swtmlle Island. I h ? "le ror-wnsumption on the theiM anuth B rhailu to lUnn th.nn. east 7 ehalna to Shore, theace north arty westerly and southerly along High Water Mark to point of eommence- nsent im aoctalning so acres mere or leas, Dfttfrj July 8th. 1090. Richard waiter Underbill. James T. UnderhUl, Agent. I GUEb THACT MCT OF Tl THE W6LLOCtBW PEOPLE WUt?QH,AT WANTED lf vOP-AT , 1 I WELL-1 JLroT PI (I D-KOGWTER-1 1 i" HEAVEM5! Wtcs-J B S P f " ' I H . J J rS H fl THE mcsiJUYaim;. L. I I I , i i vx: t -trt-v i I MS 'MTTV l 'JZSiiSl g.H H930,UrMi.r,8.r.l,l, ' V V- - ' I ,jf. ( On.t Bf IUIi itlftu HwrnL ... 7'"2.9 PA02 FIT! " ' 7 'i I -' 1 Holiday Resorts RAINBOW TROUT Are plentiful this iptuion m the Btuart Lake district, the, take either fly or !",Jn wide virgin ftKjhtty there hufidrea, of mile, of. wWay In lake and stream with many pleasant bays and wooded iw imnni; . '-..i iuiHurni auraction there la a ride or hike in th m . - ----- -"K uu wuuut "ii alum wmcn a. wonderful niitnn la seen- 100 mUes Ot lake and in every direction. Apply to c.N.R. or by wire or letter to Douglas Lodge, Fort Ht James, B.C. 3m je 24 Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the shore or Lakelse Lake Is now open to guests. Fine Fly Fishin? On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest in Canada) Oood for rheumatism. Phone connecting with Terrace Fare from tfaln to Lodge and return $2.50 Manager J. Drucc Johnstone Wonderful Tlcll QIEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAM'S The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine rartlea ran be met at Rkldegste or Fort clement i. Wireless fur Reservations MADAME RAJAUT Furnished Cabins FOR RENT O.N Lakelse Lake Shore Close in to new Lodge. Apply to MRS. SUSIE, Terrace, B.C. JITNEY SERVICE Bet t tn Fort Clements and Queen Charlotte City, Mondays and Saturday l.rnvr lurt Clements, S.SO a.m. t)uren Charlotte 1 JO p.m. tare SS rath. Round trip SO. I. IYM). I'ort Clements Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte Is. Sedan Oars meet all boats at Port Clements and at Queen Charlotte City. Resniiar trips to Fort Clements every Tueaday and Thursday iMrtng Q. C. utty at in. retummg rtwm trot rae-meats at 3 pjn. 'Rate tjtteen Charlotte City to Fort Clements SI.W) nr SO return ur vlre vrrfto. Intermediate points, inc. a mil. Hide in com ton. it costs no mors. Phone 8 'Short. 1 long Wire or phot our expense. r.DHl'MI HTKttl.NJt - rroprietor TRAINS From East Dally, except Tues day, 12.30 noon. For Bast Dally, except Sunday, 1 pjn. BRINGING UP f fcffiKg f! I M Y IWf'Jvlif!. HOW ffiMi"' Ilk. .i MAKE YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND PAGE WHICH MOST JPEOPL.E JiEAD,BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF nUMAN 3USINESSJNTJEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. FOR RENT FURNISHED Flat, 4 rooms and bath Phone 547. tf FOR RENT 5-roomed flat remodelled with bath. Phone 543. tf FOR 'RENT-FurnTshed apartment i FARM' 90 acrt cWared lan' l3ulk-by Valley, for sale trade or day, week or month. Phone Rcd607. - tf house and lots In town. FOR RENT Furnlshrrl khIIm filml and five rooms. Phone Mussal lem Grocery. tf FOR RENT $5.00 a month puts a piano in your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Five roomed flat, vacant July 1. Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. tf! FOR RENT Clean well-Jurnlshed modern apartment. Palmer Apartments. Red 444. tf HOME FOR RENT 4 rooms and ? bath, 1028, Second Avenue. Available August 25. Rent reasonable. Phone 645 or 180. 186 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf 7 BOARD residence, week or month, for terms apply The Inlander, Phone 137. lm-J6 FOUND FOUND Clip with red stone. OUner may have same by calling at Dally News- Office and paying for this adverttsment. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household i goods, musical Instruments, ma-; chinerr. etc. General repairs. repairs, ! ! crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf SECOND-HAND DEALERS Nfltir inrl Qonnnrl nwn auu uctuuu-iiaiiu uuuuo ...... , . i uougnt, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue riione Blue 339 SCALE OF CHARGES The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. name. Birth Notices GOc. Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flowers 10c, per Get the Ad. reading habit. It pays. FATHER MOTHER- "1 (OONTr OtVTURa T DO ME KlOVJ' I'M aVTHlMO WHICH BMHIMG REf RT FOR SALE Silversides Bros. WALLPAPERS PAINTS Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - PHONE 22 CM. BRYANT A. R. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mall. Stewart British Columbia Cameron's Transfer PHONE 171 Dry Birch, Jack-Pine, Red Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Spruce. Balsam, Ice Delivered. Baggage Prices on Application A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass, Wallpaper, Wallfclts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, rainters' and Paperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave, Prince Rupert TYPEWRITERS No other value ran approai-n the iipeflnl REBUILT UNDERWOOD $75.00 Very easy terms All other makes from I1S.M SlTXDSTR.tNll .tltlllNO .MACHINES jUnited Typewriter Co. Ltd. il, .VANCOUVER. H.C. .DEPARTMENT OF flnLIC WORKS Notice to Contractors llnuton School SEALED TENDERS, endorsed Tender far Kauston School" will be received by the Minister of Public Works up to 12 o'clook noon on Monday the 25th day of August. 1030. for the Erection and completion of a One room School at Houston In the Omlneoa Electoral District Br Plans. Specification, contract, and forms of tender may be seen on and after the 30th day of July 1030 and further Information obtained at the Department of Public Works. Parliament Buildings, and at the offices of the Government Agents at Vancouver. Frlnos Rupert and Smlthers, and Builders Exchange, Vancouver, copies or plans specifications, etc., oan be obtained from the Department on Darment of a Hleyoslt of Ten D4UAN (110.00) which wiu Do refunded en return of the plans, etc. In good condition. Tenders wUl be opened in public at 3.30. pjn. on Monday the 3dth Bay of August 1920 at tbe Partlament Buildings, Victoria , The lowest or any tenter not neces-ssrUy accepted. P. PHILIP. y. Otvtcr Engineer. Department of Public Works. Parliament BuHdinga, Victoria, B.C. Dally News "Want Ads" bring quick results. By George McManusl WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS