NEW YORK. Sept. 11: Victories by St. Louis Car Old Country Soccer WEDNESDAY RE8ULTS English League First Division Arsenal 3. Blackburn Rovers 2. Birmingham l, Newcastle United 1. Blackpool 1, Portsmouth 2. Liverpool 7,- Borton-waneJerers 2. Manchester Uriiteef 0, ftudders-fteWTownft. 8underland l, Derby County 3. English League Stroud Division Buy 8, Bristol City 0. Plymouth Argyle 4, Barnsley 0. English Leagse Third Northern Acc ring ton Stanley 2, South Port 0. Darlington 2. Hull City 4. Wtsanboro 3, Hartlepool Unjted ' z. ( . York City 3, TrahsmeH' hovers 1. English Leagae TMrd Southern aiUmgham 4, Newport County 1. William Owyeron of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gwyer, after spending the ssonmer vacation at his home here and in the district, will sail on the Prince George tonight for Vancouver where he will resume Ms studies at the University of British Columbia. I" "m Of n.iV. hits. Th (or Detroit Tigers.' Yesterday's scores: National League l ' Chicago 0, Brooklyn 6. St Louis 5, New York 3. Cincinnati 4, Philaelphla 5. Pittsburg 0, 'Boston 5. American League New York 7, Cleveland 2. Washington 2, St. Louis 3. Philadelphia 0, Detroit 4. Boston 0, Chicago 2. National League W. L. Chicago ... 80 58 St. Louis 78 59 Brooklyn 79 60 New York 77 61 Pittsburg 71 6G Boston 05 75 Cincinnati .55 80 Philadelphia ...4G 92 American League ! W. L. PftHsdelphfe 91 47 Washington 86 53 New York .79 59 Cleveland 76 (56 Detroit (57 72 St. Louis .... .65 84 Chicago 53 84 Boston 47 90 Tli is tidvi :" -,i:mr" is not published or displayed by the Liquor f'ntrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. of animals at the new regulation which has governed bull-lighting In Spain from August 1," says the Lon- muais aim uruvKiyn iiuuuia, un ua u i -(don Times In a recent edltorlal( tiona! Leairue lead held by Chicago Cubs, increased the .whiciucomments upon the re-intro-tensity of the pennant race in the senior circuit yesterday, sduction by the sanction of the Ma-These two teams, virtually tied for second place, reduced , rid government of the practice of the margin that the Cubs had held over them from tvo us(,n& ""-darts Among the host of and one half to one and one half games St. Louis downed XTZeTmX thTia" the New York Giants m a tight contest while Brooklyn .dictator, Primo de Rivera, none did shut out the Cubs. The Cardinals retained second place by jhim more credit than his lnnova- YANKS WIN POLO CUP In the American League, Wash-; for the protection of the horses and :ngton Senators retained their hold ; his prohibition of fire-darts. Both un second place although defeated changes met with obsUnate ob- by the 8t. Louis Browns. New York Yankees got 11 hits and ftatlly defeated Cleveland Indians. The Philadelphia Athletics, who Snccessfally Defended the Trophy; have all but cinched the pennant, Afatast QMt-rtain Hy 0. Scoresttfo9 WESTBURY, New York, Sept. 11: The United States retained the international polo cup on Wednesday by defeating Great Britain 14 to 9. wok a rest ana were snut out by struction from the big bull-fighting interests of Spain, and Indeed also from, public opinion; but, backed by the authority of Don Alfonso and by the small bat energetic Society for the Protection of Animals and Plants, he made them effective, "In the long and deliberate process of doing the bull to death In an arena from which escape Is Impossible, the turn of bandertllos is reached after the mounted pica-dores have driven their long lances into the neck-muscles of the bull and so weakened his bnttlng power. The dart-throwers then take up the running, and play nimbly round the partially crippled animal. Unmounted and unprotected them-themselves, they throw their Javelins from close quarters so as to l plant them in couples around the Jsame mark behind the .horns. Their Pet work is hasardoas, and often their .580 colleague have to spring forward .569 i with their red cloaks to distract the .518 i less bandertllos. .464 , The climax of the fight has still .407 : to cdme, wheh the'rhaladbr can ap- JJJ i nrfiach rlnfifl nnueh fn rtrlvp his swrd into the bull's vitals; and in the meantime the sharp pain of the dart-points is expected to excite his Pet. fighting Instincts. Should he never- .667 theleas not run in to attack his as-.616 ssUlant he is Judged to be of a cow-.572 ardly nature; and at this moment -532 recourse was made, and Is appr-.482 ently again to be made, to the .395 1 bandertllai de foego. Crackers at--387itached to the fire-darts explode .343 with a series of rerorts whieh send even a much-exhausted bull careening v afresh across the sand, while The school board last night, on the infernal contrivance on his motion of Trustees Thompson and : back scorches his lacerated shoul- McAfee, decided to forgo membership this year in the British Columbia School Trustees' Association. It was felt that the $25 membership could be spent to better advantage to say nothing of tho ders with discharges of sulphur. "The maddened creature is often dased and terrified rather than rendered more combative, and, many of the best Judges hold that not even this cruel device can turn money that would be required to a bad fighter into a good one. It pay expenses were a delegate sent must in any case be revolting to all to the annua," convention which lovers of animals and of true sport will be held in Vernon on Septem-;to whom bull-fighting is at besta ber 22, 23 and 24. brutal spectacle In which a noble animal is done to death in a con fined area, so strangely different from the green open pastures where he has been bred, for the delecta I tion of the populace. It is true that the new regulation Imposes certain ; limits to the sizes and type of fire j darts, but it does not seem likely, In the opinion of our correspondent, that heee precautions will greatly .reduce the bull's agony." IS AWARDED HANSON CUP George Brown of Skidegate Champion Track and Field Man In Prince Rupert This Year Having piled up a large lead in the aggregate for Dominion Day i and Labor Day, the only occasions ,,on which track meets were held bls season, George Brown of Ski-rjegate. a student at Coqualectsa Institute, has been awarded the Hanson Cup tor track and field competition here this year. Philip Edp cumbe was second In the competition and Eddie Smith, third. Brown will hold the Hanson Cup for the coming year. It is a perpetual challenge trophy which must be returned for competition each year. Merely routine business was ta- . ken up Jnst night at a meeting of ! the loW ModseTLddge D. Q. Schubert, the dictator, waa in the chair Mrs. R. R. Duncan will sail to night on the Prince George for & trip to yancouver. Mrs. H. Natlonas sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for Alice Arm where shi will pay a visit. M. A. Burbank. divisional engl neer for the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on today's train from a trip to the Interior on official duties. Miss Eva Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, underwent an operation for appendicitis yesterday In the Prince Rupert General Hospital and is now progressing rapidly towards recovery. Mr. and Mrs. James Carmlchael pioneer residents of this city, who have been living for several yea is in California, have come north to Vancouver where they will spend the winter. They may return hera next spring. W. E. Walker, manager of Ar-randale Cannery, arrived in tht city this morning from the Naai Klvei The cannery is now closed for the season and Mr. Walker will be leaving soon for Vancouver where he will spend the winter. Miss Helen Randall, R.N., registrar of the Graduate Nurses' Asso elation of British Columbia and inspector -of nurses' training schools for the province, arrived in the cltf on today's train after making an intpection of the Haselton Hospital. She wH sail tonight on the Prince George for her headquarters-m Vancouver. William, Matthewson, who was an original member of the Northern British 'Columbia Regiment on oversea! service, died recently at Prtrt AlieA whr h helri a rnnn- if""011 .f 8tU1 formidablsibIe position with the B. C. Pulp """,1B irom ine "nee-land The funeral t"i T, Paper Co. service was conducted in Vancouver with Rev. M. H. Jackson, former chaplain of the, J02nd., officiating. C.P.R. steamer Princess Maquln- na will be coming north tomorrow from Vancouver on the local run via Ocean Falls in place of thj steamer Princess Mary which is to make two special runs from Vancouver to the West Coast of Vancouver Island. The Maqulnna will be on the, Vancouver-Ocgan Falls-Prince Rupert route for three trips it is expected. Miss Margaret Kergln left on the day's train for Toronto where she will resume her nurses' training1 duties in the Toronto General Hos pltal after a two weeks' holiday visit here with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergln, Fourth Av enue West She was accompanied as far as Terrace by Mrs. Ktrgin and Mrs. George McAfee who will return to the city after a visit of a few days at Terrace. City Engineer F. N. Good ap pearsd before the school board last evening with the request that hi! two rmall boys be given permls sion to attend either Borden Street or Booth Memorial School Instead of Westvlew. He had no criticism to offer as far as the teaching work was concerned at Westvlew but he merely believed that it wal Impossible for children to eoncen trats as well on their studies in an Ungraded school as they could In a graded school where the teacher had but the one class to attend to. After some discussion, the board decided that it was lmpossl ble to meet with Mr. Good's re quest. School boundaries had been set and to deviate from the rules for any particular person or fam ily would establish a precendent which might cause endless trouble. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Modern Flat, kitchen ranee. Westenhaver Bros. tl FOR RENT nlneroom flat close in Bath, moderate, rental, Wcstcn naver uroisjSr , SCALU OF ClIAIMiKS The following Is tho scale of charges mado for reading notices: Murriage and Enjrapcment announcements 12. home. IHrlh Kotlces 60c. Funeral Notices $1. CArds ( Thanks, tZ I'urirtrAP Flowers 10c per tf Thursday, sepu THE DAILY NEWS rnoe. PAGE POUH National League Race Increases In Tensity As Cardinals-Robins Reduce Cubs' First Place Lead SPORT CHAT "Regret will be felt by all lovers I LOCAL ITEMS , . i. 1 A NEW STANDARD OP PERFECTION in flavour in coolness in real rdownriint ' enjoyment that one has"'''' ' every. right to expect in a cigarette. Try Dixie Canada's pleasure smoke and experience the utmost in smoking pleasure rolled right :so they smoke right Virginias at their best. Mi . st' , ' I ' 20fo,25c THE BETTER CIGARETTE SAVE THE VALUABLE POKER H A N D $ Harry Dunbrak, for drunkenness, Miss Crnisaie Wood will sail on Provincial Con.-' was fined 925, with option of 30, the Prince George tonight for Van- Harrison. Provincial days' imprisonment, by Magistrate 'rouver enroute to Kamloops where , yesterday aftemom, McClymont in city police couif she wUl pay a visit returning George for a trip this morning. home by way of Jasper Park. Stewart on offtnnl Hi ttee! find ml about fomfortflt! f rrrr mom SOFT-VARM -DURABLE I AQlJAKTV TO M t IviMv NrCl Cwmterd to fit - 2VtoIQW Em sj'i J TON'T merely take our word for it make us prove what we sayl Make us come right out and in the garment itself show you that Stanficld's is the beat underwear value ever offered. Make your storekeeper show vou why! Be hard to convince. Ask about u of superiority. Teel Ulisfcoft wa garment itself beforeffntf Lpoinu 6f the penny. wars? KWDSmElbJr H Find Out! that's the way Li hMnl colo- l. ji'""1 pel lull S to know Make us take the risk make us proe our claims. Then when we've done that, get youf self into Stanfield's and for the first time in your life know what underwear value and cohlfort really ! There's a style and weight to meet every need and every price. FEB POINttOF JTAMFIELDJ" SUPERIORITY Accurate mesiure raents . , superb tailoring . . perfect fit. Non-rip co caini...010' and clastic J Alwari "ft alwayi waf" outweari tbta all. r- t .1 . .. n.ciinnl thai 25 cloaed crotch. won't pull o-