Thursday, September 11, 1930. Your . VTx " V7H At) STV V rvnv t w WU " !J Will always be filled as your Doctor directs at Ormes, Ltd. Prompt and Careful Service wines JltcL Jfto Pioneer I'honcs SI & 82 Three Graduate CONSIDER the importance of quality, when you buy laity. ' EdW Msida Lamptfbrlhg yI the advantages of every improvement made in lamps since Edison's invention of 50 years 4(0. They give you soft glare -free light . . and mluc of the current consumed. Buy them by the carton, at the price of ordinary lamps. L-40 EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED haIIiih- i,'in frlnrr Huatft f i VANCOUVBt. VICTORIA. Is .ilrdal. Aien Bujf. etc. Tuaadxy. S.30 pjr lur VAMol ku. unmix. iii.uiiHla. Aim iu. ., trtaby tuldni(hl 'ui ALICE ABM. ANVOV HI M AKT, .w Hlr Part NiHIUMtO. RUO- my. S.i urn , I .r PD T SIMfSON and WMF" SIjiND, ITiursut-j pm IH iiirt ttrnV Kikt MWTH tIM , ITiHCt Rupert. 11 C. Ttrninh tirrt void l liurl and ttllU tMcntr ttMtktd inrotiKh to tlllniln ,i, - , I n r coast STEAMSHIPS B. C. toast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To K t. l:!k.m. Wrangell. Juneau. Skagway ,1'ptcmber 10. 20. To Victoria. Seattle- September 14. 24. Princess Mary-Ocean Kails, ete Vancouver and Victoria, evury tnaay, iu pm Agents For All Steamship Unt W. C. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prime Kupert, Phui.c it Golfa&tp& Union Pacifies Mtapuelous Neur Train PORTLAND ROSE W J . A Triuipph TlUnl CONWECTIMi SEtriJIt LEAVES SEATTLE J1:1A.RL ToWTares END Fi nal Return Liberal Stopovers UMIOI PACIFIC Union Station, Sratl'e. Wash. M r am Drji&pisls Third Ave. & Sixth St. Pharmacists A Product ELECTRIC PRODUCT - , i' in Train Comfort SEPT. 30 Limit Oct. 31 Going and Returning Local Items Rebekah Bridge and Whist September 10. ! ''ill ).f Gl'isscs fitted by registered optometrist1 at Hcilbroncr's store. Moose Bridge, Whist and Dance. Friday, Sept. 12. Good prizes. 211 Rev. T. II. Wright, United Church pastor at JIazelton, has returned home by motor after a week's trip tq Vancouver. John Fry. of South Africa will b; here on November 8 to address the local Women's Canadian Club in the course of a tour of Canada. Mr. Fry will be accompanied here by his wife. The school board, at its meeting last night, dealt with a request from Eric Gee. manual training Instructor,,, .that regulir report cards such a those used in other departments of the schools be printed for his classes. The board decided to get figures on lots of 100. 280 or 300. fb. jldrens Colds Checked without- "dosing." Rub or. VapoRuh 3 A Watch Special A $12 Watch for $9.50 It isn't a terrible lot of money saved. But It's SOME, and It is really saved. It amounts to this. We have managed to buy a 15-Jeweled watch made by a reliable fac-wrry, in fniqjf screwy -case' winch is equality always sold for $12.00,' which we can at present . Sri : Sell For $9.50 I i cJEVELLLiI "list STORE Wirtl THt CLOCK 'Ei8iB.ttar.S: B, 31' S. WL '2T32 SU1 Asm from friae Hnprrt tt VnciMvr. (ham U Um frMUljr 8rrk la Vtrturla ami ) uJy awl Tbwraday. Km A n yn mt4 Mlrvvri Fr tn A KiiiMIii rMy MHbia t Nvrlh mnA ftoalh QaMn l'.hiirfeta lIan.l. rMtnsir Irnliu Prlar Kupert for Krimon ton, UIihIII d alnu Kat ilfllj vft Sun.l?, I t.m. TRAIN It F. M.NAI (illTON IMi,i- i. nf IMurr Kill" i I It . W-ltl THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREP United Church Bazaar Dec. 4. 211 Dlnncrware, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroncr's Store. Girl Guides' Tea and Salei of Home Cooking,' Cathedral Hall, Thursday, Sept. 18, from 3 to 6. 212 CH.R. steamer Prince William. Capt. William Thomas, returned to port at 8.15 last evening from a regularly scheduled voyage to the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Vlck's Tamale and Chili Parlor. Tried Chickens at 40 minute notice, delivered Special attention to private parties. Miss Nanny Williams, chef. 719 Fulton St. Phone Green 170. 213 School expenditures for tha month of August totalling $357.81 jwcre passed for payment at last night's board meeting. The total j included $269.81 in accounts and , $388 'for secretary, Janitors' salar-j les, etc. The "Twenty Years Ago" column 1 of the Vancouver Province recalls the stranding of the old steamer rnncesa jviary m me tail oi iw iu on i Sentinel Island In Lynn Canal. Pic- j ture postcards of this spectacular1 wreck were to be seen in local stores 1 even up to a short time ago If not still. We have arranged to handle during this coming; season Lakeside Stove an Lump Coal. This is considered one of the best coals in Alberta. It is smoke-ess anil without Hack. We guarantee it to be equal to any Alberta coal sold in the city Albert & McCaffrey, Phones 116 and 117. . 21C ! ANNOUNCEMENTS . . , Friday, October 3. United Church Anniversary Ban-uwfr October 9. , Moose Bazaar. October 16. 17. Rupert East United Church Bazaar, November 13. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 20. Anglican W A. Bazaar Dec. 4. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel t'MIER NEW MAVWIKMKNT strum HratPd; Travrllrrx' Siimplr ItiMinm; Hut mid Cold Mater f'rrr llu Mrrl. All Train anil Rates $1.00 and Up special monthly ii.m. C. It. BIGGAttT Si A. DONALD I'roprlttoni PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Riiper.'s leading family hotel Hot md cold water in all ropmi A. J. I'lllilMI'LMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser md Fifth Sts. Savoy Mrs. J. T. Oosthock, Falls River; Mrs. Nelson Brew and Miss May V. Brew, Haysport; George Johnson, city: Peter Kcay, New Massett, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Shirley, Moose Jaw; C. Blakey, Vancouver; R. O Cunningham. Port Bstlngton; J Theodorsen, Port Clements. New Royal Hotel I. ZaMII. rn. TDK IIO II I, UOKTII Willi E Hot As Cold Watr: Steam Hat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlct"!""' ?HI Royal J. II. Peets and L. H. Wrfght," C. NJR.; G. II. Harrison and G. R Snetsinger, Vancouver; C. Strom, city. OIL HURNERS Agents for tho famous "Ray Burner" for Industrial plants, hotels, apartment houses, etc. and the silent "York," fully automatic, for residences. We guarantee a saving of from one-third to one-half in fuel consumption. Enquiries Solicited Walter Lonjrwill Heating Engineer Phone 584 P. O. Box 730 BUY COAL AND SAVE Albert & McCaffcry Advise (Public to Get In Winter Stock Now; Get Best For Less'1 World wide unemployment and the difficulties arising therefrom bring economic questions to the fore on this, the eve on what is predicted by many will be the hardest winter this, as well as other countries, has experienced in years. The question of coal naturally arises, as the matter of fuel comes second only to food, and all householders, companies and corporations are now engaged in figuring where their coal supplies are to come from and what the price is to be. Now is the time, by buying, to bring about savings in the winter's fuel bill. The total production of the Na-nalmo-Wellington mines on Vancouver Island is 3500 tons per day. From one of the shafts known as No. 1 hard comes 700 tons per day of the choicest coal produced by this company. During the winter season when there is a great de mand for this particular No. 1 hard coal it becomes impossible to obtain any more than a very small portion of this production. At the present tune of the year, however, all that is desired can be obtained. Albert & McCaffery now have two thousand tons of this choice coal undoubtedly the best bituminous coal on the continent, on their wharf. Those who are desirous of saving money on their coal bills during the winter and, at the same time, get this choice fuel would be well advised to place their orders now for the full winter's supply. A reduction in price will be made to those who buy lots of five tons or more and pay cash for same. Advt. (212) The regular monthly meeting of the board of school trustees was held last night in the City Hall the session lasting about an hour and the agenda including little more routine business. Mrs. T. M. Spencer, chairman, presided and others present included Trustees L W. Wangh, WJ. McAfee, Bail Bar rie and J. II. Thompson and Principals D. II. Hartness, Miss E. A. Mercer, Miss S. A. Mills, Miss O. B. McArthur and Miss j. D. Moffatt. At the opening of the meeting. Mrs. Spencer welcomed the teachers back after their vacation and expressed the hope that the rest had been Instrumental in equipping them with renewed vigor and enthusiasm for the coming year's work. Special Prices . For the Week-End B. C. SUGAR White Z&g tJMl per 10-lb. sack FRB8II EGGS Small size ggg NABOB SOUP Tomato or Vege table (Packed in Canada) Qffn 3 tins RED ARROW SODAS 99 p Fresh Shipment, per pkg. CHOICE SOCKEYE SALMON New Pack. Clover Leaf Brand ICri per 1-lb. tin 1JO LARD Swift's Silver Leaf "Ov Of twi-9-lh nail - f .....l'S per 5-lb. pall PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES One large pkg. and one trial QOn pkg. for &0, FINE COOKINO APPLES 4 lbs $2.25 per box B.C. Celery e0 2 stalks AO, B. C. Field Tomatoes OCTo 4 lbs Green Tomatoes Crt per lb Preserving Prunes ft?' per crate Preserving Peaches Q-J OCT per crate V.uti WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR PICKLING REQUIREMENTS Watts' Grocery duality Right -Prices Right I'HONB 55 PHONE 51. iii m r'"iiPiiTra!ifnfrrTi"MTi 'vvrvrff TTTvrrvYvvTrtwyyTY7YTf rfvv7rrvtrv WRITE "CREAM SOUPS" FIRST ON YOUR MENUS 3 X AAA! AAAAA4.1AAAA lAAAriiiAAAA AAAAAAA kKkkkkklA When you tell me th?t cream soups have a prominent place in your meal planning, I know that you have both a sense of artistry in your menus and a f firm knowledge of food values. tyuUU creamy as the first-because the And, If you tell me that you cream is broken un "homo- serve them, not before a heavy dinner, ! uui as jujicneun ana supper aisnes, my regard for your skill is still greater. For cream soups serve a twofold purposethey stimulate appetite, and they satisfy it. The warmth of the soup starts the meal off well; the milk which is its base is soothing. And the vegetable puree with which it is combined adds to the rich food values present in the milk the important minerals which are necessary to a balanced diet Cream soup is really a meal in itself. All the more important, then, that it should be a good soup. And, with the cooking knowledge at your disposal today, there is really no excuse for having anything but a marvelous! y delicious cream soup. If you will follow one simple rule, I can promise that your cream soups will always be rich and creamy, of good body and exceptionally smooth, velvety texture. That rule is to make them with Carnation Milk. Why Carnation Milk maktt tht bttt ertam loupt One of the reasons that Carnation Milk makes such delicious cream soups is that it is doubly rich in cream. Don't make the mistake of thinking, as many women do, that Carnation Milk the same rich creaminess, the same silken smoothness that Carnation Milk gives to cream soups lyp.U'iMfUl find in every dish in which this good milk is used. , (See recipe, above) The Safeguarded MMi lvm Contented Cows' PR1NGS! For any makes of cars and trucks. Repairs, reinforcing, rctempering, new springs. All work guaranteed. North Star Spring Works First Ave. K. P. O. Rax 258 Prtnee Rupert, B.C. Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 18 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 457 Prince Rupert iserwin. It isufiole milk, evaporated to double creaminess. But ywrcan BBuTe lttoWdsr tree desired, and the last droo . l , U . fi, . : it t genized" into very tiny particles to keep it distributed throughout the milk. This breaking up of the cream particles does a very remarkable thine to dishes made with Carnation Milk-makes ice cream velvety, candy silky-smooth, custards and cakes and sauces wonderfully fine-textured. Even the best of bottled milk cannot equal these results. Yet Carnation Milk is most economical, saving in butter and cream. Why not try Carnation Milk and find out for yourself how satisfying it is. Write for free Carnation Cook Book. Address Carnation Co.. Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Cream of Pea Soup 1 No. 2 can peas, 1 slice onion, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 1 tip. salt, J tsp. pepper, 2 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. flour. 1 cup Carnation Milk, 1 cup water. Drain and measure' liquid from peas and add enough water to make 2 cups of liquid. Add peas, onion, sugar, salt and pepper and simmer for 15 minutes. Rub through sieve. Make white sauce of butter, flour, and Carnation diluted with water, Add paprika. Combine pea mixture' and white sauce and, serve hot. Seos& . . i PRODUCED Vi CANADA Smith & Mallett LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Engineers Automatic Domestic Oil ! Furnaces Telephone 174 Show Room 359 Third Av. IV. MM. McLean BOAT HUILDEIt Seal Cove Can take you out of water under roof for repairs. Any class boat bui'.L at reasonable price j. Boats For Sale, Real Bargains , "ExcJhjjvo Hut Not Expensive'' To Be Wcll-Dressed In Prince Uupcf t, Sec ' ' -ANNETTE- Shoes, Hats, Coats, Dresses, Lingerie and Furs ANNETTE LADIES WEAR COMPANY LIMITED Third Ave. & Fifth St. Two Stores 703 Eighth Ave. W.