to 9 i b 6 taoz roca TTT WIIT TTEWS -at. Get Your Local Merchant's Price Before Sending Your Money To Outsider A Floor Lamp For Christmas f FLEUR du MYg f - i .Thelxst defease (.omeJutyrae , fiaestueZ L' it . M.f. y There's only one defame Hitwl the cold weather and that the proper kind of coal Bay a tea of coal from us and Ore away at OM Man Wtoter. Htm as on the re. Order a. ton of coal today and note the baste that we display. Philpott, Evitt 8 Company Ltd. rWou 'Mm, E. Ststansjall, Met Bthth E. FREE! FREE! A guaranteed, band pante4 enlargement from yaw own snapshot or photo. Frames, 3 to M hiwer priced than competitors. Phone or write. WESTERN SALES COMPANY P. O. Box 14 Central Hotel Get quick results with a want ad FLOWER OF THE SOUTH Perfume TeSei Water Co4d CreAEn . VMim Cream Facial Astringent Vaiihhlug Cream Lotion . Brilifantine Faee Powder Rooffe L Taaeaa . JtS .75 .75 J McCutcheon's Drug Store Cor. 2nd Arc 6th St Phone 79 fj&Wlljl TIES, up from ... .95 GARTER SETS . $1.00 SUSPENDERS ..SUMI au O-fcgW Biait .Lf if if. Sea, la ChrMaai ready for STEVE KING lift 3rd Amm West Pfcea Oreo 5 P. Elliot GL-.Ji Avenue East C. C. Martin Fl Manager A TURKEY A DAY In Golf Tournament At Sunken Gardens Prizes Open to Ladies and Gentlemen Special Prhe to Ladies of a BeaeJMal Leather Aerepack Kales Obtainable at Sunken Gardens Help Rangers Beat Detroit Last Night . aBaaaaBBaBaBaBBaaMaaaaaaaaBflBaaaaaaBaBaaaaaw J FINE SHOW BY GOALIE Johnny Roaeh Made 62 Saves to HEW YORK. Dee. It: Johnny Roach, goalie for the New York Bangers, turned back Detroit last night in the National Hockey League, the Bangers winning to e-gain a Ue for third place in the American division. Roach vu credited with 63 saves, half of them in the second period. At Chicago, before the tersest crowd of the hockey season, Mon treal scored it second coBseeutrVe victory over the Black Hawks. More than fifteen thousand persons saw the game. Last night's scores: Detroit 0, New York Rangers 3. Montreal Maroons 3, Chicago 0. Free UealaEndejiWben Town Coast Overrun With Deer KH- ' lets. Hunters Report - - . - TERRACE, Dec 15; The High 'School bad its string of victories ReportinC that Pitt lalanri ! vlr- rtrtmti last BVMav nloht h. u tually overrun with wolves who are ' downed by the Town by a score running the deer to the very tops " 87 The game was very to-of the mountains and are threaten- f tog them with extinction a i. t" T - .7. '!.; -TrT'... hunting party returned to the elty Dumbells were able to outoofot nauout beat Cape Spear yes- t Dubs by a score of to 8. this too. terday ajternoon from a hunting being a very even game. inp oown the coast. Members at t. ..i. i 4-. thh party declare that, for the wel- aL oteMd STir , ,tt " that ! Refer, es were D McCulloch, F. the killing of wolves should Be en- orv,.. n t mu oouraged by raising the bounty.! ti nnec were followMi w TWs party, seven strong, although j short danee until nUdnsglrt. way 12 days, only saw five deer and i were unable to shoot any. " ' - Jhn ZareUi was the hero of this 1 members of toe party goteefte and party. He shot a wolf at a distance ducksl ' 1 ' f about 55 feet so farther than 150i 'The party tesjssstul of HareM yards from the shore of Pitt Island. , Ness, sktyper of the boat Jim Zar- wmm m ui m pws sucn as are cm. Jars Keen, . u. iiopen. Bert craning on the island now. The Johnson. Ben Wicks and Jonas wolves are very bold and the low- Thompoo. Douglas Channel KiU-lands are overrun with them. Jim maat. Pttt Island, Oardner Canal ZareUi also shot a mountain goat, and Hartley Day were among the knocking It over a clif f of 360 or 400 pltxes vssted. The weather was very feet. It could not be retrieved. Other bad throughout the 13 days. . i cKeis o For Someone Somewhere on this page, in two different advertisements will be found th names of two residents of this city. Examine the advertisements carefully and find the names. If fthe two persons whose names are in the advertisements will call at the Daily News Office they will be presented with a ticket to cither the Capitol Theatre or two tickets for ames at eifher of the gQlf courses, they to choose which one they desire. These tickets are FREE. WOLVES ARE Terrace High BURNS LAKE ABUNDANT - Sc!l001 Beateni HOOP CLUB Basketball Mayers Are Orranhed For Winter In Interior Town BURNS LAKE, Dec. IS: Young men of Bams Lake nave decided to; ; organize a basketball dub for the: forthcoming wtttter It is planned to form a league constating of teams 1 along this portion of the main line of the Canadian National Railways. , Tat officers f the local dub are: ' President, Hev. E. S. "Fleming. , Vice-President. Harold MarshaU. . Secretary -Treau rer, Rupert Con-' jlon. Hockey Scopes Saturday scores National League CanasHem 1. New York Americans. Boston 7. Toronto 3. Detrost'3, PhSadelpbJa 2. Oearge Rerle returned to be city.) on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief business trip. to Oraphic view of Oertrude L. Thebaud. American winner in In tcrnationai fishing schooner race' "aiMmertSad. Ojrr stock of beautiful georgette - , 'with brass or walnut standards for . selection. Watch Our Windows For Gift Suggestions Barrie's Home Furnishings & a. rj a er a Third Are. & First SL FOR FALL AND CHRISTMAS FESTIVE SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE A True Pratt Drink Unexcelled By Any or. - v , Per Dozen, 51.50, Delivered A Trial Order Will Convince You BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS Telephone 132 Prince Raped, Rf EXTRA SPECIAL FLOOR LAMP With Psuetatent Shade Qi 4 Bxara apacial .... Oil. I FLOOR LAMP With Parehaent Bhade, extra Q1 9 7 heavy. Bxtca apacsal Ol.3 FLOOR LAMP AaOqae Ooid Stand with Silk 04 n g Shade. Extra Special OlD.OU This BMaaage eeaveys to yeu (-he real m'w Let's See Thera T-I'ptstj MacKenzie's Furnilure BREAD With Extra Goodness Just Like Mother Used to Make Hevis, Nut and Raisin Bread The Electric Bakery We DeliTer Phone 687 Auditorium GOLF COURSE Just the plare to pass an enjoyable erenlnr. Clean, quiet, comfortable surroundings. AUDITORIUM GOLF COURSE L. J. MARKEN Proprietor Christmas Gifts Hand Embroidered Pillow Slips, $2.75 Pair Hand made Lamp Shades 10 Discount Hemstitching IDEAL GIFT SHOP 328 Third Avenue West Phone Bed M6 DR. IIUr.H L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Bye, Ear. Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eyes Tested For Glasses HAVE YOU TRIED ;, , 1 A CLASSIFIED? Mnre and more ijeople are turning to the classified col-omiu of the Dally News to find what they want. Used can. furnttare for sale, lost and found, houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. All sorts of things are advertised there, -if yeu do not read the classified page, et the habit now. Try it today. The Children Change v ifh thechang-ing years' Orandma and O: ' ? . love to have t photo at CV.: BENSON'S STI DIO Twfrfl Ae. W Pheas C Have Your Jewelry .Made to Order or Rrpiirri B Me Enirarinc and Wit h RrttairiiU' LEO CON TOM 330 Sixth S- K - NOW OPEN - Rupert Fish and Chips fOM Country s Open 13 noon n E. It. STRACHAN. Pfop eat ni A w Ph 3) ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Store Pipes. Galvani d Btatk Elbows, shirs Baking Pans mad' to oti 310 THIItl) AVENfr WX"t Teiepbonr-: nrfi9A Work floe lf Get Your C'hristffliS Decorat'"n Christmas Cards t ' Seals, Tinsel Coi! ' ' : Wrappings and T Candies and Clgts .ns also ri't- mas Boxes at The Rega! Shop MR. & MRS. JOILS MtRtf 300 Block. Thirl Anue ' Phone -