TIIIHD AVENUE CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND Saturday Dc,"-v PAOE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Christmas Specials BLOOMERS Lace Trimmed 1,45 each BRASSIER SETS- 2.95 PYJAMAS-2-pieee 2.95 PYJAMAS Mee 36.95 PULLOVER SWEATERS 2.95 WOOL SCARVES q SILK SCARVES. 1.95 BOX HANDKER"fcHIEF&- yg DRE8SES-Crepejle Chine 12.95 EVENING, DRESSES 19.50 HOSIERY-Chiffon 1.75 MID-WINTER HATS S3.95 " each DEMERS' PKIXCE RUPERT M SHIPYARD UI'BK ATLSU G. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand0 SMOKED - BLACK CO! Prepared Dajly By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1, Dried Codtish for Lutefisk NEW SALTED HERRING ANSHOVIS AND PICKLED HERRING (Many Varieties) IDEAL FLATRREAD JACK SELVIG Third A'venueT First Street - Priffcfi-Ruport, B.C. Terrace Orange Lodge Names Its 1931 Officers TERRACE. Dec. 13 The local Orange Lodge has installed officers for the coming-peer a follows: i Past Worshipful Master. C. Pinter. SCALING IS INCREASED Vj scaling in Prince Horace 4JW.1M hemlock 4.010JM Balsam 2J14JW Jackptae 1.375 Cottonwood Totals WATERFRONT WHIFFS Good Scotch Herring In This District Hunting Season Is About Ended Investigations made under the !u . . . ' m i " a 1 perior quality. Speaking out of 'knowledge gamed in this area on previous occasions. U limrtlfs-tor. Robert Lloyd, states that these . herring are also obtainable in July. 'August and September in Inskip Rupert Rupert Channel and other bays and Inlets of the Queen Charlottes. The investigations were undertaken by the department at the in stance of the halibut fishermen of cale for November this year was Northern British Columbia for the as follows with figures of Novem- purpose of determining whether or oer for comparison: not a regular supply of bait herring No. 1M0 Nov. 1933 could be obtained during the sum-Fir a Ml 5M.1OT mer months, atoce freah bait is su-Cedar 2.M3.JW 3395301 perior to that which has been fro- 3 711.334 sen. In this regard, however, the lJBOl.tn tnvestigafloM results were diasp-1 504.1 CH potaUng. Herring were found, of 8JB00 course, but in most cases they were M.M6 small and unsuitable for bait, and the schools appeared only irregu- 14,144Jfl 11170.123 larly: where suitable bait fish were Of poles and piles, there was a Seated tt was in areas off the hall-production of 101.446 lineal feet In bul Pth or in areas where h HitrW in Moumlwr UiU vr ' SattSf actOrY Sites for DOUndS COUltf ! fho riKtrirt totil, 1U 515 hnarri ! Mt LJOT1 epeWBe4I IlShW ifeet as against 102.278.714 board feet f"0: carTdJf the.ITtit,Uonj T in In the Ka i In 1 1 . 4 from pam tfaa mmiII until the vKa I In the first eleven months of 1929 SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Demonstration Friday and Saturday Blue Ribbon Coffee and Tea period.' May closing days of August, using a purse seine boat A representative of the Canadian Halibut Fishing Vessel Owners' Association, Prince Rupert, accompanied Mr. Lloyd until the end oCJuiy ami then was In nothing more than three catches, at Freeman Pass and Butler Cove, totalling about 300 pounds of thin fish each. The fish softened quickly after being taken from the water, unless iced immediately, and soft ' the Dominion Both off the west coast of Moresby Island and Langara' (North) Island in the Queen Charlottes herring were taken, but Moresby is sot forestry district for the month of m this vicinity on the west coast Queen Charlotte group, several ha- November this year totalled 14.-" 41,861 board feet as against 11 -870.129 .board feet in the same -r.onth last year. Per varieties the 11 but vessels baited from the seine. and a small quantity of the herring taken by Mr Lloyd were iced and disposed of at Prince Rupert. The old coal shed standing aleng the railway track in front of Stew-a.t tt Mobley's warehouse building, which was used by the late Peter Blii k when he was In the coal business, is in process of being taken down. It is quite a long time since the old shed was used. John Penny and Matthew Walsh this showing a heavy decrease n7 De louna wruun reasoname ats- are piainiuiji at inai oi acuon oe-'rom last year Cordwood totalled Unce elning grounds, and fore Mr. Justice Martin in Admlr-7 242 cords in November this year when oerrmg were towed in the ally Court in Vancouver aeainst the while there wis i nmrinrtlm ot ue any long aisunce ior nn- but 71 410 riiwav ti pounding the scales rubbed off and Log scaling for 1930 to date In T7 . . . T . ship West River, claiming 2000 sal vage for coming to the aid of the - Wl ;1 with their motor launch 'when the West River was In diffi- cutties a mile and a half south of Cape Calvert. Queen Charlotte Sound, on the morning of August, 3 last. I The Department of Marine. In a ' ' notice to mariners, announces that the Robertson Point day beacon in Large assortment new clothes fori , r ... ., . . . . . autumn and winter just to hand. I a3ocla 11011 "pressed satisfaction bor. has been moved to a new post-All finest quality and latest pat- vlto nutnner In which the in- j Uon on the northerly extreme of terns. Come in and see us today, vestlgations were conducted but the drying line on the south side of iplete and fin- was disappointed at the results, the ehannel 900 feet from Du Ver lahed In three days. Line, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and alter- i ing. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR i ! 817 Second Ave. Vhone 619 "Prospecting'' carried on In wat- net Point. The beacon is a four-pile ers fairly close to Prince Rupert ; dolphin surmounted from the southern end of Kstevan ; slatwork cone. Island to Portland Inlet resulted t white This is the final week-end of the season for deer hunting which legally closes on Monday, December 15, Ntanrods who fancy tramping the bush for their game will, therefore, take advantage of this final herring are of no use for halibut ! opportunity of the season. Deer bait. Other observations on the . may not have been so easy to get eastern side of Hecate Strait In July i this season owing to the fact that and August sometimes revealed1 It has been such an exceptionally fairly large quantities of herring, i mild winter so far with little snow 'sometimes very few; always, how-(on the lowlands. It has thus been ever, the fish were too small for j necessary to do a good deal of satisfactory bait use. In raid-July , climbing for deer. Nevertheless. a pound was established at Butler Cove but several days of observation : disclosed nothing but the- smaller much venison has been brought In, probably as much as hunters still have half usual. Bird a month to Tickets given with each pound for rartetv ot fuh- ve Ior occasional go as the season for that game does drawing on one Drip Percolator 8000013 ' apparenUy larger her- .not dose until December 31. SPECIAL 1 lb. Blue Ribbon Tea, ' 1 lb. Blue Ribbon Coffee: 1 8-cup Drip Percolator All for Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Malkln's Beat Baking Powder, 2V4 lbs. Malkln's Beat Diking Powder, 5 lbs 2.25 22c' Spices All kinds Qn 3 OEIo each "for w Rowntrce Cocoa V's 2 for . Ginger Snaps jCnSlbs per lb -uy' for Soda Biscuits Plain or salted, 3 for Gainer's Cottage Rolls In Xmas boxes, per lb Gainer's Hams In Xmm boxes, per lb. Christmas Stockings, Christmas Crackers, Plum Puddings, Christ-; mas Candies and Nuts. Come In and look them over. The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone SCO 319 Third Ave. Where Deadly Monoxide Gas Has Been Banished by Seiencc & m . t mm& -wmimmmmm &mn i n sBretiBMSS:s5ii;4;' ' R - W F I ELECTRICITY PLAYS BIG PART ffUKflti MtmMWM-. Electrical ventilation has rendered the air in the new Detroit-Windsor Fleetway Tunnel purer than air in the streets outside, In spite of the quantities of carbon monoxide gas given oft from thousands of motor cars passing through the tube each day. The above picture shows the tunnel at the point of the international line and inset is the ventilation building at Windsor where Canadian General Electric generating control beards are used In the tunnel lighting and ventilation sets and systems. Large Attendance For Second Night Of Entertainment There was another large audience last nleht in the Moose Hall when the pupils of King Edward High v SSwS' Department of Fisheries this summer into the question of school save their second presenta- F S . R O Coleman. Treasurer. R. MeCuUooen. Chaplain. F. C. Bishop. Marshal G. Gansboreao. First Lecturer. F. Ferguson. Dept.. P Ni ' bait soddIv for the halibut fishery in Northern British uon of the musical comedy The ; Columbia -waters had the interesting incidental result of oypsy Rover." a on the first night establishing the presence off the west coast of the Queen en?bunt we"1 " y1"1" IChutattTaUT herringof type apparently well ZLXSSt suited for use in Scotch-curlriE' and kippenne. In Ins Kip -Bntete uat of th ivi Committeemen C. HaugtadC Channefipproximately thirtyr tWO tons of these herring part, in addition to the principals. Charles Desford. Peie Macaos&D, were taltin in three days in me lauar part ot June, witnout louows: wawm. w. cross. Charles Ftnter and Robert Conett. maximum catching enon, ana me Rose Rice, Maxine Hellbroner. F. ha ,.n . far tot Reich. Miss Eby. Lucille Brooks- bank. Ronald Wilson, Connie Morgan. Muriel Vary , E. B ridden, K. Kielbaick. C. Mussallem, A. Kergin, Allan Darles, Margaret Fritz, H. Hlrano, R. Church. E. Tasker. E. on the halibut boats' path and at Connery. William Tobey, A. Lips, M. Langara were was lac oi suimpie sites for pounds. At Langara, which lies at the northwest end of the Walker. Pete Fisher. M. Anderson. Vclma Walters. Betty Capstick. Dwight Rice. Anna Kacb, Phyllis Sloan. M. Oeary. Oscar Fulton, Miss HaHberg D. Derry. Bob Tobey. Oud-ru-n Welle. D. Postulo. W. Murdoch. X. Bury. R. Peachy. Miss Dalgarno. TeUa Fulton. Charlie Stuart. E. To secure a regular bait supply at Oreen. K. Franks, Paddy Palmer. Langara it would be necessary to operate a seine boat continuously and bait the haUbut vessels direct from the seine. Adelia Thurber. D. O'Neill. R. Obata. R. Pitcher. M Smith. Jean Ritchie. Bob Parker and Earl Oordon. TUESDAY and VLD Two Shows 7 anii Gary Co INTER oper in That Great Eple of th- C 0 M I N S ! Special WINTER-TONIC Service for only $7.00 Change engine oil Oil and grease thorough! Flush transmission and rear with kerovne, and refill with fresh grease Ilemove front wheels and repack with fresh grease Spray springs with penetrating oil ' Adjust distributor points Clean and udjust spark plugs Clean sediment bulb and carburetor Adjust carburetor Tighten intake and ex haust manifolds m Check batlerr We will fnrnltli all matrrial and male all the alxne ljal. mrntt. Quirk arrvlre. Car ready when promWcd. Acrcawric, Utm, Latteries, aoti-freeae tervlee, etc at low price. S.E. P ARKER LTD. PHONE 83 FORD DEALERS NV "THE SPOILERS" Rex Beach's Mastery the Gold Ruh A PARAMOUNT Pit TXH Comedy-"BELLE OP THE SlhiTl Novel ly -THE Ilt Bt Admission ?o,. Feature Starts at I v.i x TtESDAY and Wf.!)! -D'r "THE CUCKOOS OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life you buy wet coal, you are losing 10. So start today and bum dry coal and see what. 10ft means to you. PEMBINA ECO Dellveredfper Tdn 512 :,0 MINE1IEAI) ECiO Delivered, Per Ton J- ' MINEUEAIl LUMP Delivered, Per Ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results it '.a cf