ti "11 lassmeci Aciver Fti1ral MnrV. tf Shop athd' at Home Prince ttuf)ef t merchants are offering softie great values for Christinas this year. Many of them nave dropped their prices to keep pace with the reductions made in the great centres of population This is a good time to'buy. Get the shopping done before Christmas is too near and the stores are crowded with ,; eager men and women anxious to grab for anything v Most Prince Rupert people are not affected by the hard time's. Many are better off today than they were last year because their money goes farther. They can buy more if they wish for their salaries remain the same. Friends need remembering just the same this year as in the past. Soine of them heed it more. Those who are able to do so would do well to shop mornings because at that time the merchants and their assistants have time to attend to your wants. Read the Daily News advertisements, for they will help you in your selection. PRlNGEAiRUPERT daily V I wui maite a special can at Ketcni- j kan for nassenpfr refciirninir hir at 7 o'clock Friday morning and I sailing south' that day at 6 pjn. On the" way south, the vessel will call at Alert Bay In addition to Ocean Falls and Powell River. The . vessel Is expected to have a capacity i I southbouhd passenger list. I Kt. Rt rtpv itev Jnnh josepn R k. Prlmnnt orimont, BIS- Ttt. hop Of Alaska for the Roman Ca- thollc Church; was a passenger! . . . . 1 i 11 ni v. i I I iiuuuiu uic riincrsa Imuran mw ; momlng returning after a trip to the United States. Billiard Averages a. Tti. Av F. Zleman (CL) 5 1244 249 A. Murray (CD 8 1977 247 J. Smith E) 9 2182 242 C. P. Balagno (E) .10 2415 242 W. E. Willlscroft (E) 7 1646 235 t. C'lough (flJ .' 2 467 234 M. E. Young (E) .... 10 2325 233 6. P. Tinker (CL) ....9 2095 233 G. Waugh (Gi 9 2062 229 O. Howe (0) 9 2055 229 M. McLachlan (G) 9 1994 222 J. May (G) .. -...8 1767 221 J. Andrews (O) 8 1716 215 A. Macdonald (Ct) ..7 1499 214 W. Mitchell (EJ ......lb 2118 212 M. Andrews (CL) 9 1903 211 C. Baptle (CL) 3 604 20l W. Murray (E) 4 790 198 CL. Youngman (CL) 3 564 188 J. Scott (CL) 1 172 172 0000010000000 3 news -J inuiice iu tutuuuiis in the MAtrkR or jut tsTkiKOf OEOROE SKIDOIT DECEASED ALIA 9 BORTS SKIZAK ALIAS JtJRKQ BKI-fAK, ALIAS JURKO 8KIDIFF. . NOTICE la herebj fHtti that all per-aona having dalma against, the a bote named late or Anchorage. Territory r.f Alaska; United States of America, and formerly of the City of Prince Rupert, In the Province of Brltlah Columbia. Otnads. vha ttied at Aheharae afore. mentioned on the 5th day of February ,829, are tti to aend partlctllari thereof, duly verUfled. to th under- S," ! ' ' 1111. after which date It win proceed to dlatrlbute the aaset of the Dooaaaed among the person entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which it ahaU then have had noMce. DATED at Vancouver. B.C.. this nth day of. NOvembet. A.D. 1930; MONTREAL; TRUST COMPANY, 814 Pender 8treet West, Vancouver. B.C. Administrator ot the Estate- of the above-mentioned George Skldoff. Deceased within th , Province of British Columbia. r2fl, dJilO-h. Anglican Y4 P. Has Its lingular Alcct Last evening the Anglican Vouhg People's Association held Its weekly meeting In the Cathedtal Hall. Following the business session, a social was enjoyed. Delicious ref reshments were served under the direction of Miss Eileen Gibson and Stanley Dalby. Get the . Ad. reading habit. It pays. ii THE MARKET Following are retan prices current here today: j Fruits ! Apples, Rome Beau tie's "C" ....$2.5o 'VfelloW Newtoti, fancy, box 2.75 jNWtdris "C"' 2.65 J6nathans, fancy box 3.00 jdldymah's Wlnesaps, box 3.00 Spltzehberg, fancy 2.75 Sbltzenberg "C" 250 Winter Bananas; fancy 2.75 Delicious, fancy ... 3.35 Delicious "C 2.75 Washington Oraftges 156 to $150 1: n: 1.1. a j SA LCIIIUI13, OUI1&131, UUZ ,4U Florida Grapefruit 12 He to .20' California Ofapefrult, . ...8c to .15 ! Banaiias, 2 ibs Cranberries lb JSO Extracted" honey; per Jar ,., & Comb honey .35 pates, built, lb I2 'Raisins, buik. lb . .15 Emperor Grapes, lb JO jap Oranges ".. 1.00 Bundle 1.95 .Nuts-i Almondt shelled Valenclas .50 California soft, shelled walhus .3.11 Walnuts; br6ken shelled -.35 Walnuts, shelled halves .40 Peanuts .j. .15 . Vegetables Pbtatoes, netted Jems, 9 lbs 55 1 sack 250 . Parsley, bunch .10 i Hothouse Cucumbers, each 53 j B.C. Celery, head ,., .15 Hubbard, squash, lb r7 tiarllc, Imported, per lb 40 Cabbage, B.C . . .03 Onions, 6 lbs 5i California, head lettuce hd,.... .15 ilothouse Tomatoes, lb. .25 Brusseles Sprouts Artichokes, Globe, doz 250 Bulk, Turnips, 7 lbs 5a Cauliflower", B.Ciiedd ... ' 55 t8 55 Green Peppers lb. 55 Parsnips, 4 lbs. 55 Carrots, 6 lbs 53 Beets, lb hi SweetTytatoes, 2 lbs 55 Flour-Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat .... 1.90 Pastry Flour, Id lbs. 50 Lard- Pure 55-53 Compound e. I B.C. fresh pullets, doz. .55 B.C. fresh first, doz .60 B.C. fresh extras, doz .70 Local hew laid, dozj .. .7$ Feed- Wheat, No. S Alberta 255 two. o, AiDerta, .... z.iu Oats .. ..,1.. 2.55 Bran 22'" Shorts .. 253 , Middlings - 2.75 Barley Laying Mash 3.60 Oyste shell lid Beef scrap .... 453 Ground oil cake .y.i.ju u 40 Fine oat chops 2.65 Crushed oats 2.6.5 Fine barley chop 2.40 Dried fruits- Lemon and orange peel ... 50 Black tjookixig figs, lb .15 Citron peel 55 White figs, lb - , , , .15 Currants, lb. . , , ,, 50 Apples, dried 25 Peaches, peeled . 52 Apricots, lb 55 Prunes", 607d, lb. 16 Prunes, 30-40, lb 15 Prunes, 40-50, lb .12 Sugar-Yellow, 100 lbs 4.90 White, 100 lbs. 5.40 Butter-No. 1 creamery, lb. ...42 No. 2 credmery, S lbs 1.15 Cheese- McLaren's Cream, Jars, 45c and .85 Camembert, camemoert, 8-oz. b-oz. pkg. pkg. .65 1 Kraft Ltmberger, Vis . PACKS FITS w -Tf VP. - (jit - .Ua A. i. . '2 - . . iisements. Business and rrofessiona Mens Guide. im NniW A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! i;t it-fit hVlt RtSNT HOOM for rent. Phone 941 , 26 1 FI.At FOIl RENT Wallace Bloc Enquire store, tf FURNISHED Apartments for rent. Apply MUssallem Grocery, Phone i ' ' v " FLAT for rent four rdems and bath, Sixth and Fulton. Phone 543 tfi FOR WENT Modern home, 3 rooms and bath. Apply Mahro Bibs, tf FOR RENT Clean well furnished modern apartments. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 414. t f To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light arid washer Rentals $10 p $16 monthly OYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. FOR SALE FOR SALE little old Oumev heater. Price $5. Daily News, tf i A FEW bttfidles ol old ntwSpsptrsjm justification hi the case of lot sale. Dally News. tf iielp Wanted GOVERNMENT POSITIONS as Postmen, Clerks, Stenographer, Customs, and Immigration Officials. Pee Booklet tells how lo get them. Obtainable only from the oldest Canadian Civil Service Correspondence School, M.C. C. Ltd., 401 Kensington Bldg, Winnipeg. SITUATIONS WANTED PROPERTY repairs. Plain furniture made. J. WtlWe, Phone Black 707. PRIVATE stenographer, f16 9th Ave. Weet. P. O. Box m. i BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tl ROOM aftd Bearfl. Phone Red It t! TRANSFERS CAMERON Transfer. PKone 177. Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Muring. Phone 84. tf SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do If Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTHOrE ENOINEls Boau and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In (las Enflnci Northern B.C. Distributors Cooiidje Propellers Band and Qravel In any quantity. delivered anywhere by water Phoned, bay of Night 561 P.O. nox 1564 SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue phone Blue MO AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sMl or exchange any kind of furnlturo or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call. O. J. DAWES. Auctioneer., cinitbpiUcTic Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrens' Diseases Specially Treated W. 0. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 0 4 1 Exchange Bit.. tOpp. Onriei) QUESTION OF FILMS "At the present time there seems to be an epidemic of combine Investigations as for example the electrical trade in Toronto, the plumbing industry throughout ' Ontario, the investigation into the control by the Famous Players Canadian Corporation of the film industry In Canada and the proposed enquiries into bread and milk," says the Canadian Labor Press editorially. "Whilst there is a good deal pf justification ffarraie of the investigations, especially in view of the eMdente atsckftttl in the report en the Toronto Electrical trade, yet so far there does not seem to be the others. "A great outcry has been made within recent months by certain of the motion picture exhibitors In Canada regarding the alleged control of the film Industry by the Famous Players Canadian Corporation, a great deal of which we believe is bated on very Inaccurate and unsound grounds. Even in the press, the Famous Player Company is being accused of ostracizing and penalising British plays and British made films. There is no proof lb Justify Such a charge. It Is stated that British plays are prohibited from coming to Canada through control by the Famous Players of the theatres necessary for their production, and through Hollywood and Wall Street control of the-com pany. British made films are shut out. Even a Toronto newspaper, recently hlnte dat this control in articles by its dramatic and screen crltis, yet in the same issue It was pointed out that during the past three years the theatres under Famous Players control have been bringing in a number of good Bri tish made films and announcements are made that others are on their way. The truth 11 that conditions are responsible for British plays not being shown here as largely as they used to be. due to the fact that the public have turned to the talkie and both British and united mates ac tart and vaudeville players have suffered as a consequence. "Circumstances are also responsible for the small number comparatively of British made films com ing to Canada now. Films requiring an outdoor location are made under the very best conditions In the Unt ted States, conditions impossible to get in Gret ItfWln and as a consequence due totals natural mono-port, it Is alUJfetner probable that Hollywood 1ftl aMWys eontroT the production of the film! Films re quiring Indoor locations made In Great Britain are coming nere in Increasing numbers and the Famous Players Canadian Corporation have shown no desire to exclude them, but on the contrary, wherever a hioh mulltv British made film can be secured they have endeavored to : prod ilc them here and thus meet public demand. "It would be folly for a Canadian company to pursue a policy of exclusion towards everything not produced in the1 united states." BRINGING UP MEW MAIO HAb eOFFVV.OEO- MERE 9hu come)- PRETElslD 'A 1 VbLEEP- ME3 CLEAKilM OP- flaoeaOdtHiEffiflnnrjHBBcjbiitiOfl p Shtip' Todky !' OOOKHHCKH3OOOOOO0OOOaOOH3lJOlOOOaOOCKIO HKt0WOOOHKKJOOaOaaOOOOOOOOOOOHjHKHJOH LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. F. W. Allen, who has been" away on a six-weeks' holiday trip In the course of which she visited In Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver and elsewhere, returned to the city on the Princess Mary yesterday af ternoon. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer for the provincial government, returned to the city on the Princass Norah this morning after having spent the past few weeks at departmental headquarters In Victoria on offi cial business. W. A. Peterson, 0. M. Taylor, C. L. Da ma and F. E. Brem, who have been carrying on evangelical wojk here for the past few weeks In connection with the Church of the Latter Day Saints, sailed this morning on the Princess NoraH for Ketchikan where they will Continue their activities. In connection with the Christmas sal'lng next week, C. N. R. steamer Prince George will leave here at the usual time at 4 o'clock Wednesday for Anyox and Stewart and, after making her regular calls at those two points, FATHER ME I ruu Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Paymenti As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to buy thin rent .All makes of machines re-. paired. McRAE BROS. LTD; TYPEWRITERS No other value ran approach the upwlal REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Very terma All other, makes from f 13.00' SUNDSTftAXh' Abtiixti MACIIINES United Typewriter Cd Ltd. . VANCOUVER. BP MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal' Reading While; llouse 22S Second Ave. Telephone 767 1931 Wallpapers , Now In stock SllVERSIOES BROS. Third Avenue Nelson's Beauty Parlor Crbgulgnole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $7.50 Skilled artists in all branches of beauty culture 2ll Third Street Phone blue 561 Wood and Coal Cheer up! The best was coming. Now It's Here Try our new coal Just arrived CASEFS CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 Ontario solids 50 New Zealand soncs j. 50 Stilton, lb. ; .40 Kraft .45 Norweirlah enal .r .fin Napbleon Llmberger , .70 Roquefort "50 Swift's Brookfield, lb. .45 250ioorgonzoia, id, 0 Brookfield Swiss, V4-lb. pkg .50 Gruyere .43 Brookfield Canadian cheese, &ilb. pkg 55 OOlden Loaf, lb .45 Meats-Fowl, No. 1, lb 38c and -.40 Roasting chicken, lb ; .45 Ha'aicitf." 'is Ham, picnic, first grade 50 Cottage rolls, lb ,. .35 Bacon, side, sliced, best gride ;,60 Veal, loin aas y Pork Shoulder j. .. '.35 Pork, dry salt '55 Ayrshire bacoh, lb. .-. J5c to .50 Veal shoulder "0 Pork, lolri fc .45 Pork, leg .. JM0 Beef, pot roast 22e to 55 Beef, boiling 15c to 53 Beef, roast, prime rib .. 55 Lamb, shoulder 55 Beef, steak . 55c to .45 Crabs, i for a j 55 Lamb, li g 45 Lamb chops .40 Muttoni shoulder t30 Flsh- Smoked kippers, lb. .. .15 Kipperea wnite salmon, id. .. 55 By George McMantis M LtkE MV FlRSTl 3 S J&9T . illl BE ot A A RELATION! RELATION! OF NV(3GlE"a ? nsaBslaHJ' k III. I I BRTlf( J I I 1 . ' im II I MJ" I ' raaKaaaW IT f C"TT1 I II I I Wlsalll I III I Wl St I 4