Tomorrow's T!W She BOSTON GRILL Tuesday. July 22. J LARUE CABARET ititi in no Special Dinner Thuradaya and Saturday 21.49 pth.. ,. "v Danclnf Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Low 3.48 a.m. 6 -r"nt Dance Hall for Hire 15.30 p.m. 9.2 ft. , ; . Accommodations for Private Partle . i '' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER MIOXE 457 .,! XXI.. No. 169. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JULY 21, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRACTICAL UNEMPLOYED WORK Camps for Workless in British Columbia and Sask. To Be Opened Success of This Scheme in Province of Alberta Reason For Decision Will Cut Out Roads and Saw Wood. REGINA, July 21: A system of winter camps for unemployed will be initiated in Saskatchewan and British ( olumbia as a result of the recent three-province conference at Edmonton, it is stated by Hon. J. E. Merkley, minister of labor, who represented Saskatchewan at the conference. The camps will be placed in bush country from mid-November until early in April. Large pangs of men will be employed in cutting out roads and sawing rurdwood. The success of this plan in Alberta is given as ! he reason for the decision. HIT ROCK AND SANK Humming; Bird No. 2 Salvaged at Humpback Bay and Brought Here For Docking Tin- fish packer Humming Bird N 2 struck a rock In Humpback B.iv Porcher lata rid, yesterda; miMTtf-H "sank;-TH6 rsari Stivaur Co. -was called to the askance of the sunken ertlt and Ui tug Red Bay, wtth Capt. W. P. A; mow In charge, proceeded to the ni imd effected a salvage, re--niiiK to port last night wtth the II miming Dlrd No. 2 for docking. The Humming Dlrd No. 2 is a 50-i "! craft and is engaged In salmon a trying for the Chatham Sound r.K'king Co. cannery at Hump-b..k Bay. ISLANDS ARE FOR HANSON T.'ir Queen Charlotte Islands, '"'in one end to another, will go '' "tin Liberal in the federal elec-next week, tt Is stated by II. F. K i -in. MIA. for Atlln. who ar-' :mi in the city last evening after u v, ' i k'K speaking tour there on belt of Olof Hanson, Liberal can- Mr. Kergtn visited all points : importance on the Islands. He ' : iv-ftl here on the Kelley Logging service boat Nora Jani en to his home at Alice Arm. Winners In Daily News Campaign Were Decided On Saturday Night The Daily News subscription campaign came to an end Saturday ; lit when the votes were counted, and the Judges. L. W. Patmorc and V ' Ulon B. McAfee declared James Bremner. and Misses Alice Kergln. ' utile Thorn and Olive Van Coo ten to be winners of the respective I,: izcs. Jumes Bremner gets the fine Victor Radio with Electrola supplied McRae Brothers; Miss Kergln, the chest of flat silverware supplied t John Bulger Ltd.; Miss Thorn the solid sliver toilet and .manicure ' from Heilbroner's. and Miss Van Cooten, the 07-plece dinner set ''so supplied by Heilbroner's. The gold watch was drawn for after the votes were counted and It ! ops ti thivDank of Commerce mess through Eric Barlow. The competition was a decided succest and Has added a large num-' "i or new subscribers to the permanent list. The final count gave the Allowing results: .. . j James Bremner . Alice Kergln Connie Thorn Olive, Van Cooten Julia Thomas Beulah MeKlnley Cherrle Campbell i May Murray Nancy Howard 1.1 111 AUTO TAX SPLIT UP Trlnce Rupert Gets $9,084 From This Source, Government Announces VICTOKIA, July 21: The first distribution of automo bile revenues to the municipal!-tiesof the province wav an nounrrd Saturday. Hie distri bution includes the following! Trinre Rupert, S9081. Trince George, $3917. Smilhers, $973. Terrace, $875. Vanderhoof, $167. VANCOUVLR WHEAT VANCOUVER. July 21: Wheat was quoted at 66 fee on the local exchange today. POURING OF CEMENT FOR DAM N EARING COMPLETION NOW Pouring of cement In the dam which is being built at 1 Falls River by the Power Corporation :! of Canada Is expected to be finished this week. :i Completion of the hydro-elec tric plant there will then be pushed ahead. Meantime, transmission line construction proceeds steadily. The whole undertaking is to be fin ished so the new power may be turned on this fall. ...86,000 votes ...88,000 votes ...46.750 votes ..J4.260 votes ...J8.000 votes .17,S00 vfctes .1260 votes ...Wi. - ,.... .... 4,760 votes 4-000 voteB NORTH '- Bennett Has Not One Hopeful Or Helpful Word Sop British PreEerere Courts Appealed to to Try to Stop Distribution of a Pamphlet to the Local Fishermen An injunction has been secured from the courts by Joseph E. Merryfield against L. W. Patmore, campaign man- ager for Olof Hanson, and Alex. McRae Co. Ltd., printers,! restraining them from further printing and distributing the pamphlet entitled "Warning to Fishermen." This HU16 dodger was distributed several days ago and all have gone so that the injunction proves abortive. It was charged in the dodger that Merryf ield had sent a telegram to Ottawa trying to have the polls at fishing centres cancelled. The part of the telegram mentioned in the dodger was published In the Dally News Saturday0 ... and was as follows: "Rcturnlii officer has establish- ed polling divisions North Island, Dundas and Squadree. If polls are held for these they must be located on some small fishing boat or fish scow anchored out from the land. This does not comply with section 55 Election Act as accomodation jg Inadequate. Stop. Many fishermen whose residences are in Prince Rupert and other polling divisions in Skeena and other electoral districts arc registered on North Island list and none of them give their residence as being in polling' division North Island. Stop. There Is no such place as North Island In reality. It Is simply a namevttiijta anchorage In Parry Pass which separates Langara Island from Qraham Island. Stop. These fishermen so registered engage in fishing in the neighborhood of Langara Island as trailers during salmon season therefore Impossible for them to establish reasonably a residence known as North Island. None of those registered according to list gave P. O. address North Island. Most of them give Prinee Rupert YORK WELCOMES . 0 PREMIER KING ,F THIS SAD WO , - STUFF WILL JOe. By Merryfield and other outside points as their post office address. Stop. Annre- elate Immediate action and advise me here by wire. J. E. Merryfield." - - - Public Meeting In Moose Hall, Monday, July 21st .. . At 8:15 P.M. In the Interest of OLOF HANSON, Liberal candidate for Skeena " - Hiding. Speakers 11 Hon. J. W. DeB. Farris, K.C. of Vancouver, former Attorney-General Hon. T. D. Pattullo and Olof Hanson Everybody Welcome Catey In the Montreal Herald. WILL HELP INDUSTRY VICTORIA. July 21: In a systematic effort to put the coal mining industry on its feet, Hon. W.A. McKenzie, minister of mines, Iras asked coal operators, miners, railway officials and business men to meet here for a two-day conference on August 9. FOUR DIE IN WRECK MONCTON. July 21: Four were killed and 17 Injured when a Barnes circus train left the rails at Canada station. 20 miles from here, on the Canadian National Railway early Sunday. (ini a .11 y) Seats Reserved For Ladies Prime Minister Given Monster Reception by Historic Ontario Seat Reiterates Statement That Imperial Preference Was Instituted By Laurier Conservatives Have Taken Peculiar Stand In This Campaign NEWMARKET, July 21: In the historic riding of North York, Premier King on Saturday spoke to one of the greatest and most enthusiastic gatherings he has addressed thus far in his federal election campaign. He returned to a brief reference to the introduction of British Preference by Sir Wilfrid Laurier in 1896. ''That was simply considering the first of those of our own household, said the Prime Minister. "The Conservatives are fond of talking about the British Emnire but actions sneak louder than words. The Liberal party was the party which first brought in British Preference, it was Increasing the preference and was drawing the bonds with Great Britain closer. There was a great difference be- tween Hon. R. B. Bennett, Conser- vaUve leader and Premier Ferguson of Ontario as to the real Issue in , the campaign. "First," asserted the Premier, "the ConservaUve leader ! insisted that the Issue was who would represent Canada at the Im perial Conference. Then, In his London speech, Mr. Bennett said that the Issue was the tariff. Mr. Ferguson declared that the issue was myself and a five-cent piece. Then just a few days ago, the Ontario leader said It was The Canadian Home'." There was one striking thing, however, Mr. King continued, and that was that the Conservative leaders were ignoring this great stroke of the government to develop Empire trade and draw closer the bonds between the Mother Country 1 The Political Come Vol. 1. Monday. PLAN and Canada. This, from the leaders of a party which was supposed to stand for closer relations with the Mother Country, was a remarkable thing. The Premier thought ttiat the Conservatives In Canada would -demand an accounting from their leaders, ' TRIPN0RTH Olof Hanson Was Well Received at Largest Meeting in History of Anyox Bert Greer, who accompanied Olof Hanson, Liberal candidate for Skeena, on a campaign tour to Anyox and Alice Ann, has returned to the city. He says that they had the largest audience tn Anyox that ever assembled there for a public meeting. Mr. Hanson's speech was well received. July 21. 1S30 No. 34. Joe Fears Pamphlet Joe Merryfield who came to Rupert from Vancouver to show the Tories how to. run their campaign has tried by injunction proceedings to prevent the distribution to the fishermen of a pamphlet published by the Liberal Campaign Committee. The injunction being too late was abortive and has had the result only of further accentuating to the fishermen the telegram Merryfield sent to Ottawa protesting at the polls established for the fishermen by the Liberal Government. There Is no use In Merryfield stating there Is not enough accomodation at Squadaree, Dundas and North Island for these polls to be held. He did not worry about the accomodation when the Tories were In power and had their polling booths on floats. In the last Dominion election one of the polls established by the Tories was conducted on a boat which went around from place to place collecting votes and no protest was heard from- the Merryflelds about this. He did not protest at the holding of a poll on the float at Canoe Pass. Why? Was It because he thought the Canoe Pass vote would be favorable to Brady? If so, he should guess again. At Dundas Island one of the polls protested by Merryfield there Is not only sufficient accomodation on floats but there are buildings on the land as well one of them being the fishermen's hall; and when ho wired Ottawa protesting that if these polls were held they would have to be held on some small fishing boat or fish scow he stated something which was untrue. Why did Mr. Merryfield say there was no such place as North Island? Why did he say it was impossible for the fishermen to establish a residence at this point? Was It because he did or did not want the fishermen to vote? These are some of the questions the fishermen are asking them selves concerning this Tory protest to Ottawa. No Mr. Merryfleldl Your reasons given will not wash. It was for some other cause you wished to have these polls cancelled. Let us have it. The fishermen want to know. ,