M s s mm It, . r PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday, July 2) HIGHLIGHTS FINEP0WER uia:aiiiX!i:Di;i!!xii;cai;i;r:i::lri lUU B1IUWS Mon. & Tups. , . . EVERYBODY SEES OF ADDRESS 1 NORTHERN B. C. NEWS YACHT HERE n fc n bit Henry mormon Touched on Blue Go6se of Los Angeles Spent Many Subjects at Joint Lun-& BURNS LAKE I Week-end Jlere Enroute Hi. i. ;i cheon Saturday To Juneau the ravages of the Forest Fire, but not everybody realizes that seventy per cent, of our fires in 1929 were preventable; in other words, they were " due simply to carelessness. Pressure of public opinion has gone far to eliminate carelessness in other direc-tions, but carelessness with fire is still amazingly prevalent. Prevent Forest Fires You Can Help! ItKITISII COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE ml KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. Specialties Edge Grain Boat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring Spruce anil Cedar Shlplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows, Shingles, Etc s g Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. m BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. m Lumber manufacturers Prince Rupert, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'KUATINti (5. T. l 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our 1'lant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton MINEIIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton ... . MINEIIEAD LUiMP--Delivered, Per Ton . . FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 iliyiJIUBOEBBIllHIHHHBUI Dr Alexander X-KAY SEKVICE rilONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST $12.00 12.50 13.50 580 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cfeesc FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City f The joint luncheon of the city, Th board of village commission-1 on Monday pouring 'or concrete and Board of Trade Saturday af-'ers has completed the naming of. in the foundation of the New Ha-ternoon to Sir Henry Thornton streets In the municipality of Burns zelton Hospital building is now was an interesting occasion. While lie. Tne main street will, in fu- proceeding. Sir Henry did not say anything ture be known as Alaska Road-The i r particularly new, lit was In an op- avenues will go by number while Arthur, Irvine of the Government timistic mood and his' address names selected for streets include Telegraphs office staff at Hazel-proved Interesting from beginning Francois Drive. Water, Bay, Rail- tnj left 'Wednesday for a holiday to pr,rt pnd. road, Government, Hlllcrest, Lone, trip by motor. He will visit Stuart In uemre- me- carrou- Mar5n' opening, Mayor Orme told the guest of the day that they; ... . . , ,, were asking for nothing on this , """" visit. They appreciated what had ?ohnsn ot Sa,n D f ve arrlvfd been received. The local boat ply- "C1C luj a - wm. u.. j.a.c, Mr- and Mrs- J- Jonnson- ing out of this port was something that' had been asked for often and was appreciated here. The Prince Henry spoke for itself. He complimented the president of the railway on the men he had associated with him, with particular re ference to Colonel Hlam. In rising Sir Henry said he found himself somewhat embarrassed at not receiving the usual requests for Improvements. Part of -.what had been promised in tha past to the people here had been I Ul t 111 1 t-4 A BE CONVINCED the lowest possible price. Butter, Hollybrook, Woodland and E.CD., per lb. Malkln's Best Tea per, lb Quaker Corn Flakes per pkg. Clothes Pegs 6 doz Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs Ivory Flakes Same as Lux per pkg r, Shelled Walnuts Halves V per lb. lwu .jmiauuu LcrhMr 1 ' ' per doz Shelled Almonds per lb. Old Spuds Firm, uniform good as new ones, 12 lbs. 35c 25c 10c 45c 35c 55c 25c Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE Ik AND 84 District visitors in town during the week have included Mr. and Mrs. Pete Williams, Palling; S. J. Mayer and F. V. Foster, Smlthcrs; P. Pavich, Prince Oeorge; Sergeant Andrew Fairbalrn, Smithers. Messrs. Day and Elliott of Kel-! owna and. their sons, after having (spent several days here, started on j Monday night on their return south by auto. , , is: uiuuB.u iiuuum a. u, uy co-op- A daughter was born recently.pt i,,.., "'"'.the Francois Lake Hospital to Mr. the advance guard of bigger and Mrs Macrae of rjridger. Monthlies, i tana. Mrs. Macrae was formerly Sir Henry saw the development Miss Bessy rjuchanan. of the interior taking place, part- ly through the building of the; Mrs. a jj Mijler ot pamng re-highway to Alaska. He recalled . turned to her home on Sunday wltH seeing Prince Rupert first seven her baby boy. Richard, years ago and he noted that ra-. . nld progress had been made in the ! Forest fires are still burning in community. Shipping had Increas-jthe vicinity of Uncha Valley and ed. The city had a goodly heritage I also at Bald Hill. Much timber has 3nd the people, he thought, should :als been destroyed by a forest fire face the future with confidence at rnestiy. A. II. waaamgton 01 and courage. ; the Forest Branch, Prince Rupert, Care had to be taken with thenas bn here " connection with hotel, Sir Henry, said. "Ten years j re lighting work. from now when the city is ten times its present population 'we must be able to look back arid 'say that no mistake was made'.'" Speaking of the world u'epres'- slon, Sir Henry said it had been tally, so there was nothing to worry about. He anticipated recovery in the near future. 1.1A.L, Petersen spent a. night in the BurnstLako Hospital with, an (infec-ttdiiandi'i . h:. p, tuitiio. On Wednesday night of this week ...... ... aree for Mr. and Mrs. James Cow tT-7 .rrrrV' ians. who were recently married Mrs. Sidney Godwin and infant son. Walter Garth, returned home on Sunday! from the Burns Lake Sir Henry then went on to speak XXU3JJ1WU. Hosnita l i r nt IU. f 1 r-l tal trade. Four or five hundred million people lived on the other side 6f the Pacific and tfie'niftrk'et was not yet touched. As Prince Rupert was closer than any other port to the Orient, he anticipated a great increase of trade here with that part of the world. The West Indies trade was also important but Western Canada could not expect to reap the benefit of this until steamships were plying direct from there to this coast. The speaker touched on the matter of development and natural barriers and also referred to th Peace River country. He objected o outside interference In this country from those with communistic tendencies and urged holding on to the finer things which made for the best Canadlanlsm, In all things they would find the CNJl. the true servant of the people William Clark has taken out a crewjefmen who will be employed jn extending thte GqvernmentifTele-graphs lines south of here.' Miss Jean Linton has taken a po-Jsitlon in Phil Brunell's general store. 1 A. M. Maneon K. C. addressed an , enthusiastic meeting here on Tues- A Trial will convince you that our day night In support of Olof Han foods are of the highest quality at 8011 Liberal candidate for Skeena In the forthcoming federal election. Sidney Oodwln presided. xvvj q 11 cook, Canadian lmmigra-gmgm I tion agent at Great Falls, Motnana, DDC is in the district making prepara-. n I tions for the placing of a large set-Hid tlement of American farmers In the Cheslatta and Ootsa Lake country. By the end of August, 20 families, the vanguard of the movement, are expected to arrive. Lake, Vancouver and Saskatchewan. Car' Halliday, formerly located at Hazelton who has been working for some time in Minca-pdls is relieving him. The Hazelton Horticultural Society, at a meeting Tuesday night, et August 21 as the date for the holding of the annual Flower Show. Miss Edith Bulwer ot the Hazelton Hospital nursing staff is spending a holiday visiting In Smithers and Woodcock. Mr. and Mrs. John Genson have been spending a couple of days in town with Mrs. Carl Poulson. Engineer Smith has arrived here from the Columbia River country o tflVe charge of the construction of the new high level bridge at Hagwllget. It is expected that this bridge, the largest suspension span of its kind on the continent will be completed in about six months' time. SMITHERS Assays of ore taken from the Gla cier Gulch bismuth property of Stuart F. Campbell, Orover Loveless and associates show values of over $400 to the ton In gold. Engin eers are expected to visit the property soon and important developments may ensue. A spectacular fire last Friday night destroyed the mill of the Hudson Bay Lumber Co. on the western outskirts of Smithers. The loos is estimate dat $35,000 with $3,500 Insurance. Volunteer fire fighters were instrumental In sav ing a stock of lumber in the mill yard. Mr. and Mrs. Maik George came from Kisplox to Smithers last Saturday to take possession of a new A son was recently born at the Chrysler six special sedan. They Francoics Lake Hospital to Mr. and had driven the car only a few mln Mrs. H. Hammarberg of Danskin. Mike Tuohy Is a patient In the Francois Lake Hospital. Dr. Morrison, local dentist, left this week for a trip to Ootsa Lake and Southbank. The annual Burns Lake school meeting was held last Saturday ; evening. Owing to the forest fires In the district, the attendance was small. 1 Miss Eleanor. Ormrod of, Vancouver, who has been visiting Mr! and Mrs. Clarence Corliss of Francois ready to Join hands with them In Lake and Mr. and Mrs. H. Linton of the solution of their problems. Burns Lake. Is now the . guest of Mrs. Sidney Godwin. utes when another car crashed Into It, causing considerable damage to the fender and running board. Prince George . Rebekahs Name 1930 Officers PRINCE GEORGE, July 21: Northern, Rebekah Lodge No. 34 here has Installed officers 'for the coming term as follows: Noble Grand Mrs. A. Reld. Viee Grand Mrs. R. Douglas. Recording Secretary Mrs. J. Abbott. Financial Secretary Mrs. E. Goodell. Treasurer Mrs. E. Callum. Supporters of the Noble Grand- Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. II. Qulnn. Supporters of the Vice M. Dupre and Mrs. P. Mclnnls. Warden Mrs. E. Miller. Conductor Mrs. J. McPherson. Chaplain Mrs. M. Gllllngwatcr. Inside Guardian Mrs. C. Ass-man. Outside Ouardlan Mrs. S. Payne. Past Noble Grand Mrs. C. Prince George Couple Wedded Miss Salome Wesley has returned M s, nca(rjrc may Allen Became to her home in prince ituport aiir a visit at Francois Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Corliss. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy-Wclllnrton In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood (lour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Bride of Arthur Louis fillling-water on Sunday ,PRINCE aEMGEpIWytlM BcflthceMay "Alien -and Arthur Louis Ollllngwater. of this city, were married in the church of St John the Divine at Quesnel, .on Sunday. July 13, by Rev. Canon Parrot, The bride was given away by John Vigor, porothy Poolcy acted as bridesmaid and Harold Allen supported the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Ollllngwater were the recipients of, many handsome presents, including a silver tea service from the mem- j bcrs of the Prince George fire ; ' One of the most attractive power yachts to visit Prince Rupert this 'eason was the fifty-foot Blue Goose, owned by E. T. Wall, wealthy orange grower and packer of tos Angeles, California, which tied up at the floats of the Prince Ru-oert Rowing & Yacht Club over the week-end in the course of. a leisurely cruise from BeatUe to Juneau with the owner and party of friends on board. The Blue Goose arrived In port at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the south and left at noon today In continuation of her northward voyage. Of handsome lines without and elegantly appointed within, the Blue Goose was built three or four years ago and is an able and beautiful craft. She is of raised deck design with trunk cabin a(L The vessel is equipped; wUhtwo 15ff h. p. Kermack enginrai4wgexher,with her racy build, give mum cruising speed per hour. ner a max!-of, 23 knots The timbers of the vessel are of cedar and her decks of highly polished teak wook. Finishings Inside throughout are of mahogany and the cruiser is a fine example of compactness. Furnishings include radio, refrigerator, ladlV dressing table, etc. The main cabin aft includes four Pullman berths, the pilot house is commodious and under it arc situated the engines, the' owner's cabin is Immediately to the fore of and under the pilot house and a focsle forward contains comfortable crew's quarters. The galley is a piece de resistance with Its tile floor and rock gas range. All crockeryware and linens bear the Blue Goose emblem of the owner. ! The maximum draft of the Blue1 Goose is three feet six Inches whll her bow draws only six Inches of water. , , Having been shipped from Los Angeles to Seattle, the Blue Goose started out from there on her cruise a week ago last Tuesday and came up the coast by leisurely stages. Among other places, stops were made at Victoria, Nanalmo. Shushartie Bay. Alert Bay and Butedale. At Alert Bay the vessel had to be taken out of the water to have her shaft straightened after striking a submerged log In Seymour Narrows. While at Bute-dale, the party enjoyed good trout fishing In the lake there. During her cruise, the cralt Is being run only In the day time, tying up over nights. The Blue Goose's next Kill those Disease-Carrying fli es Get your Flit and the special Flit Sprayer Today! ( ' rrmv ilca' smcIIi, , Copy-rliM 1930 Bunra Int rri . . 1. 1 i Lit DEMAND Irene Bordoni 'PARIS' With Jack Buchanan A real comedy-drama in tcchu color. Talking, Slnjinj, Dantb Girls, Gowns and Komanct, Cartoon "Karnival Kids Paramount Sound Nm H Admission - - -MJ'KlCBlMXKiKl'HlKII a: 20c I ( SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Stjj Ail tiuarantecd SUITS STKAM CLEANED KI PRESSED We Deliver to any Tart ol thr City Ling, the Tailo Phone !! LINDSAY'S r Cartage and Storage Phone 6a UarUiue. Warehousing, ui Distributing, Team 01 Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravtl We Specialize in Piano urt Furniture Moving. stop after leaving ln-r. Ketchikan. WrunR'i! i and Taku Glacier wii' . ited enroute to JunoiiU. 1 Is expected back h eight days' time soinii' lng south, she will u) couver before reach 1 whence she will be Bhvpc Los Angeles. Besides Mr. Wall. Inboard Includes his son. T B. H. Patterson of Rlvf ; fornla, and Matthew 6 . sadena. The crew Indud' mancnt skipper, Capt O vltt of Los Angeles. .! nlhan of the Seattle Y.i in t G"l JaBLir:'' & 1 .. ' iv A "Rupert Brand" -Kippers- -THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold. Storage Co., U PIUNCE RUPERT, B.C.